24 research outputs found

    Motion Simulation of a New High Overload Flight Simulator

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    提出一种新型的基于绳牵引并联机器人技术的飞行模拟器,针对其大过载机动特性进行仿真分析。首先根据绳牵引并联机器人理论,设计了9根绳牵引具有6自由度的运动平台;通过建立平台动力学模型,设计了对干扰项进行补偿的前馈PD控制率;其中前馈项主要确保动态过程中绳索处于张紧状态。进一步给出了系统控制稳定性分析;并以大过载机动和单自由度俯仰振荡运动为例进行了数值仿真。分析结果表明,在大过载机动情况,瞬时正加速度超过4 g,平台位置能够迅速衰减并稳定;基于绳拉力前馈,可以避免绳索松弛,能够满足飞行员过载训练;俯仰运动也具有较好的跟踪特性。研究成果可为进一步分析工作空间、动态特性及控制稳定性等奠定基础,为绳牵引并联支撑的飞行模拟器设计提供指导与依据。A new kind of flight simulator based on the cable-driven parallel robot was proposed, and the over-load maneuver properties were emphatically analyzed. According to the fundamental theories of cable-driven parallel robot, the motion platform suspended by nine cables with a six-DOF is designed. The dynamic equations of the platform is established, and a PD control law incorporating feedforward term and disturbance compensation term is given. The stability analysis of control law is also made. Finally, numerical simulations of overload maneuver and pitch oscillation are taken as examples, and results show that the platform can achieve a high overload with more than 4 g, meanwhile the position attenuates and tends to be stable in a short time. The cable tension is also guaran-teed to be positive and secure during the motion process. Moreover, the case of pitch oscillation shows a good track-ing property. Researches studied above could lay on foundation for the workspace analysis, dynamics and control stability, and furthermore, provide guidance and evidence for the practical design of flight simulator.航空科学基金(20141368007); 福建省自然科学基金计划(2016J05134)资

    Cable-Driven Parallel Robot Actuators: State of the Art and Novel Servo-Winch Concept

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    Cable-Driven Parallel Robots (CDPRs) use cables arranged in a parallel fashion to manipulate an end-effector (EE). They are functionally similar to several cranes that automatically collaborate in handling a shared payload. Thus, CDPRs share several types of equipment with cranes, such as winches, hoists, and pulleys. On the other hand, since CDPRs rely on model-based automatic controllers for their operations, standard crane equipment may severely limit their performance. In particular, to achieve reasonably accurate feedback control of the EE pose during the process, the length of the cable inside the workspace of the robot should be known. Cable length is usually inferred by measuring winch angular displacement, but this operation is simple and accurate only if the winch transmission ratio is constant. This problem called for the design of novel actuation schemes for CDPRs; in this paper, we analyze the existing architectures of so-called servo-winches (i.e., servo-actuators which employ a rotational motor and have a constant transmission ratio), and we propose a novel servo-winch concept and compare the state-of-the-art architectures with our design in terms of pros and cons, design requirements, and applications

    FASTKIT: A Mobile Cable-Driven Parallel Robot for Logistics

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    International audienceThe subject of this paper is about the design, modeling, control and performance evaluation of a low cost and versatile robotic solution for logistics. The robot under study, named FASTKIT, is obtained from a combination of mobile robots and a Cable-Driven Parallel Robot (CDPR). FASTKIT addresses an industrial need for fast picking and kitting operations in existing storage facilities while being easy to install, keeping existing infrastructures and covering large areas. The FASTKIT prototype consists of two mobile bases that carry the exit points of the CDPR. The system can navigate autonomously to the area of interest. Once the desired position is attained, the system deploys the CDPR in such a way that its workspace corresponds to the current task specification. The system calculates the required mobile base position from the desired workspace and ensures the controllability of the platform during the deployment. Once the system is successfully deployed, the set of stabilizers are used to ensure the prototype structural stability. Then the prototype gripper is moved accurately by the CDPR at high velocity over a large area by controlling the cable tension

    A Cable-Driven Parallel Robot with an Embedded Tilt-Roll Wrist

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    International audienceThis paper addresses the optimum design, configuration and workspace analysis of a Cable-Driven Parallel Robot (CDPR) with an embedded tilt-roll wrist. The manipulator consists in a tilt-roll wrist mounted on the moving platform of a suspended CDPR. The embedded wrist provides large amplitudes of tilt and roll rotations and a large translational workspace obtained by the CDPR. This manipulator is suitable for tasks requiring large rotation and translation workspaces like tomography scanning, camera-orienting devices and visual surveillance. The moving-platform is an eight-degree-of-freedom articulated mechanism with large translational and rotational workspaces and it is suspended from a fixed frame by six cables. The manipulator employs two bi-actuated cables, i.e., cable loops to transmit the power from motors fixed on the ground to the tilt-roll wrist. Therefore, the manipulator achieves better dynamic performances due to a lower inertia of its moving-platform

    Study on Model Aerodynamical Measurement with Wire-driven Parallel Suspension in Low-Speed Wind Tunnel

