502 research outputs found

    Efficient Neuromorphic Computing Enabled by Spin-Transfer Torque: Devices, Circuits and Systems

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    Present day computers expend orders of magnitude more computational resources to perform various cognitive and perception related tasks that humans routinely perform everyday. This has recently resulted in a seismic shift in the field of computation where research efforts are being directed to develop a neurocomputer that attempts to mimic the human brain by nanoelectronic components and thereby harness its efficiency in recognition problems. Bridging the gap between neuroscience and nanoelectronics, this thesis demonstrates the encoding of biological neural and synaptic functionalities in the underlying physics of electron spin. Description of various spin-transfer torque mechanisms that can be potentially utilized for realizing neuro-mimetic device structures is provided. A cross-layer perspective extending from the device to the circuit and system level is presented to envision the design of an All-Spin neuromorphic processor enabled with on-chip learning functionalities. Device-circuit-algorithm co-simulation framework calibrated to experimental results suggest that such All-Spin neuromorphic systems can potentially achieve almost two orders of magnitude energy improvement in comparison to state-of-the-art CMOS implementations

    Reliable Low-Power High Performance Spintronic Memories

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    Moores Gesetz folgend, ist es der Chipindustrie in den letzten fĂŒnf Jahrzehnten gelungen, ein explosionsartiges Wachstum zu erreichen. Dies hatte ebenso einen exponentiellen Anstieg der Nachfrage von Speicherkomponenten zur Folge, was wiederum zu speicherlastigen Chips in den heutigen Computersystemen fĂŒhrt. Allerdings stellen traditionelle on-Chip Speichertech- nologien wie Static Random Access Memories (SRAMs), Dynamic Random Access Memories (DRAMs) und Flip-Flops eine Herausforderung in Bezug auf Skalierbarkeit, Verlustleistung und ZuverlĂ€ssigkeit dar. Eben jene Herausforderungen und die ĂŒberwĂ€ltigende Nachfrage nach höherer Performanz und Integrationsdichte des on-Chip Speichers motivieren Forscher, nach neuen nichtflĂŒchtigen Speichertechnologien zu suchen. Aufkommende spintronische Spe- ichertechnologien wie Spin Orbit Torque (SOT) und Spin Transfer Torque (STT) erhielten in den letzten Jahren eine hohe Aufmerksamkeit, da sie eine Reihe an Vorteilen bieten. Dazu gehören NichtflĂŒchtigkeit, Skalierbarkeit, hohe BestĂ€ndigkeit, CMOS KompatibilitĂ€t und Unan- fĂ€lligkeit gegenĂŒber Soft-Errors. In der Spintronik reprĂ€sentiert der Spin eines Elektrons dessen Information. Das Datum wird durch die Höhe des Widerstandes gespeichert, welche sich durch das Anlegen eines polarisierten Stroms an das Speichermedium verĂ€ndern lĂ€sst. Das Prob- lem der statischen Leistung gehen die SpeichergerĂ€te sowohl durch deren verlustleistungsfreie Eigenschaft, als auch durch ihr Standard- Aus/Sofort-Ein Verhalten an. Nichtsdestotrotz sind noch andere Probleme, wie die hohe Zugriffslatenz und die Energieaufnahme zu lösen, bevor sie eine verbreitete Anwendung finden können. Um diesen Problemen gerecht zu werden, sind neue Computerparadigmen, -architekturen und -entwurfsphilosophien notwendig. Die hohe Zugriffslatenz der Spintroniktechnologie ist auf eine vergleichsweise lange Schalt- dauer zurĂŒckzufĂŒhren, welche die von konventionellem SRAM ĂŒbersteigt. Des Weiteren ist auf Grund des stochastischen Schaltvorgangs der Speicherzelle und des Einflusses der Prozessvari- ation ein nicht zu vernachlĂ€ssigender Zeitraum dafĂŒr erforderlich. In