6 research outputs found

    Single-ended traveling wave fault location on radial distribution lines

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    In this thesis a single-ended traveling wave fault location algorithm is developed for autonomously locating short circuit faults on a radial distribution line using the high frequency traveling wave transients. The traveling wave pattern observed at the sub-station is correlated with the traveling wave pattern predicted using time tree analysis for different fault locations and fault resistance. Genetic search techniques are used to evolve an initial population of possible fault locations to determine the most likely fault location. It is shown through extensive EMTP simulations that the scheme is capable of finding the location of three phase faults, inter-phase faults and single-phase faults for fault resistances ranging from 0 - 1000 ohm on a radial distribution line with five sub-feeders. A new high speed FPGA based data acquisition system is developed suitable for capturing traveling wave fault data from a radial distribution line with the necessary fidelity for the proposed fault location algorithm. The data acquisition system is deployed on a Medium Voltage distribution line in the Santa Caterina region of Brazil. A branched communication network is constructed out of RG-58 coaxial cable and a Time Domain Reflectometry device is used to capture the reflection pattern under different fault conditions. The fault location algorithm is adapted to work with TDR a opposed to fault generated traveling waves. The location algorithm is capable of locating faults with resistance between 0 and 75 ohm up to three zones away from the injection point

    Single-ended traveling wave fault location on radial distribution lines

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    In this thesis a single-ended traveling wave fault location algorithm is developed for autonomously locating short circuit faults on a radial distribution line using the high frequency traveling wave transients. The traveling wave pattern observed at the sub-station is correlated with the traveling wave pattern predicted using time tree analysis for different fault locations and fault resistance. Genetic search techniques are used to evolve an initial population of possible fault locations to determine the most likely fault location. It is shown through extensive EMTP simulations that the scheme is capable of finding the location of three phase faults, inter-phase faults and single-phase faults for fault resistances ranging from 0 - 1000 ohm on a radial distribution line with five sub-feeders. A new high speed FPGA based data acquisition system is developed suitable for capturing traveling wave fault data from a radial distribution line with the necessary fidelity for the proposed fault location algorithm. The data acquisition system is deployed on a Medium Voltage distribution line in the Santa Caterina region of Brazil. A branched communication network is constructed out of RG-58 coaxial cable and a Time Domain Reflectometry device is used to capture the reflection pattern under different fault conditions. The fault location algorithm is adapted to work with TDR a opposed to fault generated traveling waves. The location algorithm is capable of locating faults with resistance between 0 and 75 ohm up to three zones away from the injection point


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    The present work is a systematic review of the literature is the result of previous work for the construction of a Direct Memory Access (DMA) using the VHDL hardware description language, the Field-programmable gate array devices (FPGA) and some algorithms for the programming of these devices, the main objective of this study is to provide an effective methodology for modeling the DMA controller ensuring proper access to data by optimizing resources for each of the relevant transactions, Another objective is to know the different architectures that exist and the configuration of the devices for a much simpler and optimal implementation, the literature research includes a framework of the Systematic Literature Review process on primary studies focused on the search of articles related to architecture, design and algorithms used to build the DMA Controller using FPGA and VHDL. The results of the review show that there is a great variety of DMA architectures, the use of these architectures depends on the type of transmission you want to make and the types of data involved in the transaction, there are also several design models in multiple programming and modeling languages, according to the DMA architecture, there is the improved architecture of the controller that greatly helps to reduce processing latency, as well as the presence of a specific architecture needed for read/write image and videoEl presente trabajo es una revisi贸n sistem谩tica de la literatura es el resultado de un trabajo previo para la construcci贸n de un Acceso Directo a Memoria (DMA) utilizando el lenguaje de descripci贸n de hardware VHDL, los dispositivos Field-programmable gate array (FPGA) y algunos algoritmos para la programaci贸n de estos dispositivos, el objetivo principal de este estudio es proporcionar una metodolog铆a eficaz para modelar el controlador de la DMA asegurando un acceso adecuado a los datos optimizando los recursos para cada una de las transacciones relevantes, otro objetivo es conocer las diferentes arquitecturas que existen y la configuraci贸n de los dispositivos para una implementaci贸n mucho m谩s simple y 贸ptima, la investigaci贸n literaria incluye un marco de referencia del proceso de Revisi贸n Sistem谩tica de la Literatura sobre estudios primarios centrados en la b煤squeda de art铆culos relacionados con la arquitectura, el dise帽o y los algoritmos utilizados para construir el Controlador DMA utilizando FPGA y VHDL. Los resultados de la revisi贸n muestran que hay una gran variedad de arquitecturas DMA, el uso de las mismas depende del tipo de transmisi贸n que se quiera realizar y de los tipos de datos involucrados en la transacci贸n, tambi茅n hay varios modelos de dise帽o en m煤ltiples lenguajes de programaci贸n y modelado, de acuerdo con la arquitectura de la DMA, existe la arquitectura mejorada del controlador que ayuda en gran medida a reducir la latencia de procesamiento, as铆 como la presencia de una arquitectura espec铆fica necesaria para la lectura/escritura de imagen y v铆de

    Structured Beams as Quantum Probes

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    This thesis describes several projects under the common theme of generating and manipulating the spatial quantum phase structure of matter and electromagnetic waves. Experiments dealing with the following topics are addressed: perfect crystal neutron interferometry, far-field phase-grating moire interferometry, orbital angular momentum (OAM), spin-orbit states, and lattices of spin-orbit states. The first focus of the thesis is describing the work related to the construction of a new beamline dedicated to quantum information related neutron interferometry experiments at the National Institute of Standards and Technology's Center for Neutron Research. This includes the development of the necessary environmental isolation, phase stability, and temperature isolation mechanisms; and the installation and optimization of spin polarization elements. The new beamline is now operational and it is currently one of only three neutron interferometry facilities in the world. The second focus of the thesis is to describe the development and characterization of far-field phase-grating moire neutron interferometry. This technique enables studies that are complimentary to those of perfect crystal neutron interferometry experiments. It may be used to probe structured materials and characterize neutron interactions with potential gradients. A two phase-grating moire neutron interferometer was developed, characterized, and optimized. This setup was then employed to probe the microstructure of a monodisperse suspension of 2 um diameter polystyrene spheres. Furthermore, a three phase-grating moire neutron interferometer was developed and characterized. This unique setup promises a wide range of impactful experiments from far-field imaging of material substructure to fundamental physics. The third focus of the thesis is to describe neutron OAM. These experiments revolve around the preparation and characterization of an azimuthally varying phase profile. The demonstration of neutron OAM using a perfect crystal neutron interferometer is described, where a spiral phase plate was used to induce OAM in one of the paths of the interferometer. Furthermore, a modified setup was used to perform neutron holography of a macroscopic object which induces an azimuthally varying phase profile. These methods provide a new tool for interferometric testing of neutron optics and the characterization of coherence of neutron beams. The last focus of the thesis is to describe matter wave and optical spin correlated OAM (spin-orbit) states. Methods to prepare neutron spin-orbit states via special geometries of magnetic fields are proposed. The preparation, entanglement characterization, and proposed experimental verification of such states are described in detail. Furthermore, a method which is capable of preparing lattices of optical and neutron spin-orbit states is introduced and described. This method utilizes novel optical and neutron devices and it is based on coherent averaging and spatial control methods borrowed from nuclear magnetic resonance. The experimental preparation and characterization of optical lattices of spin-orbit states is described in detail