105 research outputs found

    A novel conceptual framework of Health Information Systems (HIS) sustainability

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    Sustainable technology means technology is capable of being maintained over a long span of time; independent of shifts in both hardware and software. Effective implementation and use of Health Information Systems (HIS) for years to come are crucial as sustainable HIS. Numbers of studies have discussed various factors contributes towards barriers for successful implementation of HIS. However, very few studies discussed factors on HIS sustainability. Through critical analysis of existing literature on success, failure, and challenges of HIS adoption, this paper identifies four crucial factors that shape the sustainable HIS. The importance of strong leadership support, proper contingency planning, and practice, continuous vendor support, and protection of security and privacy issues are identified by classifying all the factors within these four constructs, and with it, we argue these factors crucial for sustainable HIS. This paper proposes a novel conceptual framework which incorporated all these constructs as HIS sustainability factors. This paper also described the theoretical basics behind the development of the model and methodology to be employed to validate the proposed model

    Formación de los profesionales de la salud en un contexto asistencial con uso de las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación

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    La enfermera debería incorporar nuevas habilidades en el manejo de las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación (TIC) que faciliten el desarrollo de su profesión. En este proceso se plantean dudas y resistencias que pueden convertirse en barreras para el desarrollo de su labor profesional. Las estrategias para vencer resistencias ante las nuevas formas de trabajar pasan por facilitar una formación correctamente planificada y adaptada a los profesionales que deben enfrentarse a estas nuevas tecnologías. Algunos de los aspectos clave relacionados con la formación de las enfermeras ante nuevas competencias y que pueden contribuir a su desarrollo exitoso en los centros asistenciales son la definición de tácticas claras de formación con identificación de buenas prácticas asistenciales como mecanismo conductor, el apoyo a las enfermeras asistenciales por parte de las gestoras que lideran los equipos asistenciales y la identificación de la predisposición de los usuarios frente a la formación. Lograr el éxito en el uso de las TIC puede residir en la participación activa de las propias enfermeras en el proceso formativo planificado, teniendo en cuenta nuevos enfoques asistenciales por vía telemática, como alternativa al actual modelo asistencial, tradicionalmente presencial

    Staff training on the use of health information systems:what do we know?

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    Shared responsibility for electronic records: governance in perinatal data entry

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    This paper presents research undertaken as part of a larger research project to examine the factors that influence midwives when entering perinatal data. A grounded theory methodology was used to undertake qualitative interviews with 15 participants from 12 different hospitals across Queensland, Australia using three different systems for perinatal data collection. The findings surrounding accountability are presented revealing that a shift in governance relating to responsibility and accountability is not occurring in midwifery units across Queensland. Without assignation of responsibility for entries and accountability for mistakes or omissions, perinatal data records can be left incomplete or inaccurate. Increasing use of electronic health records and creation of digital hospitals indicates these issues are highly relevant in planning for these services

    Electronic health information exchange in underserved settings: examining initiatives in small physician practices & community health centers.

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    BackgroundHealth information exchange (HIE) is an important tool for improving efficiency and quality and is required for providers to meet Meaningful Use certification from the United States Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services. However widespread adoption and use of HIE has been difficult to achieve, especially in settings such as smaller-sized physician practices and federally qualified health centers (FQHCs). We assess electronic data exchange activities and identify barriers and benefits to HIE participation in two underserved settings.MethodsWe conducted key-informant interviews with stakeholders at physician practices and health centers. Interviews were recorded, transcribed, and then coded in two waves: first using an open-coding approach and second using selective coding to identify themes that emerged across interviews, including barriers and facilitators to HIE adoption and use.ResultsWe interviewed 24 providers, administrators and office staff from 16 locations in two states. They identified barriers to HIE use at three levels-regional (e.g., lack of area-level exchanges; partner organizations), inter-organizational (e.g., strong relationships with exchange partners; achieving a critical mass of users), and intra-organizational (e.g., type of electronic medical record used; integration into organization's workflow). A major perceived benefit of HIE use was the improved care-coordination clinicians could provide to patients as a direct result of the HIE information. Utilization and perceived benefit of the exchange systems differed based on several practice- and clinic-level factors.ConclusionsThe adoption and use of HIE in underserved settings appears to be impeded by regional, inter-organizational, and intra-organizational factors and facilitated by perceived benefits largely at the intra-organizational level. Stakeholders should consider factors both internal and external to their organization, focusing efforts in changing modifiable factors and tailoring HIE efforts based on all three categories of factors. Collective action between organizations may be needed to address inter-organizational and regional barriers. In the interest of facilitating HIE adoption and use, the impact of interventions at various levels on improving the use of electronic health data exchange should be tested

    Exploring Cloud Computing Implementation Issues in Healthcare Industry

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    Nowadays, cloud computing—as a flexible, collaborative, cost effective and scalable computational approach—is being applied within different public and private organizations. Furthermore, the use of cloud-based applications is becoming more widespread on both the organizational and individual level than it has been in the past. Healthcare is one discipline that could benefit from cloud-based applications; however, because of various privacy and security issues, it has been adopted more slowly than in many other disciplines. The purpose of this preliminary study is to investigate the related literature in order to explore the cloud computing implementation issues in the healthcare industry. Technological, Organizational, Environmental and Human factors are considered as the most important factors in implementing cloud computing in healthcare. The early framework for implementing cloud applications in healthcare is addressed to administrators and healthcare managers at the end of this study; however, the complementary study will be needed in the future to examine our hypotheses and research questions with collected data

    Evaluation of the Evolution of Digital Nursing Interventions in an Emergency Unit: An Observational Study

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    This study aimed to examine the influence of new ICTs on the recording of nursing interventions in the Emergency Unit of the High Resolution Hospital (HRH) of Loja (Granada), Spain. A descriptive observational study was conducted to analyze the evolution of the Nursing Interventions (NIC) records in the Emergency Unit of the Loja HRH (Granada) from 2017 to 2021. Results showed that 11,076 NIC registrations were exploited, which increased by 51.2% from 2017 to 2021. The linear correlation between the NIC and the years was analyzed with Spearman’s coefficient, obtaining a low level of correlation (p = 0.166), but one that is statistically significant (p < 0.001). The introduction of tablet devices in the emergency room of the Loja HRH (Granada) led to a significant increase in the percentage of NIC recorded and collated during the study period without increasing the number of emergencies attended. However, usability barriers of ICTs were detected, highlighting the need to guide and train health professionals in their use and in the culture of patient safet

    Healthcare Robotics

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    Robots have the potential to be a game changer in healthcare: improving health and well-being, filling care gaps, supporting care givers, and aiding health care workers. However, before robots are able to be widely deployed, it is crucial that both the research and industrial communities work together to establish a strong evidence-base for healthcare robotics, and surmount likely adoption barriers. This article presents a broad contextualization of robots in healthcare by identifying key stakeholders, care settings, and tasks; reviewing recent advances in healthcare robotics; and outlining major challenges and opportunities to their adoption.Comment: 8 pages, Communications of the ACM, 201