69 research outputs found

    Jointly Optimal Spatial Channel Assignment and Power Allocation for MIMO SWIPT Systems

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    The joint design of spatial channel assignment and power allocation in Multiple Input Multiple Output (MIMO) systems capable of Simultaneous Wireless Information and Power Transfer (SWIPT) is studied. Assuming availability of channel state information at both communications ends, we maximize the harvested energy at the multi-antenna receiver, while satisfying a minimum information rate requirement for the MIMO link. We first derive the globally optimal eigenchannel assignment and power allocation design, and then present a practically motivated tight closed-form approximation for the optimal design parameters. Selected numerical results verify the validity of the optimal solution and provide useful insights on the proposed designs as well as the pareto-optimal rate-energy tradeoff.Comment: 5 pages; 4 figures; accepted to IEEE journal 201

    Recent Advances in Joint Wireless Energy and Information Transfer

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    In this paper, we provide an overview of the recent advances in microwave-enabled wireless energy transfer (WET) technologies and their applications in wireless communications. Specifically, we divide our discussions into three parts. First, we introduce the state-of-the-art WET technologies and the signal processing techniques to maximize the energy transfer efficiency. Then, we discuss an interesting paradigm named simultaneous wireless information and power transfer (SWIPT), where energy and information are jointly transmitted using the same radio waveform. At last, we review the recent progress in wireless powered communication networks (WPCN), where wireless devices communicate using the power harvested by means of WET. Extensions and future directions are also discussed in each of these areas.Comment: Conference submission accepted by ITW 201

    Optimization techniques for reliable data communication in multi-antenna wireless systems

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    This thesis looks at new methods of achieving reliable data communication in wireless communication systems using different antenna transmission optimization methods. In particular, the problems of exploitation of MIMO communication channel diversity, secure downlink beamforming techniques, adaptive beamforming techniques, resource allocation methods, simultaneous power and information transfer and energy harvesting within the context of multi-antenna wireless systems are addressed


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    The recent trends in the domain of wireless communications indicate severe upcoming challenges, both in terms of infrastructure as well as design of novel techniques. On the other hand, the world population keeps witnessing or hearing about new generations of mobile/wireless technologies within every half to one decade. It is certain the wireless communication systems have enabled the exchange of information without any physical cable(s), however, the dependence of the mobile devices on the power cables still persist. Each passing year unveils several critical challenges related to the increasing capacity and performance needs, power optimization at complex hardware circuitries, mobility of the users, and demand for even better energy efficiency algorithms at the wireless devices. Moreover, an additional issue is raised in the form of continuous battery drainage at these limited-power devices for sufficing their assertive demands. In this regard, optimal performance at any device is heavily constrained by either wired, or an inductive based wireless recharging of the equipment on a continuous basis. This process is very inconvenient and such a problem is foreseen to persist in future, irrespective of the wireless communication method used. Recently, a promising idea for simultaneous wireless radio-frequency (RF) transmission of information and energy came into spotlight during the last decade. This technique does not only guarantee a more flexible recharging alternative, but also ensures its co-existence with any of the existing (RF-based) or alternatively proposed methods of wireless communications, such as visible light communications (VLC) (e.g., Light Fidelity (Li-Fi)), optical communications (e.g., LASER-equipped communication systems), and far-envisioned quantum-based communication systems. In addition, this scheme is expected to cater to the needs of many current and future technologies like wearable devices, sensors used in hazardous areas, 5G and beyond, etc. This Thesis presents a detailed investigation of several interesting scenarios in this direction, specifically concerning design and optimization of such RF-based power transfer systems. The first chapter of this Thesis provides a detailed overview of the considered topic, which serves as the foundation step. The details include the highlights about its main contributions, discussion about the adopted mathematical (optimization) tools, and further refined minutiae about its organization. Following this, a detailed survey on the wireless power transmission (WPT) techniques is provided, which includes the discussion about historical developments of WPT comprising its present forms, consideration of WPT with wireless communications, and its compatibility with the existing techniques. Moreover, a review on various types of RF energy harvesting (EH) modules is incorporated, along with a brief and general overview on the system modeling, the modeling assumptions, and recent industrial considerations. Furthermore, this Thesis work has been divided into three main research topics, as follows. Firstly, the notion of simultaneous wireless information and power transmission (SWIPT) is investigated in conjunction with the cooperative systems framework consisting of single source, multiple relays and multiple users. In this context, several interesting aspects like relay selection, multi-carrier, and resource allocation are considered, along with problem formulations dealing with either maximization of throughput, maximization of harvested energy, or both. Secondly, this Thesis builds up on the idea of transmit precoder design for wireless multigroup multicasting systems in conjunction with SWIPT. Herein, the advantages of adopting separate multicasting and energy precoder designs are illustrated, where we investigate the benefits of multiple antenna transmitters by exploiting the similarities between broadcasting information and wirelessly transferring power. The proposed design does not only facilitates the SWIPT mechanism, but may also serve as a potential candidate to complement the separate waveform designing mechanism with exclusive RF signals meant for information and power transmissions, respectively. Lastly, a novel mechanism is developed to establish a relationship between the SWIPT and cache-enabled cooperative systems. In this direction, benefits of adopting the SWIPT-caching framework are illustrated, with special emphasis on an enhanced rate-energy (R-E) trade-off in contrast to the traditional SWIPT systems. The common notion in the context of SWIPT revolves around the transmission of information, and storage of power. In this vein, the proposed work investigates the system wherein both information and power can be transmitted and stored. The Thesis finally concludes with insights on the future directions and open research challenges associated with the considered framework

