52,262 research outputs found

    O passado revolucionário: descolonizando o direito e os direitos humanos

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    Combining a radical revision of the historical formation of occidental law with perspectives derived from decolonial thought, this paper advances a deconstruction of occidental law. That deconstruction is then brought to bear on human rights. Although occidental law and human rights are shown in this way to be imperial in orientation, that same deconstruction reveals resistant elements in law and in human rights. These are elements which the decolonial can draw on in its commitment to intercultural transformation

    Hermenêutica e anti-hermenêutica : Friedrich Schlegel e Schleiermacher

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    A fortuna crítica de Friedrich Schlegel é rica em alusões a sua relação com Schleiermacher. Ambos conviveram em Berlim por volta de 1800, época em que Schlegel editava a "Athenäum" e em que Schleiermacher ainda não escrevera seus principais textos sobre hermenêutica. É possível conceber Friedrich Schlegel como um predecessor de Schleiermacher? Na tentativa de responder a essa pergunta, vamos nos deter sobre três textos, todos eles publicados na "Athenäum": o ensaio sobre Lessing ("Über Lessing", 1797), o ensaio sobre o Wilhem Meister de Goethe ("Über Goethes Wilhelm Meisters Lehrjahre", 1798) e o ensaio da ininteligibilidade ("Über die Unverständlichkeit", 1800).In Friedrich Schlegel’s criticism, one can find many references to his relationship to Schleiermacher. Both were closely related by the time they in Berlin around 1800, when Schlegel edited the "Athenäum" and Schleiermacher had not yet written his most important texts on Hermeneutics. But can we consider Schlegel an early influence on Schleiermacher’s thought by that time? In order to answer this question, we will focus on three of Schlegel’s essays of that time: "Über Lessing" (1797), "Über Wilhem Meisters Lehrjahre" (1798) and "Über die Unverständlichkeit" (1800)


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    On the excessive role of technocracy (from a Gadamerian perspective)

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    The role of experts grows in the present and that is, in part, justifiable: as complexity rises, the ones who deliberate feel the need of the help of those who have know-how in specific fields. The question that must be asked revolves around the type of expectations developed in modern societies regarding what experts can do. Though specialization is not a peculiarity of our time (the process can be observed since human beings became sedentary); it has presently gained specific characteristics. Two aspects of modern life are particularly significant on that matter: (i.) the fact that the economic system is based on excitation of new needs (and no longer on the demand for satisfaction of needs); (ii.) the growing pursuit for total administration of conflicts. These factors are constitutive of what Gadamer sees as a great threat to our civilization: the excessive emphasis given in our time to the human ability to adapt. A specific ability is demanded from individuals: the capability of making an apparatus functions properly. Less resistance and more adaptability is requested, and because of that, autonomous thought - that is, not determined by the function it has in a system – is devalued. The threat we currently face is that the abilities of a good technocrat become the only qualities demanded from those who are responsible for practical decisions (especially in politics and law). Teleological reason, that guides the activity of specialists (and requires know-how in a specific area and consists in choosing means to reach a previously established goal), should not substitute practical reason, as the former requires adaptability to experience (not to a plan that was previously established) and is grounded on solidarity. In order to discuss the limits of the activity of specialists, the paper looks back to phrónesis and the way ancient Greeks set boundaries - this exercise should help raising new questions revolving the matter

    A mediação imperfeita em Paul Ricoeur

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    Negando ao conhecimento humano e, por conseguinte, à Filosofia a possibilidade de conhecimento Absoluto e à consciência a capacidade da imediatez, a autora, com esta passagem, nos conduz diretamente ao núcleo de sua obra e, diria mais, a uma das direções fundamentais da filosofia de Paul Ricoeur. Com efeito, interpretação, hermenêutica, símbolo, significado, sentido, reflexão, rastro, vestígio são termos recorrentes que perpassam a obra toda de Ricoeur e alertam deste o início o leitor sobre a proposta hermenêutica. Adriane Möbbs explorando, em sua pesquisa, o problema da mediação imperfeita, locomove-se na abordagem de uma das questões mais fundamentais do arcabouço filosófico da hoje chamada Filosofia Hermenêutica de Ricoeur


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    Para compreender o ser humano é necessário haver uma reflexão que se efetua sempre através de uma interpretação. Para Paul Ricoeur, não existe compreensão e interpretação sem mediação, pois a mediação é uma condição para poder proceder a uma interpretação. Uma das funções da psicanálise é de desvendar o significado de sentidos ocultos através da linguagem, da escrita. Este artigo trata de algumas ligações entre psicanálise e hermenêutica considerando a psicanálise como hermenêutica pois ambas têm um ponto comum: a interpretação. Será apresentado o exemplo de como uma abordagem clínica da obra do pintor Wiliam Turner pode ser clarificadora da ligação entre hermenêutica e psicanálise