10,036 research outputs found

    A New Vehicle Localization Scheme Based on Combined Optical Camera Communication and Photogrammetry

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    The demand for autonomous vehicles is increasing gradually owing to their enormous potential benefits. However, several challenges, such as vehicle localization, are involved in the development of autonomous vehicles. A simple and secure algorithm for vehicle positioning is proposed herein without massively modifying the existing transportation infrastructure. For vehicle localization, vehicles on the road are classified into two categories: host vehicles (HVs) are the ones used to estimate other vehicles' positions and forwarding vehicles (FVs) are the ones that move in front of the HVs. The FV transmits modulated data from the tail (or back) light, and the camera of the HV receives that signal using optical camera communication (OCC). In addition, the streetlight (SL) data are considered to ensure the position accuracy of the HV. Determining the HV position minimizes the relative position variation between the HV and FV. Using photogrammetry, the distance between FV or SL and the camera of the HV is calculated by measuring the occupied image area on the image sensor. Comparing the change in distance between HV and SLs with the change in distance between HV and FV, the positions of FVs are determined. The performance of the proposed technique is analyzed, and the results indicate a significant improvement in performance. The experimental distance measurement validated the feasibility of the proposed scheme

    Perception Intelligence Integrated Vehicle-to-Vehicle Optical Camera Communication.

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    Ubiquitous usage of cameras and LEDs in modern road and aerial vehicles open up endless opportunities for novel applications in intelligent machine navigation, communication, and networking. To this end, in this thesis work, we hypothesize the benefit of dual-mode usage of vehicular built-in cameras through novel machine perception capabilities combined with optical camera communication (OCC). Current key conception of understanding a line-of-sight (LOS) scenery is from the aspect of object, event, and road situation detection. However, the idea of blending the non-line-of-sight (NLOS) information with the LOS information to achieve a see-through vision virtually is new. This improves the assistive driving performance by enabling a machine to see beyond occlusion. Another aspect of OCC in the vehicular setup is to understand the nature of mobility and its impact on the optical communication channel quality. The research questions gathered from both the car-car mobility modelling, and evaluating a working setup of OCC communication channel can also be inherited to aerial vehicular situations like drone-drone OCC. The aim of this thesis is to answer the research questions along these new application domains, particularly, (i) how to enable a virtual see-through perception in the car assisting system that alerts the human driver about the visible and invisible critical driving events to help drive more safely, (ii) how transmitter-receiver cars behaves while in the mobility and the overall channel performance of OCC in motion modality, (iii) how to help rescue lost Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) through coordinated localization with fusion of OCC and WiFi, (iv) how to model and simulate an in-field drone swarm operation experience to design and validate UAV coordinated localization for group of positioning distressed drones. In this regard, in this thesis, we present the end-to-end system design, proposed novel algorithms to solve the challenges in applying such a system, and evaluation results through experimentation and/or simulation

    Wide area detection system: Conceptual design study

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    An integrated sensor for traffic surveillance on mainline sections of urban freeways is described. Applicable imaging and processor technology is surveyed and the functional requirements for the sensors and the conceptual design of the breadboard sensors are given. Parameters measured by the sensors include lane density, speed, and volume. The freeway image is also used for incident diagnosis

    Visible Light Communications towards 5G

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    5G networks have to offer extremely high capacity for novel streaming applications. One of the most promising approaches is to embed large numbers of co-operating small cells into the macro-cell coverage area. Alternatively, optical wireless based technologies can be adopted as an alternative physical layer offering higher data rates. Visible light communications (VLC) is an emerging technology for future high capacity communication links (it has been accepted to 5GPP) in the visible range of the electromagnetic spectrum (~370–780 nm) utilizing light-emitting diodes (LEDs) simultaneously provide data transmission and room illumination. A major challenge in VLC is the LED modulation bandwidths, which are limited to a few MHz. However, myriad gigabit speed transmission links have already been demonstrated. Non line-of-sight (NLOS) optical wireless is resistant to blocking by people and obstacles and is capable of adapting its’ throughput according to the current channel state information. Concurrently, organic polymer LEDs (PLEDs) have become the focus of enormous attention for solid-state lighting applications due to their advantages over conventional white LEDs such as ultra-low costs, low heating temperature, mechanical flexibility and large photoactive areas when produced with wet processing methods. This paper discusses development of such VLC links with a view to implementing ubiquitous broadcasting networks featuring advanced modulation formats such as orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) or carrier-less amplitude and phase modulation (CAP) in conjunction with equalization techniques. Finally, this paper will also summarize the results of the European project ICT COST IC1101 OPTICWISE (Optical Wireless Communications - An Emerging Technology) dealing VLC and OLEDs towards 5G networks

    Comunicações ópticas por câmera para sistemas de assistência à condução

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    Communications, whatever its type, is a pillar of our modern society. More specifically, communications by visible light, that show numerous advantages, from electromagnetic spectral efficiency and regulation freedom to energy saving (since it combine illumination and communication). As such, the automotive world is interested in this technology, in particularly, its application into the Intelligent Transport System (ITS). The objective of this work relies on the study and development of a demonstrator able to support VLC communication means in V2V (Vehicle to Vehicle) scenario, making use of the LED luminaries already implemented in nowadays cars. Since the outdoor implementation is one of the requirements, reception based in OCC (Optical Camera Communication) is a viable solution in this conditions. Also the signal processing/decoding is performed by a CNN (Convolutional Neural Network), this type of algorithm shows a huge decoding flexibility and resilience, which benefits the transmission system performance. All the project was done in collaboration with the integrated circuits systems group of Instituto de Telecomunicações de Aveiro and Exatronic Lda company, based in Aveiro and specialized in innovation and investigation (I+I), engineering and manufacturing of electronics.As comunicações, qualquer que seja o seu tipo, mostram-se como um pilar fundamental para a sociedade. Especificamente as comunicações por luz visível, que apresentam inúmeras vantagens, desde a eficiência espectral e mais liberdade de regulamentação, até à energética pois alia duas caracteristicas distintas (iluminação e comunicação) numa só. Como tal, o mundo automóvel apresenta-se como um dos posíveis interessados na aplicação desta tecnologia, mais propriamente a aplicação como parte integrante do sistema inteligente de transportes (ITS). Este trabalho tem como objectivo o estudo e desenvolvimento de um demonstrador capaz de estabelecer um link de comunicação V2V (Vehicle to vehicle) por meio da modulação da luz visivel emitida pelas iluminárias LED já equipadas actualmente nos veículos. Sendo a implementação exterior um dos requerimentos deste sistema, a rececção através de OCC (Optical Camera Communication) mostra-se assim uma solução viável. Assim como o processamento do sinal recebido, que é efectuado por meio de CNNs (Convolutional Neural Networks), que mostram flexibilidade e resiliência, o que benefecia a capacidade do sistema de transmissão. Todo o projecto foi realizado em colaboração com o grupo de circuitos integrados do Instituto de Telecomunicações de Aveiro e a empresa Exatronic Lda, sediada em Aveiro, e especializada em inovação, investigação (I+I), engenharia e produção de eletrónica.Mestrado em Engenharia Eletrónica e Telecomunicaçõe