    Energy Efficiency Optimization for CoMP-SWIPT Heterogeneous Networks

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    Resource management techniques for sustainable networks with energy harvesting nodes

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    Premi extraordinari doctorat UPC curs 2015-2016, àmbit Enginyeria de les TICThis dissertation proposes novel techniques for assigning resources of wireless networks by considering that the coverage radii are small, implying that some power consumption sinks not considered so far shouldnow be introduced, and by considering that the devices are battery-powered terminals provided with energy harvesting capabilities. In this framework, two different configurations in terms of harvesting capabilities are considered. First, we assume that the energy source is external and not controllable, e.g. solar energy. In this context, the proposed design should adapt to the energy that is currently being harvested. We also study the effect of having a finite backhaul connection that links the wireless access network with the core network. On the other hand, we propose a design in which the transmitter feeds actively the receivers with energy by transmitting signals that receivers use for recharging their batteries. In this case, the power transfer design should be carried out jointly with the power control strategy for users that receive information as both procedures, transfer of information and transfer of power, are implemented at the transmitter and make use of a common resource, i.e., power. Apart from techniques for assigning the radio resources, this dissertation develops a procedure for switching on and off base stations. Concerning this, it is important to notice that the traffic profile is not constant throughout the day. This is precisely the feature that can be exploited to define a strategy based on a dynamic selection of the base stations to be switched off when the traffic load is low, without affecting the quality experienced by the users. Thanks to this procedure, we are able to deploy smaller energy harvesting sources and smaller batteries and, thus, to reduce the cost of the network deployment. Finally, we derive some procedures to optimize high level decisions of the network operation in which variables from several layers of the protocol stack are involved. In this context, admission control procedures for deciding which user should be connected to which base station are studied, taking into account information of the average channel information, the current battery levels, etc. A multi-tier multi-cell scenario is assumed in which base stations belonging to different tiers have different capabilities, e.g., transmission power, battery size, end energy harvesting source size. A set of strategies that require different computational complexity are derived for scenarios with different user mobility requirements.Aquesta tesis doctoral proposa tècniques per assignar els recursos disponibles a les xarxes wireless considerant que els radis de cobertura són petits, el que implica que altres fonts de consum d’energia no considerades fins al moment s’hagin d’introduir dins els dissenys, i considerant que els dispositius estan alimentats amb bateries finites i que tenen a la seva disposició fonts de energy harvesting. En aquest context, es consideren dues configuracions diferents en funció de les capacitats de l’energia harvesting. En primer lloc, s’assumirà que la font d’energia és externa i incontrolable com, per exemple, l’energia solar. Els dissenys proposats han d’adaptar-se a l’energia que s’està recol·lectant en un precís moment. En segon lloc, es proposa un disseny en el qual el transmissor és capaç d’enviar energia als receptors mitjançant senyals de radiofreqüència dissenyats per aquest fi, energia que és utilitzada per recarregar les bateries. A part de tècniques d’assignació de recursos radio, en aquesta tesis doctoral es desenvolupa un procediment dinàmic per apagar i encendre estacions base. És important notar que el perfil de tràfic no és constant al llarg del dia. Aquest és precisament el patró que es pot explotar per definir una estratègia dinàmica per poder decidir quines estaciones base han de ser apagades, tot això sense afectar la qualitat experimentada pels usuaris. Gràcies a aquest procediment, es possible desplegar fonts d'energy harvesting més petites i bateries més petites. Finalment, aquesta tesis doctoral presenta procediments per optimitzar decisions de nivell més alt que afecten directament al funcionament global de la xarxa d’accés. Per prendre aquestes decisions, es fa ús de diverses variables que pertanyen a diferents capes de la pila de protocols. En aquest context, aquesta tesis aborda el disseny de tècniques de control d’admissió d’usuaris a estacions base en entorns amb múltiples estacions base, basant-se amb la informació estadística dels canals, i el nivell actual de les bateries, entre altres. L'escenari considerat està format per múltiples estacions base, on cada estació base pertany a una família amb diferents capacitats, per exemple, potència de transmissió o mida de la bateria. Es deriven un conjunt de tècniques amb diferents costos computacionals que són d'utilitat per a poder aplicar a escenaris amb diferents mobilitats d’usuaris.Award-winningPostprint (published version

