9 research outputs found

    SmartLET: learning analytics to enhance the design and orchestration in scalable, IoT-enriched, and ubiquitous Smart Learning Environments

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    Proceeding of: 6th International Conference on Technological Ecosystems for Enhancing Multiculturality (TEEM 2018), Salamanca, Spain, 24-26 October 2018This paper presents the SmartLET project, a coordinated research project funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities, which just started in 2018. The main aim of this project is to provide support for the design and orchestration of Smart Learning Environments (SLEs) with the support of learning analytics and the Internet of Things. This paper gives an overview of our conception of SLEs based on previous works, provides some ideas about the connection of learning design and orchestration with SLEs, and analyses different ethical and privacy issues for SLEs. In addition, an initial hypothesis and some specific objectives for a support environment for SLEs are proposed

    Supporting Teachers in the Design and Implementation of Group Formation Policies in MOOCs: A Case Study

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    Producción CientíficaCollaborative learning strategies, which can promote student learning and achievement, have rarely been incorporated into pedagogies of MOOCs. Such strategies, when implemented properly, can boost the quality of MOOC pedagogy. Nonetheless, the use of collaborative groups in MOOCs is scarce due to several yet critical contextual factors (e.g., massiveness, and variable levels of engagement) that hamper the group formation process. Therefore, there is a need for supporting MOOC teachers in the design and implementation of group formation policies when implementing collaborative strategies. This paper presents a study where two instruments were used to explore solutions to this need: a guide to support teachers during the planning of the group formation, and a technological tool to help them implement the collaborative groups designed and to monitor them. According to the results of the study, the design guide made the teachers aware of the contextual factors to consider when forming the collaborative groups, and allowed teachers inform some configuration parameters of the activity (e.g., duration and assessment type) and the group formation (e.g., criteria and parameters needed to build the groups). The technological tool was successfully incorporated into the MOOC platform. Lessons learned from the findings of the study are shared and their potential to inform the design guide is discussed.Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad (Projects TIN2014-53199- C3-2-R and TIN2017-85179-C3-2-R)Junta de Castilla y León (programa de apoyo a proyectos de investigación - Ref. VA082U16)European Commission (Proyect 588438-EPP-1-2017-1-EL-EPPKA2-KA

    Creating collaborative groups in a MOOC: a homogeneous engagement grouping approach

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    Collaborative learning can improve the pedagogical effectiveness of MOOCs. Group formation, an essential step in the design of collaborative learning activities, can be challenging in MOOCs given the scale and the wide variety in such contexts. We discuss the need for considering the behaviours of the students in the course to form groups in MOOC contexts, and propose a grouping approach that employs homogeneity in terms of students? engagement in the course. Two grouping strategies with different degrees of homogeneity are derived from this approach, and their impact to form successful groups is examined in a real MOOC context. The grouping criteria were established using student activity logs (e.g. page-views). The role of the timing of grouping was also examined by carrying out the intervention once in the first and once in the second half of the course. The results indicate that in both interventions, the groups formed with a greater degree of homogeneity had higher rates of task-completion and peer interactions, Additionally, students from these groups reported higher levels of satisfaction with their group experiences. On the other hand, a consistent improvement of all indicators was observed in the second intervention, since student engagement becomes more stable later in the course

    Creating collaborative groups in a MOOC: a homogeneous engagement grouping approach

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    Producción CientíficaCollaborative learning can improve the pedagogical effectiveness of MOOCs. Group formation, an essential step in the design of collaborative learning activities, can be challenging in MOOCs given the scale and the wide variety in such contexts. We discuss the need for considering the behaviours of the students in the course to form groups in MOOC contexts, and propose a grouping approach that employs homogeneity in terms of students’ engagement in the course. Two grouping strategies with different degrees of homogeneity are derived from this approach, and their impact to form successful groups is examined in a real MOOC context. The grouping criteria were established using student activity logs (e.g. page-views). The role of the timing of grouping was also examined by carrying out the intervention once in the first and once in the second half of the course. The results indicate that in both interventions, the groups formed with a greater degree of homogeneity had higher rates of task-completion and peer interactions, Additionally, students from these groups reported higher levels of satisfaction with their group experiences. On the other hand, a consistent improvement of all indicators was observed in the second intervention, since student engagement becomes more stable later in the course.Agencia Estatal de Investigación Española - Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (grants TIN2017-85179-C3-2-R / TIN2014-53199-C3-2-RJunta de Castilla y León - Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (grant VA257P18)Comisión Europea (grant 588438-EPP-1-2017-1-EL-EPPKA2-KA

