6 research outputs found

    A Taxonomy of Attribute Scoring Functions

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    Shifting the analysis from items to the granularity of attributes is a promising approach to address complex decision-making problems. In this work, we study attribute scoring functions (ASFs), which transform values from data attributes to numerical scores. As the output of ASFs for different attributes is always comparable and scores carry user preferences, ASFs are particularly useful for analysis goals such as multi-attribute ranking, multi-criteria optimization, or similarity modeling. However, non-programmers cannot yet fully leverage their individual preferences on attribute values, as visual analytics (VA) support for the creation of ASFs is still in its infancy, and guidelines for the creation of ASFs are missing almost entirely. We present a taxonomy of eight types of ASFs and an overview of tools for the creation of ASFs as a result of an extensive literature review. Both the taxonomy and the tools overview have descriptive power, as they represent and combine non-visual math and statistics perspectives with the VA perspective. We underpin the usefulness of VA support for broader user groups in real-world cases for all eight types of ASFs, unveil missing VA support for the ASF creation, and discuss the integration of ASF in VA workflows

    Semi-automatic transfer function generation for volumetric data visualization using contour tree analyses

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    A comparative review of tone-mapping algorithms for high dynamic range video

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    Tone-mapping constitutes a key component within the field of high dynamic range (HDR) imaging. Its importance is manifested in the vast amount of tone-mapping methods that can be found in the literature, which are the result of an active development in the area for more than two decades. Although these can accommodate most requirements for display of HDR images, new challenges arose with the advent of HDR video, calling for additional considerations in the design of tone-mapping operators (TMOs). Today, a range of TMOs exist that do support video material. We are now reaching a point where most camera captured HDR videos can be prepared in high quality without visible artifacts, for the constraints of a standard display device. In this report, we set out to summarize and categorize the research in tone-mapping as of today, distilling the most important trends and characteristics of the tone reproduction pipeline. While this gives a wide overview over the area, we then specifically focus on tone-mapping of HDR video and the problems this medium entails. First, we formulate the major challenges a video TMO needs to address. Then, we provide a description and categorization of each of the existing video TMOs. Finally, by constructing a set of quantitative measures, we evaluate the performance of a number of the operators, in order to give a hint on which can be expected to render the least amount of artifacts. This serves as a comprehensive reference, categorization and comparative assessment of the state-of-the-art in tone-mapping for HDR video.This project was funded by the Swedish Foundation for Strategic Research (SSF) through grant IIS11-0081, Linköping University Center for Industrial Information Technology (CENIIT), the Swedish Research Council through the Linnaeus Environment CADICS

    High dynamic range volume visualization

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    Raw data HDR image (pseudo color encoded) Tone mapped image Figure 1: Pipeline of high dynamic range volume visualization. The input is a scalar volume with high precision and/or high resolution (e.g. 2048 3). The user defines a transfer function using a novel non-linear magnification interface. The volume rendering output is in high dynamic range image format. By applying a tone mapping operator, the final result can be displayed on a regular low dynamic range display device. High resolution volumes require high precision compositing to preserve detailed structures. This is even more desirable for volumes with high dynamic range values. After the high precision intermediate image has been computed, simply rounding up pixel values to regular display scales loses the computed details. In this paper, we present a novel high dynamic range volume visualization method for rendering volume data with both high spatial and intensity resolutions. Our method performs high precision volume rendering followed by dynamic tone mapping to preserve details on regular display devices. By leveraging available high dynamic range imag