2,982 research outputs found

    Novel system of pavement cracking detection algorithms using 1mm 3D surface data

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    Pavement cracking is one of the major concerns for pavement design and management. There have been rapid developments of automated pavement cracking detection in recent years. However, none of them has been widely accepted so far due to lack of capability of maintaining consistently high detection accuracy for various pavement surfaces. Using 1mm 3D data collected by WayLink Digital Highway Data Vehicle (DHDV), an entire system of algorithms, which consists of Fully Automated Cracking Detection Subsystem, Interactive Cracking Detection Subsystem and Noisy Pattern Detection Subsystem, is proposed in this study for improvements in adaptability, reliability and interactivity of pavement cracking detection.The Fully Automated Cracking Detection Subsystem utilizes 3D Shadow Simulation to find lower areas in local neighborhood, and then eliminates noises by subsequent noise suppressing procedures. The assumption behind 3D Shadow Simulation is that local lower areas will be shadowed under light with a certain projection angle. According to the Precision-Recall Analysis on two real pavement segments, the fully automated subsystem can achieve a high level of Precision and Recall on both pavement segments.The Interactive Cracking Detection Subsystem implements an interactive algorithm proposed in this study, which is capable of improving its detection accuracy by adjustments based on the operator's feedback, to provide a slower but more flexible as well as confident approach to pavement cracking detection. It is demonstrated in the case study that the interactive subsystem can retrieve almost 100 percent of cracks with nearly no noises.The Noisy Pattern Detection Subsystem is proposed to exclude pavement joints and grooves from cracking detection so that false-positive errors on rigid pavements can be reduced significantly. This subsystem applies Support Vector Machines (SVM) to train the classifiers for the recognition of transverse groove, transverse joint, longitudinal groove and longitudinal joint respectively. Based on the trained classifiers, pattern extraction procedures are developed to find the exact locations of pavement joints and grooves.Non-dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm II (NSGA-II), which is one of multi objective genetic algorithms, is employed in this study to optimize parameters of the fully automated subsystem for the pursuing of high Precision and high Recall simultaneously. In addition to NSGA-II, an Auxiliary Prediction Model (APM) is proposed in this study to assist NSGA-II for faster convergence and better diversity.Finally, CPU-based and GPU-based Parallel Computing Techniques, including MultiGPU, GPU streaming, Multi-Core and Multi-Threading are combined in this study to increase the processing speed for all computational tasks that can be synchronous

    Latency-aware Unified Dynamic Networks for Efficient Image Recognition

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    Dynamic computation has emerged as a promising avenue to enhance the inference efficiency of deep networks. It allows selective activation of computational units, leading to a reduction in unnecessary computations for each input sample. However, the actual efficiency of these dynamic models can deviate from theoretical predictions. This mismatch arises from: 1) the lack of a unified approach due to fragmented research; 2) the focus on algorithm design over critical scheduling strategies, especially in CUDA-enabled GPU contexts; and 3) challenges in measuring practical latency, given that most libraries cater to static operations. Addressing these issues, we unveil the Latency-Aware Unified Dynamic Networks (LAUDNet), a framework that integrates three primary dynamic paradigms-spatially adaptive computation, dynamic layer skipping, and dynamic channel skipping. To bridge the theoretical and practical efficiency gap, LAUDNet merges algorithmic design with scheduling optimization, guided by a latency predictor that accurately gauges dynamic operator latency. We've tested LAUDNet across multiple vision tasks, demonstrating its capacity to notably reduce the latency of models like ResNet-101 by over 50% on platforms such as V100, RTX3090, and TX2 GPUs. Notably, LAUDNet stands out in balancing accuracy and efficiency. Code is available at: https://www.github.com/LeapLabTHU/LAUDNet

    Coprocessor integration for real-time event processing in particle physics detectors

