40 research outputs found

    Inherently workload-balanced clustered microarchitecture

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    The performance of clustered microarchitectures relies on steering schemes that try to find the best trade-off between workload balance and inter-cluster communication penalties. In previously proposed clustered processors, reducing communication penalties and balancing the workload are opposite targets, since improving one usually implies a detriment in the other. In this paper we propose a new clustered microarchitecture that can minimize communication penalties without compromising workload balance. The key idea is to arrange the clusters in a ring topology in such a way that results of one cluster can be forwarded to the neighbor cluster with a very short latency. In this way, minimizing communication penalties is favored when the producer of a value and its consumer are placed in adjacent clusters, which also favors workload balance. The proposed microarchitecture is shown to outperform a state-of-the-art clustered processor. For instance, for an 8-cluster configuration and just one fully pipelined unidirectional bus, 15% speedup is achieved on average for FP programs.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Frontend frequency-voltage adaptation for optimal energy-delay/sup 2/

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    In this paper, we present a clustered, multiple-clock domain (CMCD) microarchitecture that combines the benefits of both clustering and globally asynchronous locally synchronous (GALS) designs. We also present a mechanism for dynamically adapting the frequency and voltage of the frontend of the CMCD with the goal to optimize the energy-delay/sup 2/ product (ED2P). Our mechanism has minimal hardware cost, is entirely self-adjustable, does not depend on any thresholds, and achieves results close to optimal. We evaluate it on 16 SPEC 2000 applications and report 17.5% ED2P reduction on average (80% of the upper bound).Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Using MCD-DVS for dynamic thermal management performance improvement

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    With chip temperature being a major hurdle in microprocessor design, techniques to recover the performance loss due to thermal emergency mechanisms are crucial in order to sustain performance growth. Many techniques for power reduction in the past and some on thermal management more recently have contributed to alleviate this problem. Probably the most important thermal control technique is dynamic voltage and frequency scaling (DVS) which allows for almost cubic reduction in power with worst-case performance penalty only linear. So far, DVS techniques for temperature control have been studied at the chip level. Finer grain DVS is feasible if a globally-asynchronous locally-synchronous (GALS) design style is employed. GALS, also known as multiple-clock domain (MCD), allows for an independent voltage and frequency control for each one of the clock domains that are part of the chip. There are several studies on DVS for GALS that aim to improve energy and power efficiency but not temperature. This paper proposes and analyses the usage of DVS at the domain level to control temperature in a clustered MCD microarchitecture with the goal of improving the performance of applications that do not meet the thermal constraints imposed by the designers.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Virtual cluster scheduling through the scheduling graph

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    This paper presents an instruction scheduling and cluster assignment approach for clustered processors. The proposed technique makes use of a novel representation named the scheduling graph which describes all possible schedules. A powerful deduction process is applied to this graph, reducing at each step the set of possible schedules. In contrast to traditional list scheduling techniques, the proposed scheme tries to establish relations among instructions rather than assigning each instruction to a particular cycle. The main advantage is that wrong or poor schedules can be anticipated and discarded earlier. In addition, cluster assignment of instructions is performed using another novel concept called virtual clusters, which define sets of instructions that must execute in the same cluster. These clusters are managed during the deduction process to identify incompatibilities among instructions. The mapping of virtual to physical clusters is postponed until the scheduling of the instructions has finalized. The advantages this novel approach features include: (1) accurate scheduling information when assigning, and, (2) accurate information of the cluster assignment constraints imposed by scheduling decisions. We have implemented and evaluated the proposed scheme with superblocks extracted from Speclnt95 and MediaBench. The results show that this approach produces better schedules than the previous state-of-the-art. Speed-ups are up to 15%, with average speed-ups ranging from 2.5% (2-Clusters) to 9.5% (4-Clusters).Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Design of a distributed memory unit for clustered microarchitectures

