49 research outputs found

    Guest Editorial Cardiovascular Health Informatics: Risk Screening and Intervention

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    Despite enormous efforts to prevent cardiovascular disease (CVD) in the past, it remains the leading cause of death in most countries worldwide. Around two-thirds of these deaths are due to acute events, which frequently occur suddenly and are often fatal beforemedical care can be given. New strategies for screening and early intervening CVD, in addition to the conventional methods, are therefore needed in order to provide personalized and pervasive healthcare. In this special issue, selected emerging technologies in health informatics for screening and intervening CVDs are reported. These papers include reviews or original contributions on 1) new potential genetic biomarkers for screening CVD outcomes and high-throughput techniques for mining genomic data; 2) new imaging techniques for obtaining faster and higher resolution images of cardiovascular imaging biomarkers such as the cardiac chambers and atherosclerotic plaques in coronary arteries, as well as possible automatic segmentation, identification, or fusion algorithms; 3) new physiological biomarkers and novel wearable and home healthcare technologies for monitoring them in daily lives; 4) new personalized prediction models of plaque formation and progression or CVD outcomes; and 5) quantifiable indices and wearable systems to measure them for early intervention of CVD through lifestyle changes. It is hoped that the proposed technologies and systems covered in this special issue can result in improved CVD management and treatment at the point of need, offering a better quality of life to the patient


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    This value chain analysis study sought to identify information needed by gout patients to successfully manage their disease, leading to a model for information extraction from patient health records. A scoping review was conducted to identify the types of information needed by gout patients. The findings of each included study were divided and analyzed according to the stages of the care delivery value chain. The results of the review were then used to create a gout information value chain as criteria for annotating the information deemed important for gout patients contained in publicly available patient education materials according to the stages of care delivery. The resulting annotations were used to develop a named entity recognition model capable of automatically labelling medical concepts from clinical notes by value chain stage. To identify concepts specifically relevant to gout patients, the concepts extracted from patient notes were used as candidate features in a phenotyping algorithm to identify concepts associated with gout flares. While this study was able to develop a model for identifying information relevant to gout flares, the findings suggest that there is information missing from patient education materials and their clinical notes that could be valuable to gout patients for self-management

    Nonlinear Systems

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    The editors of this book have incorporated contributions from a diverse group of leading researchers in the field of nonlinear systems. To enrich the scope of the content, this book contains a valuable selection of works on fractional differential equations.The book aims to provide an overview of the current knowledge on nonlinear systems and some aspects of fractional calculus. The main subject areas are divided into two theoretical and applied sections. Nonlinear systems are useful for researchers in mathematics, applied mathematics, and physics, as well as graduate students who are studying these systems with reference to their theory and application. This book is also an ideal complement to the specific literature on engineering, biology, health science, and other applied science areas. The opportunity given by IntechOpen to offer this book under the open access system contributes to disseminating the field of nonlinear systems to a wide range of researchers

    Personalidad Tipo D, inhibici贸n social y afectividad negativa y su asociaci贸n con alteraciones arteriales en sujetos sin enfermedad cardiovascular conocida: Estudio preliminar en base a la escala DS-14

