14 research outputs found

    Real-time implementation of 3D LiDAR point cloud semantic segmentation in an FPGA

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    Dissertação de mestrado em Informatics EngineeringIn the last few years, the automotive industry has relied heavily on deep learning applications for perception solutions. With data-heavy sensors, such as LiDAR, becoming a standard, the task of developing low-power and real-time applications has become increasingly more challenging. To obtain the maximum computational efficiency, no longer can one focus solely on the software aspect of such applications, while disregarding the underlying hardware. In this thesis, a hardware-software co-design approach is used to implement an inference application leveraging the SqueezeSegV3, a LiDAR-based convolutional neural network, on the Versal ACAP VCK190 FPGA. Automotive requirements carefully drive the development of the proposed solution, with real-time performance and low power consumption being the target metrics. A first experiment validates the suitability of Xilinx’s Vitis-AI tool for the deployment of deep convolutional neural networks on FPGAs. Both the ResNet-18 and SqueezeNet neural networks are deployed to the Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC ZCU104 and Versal ACAP VCK190 FPGAs. The results show that both networks achieve far more than the real-time requirements while consuming low power. Compared to an NVIDIA RTX 3090 GPU, the performance per watt during both network’s inference is 12x and 47.8x higher and 15.1x and 26.6x higher respectively for the Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC ZCU104 and the Versal ACAP VCK190 FPGA. These results are obtained with no drop in accuracy in the quantization step. A second experiment builds upon the results of the first by deploying a real-time application containing the SqueezeSegV3 model using the Semantic-KITTI dataset. A framerate of 11 Hz is achieved with a peak power consumption of 78 Watts. The quantization step results in a minimal accuracy and IoU degradation of 0.7 and 1.5 points respectively. A smaller version of the same model is also deployed achieving a framerate of 19 Hz and a peak power consumption of 76 Watts. The application performs semantic segmentation over all the point cloud with a field of view of 360°.Nos últimos anos a indústria automóvel tem cada vez mais aplicado deep learning para solucionar problemas de perceção. Dado que os sensores que produzem grandes quantidades de dados, como o LiDAR, se têm tornado standard, a tarefa de desenvolver aplicações de baixo consumo energético e com capacidades de reagir em tempo real tem-se tornado cada vez mais desafiante. Para obter a máxima eficiência computacional, deixou de ser possível focar-se apenas no software aquando do desenvolvimento de uma aplicação deixando de lado o hardware subjacente. Nesta tese, uma abordagem de desenvolvimento simultâneo de hardware e software é usada para implementar uma aplicação de inferência usando o SqueezeSegV3, uma rede neuronal convolucional profunda, na FPGA Versal ACAP VCK190. São os requisitos automotive que guiam o desenvolvimento da solução proposta, sendo a performance em tempo real e o baixo consumo energético, as métricas alvo principais. Uma primeira experiência valida a aptidão da ferramenta Vitis-AI para a implantação de redes neuronais convolucionais profundas em FPGAs. As redes ResNet-18 e SqueezeNet são ambas implantadas nas FPGAs Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC ZCU104 e Versal ACAP VCK190. Os resultados mostram que ambas as redes ultrapassam os requisitos de tempo real consumindo pouca energia. Comparado com a GPU NVIDIA RTX 3090, a performance por Watt durante a inferência de ambas as redes é superior em 12x e 47.8x e 15.1x e 26.6x respetivamente na Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC ZCU104 e na Versal ACAP VCK190. Estes resultados foram obtidos sem qualquer perda de accuracy na etapa de quantização. Uma segunda experiência é feita no seguimento dos resultados da primeira, implantando uma aplicação de inferência em tempo real contendo o modelo SqueezeSegV3 e usando o conjunto de dados Semantic-KITTI. Um framerate de 11 Hz é atingido com um pico de consumo energético de 78 Watts. O processo de quantização resulta numa perda mínima de accuracy e IoU com valores de 0.7 e 1.5 pontos respetivamente. Uma versão mais pequena do mesmo modelo é também implantada, atingindo uma framerate de 19 Hz e um pico de consumo energético de 76 Watts. A aplicação desenvolvida executa segmentação semântica sobre a totalidade das nuvens de pontos LiDAR, com um campo de visão de 360°

