44,585 research outputs found

    Image enhancement from a stabilised video sequence

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    The aim of video stabilisation is to create a new video sequence where the motions (i.e. rotations, translations) and scale differences between frames (or parts of a frame) have effectively been removed. These stabilisation effects can be obtained via digital video processing techniques which use the information extracted from the video sequence itself, with no need for additional hardware or knowledge about camera physical motion. A video sequence usually contains a large overlap between successive frames, and regions of the same scene are sampled at different positions. In this paper, this multiple sampling is combined to achieve images with a higher spatial resolution. Higher resolution imagery play an important role in assisting in the identification of people, vehicles, structures or objects of interest captured by surveillance cameras or by video cameras used in face recognition, traffic monitoring, traffic law reinforcement, driver assistance and automatic vehicle guidance systems

    Temporal Interpolation via Motion Field Prediction

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    Navigated 2D multi-slice dynamic Magnetic Resonance (MR) imaging enables high contrast 4D MR imaging during free breathing and provides in-vivo observations for treatment planning and guidance. Navigator slices are vital for retrospective stacking of 2D data slices in this method. However, they also prolong the acquisition sessions. Temporal interpolation of navigator slices an be used to reduce the number of navigator acquisitions without degrading specificity in stacking. In this work, we propose a convolutional neural network (CNN) based method for temporal interpolation via motion field prediction. The proposed formulation incorporates the prior knowledge that a motion field underlies changes in the image intensities over time. Previous approaches that interpolate directly in the intensity space are prone to produce blurry images or even remove structures in the images. Our method avoids such problems and faithfully preserves the information in the image. Further, an important advantage of our formulation is that it provides an unsupervised estimation of bi-directional motion fields. We show that these motion fields can be used to halve the number of registrations required during 4D reconstruction, thus substantially reducing the reconstruction time.Comment: Submitted to 1st Conference on Medical Imaging with Deep Learning (MIDL 2018), Amsterdam, The Netherland

    Transition Contour Synthesis with Dynamic Patch Transitions

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    In this article, we present a novel approach for modulating the shape of transitions between terrain materials to produce detailed and varied contours where blend resolution is limited. Whereas texture splatting and blend mapping add detail to transitions at the texel level, our approach addresses the broader shape of the transition by introducing intermittency and irregularity. Our results have proven that enriched detail of the blend contour can be achieved with a performance competitive to existing approaches without additional texture, geometry resources, or asset preprocessing. We achieve this by compositing blend masks on-the-fly with the subdivision of texture space into differently sized patches to produce irregular contours from minimal artistic input. Our approach is of particular importance for applications where GPU resources or artistic input is limited or impractical

    Chebyshev model arithmetic for factorable functions

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    This article presents an arithmetic for the computation of Chebyshev models for factorable functions and an analysis of their convergence properties. Similar to Taylor models, Chebyshev models consist of a pair of a multivariate polynomial approximating the factorable function and an interval remainder term bounding the actual gap with this polynomial approximant. Propagation rules and local convergence bounds are established for the addition, multiplication and composition operations with Chebyshev models. The global convergence of this arithmetic as the polynomial expansion order increases is also discussed. A generic implementation of Chebyshev model arithmetic is available in the library MC++. It is shown through several numerical case studies that Chebyshev models provide tighter bounds than their Taylor model counterparts, but this comes at the price of extra computational burden

    Bits from Photons: Oversampled Image Acquisition Using Binary Poisson Statistics

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    We study a new image sensor that is reminiscent of traditional photographic film. Each pixel in the sensor has a binary response, giving only a one-bit quantized measurement of the local light intensity. To analyze its performance, we formulate the oversampled binary sensing scheme as a parameter estimation problem based on quantized Poisson statistics. We show that, with a single-photon quantization threshold and large oversampling factors, the Cram\'er-Rao lower bound (CRLB) of the estimation variance approaches that of an ideal unquantized sensor, that is, as if there were no quantization in the sensor measurements. Furthermore, the CRLB is shown to be asymptotically achievable by the maximum likelihood estimator (MLE). By showing that the log-likelihood function of our problem is concave, we guarantee the global optimality of iterative algorithms in finding the MLE. Numerical results on both synthetic data and images taken by a prototype sensor verify our theoretical analysis and demonstrate the effectiveness of our image reconstruction algorithm. They also suggest the potential application of the oversampled binary sensing scheme in high dynamic range photography

    Spectral Ewald Acceleration of Stokesian Dynamics for polydisperse suspensions

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    In this work we develop the Spectral Ewald Accelerated Stokesian Dynamics (SEASD), a novel computational method for dynamic simulations of polydisperse colloidal suspensions with full hydrodynamic interactions. SEASD is based on the framework of Stokesian Dynamics (SD) with extension to compressible solvents, and uses the Spectral Ewald (SE) method [Lindbo & Tornberg, J. Comput. Phys. 229 (2010) 8994] for the wave-space mobility computation. To meet the performance requirement of dynamic simulations, we use Graphic Processing Units (GPU) to evaluate the suspension mobility, and achieve an order of magnitude speedup compared to a CPU implementation. For further speedup, we develop a novel far-field block-diagonal preconditioner to reduce the far-field evaluations in the iterative solver, and SEASD-nf, a polydisperse extension of the mean-field Brownian approximation of Banchio & Brady [J. Chem. Phys. 118 (2003) 10323]. We extensively discuss implementation and parameter selection strategies in SEASD, and demonstrate the spectral accuracy in the mobility evaluation and the overall O(NlogN)\mathcal{O}(N\log N) computation scaling. We present three computational examples to further validate SEASD and SEASD-nf in monodisperse and bidisperse suspensions: the short-time transport properties, the equilibrium osmotic pressure and viscoelastic moduli, and the steady shear Brownian rheology. Our validation results show that the agreement between SEASD and SEASD-nf is satisfactory over a wide range of parameters, and also provide significant insight into the dynamics of polydisperse colloidal suspensions.Comment: 39 pages, 21 figure

    Review of the mathematical foundations of data fusion techniques in surface metrology

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    The recent proliferation of engineered surfaces, including freeform and structured surfaces, is challenging current metrology techniques. Measurement using multiple sensors has been proposed to achieve enhanced benefits, mainly in terms of spatial frequency bandwidth, which a single sensor cannot provide. When using data from different sensors, a process of data fusion is required and there is much active research in this area. In this paper, current data fusion methods and applications are reviewed, with a focus on the mathematical foundations of the subject. Common research questions in the fusion of surface metrology data are raised and potential fusion algorithms are discussed

    Sparsity in Dynamics of Spontaneous Subtle Emotions: Analysis \& Application

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    Spontaneous subtle emotions are expressed through micro-expressions, which are tiny, sudden and short-lived dynamics of facial muscles; thus poses a great challenge for visual recognition. The abrupt but significant dynamics for the recognition task are temporally sparse while the rest, irrelevant dynamics, are temporally redundant. In this work, we analyze and enforce sparsity constrains to learn significant temporal and spectral structures while eliminate irrelevant facial dynamics of micro-expressions, which would ease the challenge in the visual recognition of spontaneous subtle emotions. The hypothesis is confirmed through experimental results of automatic spontaneous subtle emotion recognition with several sparsity levels on CASME II and SMIC, the only two publicly available spontaneous subtle emotion databases. The overall performances of the automatic subtle emotion recognition are boosted when only significant dynamics are preserved from the original sequences.Comment: IEEE Transaction of Affective Computing (2016