    Dales and Blooms theory employed for NFT as pedagogy in accounting for non-financial students: conceptual research

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    Abstract: Advanced pedagogy is the way to enhance teaching and learning performance for non- financial students. There are different methods in use across the globe for innovative teaching of higher learning students. The use of multimedia and technology empowers educational processes by increasing interaction between teachers and students. Hybrid teaching and blended learning follow an integrated approach to teaching that blends with students' interests and teacher's personality that needs curriculum-appropriate methods. This includes e-learning in addition to the face-to-face teaching that is customarily used in teaching . While teachers are still an authority figure in a student-centered teaching model, they both play an equally active role in the learning process. Teachers should thus apply themselves to utilizing innovative methods so that the students’ learning process is as free-flowing and that the methodology used creates an atmosphere adaptable to conducive learning environment. The application of innovative teaching and learning methods is critical if we are to motivate and enculturate a spirit of learning and cooperation by encouraging others and doing your share on the part of students. The role of education is to ensure that while academic personal are involve in active teaching, an effort is made to ensure alignment between what is taught and what is comprehensible in relation to students. Linguistically diverse, cultural backgrounds and the familiarity with the expected standards have profound effects on teaching methods. Students must frequently engage in collaborative learning activities such as selecting, organizing, locating, synthesizing and using relevant information sources to construct meaning about some particular knowledge. Such activities have been assumed to lead to higher levels of knowledge acquisition and learning. The goal of this study is an ongoing and progressive examine of how Edger Dale's Cone of Experience and Bloom's taxonomy is employed to positively influence student learning. In this conceptual research, the methodology used was hinged on analytic processes for material already published in this area. Key variables under investigation forecast on integration of Dales and Blooms theories for theoretical perspectives with the researchers pedagogy known as the NFT. The researcher implemented the NFT pedagogy in an academic setting to non-financial student in a period of 12 months and observed positive results. The researcher anticipates that the findings of this study will contribute to the enhancement of both teaching-learning and assessment process, which hopefully will uplift the learner to learn at a deeper level in a manner that incorporates small-group learning, achieve higher grades, retain information longer, acquire greater communication and teamwork skills, and gain a better understanding of the module

    Una propuesta de una plataforma de aprendizaje basada en escenarios colaborativos para la realización de experiencias de aprendizaje mixto con soporte a la investigación

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    Tesis doctoral inédita leída en la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Escuela Politécnica Superior, Departamento de Ingeniería Informática. Fecha de lectura : 26-09-2017Tesis financiada por tres proyectos de investigación, desarrollo e innovación ejecutados con la participación de tres universidades colombianas, la Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana Seccional Montería, la Universidad de Córdoba y la Universidad del Valle. Y dos proyectos de investigación de la red e-Madrid

    Marco conceptual para la gestión de grupos colaborativos en cursos de escala masiva y variable

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    Los MOOC (Massive Open Online Courses, Cursos Abiertos Masivos en Línea), etiquetados como nuevo paradigma disruptivo en el entorno educativo, son ampliamente criticados debido a sus altas tasas de abandono y a su baja calidad instruccional. La inclusión de pedagogías colaborativas en este tipo de cursos podría mejorar su calidad instruccional, además de aumentar la motivación e implicación de los alumnos. La escala masiva y variable dificulta la introducción de dichas pedagogías y en especial la formación y mantenimiento de grupos de trabajo de alumnos. El apoyo a los profesores en las tareas de gestión de los grupos, podría facilitar la adopción de diseños pedagógicos colaborativos. Para abordar esta meta y poder llevar a cabo el desarrollo de herramientas de apoyo a los profesores, es conveniente un conocimiento profundo del contexto y del problema a acometer, así como una visión holística del mismo. Por este motivo, este TFM pretende realizar una primera iteración exploratoria sobre el problema y desarrollar un marco conceptual que describa el contexto e identifique y clasifique los factores a considerar en el diseño de herramientas que apoyen a los profesores en la gestión de agrupaciones en cursos de escala masiva y variable. Para ello se realiza una revisión de literatura y se obtiene la opinión de expertos mediante entrevistas semiestructuras. La información obtenida por estos métodos se analiza, se sintetiza y se comunica en forma de artefactos gráficos que se usan posteriormente en tres escenarios ilustrativos que tratan de facilitar la comprensión de los artefactos en un contexto ficticio pero realista.Máster en Investigación en Tecnologías de la Información y las Comunicacione