    A Cyber-Physical System for integrated remote control andprotection of smart grid critical infrastructures

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    This work proposes a Cyber-Physical System (CPS) for protecting Smart Electric Grid Critical Infrastructures (CI) using video surveillance while remotely monitoring them. Due to the critical nature of Smart Grid, it is necessary to guarantee an adequate level of safety, security and reliability. Thus, this CPS is back-boned by a Time-Sensitive Network solution (TSN) providing concurrent support for smart-video surveillance and Smart Grid control over a single communication infrastructure. To this end, TSN delivers high-bandwidth communication for video surveil-lance and deterministic Quality of Service (QoS), latency and bandwidth guarantees, required by the time-critical Smart Grid control. On the one hand, the CPS utilizes High-availability Seamless Redundancy (HSR) in the control subsystem via Remote Terminal Units (RTU) guaranteeing seamless failover against failures in Smart Grid. On the other hand, the smart video surveillance subsystem applies machine learning to monitor secured perimeters and detect people around the Smart Grid CI. Moreover, it is also able to directly interoperate with RTUs via MODBUS protocol to send alarms in case of e.g. intrusion. The work evaluates the accuracy and performance of the detection using common metrics in surveillance field. An integrated monitoring dashboard has also been developed in which all CPS information is available in real timeThis work was partially supported by the EU Project FitOptiVis [3] through the ECSEL Joint Undertaking under GA n. 783162, a Spanish National grant funded by MINECO through APCIN PCI2018-093184, and partially by the Research Network RED2018-102511-

    Many-Core Architectures: Hardware-Software Optimization and Modeling Techniques

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    During the last few decades an unprecedented technological growth has been at the center of the embedded systems design paramount, with Moore’s Law being the leading factor of this trend. Today in fact an ever increasing number of cores can be integrated on the same die, marking the transition from state-of-the-art multi-core chips to the new many-core design paradigm. Despite the extraordinarily high computing power, the complexity of many-core chips opens the door to several challenges. As a result of the increased silicon density of modern Systems-on-a-Chip (SoC), the design space exploration needed to find the best design has exploded and hardware designers are in fact facing the problem of a huge design space. Virtual Platforms have always been used to enable hardware-software co-design, but today they are facing with the huge complexity of both hardware and software systems. In this thesis two different research works on Virtual Platforms are presented: the first one is intended for the hardware developer, to easily allow complex cycle accurate simulations of many-core SoCs. The second work exploits the parallel computing power of off-the-shelf General Purpose Graphics Processing Units (GPGPUs), with the goal of an increased simulation speed. The term Virtualization can be used in the context of many-core systems not only to refer to the aforementioned hardware emulation tools (Virtual Platforms), but also for two other main purposes: 1) to help the programmer to achieve the maximum possible performance of an application, by hiding the complexity of the underlying hardware. 2) to efficiently exploit the high parallel hardware of many-core chips in environments with multiple active Virtual Machines. This thesis is focused on virtualization techniques with the goal to mitigate, and overtake when possible, some of the challenges introduced by the many-core design paradigm

