691 research outputs found

    A Monte Carlo method for accelerating the computation of animated radiosity sequences

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    Realistic rendering animation is known to be an expensive processing task when physically-based global illumination methods are used in order to improve illumination details. This paper presents an acceleration technique to compute animations in radiosity environments. The technique is based on an interpolated approach that exploits temporal coherence in radiosity. A fast global Monte Carlo pre-processing step is introduced to the whole computation of the animated sequence to select important frames. These are fully computed and used as a base for the interpolation of all the sequence. The approach is completely view-independent. Once the illumination is computed, it can be visualized by any animated camera. Results present significant high speed-ups showing that the technique could be an interesting alternative to deterministic methods for computing non-interactive radiosity animations for moderately complex scenario

    A Gathering and Shooting Progressive Refinement Radiosity Method

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    This paper presents a gathering and shooting progressive refinement radiosity method. Our method integrates the iterative process of light energy gathering used in the standard full matrix method and the iterative process of light energy shooting used in the conventional progressive refinement method. As usual, in each iteration, the algorithm first selects the patch which holds the maximum unprocessed light energy in the environment as the shooting patch. But before the shooting process is activated, a light energy gathering process takes place. In this gathering process, the amount of the unprocessed light energy which is supposed to be shot to the current shooting patch from the rest of the environment in later iterations is pre-accumulated. In general, this extra amount of gathered light energy is far from trivial since it comes from every patch in the environment from which the current shooting patch can be seen. However, with the reciprocity relationship for form-factors, still only one hemi-cube of the form-factors is needed in each iteration step. Based on a concise record of the history of the unprocessed light energy distribution in the environment, a new progressive refinement algorithm with revised gathering and shooting procedures is then proposed. With little additional computation and memory usage compared to the conventional progressive refinement radiosity method, a solid convergence speedup is achieved. This gathering and shooting approach extends the capability of the radiosity method in accurate and efficient simulation of the global illuminations of complex environments

    Efficient representations of large radiosity matrices

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    The radiosity equation can be expressed as a linear system, where light interactions between patches of the scene are considered. Its resolution has been one of the main subjects in computer graphics, which has lead to the development of methods focused on different goals. For instance, in inverse lighting problems, it is convenient to solve the radiosity equation thousands of times for static geometries. Also, this calculation needs to consider many (or infinite) light bounces to achieve accurate global illumination results. Several methods have been developed to solve the linear system by finding approximations or other representations of the radiosity matrix, because the full storage of this matrix is memory demanding. Some examples are hierarchical radiosity, progressive refinement approaches, or wavelet radiosity. Even though these methods are memory efficient, they may become slow for many light bounces, due to their iterative nature. Recently, efficient methods have been developed for the direct resolution of the radiosity equation. In this case, the challenge is to reduce the memory requirements of the radiosity matrix, and its inverse. The main objective of this thesis is exploiting the properties of specific problems to reduce the memory requirements of the radiosity problem. Hereby, two types of problems are analyzed. The first problem is to solve radiosity for scenes with a high spatial coherence, such as it happens to some architectural models. The second involves scenes with a high occlusion factor between patches. For the high spatial coherence case, a novel and efficient error-bounded factorization method is presented. It is based on the use of multiple singular value decompositions along with a space filling curve, which allows to exploit spatial coherence. This technique accelerates the factorization of in-core matrices, and allows to work with out-of-core matrices passing only one time over them. In the experimental analysis, the presented method is applied to scenes up to 163K patches. After a precomputation stage, it is used to solve the radiosity equation for fixed geometries and infinite bounces, at interactive times. For the high occlusion problem, city models are used. In this case, the sparsity of the radiosity matrix is exploited. An approach for radiative exchange computation is proposed, where the inverse of the radiosity matrix is approximated. In this calculation, near-zero elements are removed, leading to a highly sparse result. This technique is applied to simulate daylight in urban environments composed by up to 140k patches.La ecuación de radiosidad tiene por objetivo el cálculo de la interacción de la luz con los elementos de la escena. Esta se puede expresar como un sistema lineal, cuya resolución ha derivado en el desarrollo de diversos métodos gráficos para satisfacer propósitos específicos. Por ejemplo, en problemas inversos de iluminación para geometrías estáticas, se debe resolver la ecuación de radiosidad miles de veces. Además, este cálculo debe considerar muchos (infinitos) rebotes de luz, si se quieren obtener resultados precisos de iluminación global. Entre los métodos desarrollados, se destacan aquellos que generan aproximaciones u otras representaciones de la matriz de radiosidad, debido a que su almacenamiento requiere grandes cantidades de memoria. Algunos ejemplos de estas técnicas son la radiosidad jerárquica, el refinamiento progresivo y la radiosidad basada en wavelets. Si bien estos métodos son eficientes en cuanto a memoria, pueden ser lentos cuando se requiere el cálculo de muchos rebotes de luz, debido a su naturaleza iterativa. Recientemente se han desarrollado métodos eficientes para la resolución directa de la ecuación de radiosidad, basados en el pre-cómputo de la inversa de la matriz de radiosidad. En estos casos, el desafío consiste en reducir los requerimientos de memoria y tiempo de ejecución para el cálculo de la matriz y de su inversa. El principal objetivo de la tesis consiste en explotar propiedades específicas de ciertos problemas de iluminación para reducir los requerimientos de memoria de la ecuación de radiosidad. En este contexto, se analizan dos casos diferentes. El primero consiste en hallar la radiosidad para escenas con alta coherencia espacial, tal como ocurre en algunos modelos arquitectónicos. El segundo involucra escenas con un elevado factor de oclusión entre parches. Para el caso de alta coherencia espacial, se presenta un nuevo método de factorización de matrices que es computacionalmente eficiente y que genera aproximaciones cuyo error es configurable. Está basado en el uso de múltiples descomposiciones en valores singulares (SVD) junto a una curva de recubrimiento espacial, lo que permite explotar la coherencia espacial. Esta técnica acelera la factorización de matrices que entran en memoria, y permite trabajar con matrices que no entran en memoria, recorriéndolas una única vez. En el análisis experimental, el método presentado es aplicado a escenas de hasta 163 mil parches. Luego de una etapa de precómputo, se logra resolver la ecuación de radiosidad en tiempos interactivos, para geométricas estáticas e infinitos rebotes. Para el problema de alta oclusión, se utilizan modelos de ciudades. En este caso, se aprovecha la baja densidad de la matriz de radiosidad, y se propone una técnica para el cálculo aproximado de su inversa. En este cálculo, los elementos cercanos a cero son eliminados. La técnica es aplicada a la simulación de la luz natural en ambientes urbanos compuestos por hasta 140 mil parches