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    将绳牵引并联机构应用于低速风洞模型支撑是近年来随着并联机构与力控制技术发展而提出的一种新概念。它作为一种新式支撑具有传统支撑不可比拟的优势。然而目前对于这种“软式”支撑的实验研究还处于起步阶段,鲜见有关该类支撑风洞吹风的试验结果。本文对此开展了相关研究,提出通过测量牵引绳拉力变化解算实验模型风洞吹风试验所承受的气动载荷的方法,并构建了测力系统,通过风洞吹风试验对实验模型气动参数的获取方法进行了初步的验证。 本文的主要工作如下: 首先,针对风洞传统支撑的方式及其缺点,分析了传统的风洞试验中模型气动参数的测量方法,阐述了绳牵引并联机构用做风洞试验支撑系统的诸多优势,体现了本文研究的背景和意义。...With the recent development of parallel mechanism and force control technology, a new concept is proposed by using the wire-driven parallel manipulator as model suspension system in low-speed wind tunnel tests. As a new style suspension, it shows an irreplaceable superiority over the traditional support system. However, the research on the “soft-style” suspension is still at the primary stages, an...学位:工学硕士院系专业:物理与机电工程学院机电工程系_机械制造及其自动化学号:1992006115183

    Dynamic Control of a Novel Planar Cable-Driven Parallel Robot with a Large Wrench Feasible Workspace

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    Cable-Driven Parallel Robots (CDPRs) are special manipulators where rigid links are replaced with cables. The use of cables offers several advantages over the conventional rigid manipulators, one of the most interesting being their ability to cover large workspaces since cables are easily winded. However, this workspace coverage has its limitations due to the maximum permissible cable tensions, i.e., tension limitations cause a decrease in the Wrench Feasible Workspace (WFW) of these robots. To solve this issue, a novel design based in the addition of passive carriages to the robot frame of three degrees-of-freedom (3DOF) fully-constrained CDPRs is used. The novelty of the design allows reducing the variation in the cable directions and forces increasing the robot WFW; nevertheless, it presents a low stiffness along the x direction. This paper presents the dynamic model of the novel proposal together with a new dynamic control technique, which rejects the vibrations caused by the stiffness loss while ensuring an accurate trajectory tracking. The simulation results show that the controlled system presents a larger WFW than the conventional scheme of the CDPR, maintaining a good performance in the trajectory tracking of the end-effector. The novel proposal presented here can be applied in multiple planar applications

    Vibrations of cable-suspended rehabilitation robots

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    Rehabilitation robots help the treatment of diseases by performing cyclic exercises for a long period of time. These exercises must perform movements of the patient's limbs; thus, the robots are required to be flexible and safe. Among rehabilitation robots, cable robots are widely used due to their unique properties, such as being lightweight and the possibility of being equipped with magnetic hooks to improve both safety and ease of use. However, the elasticity and flexibility of cables result in vibrations of the payload and hooks. In this paper, the forced vibrations due to rehabilitation exercises are studied. Since the previous studies of the authors showed a weak coupling between longitudinal and transverse vibrations, a two-cable planar model for the study of transverse vibrations is developed. The model makes it possible to study the forced transverse vibrations due to both cable motion and robot motion. Stiffness and damping of the patient's arm are considered. Results show that the cable system exhibits a simple linear behavior when excited by robot motion and a non-linear behavior when excited by cable motion

    A comparative study of 4-cable planar manipulators based on cylindrical algebraic decomposition

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    International audienceThe aim of this paper is to present a systematic method for verifying the force-closure condition for general 3-DOF fully-constrained cable manipulators with four cables as based on the CAD (Cylindrical Algebraic Decomposition). A fundamental requirement for a cable manipulator to be fully controllable is that all its cables must be in tension at any working configurations. In other words, all the cable forces must be positive (assuming a positive cable force representing a tension and a negative cable force being a compression). Such a force feasibility problem is indeed referred to a force-closure problem (also called vector-closure problem assuming that the vectors of interest are the row vectors of the Jacobian matrix of the manipulator). The boundaries of the workspace can be obtained by the study of the Jacobian matrix of the manipulator. Therefore, this is equivalent to study the singularity conditions of four 3-RPR parallel robots. By using algebraic tools, it is possible to determine the singularity surfaces and their intersections yielding the workspace. Thus, it will be shown that the use of the CAD allows to get an implicit representation of the workspace as a set of cells. A comparative workspace analysis of three designs of mobile platforms, a line, a square and a triangle will be presented and discussed in this paper for a planar 4-cable fully-constrained robot

    Smart Tendon Actuated Flexible Actuator

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    We investigate the kinematic feasibility of a tendon-based flexible parallel platform actuator. Much of the research on tendon-driven Stewart platforms is devoted either to the completely restrained positioning mechanism (CRPM) or to one particular type of the incompletely restrained positioning mechanism (IRPM) where the external force is provided by the gravitational pull on the platform such as in cable-suspended Stewart platforms. An IRPM-based platform is proposed which uses the external force provided by a compliant member. The compliant central column allows the configuration to achieve n DOFs with n tendons. In particular, this investigation focuses on the angular deflection of the upper platform with respect to the lower platform. The application here is aimed at developing a linkable module that can be connected to one another so as to form a “snake robot” of sorts. Since locomotion takes precedence over positioning in this application, a 3-DOF Stewart platform is adopted. For an arbitrary angular displace of the end-effector, the corresponding length of each tendon can be determined through inverse kinematics. Mathematical singularities are investigated using the traditional analytical method of defining the Jacobian