    Energy Aware Runtime Systems for Elastic Stream Processing Platforms

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    Following an invariant growth in the required computational performance of processors, the multicore revolution started around 20 years ago. This revolution was mainly an answer to power dissipation constraints restricting the increase of clock frequency in single-core processors. The multicore revolution not only brought in the challenge of parallel programming, i.e. being able to develop software exploiting the entire capabilities of manycore architectures, but also the challenge of programming heterogeneous platforms. The question of “on which processing element to map a specific computational unit?”, is well known in the embedded community. With the introduction of general-purpose graphics processing units (GPGPUs), digital signal processors (DSPs) along with many-core processors on different system-on-chip platforms, heterogeneous parallel platforms are nowadays widespread over several domains, from consumer devices to media processing platforms for telecom operators. Finding mapping together with a suitable hardware architecture is a process called design-space exploration. This process is very challenging in heterogeneous many-core architectures, which promise to offer benefits in terms of energy efficiency. The main problem is the exponential explosion of space exploration. With the recent trend of increasing levels of heterogeneity in the chip, selecting the parameters to take into account when mapping software to hardware is still an open research topic in the embedded area. For example, the current Linux scheduler has poor performance when mapping tasks to computing elements available in hardware. The only metric considered is CPU workload, which as was shown in recent work does not match true performance demands from the applications. Doing so may produce an incorrect allocation of resources, resulting in a waste of energy. The origin of this research work comes from the observation that these approaches do not provide full support for the dynamic behavior of stream processing applications, especially if these behaviors are established only at runtime. This research will contribute to the general goal of developing energy-efficient solutions to design streaming applications on heterogeneous and parallel hardware platforms. Streaming applications are nowadays widely spread in the software domain. Their distinctive characiteristic is the retrieving of multiple streams of data and the need to process them in real time. The proposed work will develop new approaches to address the challenging problem of efficient runtime coordination of dynamic applications, focusing on energy and performance management.Efter en oföränderlig tillväxt i prestandakrav hos processorer, började den flerkärniga processor-revolutionen för ungefär 20 år sedan. Denna revolution skedde till största del som en lösning till begränsningar i energieffekten allt eftersom klockfrekvensen kontinuerligt höjdes i en-kärniga processorer. Den flerkärniga processor-revolutionen medförde inte enbart utmaningen gällande parallellprogrammering, m.a.o. förmågan att utveckla mjukvara som använder sig av alla delelement i de flerkärniga processorerna, men också utmaningen med programmering av heterogena plattformar. Frågeställningen ”på vilken processorelement skall en viss beräkning utföras?” är väl känt inom ramen för inbyggda datorsystem. Efter introduktionen av grafikprocessorer för allmänna beräkningar (GPGPU), signalprocesserings-processorer (DSP) samt flerkärniga processorer på olika system-on-chip plattformar, är heterogena parallella plattformar idag omfattande inom många domäner, från konsumtionsartiklar till mediaprocesseringsplattformar för telekommunikationsoperatörer. Processen att placera beräkningarna på en passande hårdvaruplattform kallas för utforskning av en designrymd (design-space exploration). Denna process är mycket utmanande för heterogena flerkärniga arkitekturer, och kan medföra fördelar när det gäller energieffektivitet. Det största problemet är att de olika valmöjligheterna i designrymden kan växa exponentiellt. Enligt den nuvarande trenden som förespår ökad heterogeniska aspekter i processorerna är utmaningen att hitta den mest passande placeringen av beräkningarna på hårdvaran ännu en forskningsfråga inom ramen för inbyggda datorsystem. Till exempel, den nuvarande schemaläggaren i Linux operativsystemet är inkapabel att hitta en effektiv placering av beräkningarna på den underliggande hårdvaran. Det enda mätsättet som används är processorns belastning vilket, som visats i tidigare forskning, inte motsvarar den verkliga prestandan i applikationen. Användning av detta mätsätt vid resursallokering resulterar i slöseri med energi. Denna forskning härstammar från observationerna att dessa tillvägagångssätt inte stöder det dynamiska beteendet hos ström-processeringsapplikationer (stream processing applications), speciellt om beteendena bara etableras vid körtid. Denna forskning kontribuerar till det allmänna målet att utveckla energieffektiva lösningar för ström-applikationer (streaming applications) på heterogena flerkärniga hårdvaruplattformar. Ström-applikationer är numera mycket vanliga i mjukvarudomän. Deras distinkta karaktär är inläsning av flertalet dataströmmar, och behov av att processera dem i realtid. Arbetet i denna forskning understöder utvecklingen av nya sätt för att lösa det utmanade problemet att effektivt koordinera dynamiska applikationer i realtid och fokus på energi- och prestandahantering

    HAL-ASOS - Linux com aceleração em hardware para sistemas operativos dedicados à aplicação