    Integrating social networks in the teaching and learning of mathematics in rural secondary schools

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    Abstracts in English, Zulu and XhosaIn rural secondary schools, usage of social networks is still lagging, yet the persistence of poor performance is still concerning. This study explored integrating social networks in teaching and learning mathematics in rural secondary schools, in uMkhanyakude District, KwaZulu-Natal Province in South Africa. Data were collected from participants using semi-structured interviews, online discussions, non-participating classrooms observations, focus group interviews, and document analysis. Connectivism theoretical framework as the lens was used together with social constructivism, cognitivism, and constructionism. Three rural secondary schools opted to use WhatsApp as the out-of-school learning platform due to affordability and easy accessibility. Data were analysed thematically. WhatsApp as an emerging technology offered participants new forms of engagement that made sense to the participants. Given the historic cultural and economic stratification of the South African public schools, findings confirmed poor communication in rural secondary schools which has aggravated poor performance of learners in mathematics. The findings of the study suggest that using social networks should be recommended in rural secondary schools, considering heterogeneous needs, ease of use, and affordability. Adopting a connected networked learning perspective in educational settings enhances participants technologically. Despite teachers’ skepticism and poor technical skills, their beliefs and leading role could not be underestimated. Their responsibility paved epistemological access to the ways of knowledge construction that sustained mathematics knowledge. Further, teachers’ facilitation of out-of-school teaching and learning using WhatsApp created networks that became the source of consistent engagement about mathematics. The learners’ cognitive and social presence were observed to be in a transactional space, i.e., WhatsApp out-of-school context. Lastly, findings presented the projection of communicative codes, such as the educational emojis, which are anticipated to expand networking and articulate quick teaching and learning responses.Ezikoleni zamabanga aphezulu, zasemakhaya, ukusetshenziswa kwezinkundla zokuxhumana kuseyivelakancane, ekubeni ukungenzikahle kwezomnotho kusagqamile. Lolu cwaningo luhlole ukuhlanganisa izinkundla zokuxhumana ekufundiseni nasekufundeni izibalo ezikoleni zamabanga aphezulu zasemakhaya, esifundeni uMkhanyakude KwaZulu-Natal, eSifundazweni saseNingizimu Afrika. Idatha yaqoqwa kubahlanganyeli kusetshenziswa izingxoxo ezingahleliwe, izingxoxo ze-intanethi, ukubonwa kwamakilasi angahlanganyeli, izingxoxo zamaqembu okugxilwe kuwo, nokuhlaziywa kwemibhalo. I-Connectivism theory framework njenge-lensi yasetshenziswa kanye ne-social constructivism, cognitivism, kanye ne-constructionism. Izikole ezintathu zasemakhaya zamabanga aphezulu zikhethe ukusebenzisa i-WhatsApp njengenkundla yokufunda ngaphandle kwesikole ngenxa yokufinyeleleka kalula. Idatha ihlaziywe ngokwetimu. I-WhatsApp njengobuchwepheshe obusafufusa inikeze ababambiqhaza izindlela ezintsha zokusebenzelana ezizwakalayo kubahlanganyeli. Uma kubhekwa umlando wokuhlukaniswa ngokwesiko nezomnotho kwezikole zikahulumeni waseNingizimu Afrika okutholakele kuqinisekise ukuxhumana okungekuhle ezikoleni zamabanga aphakeme zasemakhaya osekubhebhethekise ukungenzi kahle kwabafundi ezibalweni. Okutholwe kulolu