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    Power constraints led to the end of exponential growth in single–processor performance, which characterized the semiconductor industry for many years. Single–chip multiprocessors allowed the performance growth to continue so far. Yet, Amdahl’s law asserts that the overall performance of future single–chip multiprocessors will depend crucially on single–processor performance. In a multiprocessor a small growth in single–processor performance can justify the use of significant resources. Partitioning the layout of critical components can improve the energy–efficiency and ultimately the performance of a single processor. In a clustered microarchitecture parts of these components form clusters. Instructions are processed locally in the clusters and benefit from the smaller size and complexity of the clusters components. Because the clusters together process a single instruction stream communications between clusters are necessary and introduce an additional cost. This thesis proposes the design of a distributed memory unit and first level cache in the context of a clustered microarchitecture. While the partitioning of other parts of the microarchitecture has been well studied the distribution of the memory unit and the cache has received comparatively little attention. The first proposal consists of a set of cache bank predictors. Eight different predictor designs are compared based on cost and accuracy. The second proposal is the distributed memory unit. The load and store queues are split into smaller queues for distributed disambiguation. The mapping of memory instructions to cache banks is delayed until addresses have been calculated. We show how disambiguation can be implemented efficiently with unordered queues. A bank predictor is used to map instructions that consume memory data near the data origin. We show that this organization significantly reduces both energy usage and latency. The third proposal introduces Dispatch Throttling and Pre-Access Queues. These mechanisms avoid load/store queue overflows that are a result of the late allocation of entries. The fourth proposal introduces Memory Issue Queues, which add functionality to select instructions for execution and re-execution to the memory unit. The fifth proposal introduces Conservative Deadlock Aware Entry Allocation. This mechanism is a deadlock safe issue policy for the Memory Issue Queues. Deadlocks can result from certain queue allocations because entries are allocated out-of-order instead of in-order like in traditional architectures. The sixth proposal is the Early Release of Load Queue Entries. Architectures with weak memory ordering such as Alpha, PowerPC or ARMv7 can take advantage of this mechanism to release load queue entries before the commit stage. Together, these proposals allow significantly smaller and more energy efficient load queues without the need of energy hungry recovery mechanisms and without performance penalties. Finally, we present a detailed study that compares the proposed distributed memory unit to a centralized memory unit and confirms its advantages of reduced energy usage and of improved performance

    Affordable kilo-instruction processors

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    Diversos motius expliquen l'estancament en el que es troba el desenvolupament del processador tradicional dissenyat per maximitzar el rendiment d'un únic fil d'execució. Per una banda, técniques agressives com la supersegmentacó del camí de dades o l'execució fora d'ordre tenen un impacte molt negatiu sobre el consum de potència i la complexitat del disseny. Altrament, l'increment en la freqüència del processador augmenta la discrepància entre la velocitat del processador i el temps d'accés a memòria principal. Tot i que les memòries cau redueixen considerablement el nombre d'accessos a memòria principal, aquests accessos introdueixen latencies prou grans per reduir considerablement el rendiment. Tècniques convencionals com l'execució fora d'ordre, útils per ocultar accessos a les memòries cau de 2on nivell, no estan pensades per ocultar latències tan grans. Caldrien cues amb mides de centenars d'instruccions i milers de registres per tal de no interrompre l'execució en el moment de produir-se un accés a memòria principal. Desafortunadament, la tecnologia disponible no és eficient per implementar aquestes estructures monolíticament, doncs resultaria un temps d'accés molt elevat, un consum de potència igualment elevat i un àrea no menyspreable. En aquesta tesi s'han estudiat tècniques que permeten l'implementació d'un processador amb capacitat per continuar processant instruccions en el cas de que es produeixin accessos a memòria principal. Les condicions per a que aquest processador sigui implementable són que estigui basat en estructures de mida convencional i que tingui una unitat de control senzilla. El repte es troba en conciliar un model de processador distribuït amb un control senzill. El problema del disseny del processador s'ha enfocat observant el comportament d'un processador de recursos infinits. S'ha observat que l'execució segueix uns patrons molt interessants, basats en la localitat d'execució. En aplicacions numèriques s'observa que més del 70% de les instruccions no depenen de accessos a memòria principal. Aixó és molt important doncs mostra que sempre hi ha una porció important d'instruccions executables poc després de la decodificació. Aixó permet proposar un nou tipus de processador amb dues unitats d'execució. La primera unitat (el "Cache Processor") processa a alta velocitat instruccions independents de memòria principal. La segona unitat ("Memory Processor") processa les instruccions dependents de accessos a memòria principal, pero de forma molt més relaxada, cosa que li permet mantenir milers de instruccions en vol. Aquesta proposta rep el nom de Decoupled KILO-Instruction Processor (D-KIP) i té forces avantatges: per un costat permet la construcció d'un kilo-instruction processor basat en estructures convencionals i per l'altre simplifica el disseny ja que minimitza les interaccions entre ambdos unitats d'execució.En aquesta tesi es proposen dos implementacions de processadors desacoblats: el D-KIP original, i el Flexible Heterogeneous MultiCore (FMC). Sobre aquestes propostes s'analitza el rendiment i es compara amb altres tècniques que incrementan el parallelisme de memoria, com el prefetching o l'execució "runahead". D'aquesta avaluació es desprén que el processador FMC té un rendiment similar al de un processador convencional amb una finestra de 1500 instruccions en vol. Posteriorment s'analitza l'integració del FMC en entorns multicore/multiprogrammats. La tesi es completa amb la proposta d'una cua de loads i stores (LSQ) per a aquest tipus de processador.Several motives explain the slowdown of high-performance single-thread processor development. On the one hand, aggressive techniques such as superpipelining or out-of-order execution have a considerable impact on power consumption and design complexity. On the other hand, the increment in processor frequencies has led to a large disparity between processor speed and memory access time. Although cache memories considerably reduce the number of accesses to main memory, the remaining accesses introduce latencies large enough to considerably decrease performance. Conventional techniques such as out-of-order execution, while effective in hiding L2 cache accesses, cannot hide latencies this large. Queues of hundreds of entries and thousands of registers would be necessary in order to prevent execution from stalling in the event of a L2 cache miss. Unfortunately, current technology cannot efficiently implement such structures monolithically, as access latencies would considerably increase, as would power consumption and area consumption.In this thesis we studied techniques that allow the processor to continue processing instructions in the event of main memory accesses. The conditions for such a processor to be implementable are that it should be based on structures of conventional size and that it should feature simple control logic. The challenge lies in being able to design a distributed processor with simple control. The design of this processor has been approached by analyzing the behavior of a processor with infinite resources. We have observed that execution follows a very interesting pattern based on execution locality. In numerical codes we observed that over 70% of all instructions do not depend on memory accesses. This is interesting since it shows that there is always a large portion of instructions that can be executed shortly after decode. This allows us to propose a new kind of processor with two execution units. The first unit, the Cache Processor, processes memory-independent instructions at high speed. The second unit, the Memory Processor, processes instructions that depend on main memory accesses, but using relaxed scheduling logic, which allows it to scale to thousands of in-flight instructions. This proposal, which receives the name of Decoupled KILO-Instruction Processor (D-KIP), has several advantages. On the one hand it allows the construction of a kilo-instruction processor based on conventional structures and, on the other hand, it simplifies the design as the interaction between both execution units is minimal. In this thesis two implementations for this kind of processor are presented: the original D-KIP and the Flexible Heterogeneous MultiCore (FMC). The performance of these proposals is analyzed and compared to other proposals that increase memory-level parallelism, such as prefetching or runahead execution. It is observed that the FMC processor performs at the same level of a conventional processor with a window of around 1500 instructions. Further, the integration of the FMC processor into a multicore/multiprogrammed environment is studied. This thesis concludes with the proposal of a two-level Load/Store Queue for this kind of processor

