102 research outputs found

    Happy endings for flip graphs

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    We show that the triangulations of a finite point set form a flip graph that can be embedded isometrically into a hypercube, if and only if the point set has no empty convex pentagon. Point sets of this type include convex subsets of lattices, points on two lines, and several other infinite families. As a consequence, flip distance in such point sets can be computed efficiently.Comment: 26 pages, 15 figures. Revised and expanded for journal publicatio

    All-Hex Meshing of Multiple-Region Domains without Cleanup

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    AbstractIn this paper, we present a new algorithm for all-hex meshing of domains with multiple regions without post-processing cleanup. Our method starts with a strongly balanced octree. In contrast to snapping the grid points onto the geometric boundaries, we move points a slight distance away from the common boundaries. Then we intersect the moved grid with the geometry. This allows us to avoid creating any flat angles, and we are able to handle two-sided regions and more complex topologies than prior methods. The algorithm is robust and cleanup-free; without the use of any pillowing, swapping, or smoothing. Thus, our simple algorithm is also more predictable than prior art

    Galerkin projection of discrete fields via supermesh construction

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    Interpolation of discrete FIelds arises frequently in computational physics. This thesis focuses on the novel implementation and analysis of Galerkin projection, an interpolation technique with three principal advantages over its competitors: it is optimally accurate in the L2 norm, it is conservative, and it is well-defined in the case of spaces of discontinuous functions. While these desirable properties have been known for some time, the implementation of Galerkin projection is challenging; this thesis reports the first successful general implementation. A thorough review of the history, development and current frontiers of adaptive remeshing is given. Adaptive remeshing is the primary motivation for the development of Galerkin projection, as its use necessitates the interpolation of discrete fields. The Galerkin projection is discussed and the geometric concept necessary for its implementation, the supermesh, is introduced. The efficient local construction of the supermesh of two meshes by the intersection of the elements of the input meshes is then described. Next, the element-element association problem of identifying which elements from the input meshes intersect is analysed. With efficient algorithms for its construction in hand, applications of supermeshing other than Galerkin projections are discussed, focusing on the computation of diagnostics of simulations which employ adaptive remeshing. Examples demonstrating the effectiveness and efficiency of the presented algorithms are given throughout. The thesis closes with some conclusions and possibilities for future work

    Extension of Wu-Peters bounds to Catmull-Clark and 4-8 subdivision

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    La méthode de subdivision Catmull-Clark ainsi que la méthode de subdivision Loop sont des normes industrielle de facto. D'autre part, la méthode de subdivision 4-8 est bien adaptée à la subdivision adaptative, parce que cette méthode augmente le nombre de faces ou de sommets par seulement un facteur de 2 à chaque raffinement. Cela promet d'être plus pratique pour atteindre un niveau donné de précision. Dans ce mémoire, nous présenterons une méthode permettant de paramétrer des surfaces de subdivision de la méthode Catmull-Clark et de la méthode 4-8. Par conséquent, de nombreux algorithmes mis au point pour des surfaces paramétriques pourrant être appliqués aux surfaces de subdivision Catmull-Clark et aux surfaces de subdivision 4-8. En particulier, nous pouvons calculer des bornes garanties et réalistes sur les patches, un peu comme les bornes correspondantes données par Wu-Peters pour la méthode de subdivision Loop.The Catmull-Clark and Loop methods are de facto industry standards. On the other hand, the 4-8 subdivision method is well suited for adaptive subdivision, because this method increases the number of faces or vertices by only a factor of 2 at each step. It is therefore more convenient when trying to achieve a given practical level of precision. In this thesis we will introduce a method to parametrize the subdivision surfaces of Catmull-Clark and 4-8 subdivision. As a consequence, many algorithms developed for parametric surfaces will be able to be applied to Catmull-Clark and 4-8 subdivision surfaces. In particular, we can produce bounds on surface patches which are both guaranteed and realistic, similar to the bounds given by Wu-Peters [24] for the Loop metho

    Geometric modeling and optimization over regular domains for graphics and visual computing