diesem Zeitraum wird ein konstanter Schreibstrom durch die Bitzelle geleitet, um den Schaltvorgang zu gewĂ€hrleisten. Dieser Vorgang verursacht eine hohe Energieaufnahme. FĂŒr die Leseoperation wird gleicher- maßen ein beachtliches Zeitfenster benötigt, ebenfalls bedingt durch den Einfluss der Prozess- variation. Dem gegenĂŒber stehen diverse ZuverlĂ€ssigkeitsprobleme. Dazu gehören unter An- derem die Leseintereferenz und andere Degenerationspobleme, wie das des Time Dependent Di- electric Breakdowns (TDDB). Diese ZuverlĂ€ssigkeitsprobleme sind wiederum auf die benötigten lĂ€ngeren Schaltzeiten zurĂŒckzufĂŒhren, welche in der Folge auch einen ĂŒber lĂ€ngere Zeit an- liegenden Lese- bzw. Schreibstrom implizieren. Es ist daher notwendig, sowohl die Energie, als auch die Latenz zur Steigerung der ZuverlĂ€ssigkeit zu reduzieren, um daraus einen potenziellen Kandidaten fĂŒr ein on-Chip Speichersystem zu machen. In dieser Dissertation werden wir Entwurfsstrategien vorstellen, welche das Ziel verfolgen, die Herausforderungen des Cache-, Register- und Flip-Flop-Entwurfs anzugehen. Dies erre- ichen wir unter Zuhilfenahme eines Cross-Layer Ansatzes. FĂŒr Caches entwickelten wir ver- schiedene AnsĂ€tze auf Schaltkreisebene, welche sowohl auf der Speicherarchitekturebene, als auch auf der Systemebene in Bezug auf Energieaufnahme, Performanzsteigerung und Zuver- lĂ€ssigkeitverbesserung evaluiert werden. Wir entwickeln eine Selbstabschalttechnik, sowohl fĂŒr die Lese-, als auch die Schreiboperation von Caches. Diese ist in der Lage, den Abschluss der entsprechenden Operation dynamisch zu ermitteln. Nachdem der Abschluss erkannt wurde, wird die Lese- bzw. Schreiboperation sofort gestoppt, um Energie zu sparen. ZusĂ€tzlich limitiert die Selbstabschalttechnik die Dauer des Stromflusses durch die Speicherzelle, was wiederum das Auftreten von TDDB und Leseinterferenz bei Schreib- bzw. Leseoperationen re- duziert. Zur Verbesserung der Schreiblatenz heben wir den Schreibstrom an der Bitzelle an, um den magnetischen Schaltprozess zu beschleunigen. Um registerbankspezifische Anforderungen zu berĂŒcksichtigen, haben wir zusĂ€tzlich eine Multiport-Speicherarchitektur entworfen, welche eine einzigartige Eigenschaft der SOT-Zelle ausnutzt, um simultan Lese- und Schreiboperatio- nen auszufĂŒhren. Es ist daher möglich Lese/Schreib- Konfilkte auf Bitzellen-Ebene zu lösen, was sich wiederum in einer sehr viel einfacheren Multiport- Registerbankarchitektur nieder- schlĂ€gt. ZusĂ€tzlich zu den SpeicheransĂ€tzen haben wir ebenfalls zwei Flip-Flop-Architekturen vorgestellt. Die erste ist eine nichtflĂŒchtige non-Shadow Flip-Flop-Architektur, welche die Speicherzelle als aktive Komponente nutzt. Dies ermöglicht das sofortige An- und Ausschalten der Versorgungss- pannung und ist daher besonders gut fĂŒr aggressives Powergating geeignet. Alles in Allem zeigt der vorgestellte Flip-Flop-Entwurf eine Ă€hnliche Timing-Charakteristik wie die konventioneller CMOS Flip-Flops auf. Jedoch erlaubt er zur selben Zeit eine signifikante Reduktion der statis- chen Leistungsaufnahme im Vergleich zu nichtflĂŒchtigen Shadow- Flip-Flops. Die zweite ist eine fehlertolerante Flip-Flop-Architektur, welche sich unanfĂ€llig gegenĂŒber diversen Defekten und Fehlern verhĂ€lt. Die LeistungsfĂ€higkeit aller vorgestellten Techniken wird durch ausfĂŒhrliche Simulationen auf Schaltkreisebene verdeutlicht, welche weiter durch detaillierte Evaluationen auf Systemebene untermauert werden. Im Allgemeinen konnten wir verschiedene Techniken en- twickeln, die erhebliche Verbesserungen in Bezug auf Performanz, Energie und ZuverlĂ€ssigkeit von spintronischen on-Chip Speichern, wie Caches, Register und Flip-Flops erreichen