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    Programa doutoral em Engenharia Eletrónica e de Computadores (PDEEC) (especialidade de Informática Industrial e Sistemas Embebidos)O ecossistema de sistemas embebidos de hoje tornou-se enorme, cobrindo vários e diferentes sistemas, exigindo desempenho e mobilidade completa enquanto atingem autonomias de bateria cada vez maiores. Mas a crescente frequência de relógio que resultou em dispositivos cada vez mais rápidos começou a estagnar antes dos transístores pararem de encolher. Plataformas Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) são uma solução alternativa para a implementação de sistemas completos e reconfiguráveis. Fornecem desempenho e eficiência computacional para satisfazer requisitos da aplicação e do sistema embebido. Vários Sistemas Operativos (SO) assistidos por FPGA foram propostos, mas ao estreitar seu foco na síntese do datapath do acelerador de hardware, a grande maioria ignora a integração semântica destes no SO. Ambientes de síntese de alto nível (HLS) elevaram a abstração além da linguagem de transferência de registo (RTL), seguindo uma abordagem específica de domínio enquanto misturam software e abstrações de hardware ad hoc, que dificultam as otimizações. Além disso, os modelos de programação para software e hardware reconfigurável carecem de semelhanças, o que com o tempo dificultará a Exploração do Ambiente de Design (DSE) e diminuirá o potencial de reutilização de código. Para responder a estas necessidades, propomos HAL-ASOS, uma ferramenta para implementar sistemas embebidos baseados em Linux que fornece (1) elasticidade no design em conformidade com a natureza evolutiva deste SO, (2) integração semântica profunda de tarefas de hardware nos modelos de programação do Linux, (3) facilidade na gestão de complexidade através de metodologia e ferramentas para apoiar o design, verificação e implementação, (4) orientada por princípios de design híbridos e eficiência no sistema. Para avaliar as funcionalidades da ferramenta, foi implementado um aplicativo criptográfico que demonstra alcance de desempenho enquanto se emprega a metodologia de design. Novos níveis de desempenho são atingidos numa aplicação de Visão por Computador que explora recursos de programação assíncrona-síncrona. Os resultados demonstram uma abordagem flexível na reconfiguração entre hardware e software, e desempenho que aumenta consistentemente com acréscimo de recursos ou frequência de relógio.Today’s embedded systems ecosystem became huge while covering several and different computer-based systems, demanding for performance and complete mobility while experiencing longer battery lives. But the rampant frequency that resulted in faster devices began hitting a wall even before transistors stopped shrinking. Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) platforms are an alternative solution towards implementing complete reconfigurable systems. They provide computational power, efficiency, in a lightweight solution to serve the application requirements and increase performance in the overall system. Several FPGA-assisted Operating Systems (OS) have been proposed, but by narrowing their focus on datapath synthesis of the hardware accelerator, they completely ignore the deep semantic integration of these accelerators into the OS. State-of-the-art High-Level Synthesis (HLS) environments have raised the level of abstraction beyond Register Transfer Language (RTL) by following a domain-specific approach while mixing ad hoc software and hardware abstractions, making harder for performance optimizations. Furthermore, the programming models for software and reconfigurable hardware lack commonalities, which in time will hinder the Design Space Exploration (DSE) and lower the potential for code reuse. To overcome these issues, we propose HAL-ASOS, a framework to implement Linux-based Embedded systems which provides (1) elasticity by design to comply with the evolutive nature of Linux, (2) deep semantic integration of the hardware tasks in the Linux programming models, (3) easy complexity management using methodology and tools to fully support design, verification and deployment, (4) hybrid and efficiency-oriented design principles. To evaluate the framework functionalities, a cryptographic application was implemented and demonstrates performance achievements while using the promoted application-driven design methodology. To demonstrate new levels of performance that can be achieved, a Computer Vision application explores several mixed asynchronous-synchronous programming features. Experiments demonstrate a flexible design approach in terms of hardware and software reconfiguration, and significant performance that increases consistently with the rising in processing resources or clock frequencies.Financial support received from Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) with the PhD grant SFRH/BD/82732/2011