    Symbiotic Subordinate Threading (SST)

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    Integration of multiple processor cores on a single die, relatively constant die sizes, increasing memory latencies, and emerging new applications create new challenges and opportunities for processor architects. How to build a multi-core processor that provides high single-thread performance while enabling high throughput through multi-programming? Conventional approaches for high single-thread performance use a large instruction window for memory latency tolerance, which requires large and complex cores. However, to be able to integrate more cores on the same die for high throughput, cores must be simpler and smaller. We present an architecture that obtains high performance for single-threaded applications in a multi-core environment, while using simpler cores to meet the high throughput requirement. Our scheme, called Symbiotic Subordinate Threading (SST), achieves the benefits of a large instruction window by utilizing otherwise idle cores to run dynamically constructed subordinate threads (a.k.a. {\em helper threads}) for the individual threads running on the active cores. In our proposed execution paradigm, the subordinate thread fetches and pre-processes instruction streams and retires processed instructions into a buffer for the main thread to consume. The subordinate thread executes a smaller version of the program executed by the main thread. As a result, it runs far ahead to warm up the data caches and fix branch miss-predictions for the main thread. In-flight instructions are present in the subordinate thread, the buffer, and the main thread, forming a very large effective instruction window for single-thread out-of-order execution. Moreover, using a simple technique of identifying the subordinate thread non-speculative results, the main thread can integrate the subordinate thread's non-speculative results directly into its state without having to execute their corresponding instructions. In this way, the main thread is sped up because it also executes a smaller version of the program, and the total number of instructions executed is minimized, thereby achieving an efficient utilization of the hardware resources. The proposed SST architecture does not require large register files, issue queues, load/store queues, or reorder buffers. In addition, it incurs only minor hardware additions/changes. Experimental results show remarkable latency-hiding capabilities of the proposed SST architecture, outperforming existing architectures that share similar high-level microarchitecture

    An automated OpenCL FPGA compilation framework targeting a configurable, VLIW chip multiprocessor