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    The effective construction of parametric representation of complicated geometric objects can facilitate many design, analysis, and simulation tasks in Computer-Aided Design (CAD), Computer-Aided Manufacturing (CAM), and Computer-Aided Engineering (CAE). Given a 3D shape, the procedure of finding such a parametric representation upon a canonical domain is called geometric parameterization. Regular geometric regions, such as polycubes and spheres, are desirable domains for parameterization. Parametric representations defined upon regular geometric domains have many desirable mathematical properties and can facilitate or simplify various surface/solid modeling and processing computation. This dissertation studies the construction of parameterization on regular geometric domains and explores their applications in shape modeling and computer-aided design. Specifically, we studies (1) the surface parameterization on the spherical domain for closed genus-zero surfaces; (2) the surface parameterization on the polycube domain for general closed surfaces; and (3) the volumetric parameterization for 3D-manifolds embedded in 3D Euclidean space. We propose novel computational models to solve these geometric problems. Our computational models reduce to nonlinear optimizations with various geometric constraints. Hence, we also need to explore effective optimization algorithms. The main contributions of this dissertation are three-folded. (1) We developed an effective progressive spherical parameterization algorithm, with an efficient nonlinear optimization scheme subject to the spherical constraint. Compared with the state-of-the-art spherical mapping algorithms, our algorithm demonstrates the advantages of great efficiency, lower distortion, and guaranteed bijectiveness, and we show its applications in spherical harmonic decomposition and shape analysis. (2) We propose a first topology-preserving polycube domain optimization algorithm that simultaneously optimizes polycube domain together with the parameterization to balance the mapping distortion and domain simplicity. We develop effective nonlinear geometric optimization algorithms dealing with variables with and without derivatives. This polycube parameterization algorithm can benefit the regular quadrilateral mesh generation and cross-surface parameterization. (3) We develop a novel quaternion-based optimization framework for 3D frame field construction and volumetric parameterization computation. We demonstrate our constructed 3D frame field has better smoothness, compared with state-of-the-art algorithms, and is effective in guiding low-distortion volumetric parameterization and high-quality hexahedral mesh generation

    Theory and applications of bijective barycentric mappings

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    Barycentric coordinates provide a convenient way to represent a point inside a triangle as a convex combination of the triangle's vertices, and to linearly interpolate data given at these vertices. Due to their favourable properties, they are commonly applied in geometric modelling, finite element methods, computer graphics, and many other fields. In some of these applications it is desirable to extend the concept of barycentric coordinates from triangles to polygons. Several variants of such generalized barycentric coordinates have been proposed in recent years. An important application of barycentric coordinates consists of barycentric mappings, which allow to naturally warp a source polygon to a corresponding target polygon, or more generally, to create mappings between closed curves or polyhedra. The principal practical application is image warping, which takes as input a control polygon drawn around an image and smoothly warps the image by moving the polygon vertices. A required property of image warping is to avoid fold-overs in the resulting image. The problem of fold-overs is a manifestation of a larger problem related to the lack of bijectivity of the barycentric mapping. Unfortunately, bijectivity of such barycentric mappings can only be guaranteed for the special case of warping between convex polygons or by triangulating the domain and hence renouncing smoothness. In fact, for any barycentric coordinates, it is always possible to construct a pair of polygons such that the barycentric mapping is not bijective. In the first part of this thesis we illustrate three methods to achieve bijective mappings. The first method is based on the intuition that, if two polygons are sufficiently close, then the mapping is close to the identity and hence bijective. This suggests to ``split'' the mapping into several intermediate mappings and to create a composite barycentric mapping which is guaranteed to be bijective between arbitrary polygons, polyhedra, or closed planar curves. We provide theoretical bounds on the bijectivity of the composite mapping related to the norm of the gradient of the coordinates. The fact that the bound depends on the gradient implies that these bounds exist only if the gradient of the coordinates is bounded. We focus on mean value coordinates and analyse the behaviour of their directional derivatives and gradient at the vertices of a polygon. The composition of barycentric mappings for closed planar curves leads to the problem of blending between two planar curves. We suggest to solve it by linearly interpolating the signed curvature and then reconstructing the intermediate curve from the interpolated curvature values. However, when both input curves are closed, this strategy can lead to open intermediate curves. We present a new algorithm for solving this problem, which finds the closed curve whose curvature is closest to the interpolated values. Our method relies on the definition of a suitable metric for measuring the distance between two planar curves and an appropriate discretization of the signed curvature functions. The second method to construct smooth bijective mappings with prescribed behaviour along the domain boundary exploits the properties of harmonic maps. These maps can be approximated in different ways, and we discuss their respective advantages and disadvantages. We further present a simple procedure for reducing their distortion and demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach by providing examples. The last method relies on a reformulation of complex barycentric mappings, which allows us to modify the ``speed'' along the edges to create complex bijective mappings. We provide some initial results and an optimization procedure which creates complex bijective maps. In the second part we provide two main applications of bijective mapping. The first one is in the context of finite elements simulations, where the discretization of the computational domain plays a central role. In the standard discretization, the domain is triangulated with a mesh and its boundary is approximated by a polygon. We present an approach which combines parametric finite elements with smooth bijective mappings, leaving the choice of approximation spaces free. This approach allows to represent arbitrarily complex geometries on coarse meshes with curved edges, regardless of the domain boundary complexity. The main idea is to use a bijective mapping for automatically warping the volume of a simple parametrization domain to the complex computational domain, thus creating a curved mesh of the latter. The second application addresses the meshing problem and the possibility to solve finite element simulations on polygonal meshes. In this context we present several methods to discretize the bijective mapping to create polygonal and piece-wise polynomial meshes
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