6,729 research outputs found

    Efficiency Criteria and the Sen-type Social Welfare Function

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    Most of the Social Welfare Functions available in the literature are Paretian, that is increase in anybody's income in the society is welfare augmenting. The Sen type social welfare function possesses this property as well. However, Paretianity is normative criteria and might not be accepted by everybody. This paper has demonstrated this problem of Paretianity and proposes an alternative Social Welfare Function.Social Welfare Function, Gini Coefficient, Paretianity

    Spanning and Intersection: a stochastic dominance approach

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    We propose linear programming tests for spanning and intersection based on stochasticdominance rather than mean-variance analysis. An empirical application investigates thediversification benefits to US investors from emerging equity markets.stochastic dominance;linear programming;emerging markets;intersection;spanning

    Processing second-order stochastic dominance models using cutting-plane representations

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    This is the post-print version of the Article. The official published version can be accessed from the links below. Copyright @ 2011 Springer-VerlagSecond-order stochastic dominance (SSD) is widely recognised as an important decision criterion in portfolio selection. Unfortunately, stochastic dominance models are known to be very demanding from a computational point of view. In this paper we consider two classes of models which use SSD as a choice criterion. The first, proposed by Dentcheva and Ruszczyński (J Bank Finance 30:433–451, 2006), uses a SSD constraint, which can be expressed as integrated chance constraints (ICCs). The second, proposed by Roman et al. (Math Program, Ser B 108:541–569, 2006) uses SSD through a multi-objective formulation with CVaR objectives. Cutting plane representations and algorithms were proposed by Klein Haneveld and Van der Vlerk (Comput Manage Sci 3:245–269, 2006) for ICCs, and by Künzi-Bay and Mayer (Comput Manage Sci 3:3–27, 2006) for CVaR minimization. These concepts are taken into consideration to propose representations and solution methods for the above class of SSD based models. We describe a cutting plane based solution algorithm and outline implementation details. A computational study is presented, which demonstrates the effectiveness and the scale-up properties of the solution algorithm, as applied to the SSD model of Roman et al. (Math Program, Ser B 108:541–569, 2006).This study was funded by OTKA, Hungarian National Fund for Scientific Research, project 47340; by Mobile Innovation Centre, Budapest University of Technology, project 2.2; Optirisk Systems, Uxbridge, UK and by BRIEF (Brunel University Research Innovation and Enterprise Fund)

    Testing for Stochastic Dominance with Diversification Possibilities

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    We derive empirical tests for stochastic dominance that allow for diversification betweenchoice alternatives. The tests can be computed using straightforward linearprogramming. Bootstrapping techniques and asymptotic distribution theory canapproximate the sampling properties of the test results and allow for statistical inference.Our results could provide a stimulus to the further proliferation of stochastic dominancefor the problem of portfolio selection and evaluation (as well as other choice problemsunder uncertainty that involve diversification possibilities). An empirical application forUS stock market data illustrates our approach.stochastic dominance;portfolio selection;linear programming;portfolio diversification;portfolio evaluation

    A Stochastic Dominance Approach to Spanning

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    We develop a Stochastic Dominance methodology to analyze if new assets expand theinvestment possibilities for rational nonsatiable and risk-averse investors. This methodologyavoids the simplifying assumptions underlying the traditional mean-variance approach tospanning. The methodology is applied to analyze the stock market behavior of small firms in themonth of January. Our findings suggest that the previously observed January effect isremarkably robust with respect to simplifying assumptions regarding the return distribution.stochastic dominance;portfolio selection;linear programming;portfolio evaluation;spanning

    Multivariate concave and convex stochastic dominance

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    Stochastic dominance permits a partial ordering of alternatives (probability distributions on consequences) based only on partial information about a decision maker’s utility function. Univariate stochastic dominance has been widely studied and applied, with general agreement on classes of utility functions for dominance of different degrees. Extensions to the multivariate case have received less attention and have used different classes of utility functions, some of which require strong assumptions about utility. We investigate multivariate stochastic dominance using a class of utility functions that is consistent with a basic preference assumption, can be related to well-known characteristics of utility, and is a natural extension of the stochastic order typically used in the univariate case. These utility functions are multivariate risk averse, and reversing the preference assumption allows us to investigate stochastic dominance for utility functions that are multivariate risk seeking. We provide insight into these two contrasting forms of stochastic dominance, develop some criteria to compare probability distributions (hence alternatives) via multivariate stochastic dominance, and illustrate how this dominance could be used in practice to identify inferior alternatives. Connections between our approach and dominance using different stochastic orders are discussed.decision analysis: multiple criteria, risk; group decisions; utility/preference: multiattribute utility, stochastic dominance, stochastic orders

    Sorting versus screening: Search frictions and competing mechanisms

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    In a market where sellers compete by posting trading mechanisms, we allow for a general search technology and show that its features crucially affect the equilibrium mechanism. Price posting prevails when meetings are rival, i.e., when a meeting by one buyer reduces another buyer’s meeting probability. Under price posting buyers reveal their type by sorting ex ante. Only if the meeting technology is sufficiently non-rival, price posting is not an equilibrium. Multiple buyer types then visit the same sellers who screen ex post through auctions

    Regulating altruistic agents

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    Altruism or `regard for others' can encourage self-restraint among generators of negative externalities, thereby mitigating the externality problem. We explore how introducing impure altruism into standard regulatory settings alters regulatory prescriptions. We show that the optimal calibration of both quantitative controls and externality taxes are affected. It also leads to surprising results on the comparative performance of instruments. Under quantity-based regulation welfare is increasing in the propensity for altruism in the population; under price-based regulation the relationship is non-monotonic. Price-based regulation is preferred when the population is either predominantly altruistic or predominantly selfish, quantity-based regulation for cases in between