    Spatial Sound Rendering – A Survey

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    Simulating propagation of sound and audio rendering can improve the sense of realism and the immersion both in complex acoustic environments and dynamic virtual scenes. In studies of sound auralization, the focus has always been on room acoustics modeling, but most of the same methods are also applicable in the construction of virtual environments such as those developed to facilitate computer gaming, cognitive research, and simulated training scenarios. This paper is a review of state-of-the-art techniques that are based on acoustic principles that apply not only to real rooms but also in 3D virtual environments. The paper also highlights the need to expand the field of immersive sound in a web based browsing environment, because, despite the interest and many benefits, few developments seem to have taken place within this context. Moreover, the paper includes a list of the most effective algorithms used for modelling spatial sound propagation and reports their advantages and disadvantages. Finally, the paper emphasizes in the evaluation of these proposed works

    A New Mathematical Development for Radiosity Animation with Galerkin

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    International audienceCombining animation and global illumination constitutes, at present, a true challenge in computer graphics, especially when light sources move in a complex scene because the entire illumination has to be recomputed. This paper introduces a new algorithm, based on the Galerkin method, which can efficiently manage any moving surface -even light source- to compute animation sequences. For each new frame of a sequence, we take into account the continuous property of the moves to determine the necessary energy differences between the previous global illumination solution and the new one. Based on a mathematical development of the form factor, this new approach leads to an efficient and simple algorithm, similar to the classical progressive refinement algorithm, and which computes animated sequence about three times faster

    Efficient From-Point Visibility for Global Illumination in Virtual Scenes with Participating Media

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    Sichtbarkeitsbestimmung ist einer der fundamentalen Bausteine fotorealistischer Bildsynthese. Da die Berechnung der Sichtbarkeit allerdings äußerst kostspielig zu berechnen ist, wird nahezu die gesamte Berechnungszeit darauf verwendet. In dieser Arbeit stellen wir neue Methoden zur Speicherung, Berechnung und Approximation von Sichtbarkeit in Szenen mit streuenden Medien vor, die die Berechnung erheblich beschleunigen, dabei trotzdem qualitativ hochwertige und artefaktfreie Ergebnisse liefern

    A conceptual framework for multi-modal interactive virtual workspaces

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    Construction projects involve a large number of both direct stakeholders (clients, professional teams, contractors, etc.) and indirect stakeholders (local authorities, residents, workers, etc.). Current methods of communicating building design information can lead to several types of difficulties (e.g. incomplete understanding of the planned construction, functional inefficiencies, inaccurate initial work or clashes between components, etc.). Integrated software solutions based on VR technologies can bring significant value improvement and cost reduction to the Construction Industry. The aim of this paper is to present research being carried out in the frame of the DIVERCITY project (Distributed Virtual Workspace for Enhancing Communication within the Construction Industry - IST project n°13365), funded under the European IST programme (Information Society Technologies). DIVERCITY's goal is to develop a Virtual Workspace that addresses three key building construction phases: (1) Client briefing (with detailed interaction between clients and architects); (2) Design Review (which requires detailed input from multidisciplinary teams - architects, engineers, facility managers, etc.); (3) Construction (aiming to fabricate or refurbish the building).Using a distributed architecture, the DIVERCITY system aims to support and enhance concurrent engineering practices for these three phases allowing teams based in different geographic locations to collaboratively design, test and validate shared virtual projects. The global DIVERCITY project will be presented in terms of objectives and the software architecture will be detailed.149-162Pubblicat

    Interactive raytraced caustics

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    technical reportIn computer graphics, bright patterns of light focused onto matte surfaces are called ?caustics?. We present a method for rendering dynamic scenes with moving caustics at interactive rates. This technique requires some simplifying assumptions about caustic behavior allowing us to consider it a local spatial property which we sample in a pre-processing stage. Storing the caustic locally limits caustic rendering to a simple lookup. We examine a number of ways to represent this data, allowing us to trade between accuracy, storage, run time, and precomputation time