5,895 research outputs found

    Analysis of Parallel Montgomery Multiplication in CUDA

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    For a given level of security, elliptic curve cryptography (ECC) offers improved efficiency over classic public key implementations. Point multiplication is the most common operation in ECC and, consequently, any significant improvement in perfor- mance will likely require accelerating point multiplication. In ECC, the Montgomery algorithm is widely used for point multiplication. The primary purpose of this project is to implement and analyze a parallel implementation of the Montgomery algorithm as it is used in ECC. Specifically, the performance of CPU-based Montgomery multiplication and a GPU-based implementation in CUDA are compared

    Improved throughput of Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm (ECDSA) processor implementation over Koblitz curve k-163 on Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA)

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    يقـدم البحث دراسة عن تصميم وتنفيذ دائرة الكترونية لتوليد التوقيع الالكتروني والتاكد من صحته ,بالاعتماد على مواصفات المنحني الاهليجي الموصى بها من  قبل المعهد الوطني للمعايير والتكنولوجيا(NIST) .حيث أرتكز العمل على إختيار منحني كوبلتز وتطبيقه على الحقول المنتهية أو ما تسمى بحقول غالو(2163)GF، ونظراً لأهمية تحسين الأداء في المعالجات الحديثة المبنية في بيئة البوابات المنطقية القابلة للبرمجة (FPGA)،  فقد أظهرت نتائج المحاكاة والتنفيذ للتصميم المقترح على الجهاز نوع Virtex5-xc5vlx155t-3ff1738  زيادة في معدل البيانات التي يتم معالجتها اثناء عمليتي توليد التوقيع واثبات صحته الى 0.08187 Mbit/s وبنسبة تصل الى 6.95% ,بالمقارنة مع التصميمات السابقة ، كما أستغرقت مدة تنفيذ العمليتين 1.66 ملي ثانية وبتردد أقصاه 83.477 ميكاهرتز. تم الاخذ بنظرالاعتبار تصميم المنفذ التسلسلي غير المتزامن (UART) والمستخدم في عملية نقل البيانات بين الحاسبة وFPGA .            The widespread use of the Internet of things (IoT) in different aspects of an individual’s life like banking, wireless intelligent devices and smartphones has led to new security and performance challenges under restricted resources. The Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm (ECDSA) is the most suitable choice for the environments due to the smaller size of the encryption key and changeable security related parameters. However, major performance metrics such as area, power, latency and throughput are still customisable and based on the design requirements of the device. The present paper puts forward an enhancement for the throughput performance metric by proposing a more efficient design for the hardware implementation of ECDSA. The design raised the throughput to 0.08207 Mbit/s, leading to an increase of 6.95% from the existing design. It also includes the design and implementation of the Universal Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter (UART) module. The present work is based on a 163-bit key-size over Koblitz curve k-163 and secure hash function SHA-1. A serial module for the underlying modular layer, high-speed architecture of Koblitz point addition and Koblitz point multiplication have been considered in this work, in addition to utilising the carry-save-multiplier, modular adder-subtractor and Extended Euclidean module for ECDSA protocols. All modules are designed using VHDL and implemented on the platform Virtex5 xc5vlx155t-3ff1738. Signature generation requires 0.55360ms, while its validation consumes 1.10947288ms. Thus, the total time required to complete both processes is equal to 1.66ms and the maximum frequency is approximately 83.477MHZ, consuming a power of 99mW with the efficiency approaching 3.39 * 10-6

    Private and Public-Key Side-Channel Threats Against Hardware Accelerated Cryptosystems

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    Modern side-channel attacks (SCA) have the ability to reveal sensitive data from non-protected hardware implementations of cryptographic accelerators whether they be private or public-key systems. These protocols include but are not limited to symmetric, private-key encryption using AES-128, 192, 256, or public-key cryptosystems using elliptic curve cryptography (ECC). Traditionally, scalar point (SP) operations are compelled to be high-speed at any cost to reduce point multiplication latency. The majority of high-speed architectures of contemporary elliptic curve protocols rely on non-secure SP algorithms. This thesis delivers a novel design, analysis, and successful results from a custom differential power analysis attack on AES-128. The resulting SCA can break any 16-byte master key the sophisticated cipher uses and it\u27s direct applications towards public-key cryptosystems will become clear. Further, the architecture of a SCA resistant scalar point algorithm accompanied by an implementation of an optimized serial multiplier will be constructed. The optimized hardware design of the multiplier is highly modular and can use either NIST approved 233 & 283-bit Kobliz curves utilizing a polynomial basis. The proposed architecture will be implemented on Kintex-7 FPGA to later be integrated with the ARM Cortex-A9 processor on the Zynq-7000 AP SoC (XC7Z045) for seamless data transfer and analysis of the vulnerabilities SCAs can exploit

