628 research outputs found

    Reviews and syntheses: The promise of big diverse soil data, moving current practices towards future potential

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    In the age of big data, soil data are more available and richer than ever, but – outside of a few large soil survey resources – they remain largely unusable for informing soil management and understanding Earth system processes beyond the original study. Data science has promised a fully reusable research pipeline where data from past studies are used to contextualize new findings and reanalyzed for new insight. Yet synthesis projects encounter challenges at all steps of the data reuse pipeline, including unavailable data, labor-intensive transcription of datasets, incomplete metadata, and a lack of communication between collaborators. Here, using insights from a diversity of soil, data, and climate scientists, we summarize current practices in soil data synthesis across all stages of database creation: availability, input, harmonization, curation, and publication. We then suggest new soil-focused semantic tools to improve existing data pipelines, such as ontologies, vocabulary lists, and community practices. Our goal is to provide the soil data community with an overview of current practices in soil data and where we need to go to fully leverage big data to solve soil problems in the next century

    Big Data Coordination Platform: Full Proposal 2017-2022

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    This proposal for a Big Data and ICT Platform therefore focuses on enhancing CGIAR and partner capacity to deliver big data management, analytics and ICT-focused solutions to CGIAR target geographies and communities. The ultimate goal of the platform is to harness the capabilities of Big Data to accelerate and enhance the impact of international agricultural research. It will support CGIAR’s mission by creating an enabling environment where data are expertly managed and used effectively to strengthen delivery on CGIAR SRF’s System Level Outcome (SLO) targets. Critical gaps were identified during the extensive scoping consultations with CGIAR researchers and partners (provided in Annex 8). The Platform will achieve this through ambitious partnerships with initiatives and organizations outside CGIAR, both upstream and downstream, public and private. It will focus on promoting CGIAR-wide collaboration across CRPs and Centers, in addition to developing new partnership models with big data leaders at the global level. As a result, CGIAR and partner capacity will be enhanced, external partnerships will be leveraged, and an institutional culture of collaborative data management and analytics will be established. Important international public goods such as new global and regional datasets will be developed, alongside new methods that support CGIAR to use the data revolution as an additional means of delivering on SLOs

    A high-yielding traits experiment for modeling potential production of wheat: field experiments and AgMIP-Wheat multi-model simulations

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    Grain production must increase by 60% in the next four decades to keep up with the expected population growth and food demand. A significant part of this increase must come from the improvement of staple crop grain yield potential. Crop growth simulation models combined with field experiments and crop physiology are powerful tools to quantify the impact of traits and trait combinations on grain yield potential which helps to guide breeding towards the most effective traits and trait combinations for future wheat crosses. The dataset reported here was created to analyze the value of physiological traits identified by the International Wheat Yield Partnership (IWYP) to improve wheat potential in high-yielding environments. This dataset consists of 11 growing seasons at three high-yielding locations in Buenos Aires (Argentina), Ciudad Obregon (Mexico), and Valdivia (Chile) with the spring wheat cultivar Bacanora and a high-yielding genotype selected from a doubled haploid (DH) population developed from the cross between the Bacanora and Weebil cultivars from the International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center (CIMMYT). This dataset was used in the Agricultural Model Intercomparison and Improvement Project (AgMIP) Wheat Phase 4 to evaluate crop model performance when simulating high-yielding physiological traits and to determine the potential production of wheat using an ensemble of 29 wheat crop models. The field trials were managed for non-stress conditions with full irrigation, fertilizer application, and without biotic stress. Data include local daily weather, soil characteristics and initial soil conditions, cultivar information, and crop measurements (anthesis and maturity dates, total above-ground biomass, final grain yield, yield components, and photosynthetically active radiation interception). Simulations include both daily in-season and end-of-season results for 25 crop variables simulated by 29 wheat crop models

    Ontologies for increasing the FAIRness of plant research data

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    The importance of improving the FAIRness (findability, accessibility, interoperability, reusability) of research data is undeniable, especially in the face of large, complex datasets currently being produced by omics technologies. Facilitating the integration of a dataset with other types of data increases the likelihood of reuse, and the potential of answering novel research questions. Ontologies are a useful tool for semantically tagging datasets as adding relevant metadata increases the understanding of how data was produced and increases its interoperability. Ontologies provide concepts for a particular domain as well as the relationships between concepts. By tagging data with ontology terms, data becomes both human and machine interpretable, allowing for increased reuse and interoperability. However, the task of identifying ontologies relevant to a particular research domain or technology is challenging, especially within the diverse realm of fundamental plant research. In this review, we outline the ontologies most relevant to the fundamental plant sciences and how they can be used to annotate data related to plant-specific experiments within metadata frameworks, such as Investigation-Study-Assay (ISA). We also outline repositories and platforms most useful for identifying applicable ontologies or finding ontology terms.Comment: 34 pages, 4 figures, 1 table, 1 supplementary tabl

    IoT data processing pipeline in FoF perspective

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    With the development in the contemporary industry, the concepts of ICT and IoT are gaining more importance, as they are the foundation for the systems of the future. Most of the current solutions converge into transforming the traditional industry in new smart interconnected factories, aware of its context, adaptable to different environments and capable of fully using its resources. However, the full potential for ICT manufacturing has not been achieved, since there is not a universal or standard architecture or model that can be applied to all the existing systems, to tackle the heterogeneity of the existing devices. In a common factory, exists a large amount of information that needs to be processed into the system in order to define event rules accordingly to the related contextual knowledge, to later execute the needed actions. However, this information is sometimes heterogeneous, meaning that it cannot be accessed or understood by the components of the system. This dissertation analyses the existing theories and models that may lead to seamless and homogeneous data exchange and contextual interpretation. A framework based on these theories is proposed in this dissertation, that aims to explore the situational context formalization in order to adequately provide appropriate actions

