1,557 research outputs found

    A survey on feature drift adaptation: Definition, benchmark, challenges and future directions

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    Data stream mining is a fast growing research topic due to the ubiquity of data in several real-world problems. Given their ephemeral nature, data stream sources are expected to undergo changes in data distribution, a phenomenon called concept drift. This paper focuses on one specific type of drift that has not yet been thoroughly studied, namely feature drift. Feature drift occurs whenever a subset of features becomes, or ceases to be, relevant to the learning task; thus, learners must detect and adapt to these changes accordingly. We survey existing work on feature drift adaptation with both explicit and implicit approaches. Additionally, we benchmark several algorithms and a naive feature drift detection approach using synthetic and real-world datasets. The results from our experiments indicate the need for future research in this area as even naive approaches produced gains in accuracy while reducing resources usage. Finally, we state current research topics, challenges and future directions for feature drift adaptation

    Combining similarity in time and space for training set formation under concept drift

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    Concept drift is a challenge in supervised learning for sequential data. It describes a phenomenon when the data distributions change over time. In such a case accuracy of a classifier benefits from the selective sampling for training. We develop a method for training set selection, particularly relevant when the expected drift is gradual. Training set selection at each time step is based on the distance to the target instance. The distance function combines similarity in space and in time. The method determines an optimal training set size online at every time step using cross validation. It is a wrapper approach, it can be used plugging in different base classifiers. The proposed method shows the best accuracy in the peer group on the real and artificial drifting data. The method complexity is reasonable for the field applications

    Labelled Classifier with Weighted Drift Trigger Model using Machine Learning for Streaming Data Analysis

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    The term “data-drift” refers to a difference between the data used to test and validate a model and the data used to deploy it in production. It is possible for data to drift for a variety of reasons. The track of time is an important consideration. Data mining procedures such as classification, clustering, and data stream mining are critical to information extraction and knowledge discovery because of the possibility for significant data type and dimensionality changes over time. The amount of research on mining and analyzing real-time streaming data has risen dramatically in the recent decade. As the name suggests, it’s a stream of data that originates from a number of sources. Analyzing information assets has taken on increased significance in the quest for real-time analytics fulfilment. Traditional mining methods are no longer effective since data is acting in a different way. Aside from storage and temporal constraints, data streams provide additional challenges because just a single pass of the data is required. The dynamic nature of data streams makes it difficult to run any mining method, such as classification, clustering, or indexing, in a single iteration of data. This research identifies concept drift in streaming data classification. For data classification techniques, a Labelled Classifier with Weighted Drift Trigger Model (LCWDTM) is proposed that provides categorization and the capacity to tackle concept drift difficulties. The proposed classifier efficiency is contrasted with the existing classifiers and the results represent that the proposed model in data drift detection is accurate and efficient

    Heterogeneous ensemble selection for evolving data streams.

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    Ensemble learning has been widely applied to both batch data classification and streaming data classification. For the latter setting, most existing ensemble systems are homogenous, which means they are generated from only one type of learning model. In contrast, by combining several types of different learning models, a heterogeneous ensemble system can achieve greater diversity among its members, which helps to improve its performance. Although heterogeneous ensemble systems have achieved many successes in the batch classification setting, it is not trivial to extend them directly to the data stream setting. In this study, we propose a novel HEterogeneous Ensemble Selection (HEES) method, which dynamically selects an appropriate subset of base classifiers to predict data under the stream setting. We are inspired by the observation that a well-chosen subset of good base classifiers may outperform the whole ensemble system. Here, we define a good candidate as one that expresses not only high predictive performance but also high confidence in its prediction. Our selection process is thus divided into two sub-processes: accurate-candidate selection and confident-candidate selection. We define an accurate candidate in the stream context as a base classifier with high accuracy over the current concept, while a confident candidate as one with a confidence score higher than a certain threshold. In the first sub-process, we employ the prequential accuracy to estimate the performance of a base classifier at a specific time, while in the latter sub-process, we propose a new measure to quantify the predictive confidence and provide a method to learn the threshold incrementally. The final ensemble is formed by taking the intersection of the sets of confident classifiers and accurate classifiers. Experiments on a wide range of data streams show that the proposed method achieves competitive performance with lower running time in comparison to the state-of-the-art online ensemble methods

    Classifying distinct data types: textual streams protein sequences and genomic variants