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    Els experiments de física d’altes energies actuals disposen d’acceleradors amb més energía, sensors més precisos i formes més flexibles de recopilar les dades. Aquesta ràpida evolució requereix de més capacitat de càlcul; els processadors massivament paral·lels, com ara les targes acceleradores gràfiques, ens posen a l’abast aquesta major capacitat de càlcul a un cost sensiblement inferior a les CPUs tradicionals. L’ús d’aquest tipus de processadors requereix, però, de nous algoritmes i nous enfocaments de l’organització de les dades que són difícils d’integrar en els programaris actuals. En aquest treball s’exploren els problemes derivats de l’ús d’algoritmes paral·lels en els entorns de programari existents, orientats a CPUs, i es proposa una solució, en forma de servei, que comunica amb els diversos pipelines que processen els esdeveniments procedents de les col·lisions de partícules, recull les dades en lots i els envia als algoritmes corrent sobre els processadors massivament paral·lels. Aquest servei s’integra en Gaudí - l’entorn de software de dos dels quatre experiments principals del Gran Col·lisionador d’Hadrons. S’examina el sobrecost que el servei afegeix als algoritmes paral·lels. S’estudia un cas d´ùs del servei per fer una reconstrucció paral·lela de les traces detectades en el VELO Pixel, el subdetector encarregat de la detecció de vèrtex en l’upgrade de LHCb. Per aquest cas, s’observen les característiques del rendiment en funció de la mida dels lots de dades. Finalment, les conclusions en posen en el context dels requeriments del sistema de trigger de LHCb.La física de altas energías dispone actualmente de aceleradores con energías mayores, sensores más precisos y métodos de recopilación de datos más flexibles que nunca. Su rápido progreso necesita aún más potencia de cálculo; el hardware masivamente paralelo, como las unidades de procesamiento gráfico, nos brinda esta potencia a un coste mucho más bajo que las CPUs tradicionales. Sin embargo, para usar eficientemente este hardware necesitamos algoritmos nuevos y nuevos enfoques de organización de datos difíciles de integrarse con el software existente. En este trabajo, se investiga cómo se pueden usar estos algoritmos paralelos en las infraestructuras de software ya existentes y que están orientadas a CPUs. Se propone una solución en forma de un servicio que comunica con los diversos pipelines que procesan los eventos de las correspondientes colisiones de particulas, reúne los datos en lotes y se los entrega a los algoritmos paralelos acelerados por hardware. Este servicio se integra con Gaudí — la infraestructura del entorno de software que usan dos de los cuatro gran experimentos del Gran Colisionador de Hadrones. Se examinan los costes añadidos por el servicio en los algoritmos paralelos. Se estudia un caso de uso del servicio para ejecutar un algoritmo paralelo para el VELO Pixel (el subdetector encargado de la localización de vértices en el upgrade del experimento LHCb) y se estudian las características de rendimiento de los distintos tamaños de lotes de datos. Finalmente, las conclusiones se contextualizan dentro la perspectiva de los requerimientos para el sistema de trigger de LHCb.High-energy physics experiments today have higher energies, more accurate sensors, and more flexible means of data collection than ever before. Their rapid progress requires ever more computational power; and massively parallel hardware, such as graphics cards, holds the promise to provide this power at a much lower cost than traditional CPUs. Yet, using this hardware requires new algorithms and new approaches to organizing data that can be difficult to integrate with existing software. In this work, I explore the problem of using parallel algorithms within existing CPU-orientated frameworks and propose a compromise between the different trade-offs. The solution is a service that communicates with multiple event-processing pipelines, gathers data into batches, and submits them to hardware-accelerated parallel algorithms. I integrate this service with Gaudi — a framework underlying the software environments of two of the four major experiments at the Large Hadron Collider. I examine the overhead the service adds to parallel algorithms. I perform a case study of using the service to run a parallel track reconstruction algorithm for the LHCb experiment's prospective VELO Pixel subdetector and look at the performance characteristics of using different data batch sizes. Finally, I put the findings into perspective within the context of the LHCb trigger's requirements

    New strategies for the aerodynamic design optimization of aeronautical configurations through soft-computing techniques