    The Parallel System for Integrating Impact Models and Sectors (pSIMS)

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    We present a framework for massively parallel climate impact simulations: the parallel System for Integrating Impact Models and Sectors (pSIMS). This framework comprises a) tools for ingesting and converting large amounts of data to a versatile datatype based on a common geospatial grid; b) tools for translating this datatype into custom formats for site-based models; c) a scalable parallel framework for performing large ensemble simulations, using any one of a number of different impacts models, on clusters, supercomputers, distributed grids, or clouds; d) tools and data standards for reformatting outputs to common datatypes for analysis and visualization; and e) methodologies for aggregating these datatypes to arbitrary spatial scales such as administrative and environmental demarcations. By automating many time-consuming and error-prone aspects of large-scale climate impacts studies, pSIMS accelerates computational research, encourages model intercomparison, and enhances reproducibility of simulation results. We present the pSIMS design and use example assessments to demonstrate its multi-model, multi-scale, and multi-sector versatility

    Utility of Daily 3 m Planet Fusion Surface Reflectance Data for Tillage Practice Mapping with Deep Learning

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    Tillage practices alter soil surface structure that can be potentially captured by satellite images with both high spatial and temporal resolution. This study explored tillage practice mapping using the daily Planet Fusion surface reflectance (PF-SR) gap-free 3 m data generated by fusing PlanetScope with Landsat-8, Sentinel-2 and MODIS surface reflectance data. The study area is a 220 × 220 km2 agricultural area in South Dakota, USA, and the study used 3285 PF-SR images from September 1, 2020 to August 31, 2021. The PF-SR images for the surveyed 433 fields were sliced into 10,747 training (70%) and evaluation (30%) non-overlapping time series patches. The training and evaluation patches were from different fields for evaluation data independence. The performance of four deep learning models (i.e., 2D convolutional neural networks (CNN), 3D CNN, CNN-Long short-term memory (LSTM), and attention CNN-LSTM) in tillage practice mapping, as well as their sensitivity to different spatial (i.e., 3 m, 24 m, and 96 m) and temporal resolutions (16-day, 8-day, 4-day, 2-day and 1-day) were examined. Classification accuracy continuously increased with increases in both temporal and spatial resolutions. The optimal models (3D CNN and attention CNN-LSTM) achieved ~77% accuracy using 2-day or daily 3 m resolution data as opposed to ~72% accuracy using 16-day 3 m resolution data or daily 24 m resolution data. This study also analyzed the feature importance of different acquisition dates for the two optimal models. The 3D CNN model feature importances were found to agree well with the tillage practice time. High feature importance was associated with observations during the fall and spring tillage period (i.e., fresh tillage signals) whereas the crop peak growing period (i.e., tillage signals weathered and confounded by dense canopy) was characterized by a relatively low feature importance. The work provides valuable insights into the utility of deep learning for tillage mapping and change event time identification based on high resolution imagery

    Reviews and syntheses: The promise of big diverse soil data, moving current practices towards future potential

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    In the age of big data, soil data are more available and richer than ever, but – outside of a few large soil survey resources – they remain largely unusable for informing soil management and understanding Earth system processes beyond the original study. Data science has promised a fully reusable research pipeline where data from past studies are used to contextualize new findings and reanalyzed for new insight. Yet synthesis projects encounter challenges at all steps of the data reuse pipeline, including unavailable data, labor-intensive transcription of datasets, incomplete metadata, and a lack of communication between collaborators. Here, using insights from a diversity of soil, data, and climate scientists, we summarize current practices in soil data synthesis across all stages of database creation: availability, input, harmonization, curation, and publication. We then suggest new soil-focused semantic tools to improve existing data pipelines, such as ontologies, vocabulary lists, and community practices. Our goal is to provide the soil data community with an overview of current practices in soil data and where we need to go to fully leverage big data to solve soil problems in the next century.</p

    GeoTraceAgri final project report (GTA)

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    Are the universalisation and the globalisation of trade exchanges synonymous with a standardization in which agro-food products uprooted of their soil will no longer be differentiated from manufacturers or supermarket brands? Original food products belong to the inheritance of the territories and the consumers are attracted more and more by their authenticity. The GeoTraceAgri project resolutely supports agriculture and the sustainable promotion of the territory as opposed to universalisation which standardizes and moves away those who produce for consumers. Geotraceability aims at associating information of geographical nature with the traditional data of traceability. Farming origin and operations have become factual and verifi able data is available everywhere in the world, thus making it possible to bring additional guarantees to the signs of quality. The GeoTraceAgri (GTA) project largely contributed to the realisation of geotraceability. With the implementation from January 1,2005 of the new Common Agricultural Policy and its regulation imposing on the Member States a single system of declaration, all the agricultural parcels now form part of a European database of geographical references. This new regulation reinforces the basis of the concept of geotraceability, whereas throughout the project it was necessary to defi ne geo-indicators for integrated or crop production with very few geographical data on the farming precedents. The development of the GTA prototype rests on a decentralized architecture and Web services. It was indeed necessary to conceive a system which is readily accessible on Internet for farmers, co-operatives and collectors, and potentially with the administrations which have control responsibilities. In term of acceptability, the potential users realise the potential economic benefi ts of the concept and of the indicators of geotraceability in their plan of exploitation, on the other hand sociological acceptability is less evident which induces the need for communication to make for its adoption. This fi nal report fi nal illustrates the fi rst stage : the GeoTraceAgri partners are continuing their research on the defi nition of an integrated system of geotraceability for the Common agricultural policy and the plan of analysis of the results of GeoTraceAgri should lead to the marketing within two years of an application making it possible to integrate the geo-indicators into management software for the actors of the agro food chain
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