    Modelli e strumenti di programmazione parallela per piattaforme many-core

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    The negotiation between power consumption, performance, programmability, and portability drives all computing industry designs, in particular the mobile and embedded systems domains. Two design paradigms have proven particularly promising in this context: architectural heterogeneity and many-core processors. Parallel programming models are key to effectively harness the computational power of heterogeneous many-core SoC. This thesis presents a set of techniques and HW/SW extensions that enable performance improvements and that simplify programmability for heterogeneous many-core platforms. The thesis contributions cover vertically the entire software stack for many-core platforms, from hardware abstraction layers running on top of bare-metal, to programming models; from hardware extensions for efficient parallelism support to middleware that enables optimized resource management within many-core platforms. First, we present mechanisms to decrease parallelism overheads on parallel programming runtimes for many-core platforms, targeting fine-grain parallelism. Second, we present programming model support that enables the offload of computational kernels within heterogeneous many-core systems. Third, we present a novel approach to dynamically sharing and managing many-core platforms when multiple applications coded with different programming models execute concurrently. All these contributions were validated using STMicroelectronics STHORM, a real embodiment of a state-of-the-art many-core system. Hardware extensions and architectural explorations were explored using VirtualSoC, a SystemC based cycle-accurate simulator of many-core platforms

    Optimization Techniques for Parallel Programming of Embedded Many-Core Computing Platforms

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    Nowadays many-core computing platforms are widely adopted as a viable solution to accelerate compute-intensive workloads at different scales, from low-cost devices to HPC nodes. It is well established that heterogeneous platforms including a general-purpose host processor and a parallel programmable accelerator have the potential to dramatically increase the peak performance/Watt of computing architectures. However the adoption of these platforms further complicates application development, whereas it is widely acknowledged that software development is a critical activity for the platform design. The introduction of parallel architectures raises the need for programming paradigms capable of effectively leveraging an increasing number of processors, from two to thousands. In this scenario the study of optimization techniques to program parallel accelerators is paramount for two main objectives: first, improving performance and energy efficiency of the platform, which are key metrics for both embedded and HPC systems; second, enforcing software engineering practices with the aim to guarantee code quality and reduce software costs. This thesis presents a set of techniques that have been studied and designed to achieve these objectives overcoming the current state-of-the-art. As a first contribution, we discuss the use of OpenMP tasking as a general-purpose programming model to support the execution of diverse workloads, and we introduce a set of runtime-level techniques to support fine-grain tasks on high-end many-core accelerators (devices with a power consumption greater than 10W). Then we focus our attention on embedded computer vision (CV), with the aim to show how to achieve best performance by exploiting the characteristics of a specific application domain. To further reduce the power consumption of parallel accelerators beyond the current technological limits, we describe an approach based on the principles of approximate computing, which implies modification to the program semantics and proper hardware support at the architectural level

    Neural network computing using on-chip accelerators

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    The use of neural networks, machine learning, or artificial intelligence, in its broadest and most controversial sense, has been a tumultuous journey involving three distinct hype cycles and a history dating back to the 1960s. Resurgent, enthusiastic interest in machine learning and its applications bolsters the case for machine learning as a fundamental computational kernel. Furthermore, researchers have demonstrated that machine learning can be utilized as an auxiliary component of applications to enhance or enable new types of computation such as approximate computing or automatic parallelization. In our view, machine learning becomes not the underlying application, but a ubiquitous component of applications. This view necessitates a different approach towards the deployment of machine learning computation that spans not only hardware design of accelerator architectures, but also user and supervisor software to enable the safe, simultaneous use of machine learning accelerator resources. In this dissertation, we propose a multi-transaction model of neural network computation to meet the needs of future machine learning applications. We demonstrate that this model, encompassing a decoupled backend accelerator for inference and learning from hardware and software for managing neural network transactions can be achieved with low overhead and integrated with a modern RISC-V microprocessor. Our extensions span user and supervisor software and data structures and, coupled with our hardware, enable multiple transactions from different address spaces to execute simultaneously, yet safely. Together, our system demonstrates the utility of a multi-transaction model to increase energy efficiency improvements and improve overall accelerator throughput for machine learning applications