102 research outputs found

    Smooth path planning with Pythagorean-hodoghraph spline curves geometric design and motion control

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    This thesis addresses two significative problems regarding autonomous systems, namely path and trajectory planning. Path planning deals with finding a suitable path from a start to a goal position by exploiting a given representation of the environment. Trajectory planning schemes govern the motion along the path by generating appropriate reference (path) points. We propose a two-step approach for the construction of planar smooth collision-free navigation paths. Obstacle avoidance techniques that rely on classical data structures are initially considered for the identification of piecewise linear paths that do not intersect with the obstacles of a given scenario. In the second step of the scheme we rely on spline interpolation algorithms with tension parameters to provide a smooth planar control strategy. In particular, we consider Pythagorean\u2013hodograph (PH) curves, since they provide an exact computation of fundamental geometric quantities. The vertices of the previously produced piecewise linear paths are interpolated by using a G1 or G2 interpolation scheme with tension based on PH splines. In both cases, a strategy based on the asymptotic analysis of the interpolation scheme is developed in order to get an automatic selection of the tension parameters. To completely describe the motion along the path we present a configurable trajectory planning strategy for the offline definition of time-dependent C2 piece-wise quintic feedrates. When PH spline curves are considered, the corresponding accurate and efficient CNC interpolator algorithms can be exploited

    Smooth path planning with Pythagorean-hodoghraph spline curves geometric design and motion control

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    This thesis addresses two significative problems regarding autonomous systems, namely path and trajectory planning. Path planning deals with finding a suitable path from a start to a goal position by exploiting a given representation of the environment. Trajectory planning schemes govern the motion along the path by generating appropriate reference (path) points. We propose a two-step approach for the construction of planar smooth collision-free navigation paths. Obstacle avoidance techniques that rely on classical data structures are initially considered for the identification of piecewise linear paths that do not intersect with the obstacles of a given scenario. In the second step of the scheme we rely on spline interpolation algorithms with tension parameters to provide a smooth planar control strategy. In particular, we consider Pythagorean–hodograph (PH) curves, since they provide an exact computation of fundamental geometric quantities. The vertices of the previously produced piecewise linear paths are interpolated by using a G1 or G2 interpolation scheme with tension based on PH splines. In both cases, a strategy based on the asymptotic analysis of the interpolation scheme is developed in order to get an automatic selection of the tension parameters. To completely describe the motion along the path we present a configurable trajectory planning strategy for the offline definition of time-dependent C2 piece-wise quintic feedrates. When PH spline curves are considered, the corresponding accurate and efficient CNC interpolator algorithms can be exploited

    Global radii of curvature, and the biarc approximation of space curves:in pursuit of ideal knot shapes

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    The distance from self-intersection of a (smooth and either closed or infinite) curve q in three dimensions can be characterised via the global radius of curvature at q(s), which is defined as the smallest possible radius amongst all circles passing through the given point and any two other points on the curve. The minimum value of the global radius of curvature along the curve gives a convenient measure of curve thickness or normal injectivity radius. Given the utility of the construction inherent to global curvature, it is natural to consider variants defined in related ways. The first part of the thesis considers all possible circular and spherical distance functions and the associated, single argument, global radius of curvature functions that are constructed by minimisation over all but one argument. It is shown that among all possible global radius of curvature functions there are only five independent ones. And amongst these five there are two particularly useful ones for characterising thickness of a curve. We investigate the geometry of how these two functions, ρpt and ρtp, can be achieved. Properties and interrelations of the divers global radius of curvature functions are illustrated with the simple examples of ellipses and helices. It is known that any Lipschitz continuous curve with positive thickness actually has C1,1-regularity. Accordingly, C1,1 is the natural space in which to carry out computations involving self-avoiding curves. The second part of the thesis develops the mathematical theory of biarcs, which are a geometrically elegant way of discretizing C1,1 space curves. A biarc is a pair of circular arcs joined in a C1 fashion according to certain matching rules. We establish a self-contained theory of the geometry of biarc interpolation of point-tangent data sampled from an underlying base curve, and demonstrate that such biarc curves have attractive convergence properties in both a pointwise and function-space sense, e.g. the two arcs of the biarc interpolating a coalescent point-tangent data pair on a C2-curve approach the osculating circle of the curve at the limit of the data points, and for a C1,1-base curve and a sequence of (possibly non-uniform) meshes, the interpolating biarc curves approach the base curve in the C1-norm. For smoother base curves, stronger convergence can be obtained, e.g. interpolating biarc curves approach a C2 base curve in the C1,1-norm. The third part of the thesis concerns the practical utility of biarcs in computation. It is shown that both the global radius of curvature function ρpt and thickness can be evaluated efficiently (and to an arbitrarily small, prescribed precision) on biarc curves. Moreover, both the notion of a contact set, i.e. the set of points realising thickness, and an approximate contact set can be defined rigorously. The theory is then illustrated with an application to the computation of ideal shapes of knots. Informally ideal knot shapes can be described as the configuration allowing a given knot to be tied with the shortest possible piece of rope of prescribed thickness. The biarc discretization is combined with a simulated annealing code to obtain approximate ideal shapes. These shapes provide rigorous upper bounds for rope length of ideal knots. The approximate contact set and the function ρpt evaluated on the computed shapes allow us to assess closeness of the computations to ideality. The high accuracy of the computations reveal various, previously unrecognized, features of ideal knot shapes

