126 research outputs found

    Solving periodic semilinear stiff PDEs in 1D, 2D and 3D with exponential integrators

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    Dozens of exponential integration formulas have been proposed for the high-accuracy solution of stiff PDEs such as the Allen-Cahn, Korteweg-de Vries and Ginzburg-Landau equations. We report the results of extensive comparisons in MATLAB and Chebfun of such formulas in 1D, 2D and 3D, focusing on fourth and higher order methods, and periodic semilinear stiff PDEs with constant coefficients. Our conclusion is that it is hard to do much better than one of the simplest of these formulas, the ETDRK4 scheme of Cox and Matthews

    Fourth order real space solver for the time-dependent Schr\"odinger equation with singular Coulomb potential

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    We present a novel numerical method and algorithm for the solution of the 3D axially symmetric time-dependent Schr\"odinger equation in cylindrical coordinates, involving singular Coulomb potential terms besides a smooth time-dependent potential. We use fourth order finite difference real space discretization, with special formulae for the arising Neumann and Robin boundary conditions along the symmetry axis. Our propagation algorithm is based on merging the method of the split-operator approximation of the exponential operator with the implicit equations of second order cylindrical 2D Crank-Nicolson scheme. We call this method hybrid splitting scheme because it inherits both the speed of the split step finite difference schemes and the robustness of the full Crank-Nicolson scheme. Based on a thorough error analysis, we verified both the fourth order accuracy of the spatial discretization in the optimal spatial step size range, and the fourth order scaling with the time step in the case of proper high order expressions of the split-operator. We demonstrate the performance and high accuracy of our hybrid splitting scheme by simulating optical tunneling from a hydrogen atom due to a few-cycle laser pulse with linear polarization

    Effect of spatial configuration of an extended nonlinear Kierstead-Slobodkin reaction-transport model with adaptive numerical scheme

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    In this paper, we consider the numerical simulations of an extended nonlinear form of Kierstead-Slobodkin reaction-transport system in one and two dimensions. We employ the popular fourth-order exponential time differencing Runge-Kutta (ETDRK4) schemes proposed by Cox and Matthew (J Comput Phys 176:430-455, 2002), that was modified by Kassam and Trefethen (SIAM J Sci Comput 26:1214-1233, 2005), for the time integration of spatially discretized partial differential equations. We demonstrate the supremacy of ETDRK4 over the existing exponential time differencing integrators that are of standard approaches and provide timings and error comparison. Numerical results obtained in this paper have granted further insight to the question "What is the minimal size of the spatial domain so that the population persists?" posed by Kierstead and Slobodkin (J Mar Res 12:141-147, 1953 ), with a conclusive remark that the popula- tion size increases with the size of the domain. In attempt to examine the biological wave phenomena of the solutions, we present the numerical results in both one- and two-dimensional space, which have interesting ecological implications. Initial data and parameter values were chosen to mimic some existing patternsScopus 201

    The impact of memory effect on space fractional strong quantum couplers with tunable decay behavior and its numerical simulation

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    The nontrivial behavior of wave packets in the space fractional coupled nonlinear Schrödinger equation has received considerable theoretical attention. The difficulty comes from the fact that the Riesz fractional derivative is inherently a prehistorical operator. In contrast, nonlinear Schrödinger equation with both time and space nonlocal operators, which is the cornerstone in the modeling of a new type of fractional quantum couplers, is still in high demand of attention. This paper is devoted to numerically study the propagation of solitons through a new type of quantum couplers which can be called time-space fractional quantum couplers. The numerical methodology is based on the finite-difference/Galerkin Legendre spectral method with an easy to implement numerical algorithm. The time-fractional derivative is considered to describe the decay behavior and the nonlocal memory of the model. We conduct numerical simulations to observe the performance of the tunable decay and the sharpness behavior of the time-space fractional strongly coupled nonlinear Schrödinger model as well as the performance of the numerical algorithm. Numerical simulations show that the time and space fractional-order operators control the decay behavior or the memory and the sharpness of the interface and undergo a seamless transition of the fractional-order parameters

    The Effects of Viscosity on the Linear Stability of Damped Stokes Waves, Downshifting, and Rogue Wave Generation

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    We investigate a higher order nonlinear Schrodinger equation with linear damping and weak viscosity, recently proposed as a model for deep water waves exhibiting frequency downshifting. Through analysis and numerical simulations, we discuss how the viscosity affects the linear stability of the Stokes wave solution, enhances rogue wave formation, and leads to permanent downshift in the spectral peak. In particular, we study the wave evolution over short-to-moderate time scales, when most rogue wave activity occurs, and explain the transition of the perturbed solution from the initial Benjamin-Feir instability to a predominantly oscillatory behavior. Finally, we determine the mechanism and timing of permanent downshift in the spectral peak and its relation to the location of the global minimum of the momentum and the magnitude of its second derivative

    Exponential integrators: tensor structured problems and applications

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    The solution of stiff systems of Ordinary Differential Equations (ODEs), that typically arise after spatial discretization of many important evolutionary Partial Differential Equations (PDEs), constitutes a topic of wide interest in numerical analysis. A prominent way to numerically integrate such systems involves using exponential integrators. In general, these kinds of schemes do not require the solution of (non)linear systems but rather the action of the matrix exponential and of some specific exponential-like functions (known in the literature as phi-functions). In this PhD thesis we aim at presenting efficient tensor-based tools to approximate such actions, both from a theoretical and from a practical point of view, when the problem has an underlying Kronecker sum structure. Moreover, we investigate the application of exponential integrators to compute numerical solutions of important equations in various fields, such as plasma physics, mean-field optimal control and computational chemistry. In any case, we provide several numerical examples and we perform extensive simulations, eventually exploiting modern hardware architectures such as multi-core Central Processing Units (CPUs) and Graphic Processing Units (GPUs). The results globally show the effectiveness and the superiority of the different approaches proposed

    The impact of memory effect on space fractional strong quantum couplers with tunable decay behavior and its numerical simulation

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    The nontrivial behavior of wave packets in the space fractional coupled nonlinear Schrödinger equation has received considerable theoretical attention. The difficulty comes from the fact that the Riesz fractional derivative is inherently a prehistorical operator. In contrast, nonlinear Schrödinger equation with both time and space nonlocal operators, which is the cornerstone in the modeling of a new type of fractional quantum couplers, is still in high demand of attention. This paper is devoted to numerically study the propagation of solitons through a new type of quantum couplers which can be called time-space fractional quantum couplers. The numerical methodology is based on the finite-difference/Galerkin Legendre spectral method with an easy to implement numerical algorithm. The time-fractional derivative is considered to describe the decay behavior and the nonlocal memory of the model. We conduct numerical simulations to observe the performance of the tunable decay and the sharpness behavior of the time-space fractional strongly coupled nonlinear Schrödinger model as well as the performance of the numerical algorithm. Numerical simulations show that the time and space fractional-order operators control the decay behavior or the memory and the sharpness of the interface and undergo a seamless transition of the fractional-order parameters. © 2021, The Author(s).This study was supported financially by RFBR Grant (19-01-00019), the National Research Centre of Egypt (NRC) and Ghent university