220 research outputs found

    High speed world level finite field multipliers in F2m

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    Finite fields have important applications in number theory, algebraic geometry, Galois theory, cryptography, and coding theory. Recently, the use of finite field arithmetic in the area of cryptography has increasingly gained importance. Elliptic curve and El-Gamal cryptosystems are two important examples of public key cryptosystems widely used today based on finite field arithmetic. Research in this area is moving toward finding new architectures to implement the arithmetic operations more efficiently. Two types of finite fields are commonly used in practice, prime field GF(p) and the binary extension field GF(2 m). The binary extension fields are attractive for high speed cryptography applications since they are suitable for hardware implementations. Hardware implementation of finite field multipliers can usually be categorized into three categories: bit-serial, bit-parallel, and word-level architectures. The word-level multipliers provide architectural flexibility and trade-off between the performance and limitations of VLSI implementation and I/O ports, thus it is of more practical significance. In this work, different word level architectures for multiplication using binary field are proposed. It has been shown that the proposed architectures are more efficient compared to similar proposals considering area/delay complexities as a measure of performance. Practical size multipliers for cryptography applications have been realized in hardware using FPGA or standard CMOS technology, to similar proposals considering area/delay complexities as a measure of performance. Practical size multipliers for cryptography applications have been realized in hardware using FPGA or standard CMOS technology. Also different VLSI implementations for multipliers were explored which resulted in more efficient implementations for some of the regular architectures. The new implementations use a simple module designed in domino logic as the main building block for the multiplier. Significant speed improvements was achieved designing practical size multipliers using the proposed methodology

    GPU and ASIC Acceleration of Elliptic Curve Scalar Point Multiplication

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    As public information is increasingly communicated across public networks such as the internet, the use of public key cryptography to provide security services such as authentication, data integrity, and non-repudiation is ever-growing. Elliptic curve cryptography is being used now more than ever to fulfill the need for public key cryptography, as it provides security equivalent in strength to the entrenched RSA cryptography algorithm, but with much smaller key sizes and reduced computational cost. All elliptic curve cryptography operations rely on elliptic curve scalar point multiplication. In turn, scalar point multiplication depends heavily on finite field multiplication. In this dissertation, two major approaches are taken to accelerate the performance of scalar point multiplication. First, a series of very high performance finite field multiplier architectures have been implemented using domino logic in a CMOS process. Simulation results show that the proposed implementations are more efficient than similar designs in the literature when considering area and delay as performance metrics. The proposed implementations are suitable for integration with a CPU in order to provide a special-purpose finite field multiplication instruction useful for accelerating scalar point multiplication. The next major part of this thesis focuses on the use of consumer computer graphics cards to directly accelerate scalar point multiplication. A number of finite field multiplication algorithms suitable for graphics cards are developed, along with algorithms for finite field addition, subtraction, squaring, and inversion. The proposed graphics-card finite field arithmetic library is used to accelerate elliptic curve scalar point multiplication. The operation throughput and latency performance of the proposed implementation is characterized by a series of tests, and results are compared to the state of the art. Finally, it is shown that graphics cards can be used to significantly increase the operation throughput of scalar point multiplication operations, which makes their use viable for improving elliptic curve cryptography performance in a high-demand server environment

    Novel Single and Hybrid Finite Field Multipliers over GF(2m) for Emerging Cryptographic Systems

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    With the rapid development of economic and technical progress, designers and users of various kinds of ICs and emerging embedded systems like body-embedded chips and wearable devices are increasingly facing security issues. All of these demands from customers push the cryptographic systems to be faster, more efficient, more reliable and safer. On the other hand, multiplier over GF(2m) as the most important part of these emerging cryptographic systems, is expected to be high-throughput, low-complexity, and low-latency. Fortunately, very large scale integration (VLSI) digital signal processing techniques offer great facilities to design efficient multipliers over GF(2m). This dissertation focuses on designing novel VLSI implementation of high-throughput low-latency and low-complexity single and hybrid finite field multipliers over GF(2m) for emerging cryptographic systems. Low-latency (latency can be chosen without any restriction) high-speed pentanomial basis multipliers are presented. For the first time, the dissertation also develops three high-throughput digit-serial multipliers based on pentanomials. Then a novel realization of digit-level implementation of multipliers based on redundant basis is introduced. Finally, single and hybrid reordered normal basis bit-level and digit-level high-throughput multipliers are presented. To the authors knowledge, this is the first time ever reported on multipliers with multiple throughput rate choices. All the proposed designs are simple and modular, therefore suitable for VLSI implementation for various emerging cryptographic systems

    Hardware Implementation of Efficient Elliptic Curve Scalar Multiplication using Vedic Multiplier

