652 research outputs found

    Two-leg three-phase inverter control for STATCOM and SSSC applications

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    Flexible ac transmission systems (FACTS) devices are attracting an increasing interest both in power system academic research and in electric utilities for their capabilities to improve steady-state performance as well as system stability. Several converter topologies for FACTS applications have been proposed in the recent literature, even if those based upon voltage source inverters (VSI) seem to be more attractive due to their intrinsic capability to rapidly respond to network changes such as perturbations subsequent to a fault and their property of being immune to resonance problem. In this paper, a new topology for inverter-based FACTS is proposed. This configuration, employing a two-leg three-phase inverter is employed for both series and parallel-connected reactive power compensators. The converter utilizes a modular topology for allowing a satisfaction of electronic components rating. A control strategy based on variable structure control technique with sliding mode is employed to track appropriate reference quantities. Design and control, as well as good tracking performances, are also verified through numerical simulations

    A High-Gain Observer-Based Adaptive Super-Twisting Algorithm for DC-Link Voltage Control of NPC Converters

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    Acting as an interface between the grid and many energy systems, the active front-end (AFE) has been widely used in a large variety of industrial applications. In this paper, in order to ensure the fast dynamic performance and good disturbance rejection ability of the AFE, a high-gain observer (HGO) plus adaptive super-twisting algorithm (STA) for the three-level neutral-point-clamped (NPC) converter is proposed. Comparing with the conventional PI control strategy, the proposed controller implements the adaptive STA in the voltage regulator to provide a faster transient response. The gains of the adaptive STA keep varying according to the rules being reduced in steady state but increasing in transient conditions. Therefore, the chattering phenomenon is mitigated and the dynamic response is guaranteed. Additionally, to undermine the impact of external disturbances on the dc-link voltage, a high-efficiency HGO is designed in the voltage regulation loop to reject it. Experimental results based on a three-level NPC prototype are given and compared with the conventional PI method to validate the fast dynamic performance and high disturbance rejection ability of the proposed approach.National Key R&D Program of China SQ2019YFB130028National Natural Science Foundation of China 61525303National Natural Science Foundation of China 41772377National Natural Science Foundation of China 61673130Self-Planned Task of State Key Laboratory of Robotics and System (HIT) SKLRS201806BMinisterio de Economía y Competitividad TEC2016-78430-RJunta de Andalucía P18-RT-1340Fondo de Investigación Nacional de Qatar NPRP 9-310-2-13

    Integral Sliding-Mode Control-Based Direct Power Control for Three-Level NPC Converters

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    Three-level neutral-point-clamped (NPC) converter is widely used in energy conversion systems due to its good properties for high-power systems presenting output waveforms with reduced harmonic distortion. To obtain better system performance, an integral sliding-mode control (ISMC)-based direct power control (DPC) strategy is proposed for NPC converters. The controller achieves three objectives. First, an extended state observer (ESO)-based ISMC strategy, to enforce the active and reactive power to their reference values, is applied in the power tracking loop. ESO is used to reduce the influence of parameter uncertainties. Next, in the voltage regulation loop, a radial basis function neural network (RBFNN)-based adaptive ISMC strategy is applied to regulate the DC-link voltage. RBFNN is used to estimate the load variation, which is considered as a disturbance, to improve the system disturbance rejection ability. An adaptive law is used in the controller to reduce the chattering of reference active power which can reduce the current harmonic distortion. Finally, a proportional-integral (PI) control strategy is applied in the voltage balancing loop to achieve voltage balance between two DC-link capacitors. Experimental results show the effectiveness and superiority of the proposed control strategy for the NPC power converter compared with PI-based DPC strategy.National Natural Science Foundation of China 61525303National Natural Science Foundation of China 41772377National Natural Science Foundation of China 61673130Laboratorio Estatal Clave de Robótica y Sistema (HIT) SKLRS201806

    Simulation of Power Control of a Wind Turbine Permanent Magnet Synchronous Generator System