    Wireless Information and Power Transfer in Communication Networks: Performance Analysis and Optimal Resource Allocation

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    Energy harvesting is considered as a prominent solution to supply the energy demand for low-power consuming devices and sensor nodes. This approach relinquishes the requirements of wired connections and regular battery replacements. This thesis analyzes the performance of energy harvesting communication networks under various operation protocols and multiple access schemes. Furthermore, since the radio frequency signal has energy, in addition to conveying information, it is also possible to power energy harvesting component while establishing data connectivity with information-decoding component. This leads to the concept of simultaneous wireless information and power transfer. The central goal of this thesis is to conduct a performance analysis in terms of throughput and energy efficiency, and determine optimal resource allocation strategies for wireless information and power transfer. In the first part of the thesis, simultaneous transfer of information and power through wireless links to energy harvesting and information decoding components is studied considering finite alphabet inputs. The concept of non-uniform probability distribution is introduced for an arbitrary input, and mathematical formulations that relate probability distribution to the required harvested energy level are provided. In addition, impact of statistical quality of service (QoS) constraints on the overall performance is studied, and power control algorithms are provided. Next, power allocation strategies that maximize the system energy efficiency subject to peak power constraints are determined for fading multiple access channels. The impact of channel characteristics, circuit power consumption and peak power level on the node selection, i.e., activation of user equipment, and the corresponding optimal transmit power level are addressed. Initially, wireless information transfer only is considered and subsequently wireless power transfer is taken into account. Assuming energy harvesting components, two scenarios are addressed based on the receiver architecture, i.e, having separated antenna or common antenna for the information decoding and energy harvesting components. In both cases, optimal SWIPT power control policies are identified, and impact of the required harvested energy is analyzed. The second line of research in this thesis focuses on wireless-powered communication devices that operate based on harvest-then-transmit protocol. Optimal time allocation for the downlink and uplink operation interval are identified formulating throughput maximization and energy-efficiency maximization problems. In addition, the performance gain among various types of downlink-uplink operation protocols is analyzed taking into account statistical QoS constraints. Furthermore, the performance analysis of energy harvesting user equipment is extended to full-duplex wireless information and power transfer as well as cellular networks. In full-duplex operation, optimal power control policies are identified, and the significance of introducing non-zero mean component on the information-bearing signal is analyzed. Meanwhile, SINR coverage probabilities, average throughput and energy efficiency are explicitly characterized for wireless-powered cellular networks, and the impact of downlink SWIPT and uplink mmWave schemes are addressed. In the final part of the thesis, energy efficiency is considered as the performance metric, and time allocation strategies that maximize energy efficiency for wireless powered communication networks with non-orthogonal multiple access scheme are determined. Low complex algorithms are proposed based on Dinkelbach’s method. In addition, the impact of statistical QoS constraints imposed as limitations on the buffer violation probabilities is addressed

    Joint Antenna Selection and Spatial Switching for Energy Efficient MIMO SWIPT System

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    In this paper, we investigate joint antenna selection and spatial switching for quality-of-service-constrained energy efficiency (EE) optimization in a multiple-input multiple-output simultaneous wireless information and power transfer system. A practical linear power model taking into account the entire transmit-receive chain is accordingly utilized. The corresponding fractional-combinatorial and non-convex EE problem, involving joint optimization of eigenchannel assignment, power allocation, and active receive antenna set selection, subject to satisfying minimum sum-rate and power transfer constraints, is extremely difficult to solve directly. In order to tackle this, we separate the eigenchannel assignment and power allocation procedure with the antenna selection functionality. In particular, we first tackle the EE maximization problem under fixed receive antenna set using Dinkelbach-based convex programming, iterative joint eigenchannel assignment and power allocation, and low-complexity multi-objective optimization-based approach. On the other hand, the number of active receive antennas induces a tradeoff in the achievable sum-rate and power transfer versus the transmit-independent power consumption. We provide a fundamental study of the achievable EE with antenna selection and accordingly develop dynamic optimal exhaustive search and Frobenius-norm-based schemes. Simulation results confirm the theoretical findings and demonstrate that the proposed resource allocation algorithms can efficiently approach the optimal EE