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    Premio Extraordinario de Doctorado de la UAH en 2013Lozano Rodríguez, Carlos, codir.This thesis deals with the improvement of the optimization process in the aerodynamic design of aeronautical configurations. Nowadays, this topic is of great importance in order to allow the European aeronautical industry to reduce their development and operational costs, decrease the time-to-market for new aircraft, improve the quality of their products and therefore maintain their competitiveness. Within this thesis, a study of the state-of-the-art of the aerodynamic optimization tools has been performed, and several contributions have been proposed at different levels: -One of the main drawbacks for an industrial application of aerodynamic optimization tools is the huge requirement of computational resources, in particular, for complex optimization problems, current methodological approaches would need more than a year to obtain an optimized aircraft. For this reason, one proposed contribution of this work is focused on reducing the computational cost by the use of different techniques as surrogate modelling, control theory, as well as other more software-related techniques as code optimization and proper domain parallelization, all with the goal of decreasing the cost of the aerodynamic design process. -Other contribution is related to the consideration of the design process as a global optimization problem, and, more specifically, the use of evolutionary algorithms (EAs) to perform a preliminary broad exploration of the design space, due to their ability to obtain global optima. Regarding this, EAs have been hybridized with metamodels (or surrogate models), in order to substitute expensive CFD simulations. In this thesis, an innovative approach for the global aerodynamic optimization of aeronautical configurations is proposed, consisting of an Evolutionary Programming algorithm hybridized with a Support Vector regression algorithm (SVMr) as a metamodel. Specific issues as precision, dataset training size, geometry parameterization sensitivity and techniques for design of experiments are discussed and the potential of the proposed approach to achieve innovative shapes that would not be achieved with traditional methods is assessed. -Then, after a broad exploration of the design space, the optimization process is continued with local gradient-based optimization techniques for a finer improvement of the geometry. Here, an automated optimization framework is presented to address aerodynamic shape design problems. Key aspects of this framework include the use of the adjoint methodology to make the computational requirements independent of the number of design variables, and Computer Aided Design (CAD)-based shape parameterization, which uses the flexibility of Non-Uniform Rational B-Splines (NURBS) to handle complex configurations. The mentioned approach is applied to the optimization of several test cases and the improvements of the proposed strategy and its ability to achieve efficient shapes will complete this study

    New strategies for the aerodynamic design optimization of aeronautical configurations through soft-computing techniques

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    Premio Extraordinario de Doctorado de la UAH en 2013Lozano Rodríguez, Carlos, codir.This thesis deals with the improvement of the optimization process in the aerodynamic design of aeronautical configurations. Nowadays, this topic is of great importance in order to allow the European aeronautical industry to reduce their development and operational costs, decrease the time-to-market for new aircraft, improve the quality of their products and therefore maintain their competitiveness. Within this thesis, a study of the state-of-the-art of the aerodynamic optimization tools has been performed, and several contributions have been proposed at different levels: -One of the main drawbacks for an industrial application of aerodynamic optimization tools is the huge requirement of computational resources, in particular, for complex optimization problems, current methodological approaches would need more than a year to obtain an optimized aircraft. For this reason, one proposed contribution of this work is focused on reducing the computational cost by the use of different techniques as surrogate modelling, control theory, as well as other more software-related techniques as code optimization and proper domain parallelization, all with the goal of decreasing the cost of the aerodynamic design process. -Other contribution is related to the consideration of the design process as a global optimization problem, and, more specifically, the use of evolutionary algorithms (EAs) to perform a preliminary broad exploration of the design space, due to their ability to obtain global optima. Regarding this, EAs have been hybridized with metamodels (or surrogate models), in order to substitute expensive CFD simulations. In this thesis, an innovative approach for the global aerodynamic optimization of aeronautical configurations is proposed, consisting of an Evolutionary Programming algorithm hybridized with a Support Vector regression algorithm (SVMr) as a metamodel. Specific issues as precision, dataset training size, geometry parameterization sensitivity and techniques for design of experiments are discussed and the potential of the proposed approach to achieve innovative shapes that would not be achieved with traditional methods is assessed. -Then, after a broad exploration of the design space, the optimization process is continued with local gradient-based optimization techniques for a finer improvement of the geometry. Here, an automated optimization framework is presented to address aerodynamic shape design problems. Key aspects of this framework include the use of the adjoint methodology to make the computational requirements independent of the number of design variables, and Computer Aided Design (CAD)-based shape parameterization, which uses the flexibility of Non-Uniform Rational B-Splines (NURBS) to handle complex configurations. The mentioned approach is applied to the optimization of several test cases and the improvements of the proposed strategy and its ability to achieve efficient shapes will complete this study