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    This paper presents an area efficient and high-speed FPGA implementation of scalar multiplication using a Vedic multiplier. Scalar multiplication is the most important operation in Elliptic Curve Cryptography(ECC), which used for public key generation and the performance of ECC greatly depends on it. The scalar multiplication is multiplying integer k with scalar P to compute  Q=kP, where k is private key and P is a base point on the Elliptic curve. The Scalar multiplication underlying finite field arithmetic operation i.e. addition multiplication, squaring and inversion to compute Q. From these finite field operations, multiplication is the most time-consuming operation, occupy more device space and it dominates the speed of Scalar multiplication. This paper presents an efficient implementation of finite field multiplication using a Vedic multiplier.  The scalar multiplier is designed over Galois Binary field GF(2233) for field size=233-bit which is secured curve according to NIST.  The performances of the proposed design are evaluated by comparing it with  Karatsuba based scalar multiplier for area and delay. The results show that the proposed scalar multiplication using Vedic multiplier has consumed 22% less area on FPGA and also has 12% less delay, than Karatsuba, based scalar multiplier. The scalar multiplier is coded in Verilog HDL, synthesize and simulated in Xilinx 13.2 ISE on Virtex6 FPGA

    High-speed Hardware Implementations of Point Multiplication for Binary Edwards and Generalized Hessian Curves

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    In this paper high-speed hardware architectures of point multiplication based on Montgomery ladder algorithm for binary Edwards and generalized Hessian curves in Gaussian normal basis are presented. Computations of the point addition and point doubling in the proposed architecture are concurrently performed by pipelined digit-serial finite field multipliers. The multipliers in parallel form are scheduled for lower number of clock cycles. The structure of proposed digit-serial Gaussian normal basis multiplier is constructed based on regular and low-cost modules of exponentiation by powers of two and multiplication by normal elements. Therefore, the structures are area efficient and have low critical path delay. Implementation results of the proposed architectures on Virtex-5 XC5VLX110 FPGA show that then execution time of the point multiplication for binary Edwards and generalized Hessian curves over GF(2163) and GF(2233) are 8.62”s and 11.03”s respectively. The proposed architectures have high-performance and high-speed compared to other works

    Optimizing scalar multiplication for koblitz curves using hybrid FPGAs

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    Elliptic curve cryptography (ECC) is a type of public-key cryptosystem which uses the additive group of points on a nonsingular elliptic curve as a cryptographic medium. Koblitz curves are special elliptic curves that have unique properties which allow scalar multiplication, the bottleneck operation in most ECC cryptosystems, to be performed very efficiently. Optimizing the scalar multiplication operation on Koblitz curves is an active area of research with many proposed algorithms for FPGA and software implementations. As of yet little to no research has been reported on using the capabilities of hybrid FPGAs, such as the Xilinx Virtex-4 FX series, which would allow for the design of a more flexible single-chip system that performs scalar multiplication and is not constrained by high communication costs between hardware and software. While the results obtained in this thesis were competitive with many other FPGA implementations, the most recent research efforts have produced significantly faster FPGA based systems. These systems were created by utilizing new and interesting approaches to improve the runtime of performing scalar multiplication on Koblitz curves and thus significantly outperformed the results obtained in this thesis. However, this thesis also functioned as a comparative study of the usage of different basis representations and proved that strict polynomial basis approaches can compete with strict normal basis implementations when performing scalar multiplication on Koblitz curves

    Hardware implementation of daubechies wavelet transforms using folded AIQ mapping

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    The Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT) is a popular tool in the field of image and video compression applications. Because of its multi-resolution representation capability, the DWT has been used effectively in applications such as transient signal analysis, computer vision, texture analysis, cell detection, and image compression. Daubechies wavelets are one of the popular transforms in the wavelet family. Daubechies filters provide excellent spatial and spectral locality-properties which make them useful in image compression. In this thesis, we present an efficient implementation of a shared hardware core to compute two 8-point Daubechies wavelet transforms. The architecture is based on a new two-level folded mapping technique, an improved version of the Algebraic Integer Quantization (AIQ). The scheme is developed on the factorization and decomposition of the transform coefficients that exploits the symmetrical and wrapping structure of the matrices. The proposed architecture is parallel, pipelined, and multiplexed. Compared to existing designs, the proposed scheme reduces significantly the hardware cost, critical path delay and power consumption with a higher throughput rate. Later, we have briefly presented a new mapping scheme to error-freely compute the Daubechies-8 tap wavelet transform, which is the next transform of Daubechies-6 in the Daubechies wavelet series. The multidimensional technique maps the irrational transformation basis coefficients with integers and results in considerable reduction in hardware and power consumption, and significant improvement in image reconstruction quality

    Low Complexity Finite Field Multiplier for a New Class of Fields

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    Finite fields is considered as backbone of many branches in number theory, coding theory, cryptography, combinatorial designs, sequences, error-control codes, and algebraic geometry. Recently, there has been considerable attention over finite field arithmetic operations, specifically on more efficient algorithms in multiplications. Multiplication is extensively utilized in almost all branches of finite fields mentioned above. Utilizing finite field provides an advantage in designing hardware implementation since the ground field operations could be readily converted to VLSI design architecture. Moreover, due to importance and extensive usage of finite field arithmetic in cryptography, there is an obvious need for better and more efficient approach in implementation of software and/or hardware using different architectures in finite fields. This project is intended to utilize a newly found class of finite fields in conjunction with the Mastrovito algorithm to compute the polynomial multiplication more efficiently