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    This thesis presents a control system for a 2MW direct-drive permanent magnet synchronous generator wind turbine system with the objectives to capture the optimal power from the wind and ensure a maximum efficiency for this system. Moreover, in order to eliminate the electrical speed sensor mounted on the rotor shaft of the PMSG to reduce the system hardware complexity and improve the reliability of the system, a sliding mode observer based PM rotor position and speed sensorless control algorithm is presented here. The mathematical models for the wind turbine and the permanent magnet synchronous machine are first given in this thesis, and then optimal power control algorithms for this system are presented. The optimal tip speed ratio based maximum power point tracking control is utilized to ensure the maximum power capture for the system. The field oriented control algorithm is applied to control the speed of the PMSG with the reference of the wind speed. In the grid-side converter control, voltage oriented control algorithm is applied to regulate the active and reactive power injected into the power grid. What is more, sliding mode observer based sensorless control algorithm is also presented here. The simulation study is carried out based on MATLAB/Simulink to validate the proposed system control algorithms

    Operation of Three-level Single-Phase Half-Bridge NPC Inverter-Based Shunt Active Power Filter Under Non-Ideal Grid Voltage Condition With Sliding Mode Controller

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    In this paper, a new control method is presented for a single-phase three-level neutral point clamped half-bridge shunt active power filter with the aim of eliminating the grid current harmonics. It is shown that the proposed control me thod accurately detects the positive-sequence voltage component under distorted grid condition. With this feature, the performance of the single-phase active power filter under distorted grid voltage condition is improved considerably. Furthermore, the imbalance in the capacitor voltages which occurs in the half-bridge topology is eliminated by adding a feedback term to the current control loop

    Sliding Mode Control Strategy for Three-Phase Three-Level T-Type Shunt Active Power Filters

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    In this paper, a sliding mode control (SMC) strategy is proposed for three-phase three-level T-type shunt active power filters (SAPF). The proposed control strategy has the ability to balance the capacitor voltages with respect to the neutral-point. The proposed SMC strategy is formulated in the natural frame which eliminates abc/dq transformation and two PI controllers compared to the design in the dq frame. In natural frame, only one PI controller is needed to generate the amplitude of grid current reference. The output of the PI controller is multiplied by the unity sinusoidal waveforms, obtained from the grid voltages, so as to obtain the grid current references. The filter current references are obtained by subtracting the measured load currents from grid current references. The performance of the proposed control method is investigated by simulation study during steady-state and transients caused by load change. It is shown that the grid currents are almost sinusoidal with small THD, grid currents and dc-link voltage track their references and capacitor voltages are balanced with respect to the neutral-point

    Power Converter of Electric Machines, Renewable Energy Systems, and Transportation

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    Power converters and electric machines represent essential components in all fields of electrical engineering. In fact, we are heading towards a future where energy will be more and more electrical: electrical vehicles, electrical motors, renewables, storage systems are now widespread. The ongoing energy transition poses new challenges for interfacing and integrating different power systems. The constraints of space, weight, reliability, performance, and autonomy for the electric system have increased the attention of scientific research in order to find more and more appropriate technological solutions. In this context, power converters and electric machines assume a key role in enabling higher performance of electrical power conversion. Consequently, the design and control of power converters and electric machines shall be developed accordingly to the requirements of the specific application, thus leading to more specialized solutions, with the aim of enhancing the reliability, fault tolerance, and flexibility of the next generation power systems

    Contrôle avancé des convertisseurs de puissance multi-niveaux pour applications sur réseaux faibles

