2,860 research outputs found

    Speech Synthesis Based on Hidden Markov Models

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    Evaluation of a transplantation algorithm for expressive speech synthesis

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    When designing human-machine interfaces it is important to consider not only the bare bones functionality but also the ease of use and accessibility it provides. When talking about voice-based inter- faces, it has been proven that imbuing expressiveness into the synthetic voices increases signi?cantly its perceived naturalness, which in the end is very helpful when building user friendly interfaces. This paper proposes an adaptation based expressiveness transplantation system capable of copying the emotions of a source speaker into any desired target speaker with just a few minutes of read speech and without requiring the record- ing of additional expressive data. This system was evaluated through a perceptual test for 3 speakers showing up to an average of 52% emotion recognition rates relative to the natural voice recognition rates, while at the same time keeping good scores in similarity and naturality

    Towards speaking style transplantation in speech synthesis

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    One of the biggest challenges in speech synthesis is the production of naturally sounding synthetic voices. This means that the resulting voice must be not only of high enough quality but also that it must be able to capture the natural expressiveness imbued in human speech. This paper focus on solving the expressiveness problem by proposing a set of different techniques that could be used for extrapolating the expressiveness of proven high quality speaking style models into neutral speakers in HMM-based synthesis. As an additional advantage, the proposed techniques are based on adaptation approaches, which means that they can be used with little training data (around 15 minutes of training data are used in each style for this paper). For the final implementation, a set of 4 speaking styles were considered: news broadcasts, live sports commentary, interviews and parliamentary speech. Finally, the implementation of the 5 techniques were tested through a perceptual evaluation that proves that the deviations between neutral and speaking style average models can be learned and used to imbue expressiveness into target neutral speakers as intended

    Continuous expressive speaking styles synthesis based on CVSM and MR-HMM

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    This paper introduces a continuous system capable of automatically producing the most adequate speaking style to synthesize a desired target text. This is done thanks to a joint modeling of the acoustic and lexical parameters of the speaker models by adapting the CVSM projection of the training texts using MR-HMM techniques. As such, we consider that as long as sufficient variety in the training data is available, we should be able to model a continuous lexical space into a continuous acoustic space. The proposed continuous automatic text to speech system was evaluated by means of a perceptual evaluation in order to compare them with traditional approaches to the task. The system proved to be capable of conveying the correct expressiveness (average adequacy of 3.6) with an expressive strength comparable to oracle traditional expressive speech synthesis (average of 3.6) although with a drop in speech quality mainly due to the semi-continuous nature of the data (average quality of 2.9). This means that the proposed system is capable of improving traditional neutral systems without requiring any additional user interaction

    Measuring the Quality of Low-Resourced Statistical Parametric Speech Synthesis Trained with Noise-Degraded Data Supported by the University of Costa Rica

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    After the successful implementation of speech synthesis in several languages, the study of robustness became an important topic so as to increase the possibility of building voices from non-standard sources, e.g. historical recordings, children's speech, and data freely available on the Internet. In this work, a measure of the influence of noise in the source speech of the statistical parametric speech synthesis system based on HMM is performed, for a case of a low-resourced database. For this purpose, three types of additive noise were considered at five signal-to-noise ratio levels to affect the source speech data. Using objective measures to assess the perceptual quality of the results and the propagation of the noise through all the processes of building speech synthesis, the results show a severe drop in the quality of artificial speech, even for the cases of lower levels of noise. Such degradation seems to be independent of the noise type, and is at lower proportion to the noise level. This results are of importance for any practical implementation of speech synthesis from degraded data in similar conditions, and shows that applying denoising processes became mandatory in order to keep the possibility of building intelligible voices.UCR::Vicerrectoría de Docencia::Ingeniería::Facultad de Ingeniería::Escuela de Ingeniería Eléctric

    Generating segmental foreign accent

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    For most of us, speaking in a non-native language involves deviating to some extent from native pronunciation norms. However, the detailed basis for foreign accent (FA) remains elusive, in part due to methodological challenges in isolating segmental from suprasegmental factors. The current study examines the role of segmental features in conveying FA through the use of a generative approach in which accent is localised to single consonantal segments. Three techniques are evaluated: the first requires a highly-proficiency bilingual to produce words with isolated accented segments; the second uses cross-splicing of context-dependent consonants from the non-native language into native words; the third employs hidden Markov model synthesis to blend voice models for both languages. Using English and Spanish as the native/non-native languages respectively, listener cohorts from both languages identified words and rated their degree of FA. All techniques were capable of generating accented words, but to differing degrees. Naturally-produced speech led to the strongest FA ratings and synthetic speech the weakest, which we interpret as the outcome of over-smoothing. Nevertheless, the flexibility offered by synthesising localised accent encourages further development of the method

    Towards glottal source controllability in expressive speech synthesis

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    In order to obtain more human like sounding humanmachine interfaces we must first be able to give them expressive capabilities in the way of emotional and stylistic features so as to closely adequate them to the intended task. If we want to replicate those features it is not enough to merely replicate the prosodic information of fundamental frequency and speaking rhythm. The proposed additional layer is the modification of the glottal model, for which we make use of the GlottHMM parameters. This paper analyzes the viability of such an approach by verifying that the expressive nuances are captured by the aforementioned features, obtaining 95% recognition rates on styled speaking and 82% on emotional speech. Then we evaluate the effect of speaker bias and recording environment on the source modeling in order to quantify possible problems when analyzing multi-speaker databases. Finally we propose a speaking styles separation for Spanish based on prosodic features and check its perceptual significance

    Spanish Emotional Speech Synthesis

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    In this project a text-to-speech (TTS) HMM-based speech system (HTS) has been used to create emotional synthetic speech in Spanish. Nowadays the synthetic voices have high quality, but this is not enough, they must be able to capture the natural expressiveness of the human speech. Giving this expressiveness to the synthetic voices will lead to a much more natural voice, that is the goal of these systems.To achieve this, both male and female voices will be used and two different techniques will be applied: dependent models and average voice models with adaptation.In this TTS system diffeerent vocoders can be used. For this project GlottHMM has been used and then three perceptual test have been carried out to compare it with STRAIGHT vocoder.The results of the perceptual tests shows that STRAIGHT is very robust and that GlottHMM is not yet at its level regarding the emotional speech synthesis

    Review of Research on Speech Technology: Main Contributions From Spanish Research Groups

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    In the last two decades, there has been an important increase in research on speech technology in Spain, mainly due to a higher level of funding from European, Spanish and local institutions and also due to a growing interest in these technologies for developing new services and applications. This paper provides a review of the main areas of speech technology addressed by research groups in Spain, their main contributions in the recent years and the main focus of interest these days. This description is classified in five main areas: audio processing including speech, speaker characterization, speech and language processing, text to speech conversion and spoken language applications. This paper also introduces the Spanish Network of Speech Technologies (RTTH. Red Temática en Tecnologías del Habla) as the research network that includes almost all the researchers working in this area, presenting some figures, its objectives and its main activities developed in the last years