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    La morbi-mortalidad por causas cardiovasculares ocupa el primer lugar a nivel mundial. Uruguay no escapa a estas tendencias globales y las enfermedades cardiovasculares ocupan los primeros lugares en los indicadores de morbilidad y mortalidad a nivel nacional (Comis贸n Honoraria Salud Cardiovascular, 2015). La prevenci贸n y el diagn贸stico precoz de personas que, sin conocerlo, presentan riesgo cardiovascular (RCV) mayor que el esperado por los factores de riesgo cardiovascular (FRCV) tradicionales a los que se exponen, son estrategias relevantes. La investigaci贸n que desarrollamos se propuso examinar si la existencia de Personalidad Tipo D (PTD), de Afectividad Negativa (AN) y/o de Inhibici贸n Social (IS), podr铆an contribuir a detectar la existencia de RCV y/o enfermedad arterial subcl铆nica en personas adultas asintom谩ticas. Tuvo como objetivos espec铆ficos caracterizar en personas adultas asintom谩ticas la posible asociaci贸n entre la existencia de PTD, AN y/o IS, y a) el nivel de exposici贸n a FRCV tradicionales; b) el nivel de RCV global a 10 a帽os, evaluado mediante diferentes ecuaciones de riesgo de amplio uso mundial, c) la afectaci贸n cardiovascular subcl铆nica, en t茅rminos de presencia de ateromatosis, carga ateromatosa y/o cambios arteriales estructurales y/o funcionales compatibles con aterosclerosis subcl铆nica. Asimismo de encontrarse asociaci贸n entre la existencia de PTD, AN y/o IS, y afectaci贸n cardiovascular subcl铆nica, determinar si es dependiente de los niveles de exposici贸n a FRCV tradicionales o del RCV a 10 a帽os. Para ello se dise帽贸 un estudio transversal de tipo descriptivo y en base a un abordaje cuantitativo que incluy贸 a 145 adultos asintom谩ticos, aparentemente saludables, libres de enfermedades cr贸nicas, que asistieron al Centro Universitario de Investigaci贸n Innovaci贸n y Diagn贸stico Arterial (CUiiDARTE), de la Universidad de la Rep煤blica (Uruguay) y que voluntariamente aceptaron participar del mismo. De ellos se obtuvo informaci贸n del historial m茅dico personal y familiar, de los niveles de exposici贸n a FRCV y de sus caracter铆sticas antropom茅tricas. Se obtuvieron mediante ex谩menes de sangre, los niveles de colesterol, triglic茅ridos y glicemia de cada individuo. Se realiz贸 estudio cardiovascular no invasivo que permiti贸 obtener informaci贸n de sus niveles de frecuencia card铆aca, presi贸n arterial de brazos y tobillos, 铆ndice tobillo-brazo, niveles de rigidez a贸rticos y de miembro superior (evaluados a trav茅s de la determinaci贸n de la velocidad de la onda del pulso, VOP), gradiente centro-periferia de rigidez arterial (VOP ratio), espesor intima-media de la arteria car贸tida, y presencia o ausencia de placas de ateroma en el territorio arterial carot铆deo y femoral. Se aplic贸 la Escala DS14 a los efectos de conocer los puntajes obtenidos por cada individuo, y definir la existencia o no de PTD, AN y/o IS. Con la informaci贸n obtenida, se realizaron comparaciones (Test de T, ANOVA, Chi2) entre sujetos con y sin PTD, IS, AN, o tras dividir a los sujetos en cuatro grupos en funci贸n de tener o no, IS y/o AN. Las comparaciones se realizaron antes y despu茅s de ajustar (Test ANCOVA) por la presencia de FRCV y RCV global, tras haber estudiado los niveles de asociaci贸n entre estas variables y la presencia o no de PTD, IS o AN (correlaci贸n). Una p藗0,05 se consider贸 estad铆sticamente significativa. Los resultados muestran que con independencia de los niveles de exposici贸n a FRCV tradicionales (edad, sexo, nivel de presi贸n arterial, presencia de hipertensi贸n arterial, tabaquismo, dislipemia) y/o del RCV global obtenido al ponderar por el peso relativo que diferentes FRCV tienen sobre la morbi-mortalidad cardiovascular, los sujetos con PTD, IS y/o AN presentaron cambios estructurales y funcionales compatibles con la existencia de aterosclerosis subcl铆nica y mayor RCV real

    Optical Diagnostics in Human Diseases

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    Optical technologies provide unique opportunities for the diagnosis of various pathological disorders. The range of biophotonics applications in clinical practice is considerably wide given that the optical properties of biological tissues are subject to significant changes during disease progression. Due to the small size of studied objects (from 渭m to mm) and despite some minimum restrictions (low-intensity light is used), these technologies have great diagnostic potential both as an additional tool and in cases of separate use, for example, to assess conditions affecting microcirculatory bed and tissue viability. This Special Issue presents topical articles by researchers engaged in the development of new methods and devices for optical non-invasive diagnostics in various fields of medicine. Several studies in this Special Issue demonstrate new information relevant to surgical procedures, especially in oncology and gynecology. Two articles are dedicated to the topical problem of breast cancer early detection, including during surgery. One of the articles is devoted to urology, namely to the problem of chronic or recurrent episodic urethral pain. Several works describe the studies in otolaryngology and dentistry. One of the studies is devoted to diagnosing liver diseases. A number of articles contribute to the studying of the alterations caused by diabetes mellitus and cardiovascular diseases. The results of all the presented articles reflect novel innovative research and emerging ideas in optical non-invasive diagnostics aimed at their wider translation into clinical practice