    Generalized Advanced Propeller Analysis System (GAPAS). Volume 2: Computer program user manual

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    The Generalized Advanced Propeller Analysis System (GAPAS) computer code is described. GAPAS was developed to analyze advanced technology multi-bladed propellers which operate on aircraft with speeds up to Mach 0.8 and altitudes up to 40,000 feet. GAPAS includes technology for analyzing aerodynamic, structural, and acoustic performance of propellers. The computer code was developed for the CDC 7600 computer and is currently available for industrial use on the NASA Langley computer. A description of all the analytical models incorporated in GAPAS is included. Sample calculations are also described as well as users requirements for modifying the analysis system. Computer system core requirements and running times are also discussed

    Linear and non-linear deformations of a wind turbine blade considering warping and all aeroelastic load couplings

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    The structural dynamics behavior of the blade of a horizontal axis wind turbine that reacts to the different components of the aerodynamic loading were studied by many researchers using different approaches and assumptions. In the present research, the author considered all the extensional, torsional and flexural loadings acting on the blade with their couplings, variable airfoil cross sections with warping effects, shear deflection, rotary inertia and with or without blade\u27s pretwist for both the linear small deformation case and the nonlinear large deformation case. To the best knowledge of the author the simultaneous inclusion of all these factors has not been done before. The assumed modes method was used, in which displacements are assumed to be an expansion of products of time-step dependent constants and polynomial functions of x (where x is the coordinate along the length of the blade) that satisfy the boundary conditions at the fixed end where x=0 (hub of the blade) and at the free end where x=L (tip of the blade). The mass matrix, linear and nonlinear stiffness matrices and the load vector (function of time step) of the dynamic equations of motion are deduced from the Lagrange equations of motion that were derived step by step. The steps of the linear and nonlinear Newmark implicit iteration schemes used for solving the linear and nonlinear dynamic equations of motion respectively were explained in detail. Numerical implementation examples for both linear and nonlinear cases were demonstrated for a 14m long blade with and without pretwisting that has specific material and geometrical properties and a decreasing NACA4415 airfoil cross section from hub to tip. For both of the linear and nonlinear examples, the aerodynamic loadings (lift, drag and pitch moment) and the nonlinear stiffness matrices were computed at each time step utilizing a time dependent set of parameters such as angle of attack, material and air density, wind and blade speed, flow angle, yaw and pitch angles. Then the unknown displacements u,v and w in the directions of x, y and z axes respectively, the bending rotations Θ 1 and Θ 2 about the y and z axes respectively and the torsional rotation Φ about the x axis, were solved using the linear and nonlinear Newmark implicit iteration schemes. The linear case displacement result plots are shown to agree with the work of Younsi et al. The nonlinear case displacement result plots are shown to agree with the Ls-Dyna code

    Novel control approaches for the next generation computer numerical control (CNC) system for hybrid micro-machines