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    Artificial Intelligence (AI) is an interdisciplinary field combining different research areas with the end goal to automate processes in the everyday life and industry. The fundamental components of AI models are an “intelligent” model and a functional component defined by the end-application. That is, an intelligent model can be a statistical model that can recognize patterns in data instances to distinguish differences in between these instances. For example, if the AI is applied in car manufacturing, based on an image of a part of a car, the model can categorize if the car part is in the front, middle or rear compartment of the car, as a human brain would do. For the same example application, the statistical model informs a mechanical arm, the functional component, for the current car compartment and the arm in turn assembles this compartment, of the car, based on predefined instructions, likely as a human hand would follow human brain neural signals. A crucial step of AI applications is the classification of input instances by the intelligent model. The classification step in the intelligent model pipeline allows the subsequent steps to act in similar fashion for instances belonging to the same category. We define as classification the module of the intelligent model, which categorizes the input instances based on predefined human-expert or data-driven produced patterns of the instances. Irrespectively of the method to find patterns in data, classification is composed of four distinct steps: (i) input representation, (ii) model building (iii) model prediction and (iv) model assessment. Based on these classification steps, we argue that applying classification on distinct data types holds different challenges. In this thesis, I focus on challenges for three distinct classification scenarios: (i) Textual Streams: how to advance the model building step, commonly used for static distribution of data, to classify textual posts with transient data distribution? (ii) Protein Prediction: which biologically meaningful information can be used in the input representation step to overcome the limited training data challenge? (iii) Human Variant Pathogenicity Prediction: how to develop a classification system for functional impact of human variants, by providing standardized and well accepted evidence for the classification outcome and thus enabling the model assessment step? To answer these research questions, I present my contributions in classifying these different types of data: temporalMNB: I adapt the sequential prediction with expert advice paradigm to optimally aggregate complementary distributions to enhance a Naive Bayes model to adapt on drifting distribution of the characteristics of the textual posts. dom2vec: our proposal to learn embedding vectors for the protein domains using self-supervision. Based on the high performance achieved by the dom2vec embeddings in quantitative intrinsic assessment on the captured biological information, I provide example evidence for an analogy between the local linguistic features in natural languages and the domain structure and function information in domain architectures. Last, I describe GenOtoScope bioinformatics software tool to automate standardized evidence-based criteria for pathogenicity impact of variants associated with hearing loss. Finally, to increase the practical use of our last contribution, I develop easy-to-use software interfaces to be used, in research settings, by clinical diagnostics personnel.Künstliche Intelligenz (KI) ist ein interdisziplinäres Gebiet, das verschiedene Forschungsbereiche mit dem Ziel verbindet, Prozesse im Alltag und in der Industrie zu automatisieren. Die grundlegenden Komponenten von KI-Modellen sind ein “intelligentes” Modell und eine durch die Endanwendung definierte funktionale Komponente. Das heißt, ein intelligentes Modell kann ein statistisches Modell sein, das Muster in Dateninstanzen erkennen kann, um Unterschiede zwischen diesen Instanzen zu unterscheiden. Wird die KI beispielsweise in der Automobilherstellung eingesetzt, kann das Modell auf der Grundlage eines Bildes eines Autoteils kategorisieren, ob sich das Autoteil im vorderen, mittleren oder hinteren Bereich des Autos befindet, wie es ein menschliches Gehirn tun würde. Bei der gleichen Beispielanwendung informiert das statistische Modell einen mechanischen Arm, die funktionale Komponente, über den aktuellen Fahrzeugbereich, und der Arm wiederum baut diesen Bereich des Fahrzeugs auf der Grundlage vordefinierter Anweisungen zusammen, so wie eine menschliche Hand den neuronalen Signalen des menschlichen Gehirns folgen würde. Ein entscheidender Schritt bei KI-Anwendungen ist die Klassifizierung von Eingabeinstanzen durch das intelligente Modell. Unabhängig von der Methode zum Auffinden von Mustern in Daten besteht die Klassifizierung aus vier verschiedenen Schritten: (i) Eingabedarstellung, (ii) Modellbildung, (iii) Modellvorhersage und (iv) Modellbewertung. Ausgehend von diesen Klassifizierungsschritten argumentiere ich, dass die Anwendung der Klassifizierung auf verschiedene Datentypen unterschiedliche Herausforderungen mit sich bringt. In dieser Arbeit konzentriere ich uns auf die Herausforderungen für drei verschiedene Klassifizierungsszenarien: (i) Textdatenströme: Wie kann der Schritt der Modellerstellung, der üblicherweise für eine statische Datenverteilung verwendet wird, weiterentwickelt werden, um die Klassifizierung von Textbeiträgen mit einer instationären Datenverteilung zu erlernen? (ii) Proteinvorhersage: Welche biologisch sinnvollen Informationen können im Schritt der Eingabedarstellung verwendet werden, um die Herausforderung der begrenzten Trainingsdaten zu überwinden? (iii) Vorhersage der Pathogenität menschlicher Varianten: Wie kann ein Klassifizierungssystem für die funktionellen Auswirkungen menschlicher Varianten entwickelt werden, indem standardisierte und anerkannte Beweise für das Klassifizierungsergebnis bereitgestellt werden und somit der Schritt der Modellbewertung ermöglicht wird? Um diese Forschungsfragen zu beantworten, stelle ich meine Beiträge zur Klassifizierung dieser verschiedenen Datentypen vor: temporalMNB: Verbesserung des Naive-Bayes-Modells zur Klassifizierung driftender Textströme durch Ensemble-Lernen. dom2vec: Lernen von Einbettungsvektoren für Proteindomänen durch Selbstüberwachung. Auf der Grundlage der berichteten Ergebnisse liefere ich Beispiele für eine Analogie zwischen den lokalen linguistischen Merkmalen in natürlichen Sprachen und den Domänenstruktur- und Funktionsinformationen in Domänenarchitekturen. Schließlich beschreibe ich ein bioinformatisches Softwaretool, GenOtoScope, zur Automatisierung standardisierter evidenzbasierter Kriterien für die orthogenitätsauswirkungen von Varianten, die mit angeborener Schwerhörigkeit in Verbindung stehen