    Computation in Optimal Extension Fields

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    This thesis focuses on a class of Galois field used to achieve fast finite field arithmetic which we call Optimal Extension Fields (OEFs), first introduced in cite{baileypaar98}. We extend this work by presenting an adaptation of Itoh and Tsujii\u27s algorithm for finite field inversion applied to OEFs. In particular, we use the facts that the action of the Frobenius map in GF(pm)GF(p^m) can be computed with only m1m-1 subfield multiplications and that inverses in GF(p)GF(p) may be computed cheaply using known techniques. As a result, we show that one extension field inversion can be computed with a logarithmic number of extension field multiplications. In addition, we provide new variants of the Karatsuba-Ofman algorithm for extension field multiplication which give a performance increase. Further, we provide an OEF construction algorithm together with tables of Type I and Type II OEFs along with statistics on the number of pseudo-Mersenne primes and OEFs. We apply this new work to provide implementation results for elliptic curve cryptosystems on both DEC Alpha workstations and Pentium-class PCs. These results show that OEFs when used with our new inversion and multiplication algorithms provide a substantial performance increase over other reported methods

    Automatic generation of high speed elliptic curve cryptography code

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    Apparently, trust is a rare commodity when power, money or life itself are at stake. History is full of examples. Julius Caesar did not trust his generals, so that: ``If he had anything confidential to say, he wrote it in cipher, that is, by so changing the order of the letters of the alphabet, that not a word could be made out. If anyone wishes to decipher these, and get at their meaning, he must substitute the fourth letter of the alphabet, namely D, for A, and so with the others.'' And so the history of cryptography began moving its first steps. Nowadays, encryption has decayed from being an emperor's prerogative and became a daily life operation. Cryptography is pervasive, ubiquitous and, the best of all, completely transparent to the unaware user. Each time we buy something on the Internet we use it. Each time we search something on Google we use it. Everything without (almost) realizing that it silently protects our privacy and our secrets. Encryption is a very interesting instrument in the "toolbox of security" because it has very few side effects, at least on the user side. A particularly important one is the intrinsic slow down that its use imposes in the communications. High speed cryptography is very important for the Internet, where busy servers proliferate. Being faster is a double advantage: more throughput and less server overhead. In this context, however, the public key algorithms starts with a big handicap. They have very bad performances if compared to their symmetric counterparts. Due to this reason their use is often reduced to the essential operations, most notably key exchanges and digital signatures. The high speed public key cryptography challenge is a very practical topic with serious repercussions in our technocentric world. Using weak algorithms with a reduced key length to increase the performances of a system can lead to catastrophic results. In 1985, Miller and Koblitz independently proposed to use the group of rational points of an elliptic curve over a finite field to create an asymmetric algorithm. Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC) is based on a problem known as the ECDLP (Elliptic Curve Discrete Logarithm Problem) and offers several advantages with respect to other more traditional encryption systems such as RSA and DSA. The main benefit is that it requires smaller keys to provide the same security level since breaking the ECDLP is much harder. In addition, a good ECC implementation can be very efficient both in time and memory consumption, thus being a good candidate for performing high speed public key cryptography. Moreover, some elliptic curve based techniques are known to be extremely resilient to quantum computing attacks, such as the SIDH (Supersingular Isogeny Diffie-Hellman). Traditional elliptic curve cryptography implementations are optimized by hand taking into account the mathematical properties of the underlying algebraic structures, the target machine architecture and the compiler facilities. This process is time consuming, requires a high degree of expertise and, ultimately, error prone. This dissertation' ultimate goal is to automatize the whole optimization process of cryptographic code, with a special focus on ECC. The framework presented in this thesis is able to produce high speed cryptographic code by automatically choosing the best algorithms and applying a number of code-improving techniques inspired by the compiler theory. Its central component is a flexible and powerful compiler able to translate an algorithm written in a high level language and produce a highly optimized C code for a particular algebraic structure and hardware platform. The system is generic enough to accommodate a wide array of number theory related algorithms, however this document focuses only on optimizing primitives based on elliptic curves defined over binary fields

    Reconfigurable elliptic curve cryptography

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    Elliptic Curve Cryptosystems (ECC) have been proposed as an alternative to other established public key cryptosystems such as RSA (Rivest Shamir Adleman). ECC provide more security per bit than other known public key schemes based on the discrete logarithm problem. Smaller key sizes result in faster computations, lower power consumption and memory and bandwidth savings, thus making ECC a fast, flexible and cost-effective solution for providing security in constrained environments. Implementing ECC on reconfigurable platform combines the speed, security and concurrency of hardware along with the flexibility of the software approach. This work proposes a generic architecture for elliptic curve cryptosystem on a Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) that performs an elliptic curve scalar multiplication in 1.16milliseconds for GF (2163), which is considerably faster than most other documented implementations. One of the benefits of the proposed processor architecture is that it is easily reprogrammable to use different algorithms and is adaptable to any field order. Also through reconfiguration the arithmetic unit can be optimized for different area/speed requirements. The mathematics involved uses binary extension field of the form GF (2n) as the underlying field and polynomial basis for the representation of the elements in the field. A significant gain in performance is obtained by using projective coordinates for the points on the curve during the computation process

    Efficient Elliptic Curve Cryptography Software Implementation on Embedded Platforms

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