1,933 research outputs found

    High-Performance Reachability Query Processing under Index Size Restrictions

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    In this paper, we propose a scalable and highly efficient index structure for the reachability problem over graphs. We build on the well-known node interval labeling scheme where the set of vertices reachable from a particular node is compactly encoded as a collection of node identifier ranges. We impose an explicit bound on the size of the index and flexibly assign approximate reachability ranges to nodes of the graph such that the number of index probes to answer a query is minimized. The resulting tunable index structure generates a better range labeling if the space budget is increased, thus providing a direct control over the trade off between index size and the query processing performance. By using a fast recursive querying method in conjunction with our index structure, we show that in practice, reachability queries can be answered in the order of microseconds on an off-the-shelf computer - even for the case of massive-scale real world graphs. Our claims are supported by an extensive set of experimental results using a multitude of benchmark and real-world web-scale graph datasets.Comment: 30 page

    Distributed Processing of Generalized Graph-Pattern Queries in SPARQL 1.1

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    We propose an efficient and scalable architecture for processing generalized graph-pattern queries as they are specified by the current W3C recommendation of the SPARQL 1.1 "Query Language" component. Specifically, the class of queries we consider consists of sets of SPARQL triple patterns with labeled property paths. From a relational perspective, this class resolves to conjunctive queries of relational joins with additional graph-reachability predicates. For the scalable, i.e., distributed, processing of this kind of queries over very large RDF collections, we develop a suitable partitioning and indexing scheme, which allows us to shard the RDF triples over an entire cluster of compute nodes and to process an incoming SPARQL query over all of the relevant graph partitions (and thus compute nodes) in parallel. Unlike most prior works in this field, we specifically aim at the unified optimization and distributed processing of queries consisting of both relational joins and graph-reachability predicates. All communication among the compute nodes is established via a proprietary, asynchronous communication protocol based on the Message Passing Interface

    Adding Logical Operators to Tree Pattern Queries on Graph-Structured Data

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    As data are increasingly modeled as graphs for expressing complex relationships, the tree pattern query on graph-structured data becomes an important type of queries in real-world applications. Most practical query languages, such as XQuery and SPARQL, support logical expressions using logical-AND/OR/NOT operators to define structural constraints of tree patterns. In this paper, (1) we propose generalized tree pattern queries (GTPQs) over graph-structured data, which fully support propositional logic of structural constraints. (2) We make a thorough study of fundamental problems including satisfiability, containment and minimization, and analyze the computational complexity and the decision procedures of these problems. (3) We propose a compact graph representation of intermediate results and a pruning approach to reduce the size of intermediate results and the number of join operations -- two factors that often impair the efficiency of traditional algorithms for evaluating tree pattern queries. (4) We present an efficient algorithm for evaluating GTPQs using 3-hop as the underlying reachability index. (5) Experiments on both real-life and synthetic data sets demonstrate the effectiveness and efficiency of our algorithm, from several times to orders of magnitude faster than state-of-the-art algorithms in terms of evaluation time, even for traditional tree pattern queries with only conjunctive operations.Comment: 16 page

    TopCom: Index for Shortest Distance Query in Directed Graph

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    Finding shortest distance between two vertices in a graph is an important problem due to its numerous applications in diverse domains, including geo-spatial databases, social network analysis, and information retrieval. Classical algorithms (such as, Dijkstra) solve this problem in polynomial time, but these algorithms cannot provide real-time response for a large number of bursty queries on a large graph. So, indexing based solutions that pre-process the graph for efficiently answering (exactly or approximately) a large number of distance queries in real-time is becoming increasingly popular. Existing solutions have varying performance in terms of index size, index building time, query time, and accuracy. In this work, we propose T OP C OM , a novel indexing-based solution for exactly answering distance queries. Our experiments with two of the existing state-of-the-art methods (IS-Label and TreeMap) show the superiority of T OP C OM over these two methods considering scalability and query time. Besides, indexing of T OP C OM exploits the DAG (directed acyclic graph) structure in the graph, which makes it significantly faster than the existing methods if the SCCs (strongly connected component) of the input graph are relatively small

    Reasoning & Querying – State of the Art

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    Various query languages for Web and Semantic Web data, both for practical use and as an area of research in the scientific community, have emerged in recent years. At the same time, the broad adoption of the internet where keyword search is used in many applications, e.g. search engines, has familiarized casual users with using keyword queries to retrieve information on the internet. Unlike this easy-to-use querying, traditional query languages require knowledge of the language itself as well as of the data to be queried. Keyword-based query languages for XML and RDF bridge the gap between the two, aiming at enabling simple querying of semi-structured data, which is relevant e.g. in the context of the emerging Semantic Web. This article presents an overview of the field of keyword querying for XML and RDF

    Labeling Workflow Views with Fine-Grained Dependencies

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    This paper considers the problem of efficiently answering reachability queries over views of provenance graphs, derived from executions of workflows that may include recursion. Such views include composite modules and model fine-grained dependencies between module inputs and outputs. A novel view-adaptive dynamic labeling scheme is developed for efficient query evaluation, in which view specifications are labeled statically (i.e. as they are created) and data items are labeled dynamically as they are produced during a workflow execution. Although the combination of fine-grained dependencies and recursive workflows entail, in general, long (linear-size) data labels, we show that for a large natural class of workflows and views, labels are compact (logarithmic-size) and reachability queries can be evaluated in constant time. Experimental results demonstrate the benefit of this approach over the state-of-the-art technique when applied for labeling multiple views.Comment: VLDB201

    Distributed Set Reachability

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