    Data stream mining techniques: a review

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    A plethora of infinite data is generated from the Internet and other information sources. Analyzing this massive data in real-time and extracting valuable knowledge using different mining applications platforms have been an area for research and industry as well. However, data stream mining has different challenges making it different from traditional data mining. Recently, many studies have addressed the concerns on massive data mining problems and proposed several techniques that produce impressive results. In this paper, we review real time clustering and classification mining techniques for data stream. We analyze the characteristics of data stream mining and discuss the challenges and research issues of data steam mining. Finally, we present some of the platforms for data stream mining

    Adaptive Automated Machine Learning

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    The ever-growing demand for machine learning has led to the development of automated machine learning (AutoML) systems that can be used off the shelf by non-experts. Further, the demand for ML applications with high predictive performance exceeds the number of machine learning experts and makes the development of AutoML systems necessary. Automated Machine Learning tackles the problem of finding machine learning models with high predictive performance. Existing approaches incorporating deep learning techniques assume that all data is available at the beginning of the training process (offline learning). They configure and optimise a pipeline of preprocessing, feature engineering, and model selection by choosing suitable hyperparameters in each model pipeline step. Furthermore, they assume that the user is fully aware of the choice and, thus, the consequences of the underlying metric (such as precision, recall, or F1-measure). By variation of this metric, the search for suitable configurations and thus the adaptation of algorithms can be tailored to the user’s needs. With the creation of a vast amount of data from all kinds of sources every day, our capability to process and understand these data sets in a single batch is no longer viable. By training machine learning models incrementally (i.ex. online learning), the flood of data can be processed sequentially within data streams. However, if one assumes an online learning scenario, where an AutoML instance executes on evolving data streams, the question of the best model and its configuration remains open. In this work, we address the adaptation of AutoML in an offline learning scenario toward a certain utility an end-user might pursue as well as the adaptation of AutoML towards evolving data streams in an online learning scenario with three main contributions: 1. We propose a System that allows the adaptation of AutoML and the search for neural architectures towards a particular utility an end-user might pursue. 2. We introduce an online deep learning framework that fosters the research of deep learning models under the online learning assumption and enables the automated search for neural architectures. 3. We introduce an online AutoML framework that allows the incremental adaptation of ML models. We evaluate the contributions individually, in accordance with predefined requirements and to state-of-the- art evaluation setups. The outcomes lead us to conclude that (i) AutoML, as well as systems for neural architecture search, can be steered towards individual utilities by learning a designated ranking model from pairwise preferences and using the latter as the target function for the offline learning scenario; (ii) architectual small neural networks are in general suitable assuming an online learning scenario; (iii) the configuration of machine learning pipelines can be automatically be adapted to ever-evolving data streams and lead to better performances