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    Modern system-on-chips augment their baseline CPU with coprocessors and accelerators to increase overall computational capacity and power efficiency, and thus have evolved into heterogeneous systems. Several languages have been developed to enable this paradigm shift, including CUDA and OpenCL. This thesis discusses a unified compilation environment to enable heterogeneous system design through the use of OpenCL and a customised VLIW chip multiprocessor (CMP) architecture, known as the LE1. An LLVM compilation framework was researched and a prototype developed to enable the execution of OpenCL applications on the LE1 CPU. The framework fully automates the compilation flow and supports work-item coalescing to better utilise the CPU cores and alleviate the effects of thread divergence. This thesis discusses in detail both the software stack and target hardware architecture and evaluates the scalability of the proposed framework on a highly precise cycle-accurate simulator. This is achieved through the execution of 12 benchmarks across 240 different machine configurations, as well as further results utilising an incomplete development branch of the compiler. It is shown that the problems generally scale well with the LE1 architecture, up to eight cores, when the memory system becomes a serious bottleneck. Results demonstrate superlinear performance on certain benchmarks (x9 for the bitonic sort benchmark with 8 dual-issue cores) with further improvements from compiler optimisations (x14 for bitonic with the same configuration

    Instruction scheduling optimizations for energy efficient VLIW processors

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    Very Long Instruction Word (VLIW) processors are wide-issue statically scheduled processors. Instruction scheduling for these processors is performed by the compiler and is therefore a critical factor for its operation. Some VLIWs are clustered, a design that improves scalability to higher issue widths while improving energy efficiency and frequency. Their design is based on physically partitioning the shared hardware resources (e.g., register file). Such designs further increase the challenges of instruction scheduling since the compiler has the additional tasks of deciding on the placement of the instructions to the corresponding clusters and orchestrating the data movements across clusters. In this thesis we propose instruction scheduling optimizations for energy-efficient VLIW processors. Some of the techniques aim at improving the existing state-of-theart scheduling techniques, while others aim at using compiler techniques for closing the gap between lightweight hardware designs and more complex ones. Each of the proposed techniques target individual features of energy efficient VLIW architectures. Our first technique, called Aligned Scheduling, makes use of a novel scheduling heuristic for hiding memory latencies in lightweight VLIW processors without hardware load-use interlocks (Stall-On-Miss). With Aligned Scheduling, a software-only technique, a SOM processor coupled with non-blocking caches can better cope with the cache latencies and it can perform closer to the heavyweight designs. Performance is improved by up to 20% across a range of benchmarks from the Mediabench II and SPEC CINT2000 benchmark suites. The rest of the techniques target a class of VLIW processors known as clustered VLIWs, that are more scalable and more energy efficient and operate at higher frequencies than their monolithic counterparts. The second scheme (LUCAS) is an improved scheduler for clustered VLIW processors that solves the problem of the existing state-of-the-art schedulers being very susceptible to the inter-cluster communication latency. The proposed unified clustering and scheduling technique is a hybrid scheme that performs instruction by instruction switching between the two state-of-the-art clustering heuristics, leading to better scheduling than either of them. It generates better performing code compared to the state-of-the-art for a wide range of inter-cluster latency values on the Mediabench II benchmarks. The third technique (called CAeSaR) is a scheduler for clustered VLIW architectures that minimizes inter-cluster communication by local caching and reuse of already received data. Unlike dynamically scheduled processors, where this can be supported by the register renaming hardware, in VLIWs it has to be done by the code generator. The proposed instruction scheduler unifies cluster assignment, instruction scheduling and communication minimization in a single unified algorithm, solving the phase ordering issues between all three parts. The proposed scheduler shows an improvement in execution time of up to 20.3% and 13.8% on average across a range of benchmarks from the Mediabench II and SPEC CINT2000 benchmark suites. The last technique, applies to heterogeneous clustered VLIWs that support dynamic voltage and frequency scaling (DVFS) independently per cluster. In these processors there are no hardware interlocks between clusters to honor the data dependencies. Instead, the scheduler has to be aware of the DVFS decisions to guarantee correct execution. Effectively controlling DVFS, to selectively decrease the frequency of clusters with slack in their schedule, can lead to significant energy savings. The proposed technique (called UCIFF) solves the phase ordering problem between frequency selection and scheduling that is present in existing algorithms. The results show that UCIFF produces better code than the state-of-the-art and very close to the optimal across the Mediabench II benchmarks. Overall, the proposed instruction scheduling techniques lead to either better efficiency on existing designs or allow simpler lightweight designs to be competitive against ones with more complex hardware