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    It is well-recognised that micro-machining is a key enabling technology for manufacturing high value-added 3D micro-products, such as optics, moulds/dies and biomedical implants etc. These products are usually made of a wide range of engineering materials and possess complex freeform surfaces with tight tolerance on form accuracy and surface finish.In recent years, hybrid micro-machining technology has been developed to integrate several machining processes on one platform to tackle the manufacturing challenges for the aforementioned micro-products. However, the complexity of system integration and ever increasing demand for further enhanced productivity impose great challenges on current CNC systems. This thesis develops, implements and evaluates three novel control approaches to overcome the identified three major challenges, i.e. system integration, parametric interpolation and toolpath smoothing. These new control approaches provide solid foundation for the development of next generation CNC system for hybrid micro-machines.There is a growing trend for hybrid micro-machines to integrate more functional modules. Machine developers tend to choose modules from different vendors to satisfy the performance and cost requirements. However, those modules often possess proprietary hardware and software interfaces and the lack of plug-and-play solutions lead to tremendous difficulty in system integration. This thesis proposes a novel three-layer control architecture with component-based approach for system integration. The interaction of hardware is encapsulated into software components, while the data flow among different components is standardised. This approach therefore can significantly enhance the system flexibility. It has been successfully verified through the integration of a six-axis hybrid micro-machine. Parametric curves have been proven to be the optimal toolpath representation method for machining 3D micro-products with freeform surfaces, as they can eliminate the high-frequency fluctuation of feedrate and acceleration caused by the discontinuity in the first derivatives along linear or circular segmented toolpath. The interpolation for parametric curves is essentially an optimization problem, which is extremely difficult to get the time-optimal solution. This thesis develops a novel real-time interpolator for parametric curves (RTIPC), which provides a near time-optimal solution. It limits the machine dynamics (axial velocities, axial accelerations and jerk) and contour error through feedrate lookahead and acceleration lookahead operations. Experiments show that the RTIPC can simplify the coding significantly, and achieve up to ten times productivity than the industry standard linear interpolator. Furthermore, it is as efficient as the state-of-the-art Position-Velocity-Time (PVT) interpolator, while achieving much smoother motion profiles.Despite the fact that parametric curves have huge advantage in toolpath continuity, linear segmented toolpath is still dominantly used on the factory floor due to its straightforward coding and excellent compatibility with various CNC systems. This thesis presents a new real-time global toolpath smoothing algorithm, which bridges the gap in toolpath representation for CNC systems. This approach uses a cubic B-spline to approximate a sequence of linear segments. The approximation deviation is controlled by inserting and moving new control points on the control polygon. Experiments show that the proposed approach can increase the productivity by more than three times than the standard toolpath traversing algorithm, and 40% than the state-of-the-art corner blending algorithm, while achieving excellent surface finish.Finally, some further improvements for CNC systems, such as adaptive cutting force control and on-line machining parameters adjustment with metrology, are discussed in the future work section.It is well-recognised that micro-machining is a key enabling technology for manufacturing high value-added 3D micro-products, such as optics, moulds/dies and biomedical implants etc. These products are usually made of a wide range of engineering materials and possess complex freeform surfaces with tight tolerance on form accuracy and surface finish.In recent years, hybrid micro-machining technology has been developed to integrate several machining processes on one platform to tackle the manufacturing challenges for the aforementioned micro-products. However, the complexity of system integration and ever increasing demand for further enhanced productivity impose great challenges on current CNC systems. This thesis develops, implements and evaluates three novel control approaches to overcome the identified three major challenges, i.e. system integration, parametric interpolation and toolpath smoothing. These new control approaches provide solid foundation for the development of next generation CNC system for hybrid micro-machines.There is a growing trend for hybrid micro-machines to integrate more functional modules. Machine developers tend to choose modules from different vendors to satisfy the performance and cost requirements. However, those modules often possess proprietary hardware and software interfaces and the lack of plug-and-play solutions lead to tremendous difficulty in system integration. This thesis proposes a novel three-layer control architecture with component-based approach for system integration. The interaction of hardware is encapsulated into software components, while the data flow among different components is standardised. This approach therefore can significantly enhance the system flexibility. It has been successfully verified through the integration of a six-axis hybrid micro-machine. Parametric curves have been proven to be the optimal toolpath representation method for machining 3D micro-products with freeform surfaces, as they can eliminate the high-frequency fluctuation of feedrate and acceleration caused by the discontinuity in the first derivatives along linear or circular segmented toolpath. The interpolation for parametric curves is essentially an optimization problem, which is extremely difficult to get the time-optimal solution. This thesis develops a novel real-time interpolator for parametric curves (RTIPC), which provides a near time-optimal solution. It limits the machine dynamics (axial velocities, axial accelerations and jerk) and contour error through feedrate lookahead and acceleration lookahead operations. Experiments show that the RTIPC can simplify the coding significantly, and achieve up to ten times productivity than the industry standard linear interpolator. Furthermore, it is as efficient as the state-of-the-art Position-Velocity-Time (PVT) interpolator, while achieving much smoother motion profiles.Despite the fact that parametric curves have huge advantage in toolpath continuity, linear segmented toolpath is still dominantly used on the factory floor due to its straightforward coding and excellent compatibility with various CNC systems. This thesis presents a new real-time global toolpath smoothing algorithm, which bridges the gap in toolpath representation for CNC systems. This approach uses a cubic B-spline to approximate a sequence of linear segments. The approximation deviation is controlled by inserting and moving new control points on the control polygon. Experiments show that the proposed approach can increase the productivity by more than three times than the standard toolpath traversing algorithm, and 40% than the state-of-the-art corner blending algorithm, while achieving excellent surface finish.Finally, some further improvements for CNC systems, such as adaptive cutting force control and on-line machining parameters adjustment with metrology, are discussed in the future work section

    Mechanical Engineering

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    The book substantially offers the latest progresses about the important topics of the "Mechanical Engineering" to readers. It includes twenty-eight excellent studies prepared using state-of-art methodologies by professional researchers from different countries. The sections in the book comprise of the following titles: power transmission system, manufacturing processes and system analysis, thermo-fluid systems, simulations and computer applications, and new approaches in mechanical engineering education and organization systems