418 research outputs found

    An analytical approach to integral resonant control of second-order systems

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    A Modified Positive Velocity and Position Feedback scheme with delay compensation for improved nanopositioning performance

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    Acknowledgments This paper was sponsored by the Spanish FPU12/00984 Program (Ministerio de Educacion, Cultura y Deporte). It was also sponsored by the Spanish Government Research Program with the Project DPI2012-37062-CO2-01 (Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad) and by the European Social Fund.Peer reviewedPostprin

    Application of a Fractional Order Integral Resonant Control to increase the achievable bandwidth of a nanopositioner

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    The congress program will essentially include papers selected on the highest standard by the IPC, according to the IFAC guidelines www.ifac-control.org/publications/Publications-requirements-1.4.pdf, and published in open access in partnership with Elsevier in the IFAC-PapersOnline series, hosted on the ScienceDirect platform www.sciencedirect.com/science/journal/24058963. Survey papers overviewing a research topic are also most welcome. Contributed papers will have usual 6 pages length limitation. 12 pages limitation will apply to survey papers.Publisher PD

    Low-noise high-voltage DC power supply for nanopositioning applications

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    Nanopositioning techniques currently applied to characterize physical properties of materials interesting for applications at the microscopic scale rely on high-voltage electronic control circuits that should have the lowest possible noise level. Here we introduce a simple, flexible, and custom-built power supply circuit that can provide +375\,V with a noise level below 10\,ppm. The flexibility of the circuit comes from its topology based on discrete MOSFET components that can be suitable replaced in order to change the polarity as well as the output voltage and current.Comment: 3 pages, 2 figure

    Fuzzy-enhanced Dual-loop Control Strategy for Precise Nanopositioning

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    Sinteza H-beskonačno regulatora s unaprijednom granom za kompenzaciju histereze kod piezoelektričnih aktuatora

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    Piezoelectric actuators, widely used in different micro/nanopositioning applications, generally exhibit nonlinear hysteresis characteristics. The compensation of hysteretic behavior of piezoelectric actuators is mandatory for precise micro/nanopositioning. In this paper, nonlinear hysteresis effect is first characterized using the Prandtl-Ishlinskii hysteresis model. The inverse of the Prandtl-Ishlinskii hysteresis model is employed as a feed-forward controller to compensate for hysteresis nonlinearities of the piezoelectric actuator. Slight hysteresis nonlinearity is still observed in the experimental results due to small mismatch between the identified hysteresis model and the measured hysteresis loop. To further enhance the performance of the piezoelectric actuator in terms of mitigation of hysteresis nonlinearity and precise reference tracking, advanced robust full-order as well as fixed-order H-infinity feedback controllers are designed and applied to this actuator in the presence of feed-forward compensator. The experimental results verify the effectiveness of the proposed control scheme in achieving the improved tracking performance with peak-to-peak tracking error of less than 1% for the desired displacement of 12 um with tracking frequency of 10 Hz.Piezoelektrični aktuatori, rasprostranjeni u različitim primjenama mikro/nanopozicioniranja, općenito su izloženi nelinearnim histereznim karakteristikama. Kompenzacija histereznog ponašanja piezoelektričnih aktuatora nužna je za precizno mikro/nanopozicioniranje. Inverzni Prandtl-Ishlinskii histerezni model korišten je za unaprijednu kompenzaciju histereznih nelinearnosti piezoelektričnog aktuatora. Neznatna histerezna nelinearnost još uvijek je vidljiva u eksperimentalnim rezultatima zbog malog neslaganja između identificiranog histereznog modela i mjerene histerezne petlje. Za daljnje poboljšanje performansi piezoelektričnog aktuatora u smislu smanjenja histerezne nelinearnosti i preciznog slijeđenja reference, napredni robusni H-beskonačno regulatori punog i određenog reda sintetizirani su i primijenjeni na ovaj aktuator uz prisutnost unaprijednog kompenzatora. Eksperimentalni rezultati potvrđuju efektivnost predložene upravljačke strukture u postizanju poboljšanih performansi slijeđenja, uz vršnu vrijednost pogreške manju od 1% za ciljani pomak od 12 um s frekvencijom slijeđenja od 10 Hz