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    139 p.El advenimiento progresivo de las microrredes que incorporan fuentes de energía renovable está dando lugar a un nuevo paradigma de distribución de la electricidad. Este nuevo planteamiento sirve de interfaz entre consumidores no controlados y fuentes intermitentes, implicando desafíos adicionales en materia de conversión, almacenamiento y gestión de la energía.Los convertidores de potencia se adaptan en consecuencia, en particular con el desarrollo de los convertidores multinivel, que integrando los mismos componentes que sus predecesores y un control más complejo, soportan potencias más altas y aseguran una mejor calidad de la energía.Debido al carácter híbrido de los convertidores de potencia, su control se divide comúnmente en dos partes: por un lado, el control de los objetivos continuos vinculados a la función principal de los convertidores de servir de interfaz, y, por otro, el control discreto de los interruptores de potencia, conocido con el nombre de modulación.En este contexto, las exigencias crecientes en términos de eficiencia, fiabilidad, versatilidad y rendimiento hacen necesaria una mejora de la inteligencia de la estructura de control. Para cumplir conestos requisitos, se propone tratar mediante un solo controlador ambas problemáticas, la vinculada a la función de interfaz de los convertidores y la relacionada con su naturaleza discreta. Esta decisión implica incorporar la no-linealidad de los convertidores de potencia en el controlador, lo que equivale a suprimir el bloque de modulación, que constituye la solución tradicional para linealizar el comportamiento interno de los convertidores. Se adopta un planteamiento de Control Predictivo basado en Modelos (MPC) para abordar la no-linealidad y la gran diversidad de objetivos de control que acompañan a los convertidores de potencia.El algoritmo desarrollado combina teoría de grafos ¿con algoritmos de Dijkstra, A* y otros¿ con un modelo de estado especial para sistemas conmutados al objeto de proporcionar una herramienta potente y universal, capaz de manipular simultáneamente el carácter cuantificado de los interruptores de potencia y el continuo de las entidades interconectadas por el convertidor. Se han obtenido resultados sobre la estabilidad y la controlabilidad de los modelos de estado conmutados aplicados al caso particular de los convertidores de potencia.El controlador así desarrollado y descrito se ha examinado en simulación frente a varios casos y aplicaciones: inversor aislado o conectado a la red, rectificador y convertidor bidireccional. Se ha empleado la misma estructura de control para tres topologías de convertidor multinivel: Neutral-Point Clamped, Flying Capacitor y Cascaded H-Bridge. Al objeto de adaptarse a los cambios citados, lo único que varía en el controlador es el modelo del convertidor adoptado para la predicción, así como la función de coste, que traduce los requisitos de control en un problema de optimización a solucionar por el algoritmo. Un cambio de topología resulta en una modificación del modelo interno, sin impacto sobre la función de coste, mientras que variaciones de esta función son suficientes para adaptarse a la aplicación.Los resultados muestran que el controlador logra actuar directamente sobre los interruptores de potencia en función de diversos requisitos. Los desempeños de la estructura de control propuesta son similares a los de las numerosas estructuras dedicadas a cada uno de los casos estudiados, excepto en el caso de operación en modo rectificador, en el que la versatilidad y rapidez de control obtenidos son particularmente interesantes.En definitiva, el controlador planteado puede emplearse para diferentes aplicaciones, topologías, objetivos y limitaciones. Si bien las estructuras de control lineal tradicionales han de modificarse, a menudo en profundidad, para afrontar diferentes modos de operación o requisitos de control, dichas alteraciones no tienen ningún impacto sobre la arquitectura del controlador MPC obtenido, lo que pone de manifiesto su versatilidad, así como su universalidad, también demostrada por su capacidad para adaptarse a diferentes convertidores de potencia sin modificaciones importantes. Finalmente, la solución propuesta elude por completo la complejidad de la modulación, ofreciendo simplicidad y flexibilidad al diseño del control

    Fast Adaptive Robust Differentiator Based Robust-Adaptive Control of Grid-Tied Inverters with a New L Filter Design Method

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    In this research, a new nonlinear and adaptive state feedback controller with a fast-adaptive robust differentiator is presented for grid-tied inverters. All parameters and external disturbances are taken as uncertain in the design of the proposed controller without the disadvantages of singularity and over-parameterization. A robust differentiator based on the second order sliding mode is also developed with a fast-adaptive structure to be able to consider the time derivative of the virtual control input. Unlike the conventional backstepping, the proposed differentiator overcomes the problem of explosion of complexity. In the closed-loop control system, the three phase source currents and direct current (DC) bus voltage are assumed to be available for feedback. Using the Lyapunov stability theory, it is proven that the overall control system has the global asymptotic stability. In addition, a new simple L filter design method based on the total harmonic distortion approach is also proposed. Simulations and experimental results show that the proposed controller assurances drive the tracking errors to zero with better performance, and it is robust against all uncertainties. Moreover, the proposed L filter design method matches the total harmonic distortion (THD) aim in the design with the experimental result