8,900 research outputs found

    Symbols of Immortality: A Comparison of European and Elvish Heraldry

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    Reviews basics of European heraldry and attempts to deduce the rules of Tolkien’s elvish heraldry. Finds that elvish heraldry seems to have rules (although less stringently applied) but considerably more artistic complexity

    Genealoginiai ryšiai Žemaitijos bajorų heraldikos šaltiniuose XVI a. antroje pusėje – XVIII a.

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    Heraldry and its research have deep traditions in Europe, making it a certain focus of attention among researchers. The interest in this field in Lithuania is a more recent phenomenon. The late beginning of heraldry research was partly influenced by Lithuania’s loss of independence. At present, researchers’ attention is focused mainly on the periods of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania and the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, also looking at Lithuanian heraldry from the 20th–21st centuries, and conducting thorough research of the coats of arms of the state, cities, and towns. Research of the heraldry of the nobility is also being conducted, such as the heraldry of the political elite in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania – the Goštautas, Pacas, Radvila, Sapiega families, etc. The heraldry of representatives of the lower gentry, especially among the Samogitian families, has received less attention. Many unanswered questions and undeveloped themes remain in the field of the Samogitian nobility’s heraldry, overlooked in research for a long time. This article analyzes how genealogical links were reflected in Samogitian nobility heraldry sources in the second half of the 16th–18th centuries. Having analyzed the heraldic sources of the Samogitian nobility, it was found that these reflected not only information about a specific individual, but also their broader origins, family and marital lines. The coats of arms of the Samogitian nobility in time became a unique means of representation. The coats of arms of the Samogitian nobility were depicted in seals, literature, portraits, architecture, and elsewhere.Straipsnyje pasirinkta atkreipti dėmesį į vieną iš svarbiausių Žemaitijos bajorų kultūros ir tapatybės ženklų – jų heraldiką. Ilgą laiką tyrėjų akiračio užribyje buvusi Žemaitijos bajorų heraldikos tema slepia daug neatsakytų klausimų. Šioje publikacijoje Žemaitijos bajorų heraldikos šaltiniai nagrinėjami kaip reprezentuojantys bajorų giminystės ir santuokos ryšius. Darbe nagrinėjamas gana platus heraldikos šaltinių spektras, apimantis ne tik herbinius antspaudus, bet ir literatūroje, portretuose, architektūroje vaizduotus herbus. Straipsnyje analizuojami Bilevičių, Nagurskių, Gorskių, Chodkevičių, Tiškevičių ir kitų Žemaitijoje gyvenusių bajorų giminių atstovų herbai

    The Military and “Mob Rule”: The CEF Riots in Calgary, February 1916

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    During the First World War, unruly and ill-disciplined Canadian soldiers, on “assorted ’patriotic’ pretexts,” damaged local property and battled with local police forces in Victoria, Calgary, Winnipeg, Toronto, Campbellton, New Brunswick, and other Canadian centres. The riots in Calgary in February 1916 involved members of Canadian Expeditionary Force (CEF) battalions encamped near the city. While historians have focused on the anti-German nature of the attacks, several other considerations must be examined to explain the unlawful behaviour. Although a court of inquiry into the riot failed to conclude who was responsible, the contemporary evidence suggests strongly that soldiers, rather than civilians, started the disturbances. But what conditions allowed such behaviour to occur? The military context of the time offers insight. Recruitment, training and discipline were all factors, as was the nearness of the soldiers’ camp to Calgary. The military, however, denied responsibility, arguing that the culprits were “civilians” in uniform. By refusing to compensate the owners of local establishments for the damages caused during the riots, local and national military authorities made worse a problem they should have prevented

    Afterberners: An Assemblage of Nouns

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    The English language owes a debt of gratitude of Dame Juliana Berners. She was born circa 1388 and is believed to have been the prioress of a nunnery near St. Albans, Hertforshire, England. Her major contribution to literature is The Boke of St. Albans, a treatise on hawking, hunting and heraldry first published in 1486

    Introduction to Library Trends 38 (4) Spring 1990: Intellectual Access to Graphic Information

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    published or submitted for publicatio

    Українські геральдичні та генеалогічні інституції DP-періоду (Ukrainian Heraldic and Genealogical Institutions of the DP-Period)

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    У статті детально висвітлено діяльність українських геральдичних та генеалогічних інституцій діаспори DP-періоду – Української родовідної установи й Інституту родознавства та знаменознавства, які функціонували в 1946-1948 рр. на території Західної Німеччини (The article presents the activity of Ukrainian heraldic and genealogical institutions of the Diaspora in the DP-period, – the Ukrainian Genealogy Group and Institute of Genealogy and Heraldry – which functioned during 1946–1948 in West Germany. The Ukrainian Genealogy Group had several objectives: to find and preserve genealogical records and to publish the periodical The Generation and Banner. The practical activity of the Institute of Genealogy and Heraldry during 1946–1948 was focused on designing family coats of arms for the members of the Institute as well as for the members of other Ukrainian research institutions. Thus, having taken all aspects of activity of European heraldry societies into consideration, Ukrainian scholars demonstrated their desire to actively cooperate. The Ukrainian Genealogy Group and Institute of Genealogy and Heraldry organized a conference and published the first volume of «Notes», which included articles of the following conference participants: Mykola Bytynskyi, Oleksandr Ohloblyn, Mykhailo Miller and Viacheslav Seniutovych-Berezhnyi

    Heraldic Imagery in Seventeenth-Century English Poetry

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    The significance of heraldic references in literature has been the subject of both antiquarian interest and recent scholarship. In the field of seventeenth-century poetry, there exists a small body of published work concerned with the use of heraldry by William Shakespeare, Ben Jonson and Jolin Cleveland. The aim of this thesis is to demonstrate the existence and significance of heraldic references in a wider range of seventeenth-century verse and poetry. It eschews assumptions regarding the use of heraldry by, or with reference to, a narrow social elite, and examines heraldic references published in broadsheets and used in songs, as well as in the privately- circulated manuscripts of the nobility. Chapter One offers a critical examination of a range of current scholarship concerned with heraldic readings of literature. Chapter Two demonstrates that formal heraldic references, affirming or celebrating their subject’s identity, were used in diverse genres, including dedicatory verses, encomia, epitaphs, elegies, epithalamia and anagrams. Chapter Three determines the social implications of the use of heraldry, with particular reference to epic and satirical verse, arguing that heraldic references in this period develop beyond their traditional, chivalric associations. Chapter Four discusses those works that include heraldic references as expressions of authority or political power, and considers their use in different contexts to affirm or undermine the position of individuals and groups within society. Chapter Five establishes the use of heraldry within religious or spiritual poetry and addresses whether its vocabulary was regarded as an expression of particular Christian values. Chapter Six explores the engagement of women writers with heraldry and considers how far their use of the language offered a challenge to the prevailing patriarchal culture. The Conclusion draws attention to the significance of the evolution of heraldry from the seventeenth century to the present day