cwaningo kudalula ukuthi ukusebenzisa izinkundla zokuxhumana kungase kunconywe ezikoleni zamabanga aphakeme zasemakhaya, kucatshangelwa izidingo ezihlukene, ukusebenziseka kalula, kanye nokuthengeka. Ukwamukela umbono wokufunda onenethiwekhi exhunyiwe ekulungiseleleni imfundo kuthuthukisa ababambiqhaza kwezobuchwepheshe. Naphezu kokungabaza kothisha kanye namakhono angamafuphi ezobuchwepheshe, izinkolelo zothisha kanye nendima eholayo akubukelwanga phansi. Umsebenzi wabo wavula ukufinyelela kwe-ephistemologi yendlela yokwakha ulwazi olusekela ulwazi lwezibalo. Ngaphezu kwalokho, ukugqugquzelwa kothisha ekufundiseni nokufunda ngaphandle kwesikole besebenzisa i-WhatsApp kwakha amanethiwekhi aba umthombo wokuxhumana mayelana nezibalo. Ukuqonda kwabafundi kanye nokuba khona komphakathi kuhlonzwe endaweni yokushinthiselana ngolwazi, umongo wosizo lwe-WhatsApp ngaphandle kwesikole. Okokugcina, okutholiwe kwethule inhlolo yamakhodi okuxhumana, ama-emoji okufundisa, okulindeleke ukuthi andise inethiwekhi futhi aveze izimpendulo ezisheshayo zokufundisa nokufunda.Kwizikolo zamabanga aphakamileyo ezisemaphandleni, ukusetyenziswa konxibelelwano lwezentlalo lusadodobala, ukanti ukuqhubeka kokuqhuba kakubi kusengundoqo. Olu phononongo luphonononge ukudibanisa amanethiwekhi oluntu ekufundiseni nasekufundeni imathematika kwizikolo zasesekondari ezisemaphandleni, kwisithili saseMkhanyakude Kwa-Zulu Natal, kwiPhondo loMzantsi Afrika. Idatha yaqokelelwa kubathathi-nxaxheba kusetyenziswa udliwano-ndlebe olulungelelanisiweyo, iingxoxo ze-intanethi, uqwalaselo lwamagumbi okufundela angathathi nxaxheba, udliwano-ndlebe lwamaqela ekugxilwe kuwo, kunye nohlalutyo lwamaxwebhu. Isakhelo sethiyori ye-Connectivism njengoko ilensi yasetyenziswa kunye nonxibelelaniso loluntu, icognitivism, kunye nolwakhiwo. Izikolo ezithathu zamabanga aphakamileyo ezisemaphandleni zikhethe ukusebenzisa i-WhatsApp njengeqonga lokufunda ngaphandle kwesikolo ngenxa yokufikeleleka nokufikeleleka lula. Idatha yahlalutywa ngokwemixholo. I-WhatsApp njengobuchwephesha obuvelayo inike abathathi-nxaxheba iindlela ezintsha zothethathethwano ezinengqiqo kubathathi-nxaxheba. Ngenxa yokuhlelwa ngokwembali ngokwenkcubeko noqoqosho kweziphumo zezikolo zikarhulumente zaseMzantsi Afrika zaqinisekisa unxibelelwano olulambathayo kwizikolo zasesekondari ezisemaphandleni nto leyo ethe yayenza mandundu indlela yokuqhuba kakubi kwabafundi kwiMathematika. Iziphumo zophononongo zidiza ukuba ukusebenzisa iinethiwekhi zoluntu kunokucetyiswa kwizikolo zasesekondari zasemaphandleni, kuthathelwa ingqalelo iimfuno ezingafaniyo, ukusebenziseka ngokulula, kunye nokufikeleleka. Ukwamkela imbono yokufunda enxibeleleneyo yothungelwano kwiindawo zemfundo kuphucula abathabathi-nxaxheba ngokwethekhinoloji. Ngaphandle kokuthandabuza kootitshala kunye nezakhono zobugcisa ezisezantsi, iinkolelo zootitshala kunye nendima ephambili ayinakujongelwa phantsi. Uxanduva lwabo lwavula ufikelelo lwe-epistemological kwiindlela zolwakhiwo lolwazi olugcina ulwazi lwemathematika. Ngaphaya koko, ukuququzelelwa kootitshala ekufundiseni nasekufundeni ngaphandle kwesikolo besebenzisa i-WhatsApp yenze unxibelelwano oluye lwaba ngumthombo wothethathethwano olungaguqukiyo malunga nemathematika. Ubukho babafundi ngokwasengqondweni nangokwentlalo bachongiwe kwindawo yetransekshini, imeko kaWhatsApp yangaphandle kwesikolo. Okokugqibela, iziphumo zibonise intelekelelo yeekhowudi zonxibelelwano, i-emojis yezemfundo, ekulindeleke ukuba yandise uthungelwano kunye nokucacisa ukufundisa nokufunda okukhawulezayo iimpendulo.Educational FoundationsD. Ed. (Philosophy of Education