    Embedding Logic and Non-volatile Devices in CMOS Digital Circuits for Improving Energy Efficiency

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    abstract: Static CMOS logic has remained the dominant design style of digital systems for more than four decades due to its robustness and near zero standby current. Static CMOS logic circuits consist of a network of combinational logic cells and clocked sequential elements, such as latches and flip-flops that are used for sequencing computations over time. The majority of the digital design techniques to reduce power, area, and leakage over the past four decades have focused almost entirely on optimizing the combinational logic. This work explores alternate architectures for the flip-flops for improving the overall circuit performance, power and area. It consists of three main sections. First, is the design of a multi-input configurable flip-flop structure with embedded logic. A conventional D-type flip-flop may be viewed as realizing an identity function, in which the output is simply the value of the input sampled at the clock edge. In contrast, the proposed multi-input flip-flop, named PNAND, can be configured to realize one of a family of Boolean functions called threshold functions. In essence, the PNAND is a circuit implementation of the well-known binary perceptron. Unlike other reconfigurable circuits, a PNAND can be configured by simply changing the assignment of signals to its inputs. Using a standard cell library of such gates, a technology mapping algorithm can be applied to transform a given netlist into one with an optimal mixture of conventional logic gates and threshold gates. This approach was used to fabricate a 32-bit Wallace Tree multiplier and a 32-bit booth multiplier in 65nm LP technology. Simulation and chip measurements show more than 30% improvement in dynamic power and more than 20% reduction in core area. The functional yield of the PNAND reduces with geometry and voltage scaling. The second part of this research investigates the use of two mechanisms to improve the robustness of the PNAND circuit architecture. One is the use of forward and reverse body biases to change the device threshold and the other is the use of RRAM devices for low voltage operation. The third part of this research focused on the design of flip-flops with non-volatile storage. Spin-transfer torque magnetic tunnel junctions (STT-MTJ) are integrated with both conventional D-flipflop and the PNAND circuits to implement non-volatile logic (NVL). These non-volatile storage enhanced flip-flops are able to save the state of system locally when a power interruption occurs. However, manufacturing variations in the STT-MTJs and in the CMOS transistors significantly reduce the yield, leading to an overly pessimistic design and consequently, higher energy consumption. A detailed analysis of the design trade-offs in the driver circuitry for performing backup and restore, and a novel method to design the energy optimal driver for a given yield is presented. Efficient designs of two nonvolatile flip-flop (NVFF) circuits are presented, in which the backup time is determined on a per-chip basis, resulting in minimizing the energy wastage and satisfying the yield constraint. To achieve a yield of 98%, the conventional approach would have to expend nearly 5X more energy than the minimum required, whereas the proposed tunable approach expends only 26% more energy than the minimum. A non-volatile threshold gate architecture NV-TLFF are designed with the same backup and restore circuitry in 65nm technology. The embedded logic in NV-TLFF compensates performance overhead of NVL. This leads to the possibility of zero-overhead non-volatile datapath circuits. An 8-bit multiply-and- accumulate (MAC) unit is designed to demonstrate the performance benefits of the proposed architecture. Based on the results of HSPICE simulations, the MAC circuit with the proposed NV-TLFF cells is shown to consume at least 20% less power and area as compared to the circuit designed with conventional DFFs, without sacrificing any performance.Dissertation/ThesisDoctoral Dissertation Electrical Engineering 201

    Energy efficient hybrid computing systems using spin devices

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    Emerging spin-devices like magnetic tunnel junctions (MTJ\u27s), spin-valves and domain wall magnets (DWM) have opened new avenues for spin-based logic design. This work explored potential computing applications which can exploit such devices for higher energy-efficiency and performance. The proposed applications involve hybrid design schemes, where charge-based devices supplement the spin-devices, to gain large benefits at the system level. As an example, lateral spin valves (LSV) involve switching of nanomagnets using spin-polarized current injection through a metallic channel such as Cu. Such spin-torque based devices possess several interesting properties that can be exploited for ultra-low power computation. Analog characteristic of spin current facilitate non-Boolean computation like majority evaluation that can be used to model a neuron. The magneto-metallic neurons can operate at ultra-low terminal voltage of ∌20mV, thereby resulting in small computation power. Moreover, since nano-magnets inherently act as memory elements, these devices can facilitate integration of logic and memory in interesting ways. The spin based neurons can be integrated with CMOS and other emerging devices leading to different classes of neuromorphic/non-Von-Neumann architectures. The spin-based designs involve `mixed-mode\u27 processing and hence can provide very compact and ultra-low energy solutions for complex computation blocks, both digital as well as analog. Such low-power, hybrid designs can be suitable for various data processing applications like cognitive computing, associative memory, and currentmode on-chip global interconnects. Simulation results for these applications based on device-circuit co-simulation framework predict more than ∌100x improvement in computation energy as compared to state of the art CMOS design, for optimal spin-device parameters

    Microspacecraft and Earth observation: Electrical field (ELF) measurement project

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    The Utah State University space system design project for 1989 to 1990 focuses on the design of a global electrical field sensing system to be deployed in a constellation of microspacecraft. The design includes the selection of the sensor and the design of the spacecraft, the sensor support subsystems, the launch vehicle interface structure, on board data storage and communications subsystems, and associated ground receiving stations. Optimization of satellite orbits and spacecraft attitude are critical to the overall mapping of the electrical field and, thus, are also included in the project. The spacecraft design incorporates a deployable sensor array (5 m booms) into a spinning oblate platform. Data is taken every 0.1 seconds by the electrical field sensors and stored on-board. An omni-directional antenna communicates with a ground station twice per day to down link the stored data. Wrap-around solar cells cover the exterior of the spacecraft to generate power. Nine Pegasus launches may be used to deploy fifty such satellites to orbits with inclinations greater than 45 deg. Piggyback deployment from other launch vehicles such as the DELTA 2 is also examined

    Precision Pointing Control System (PPCS) system design and analysis

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    The precision pointing control system (PPCS) is an integrated system for precision attitude determination and orientation of gimbaled experiment platforms. The PPCS concept configures the system to perform orientation of up to six independent gimbaled experiment platforms to design goal accuracy of 0.001 degrees, and to operate in conjunction with a three-axis stabilized earth-oriented spacecraft in orbits ranging from low altitude (200-2500 n.m., sun synchronous) to 24 hour geosynchronous, with a design goal life of 3 to 5 years. The system comprises two complementary functions: (1) attitude determination where the attitude of a defined set of body-fixed reference axes is determined relative to a known set of reference axes fixed in inertial space; and (2) pointing control where gimbal orientation is controlled, open-loop (without use of payload error/feedback) with respect to a defined set of body-fixed reference axes to produce pointing to a desired target
