196 research outputs found

    HeTM: Transactional Memory for Heterogeneous Systems

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    Modern heterogeneous computing architectures, which couple multi-core CPUs with discrete many-core GPUs (or other specialized hardware accelerators), enable unprecedented peak performance and energy efficiency levels. Unfortunately, though, developing applications that can take full advantage of the potential of heterogeneous systems is a notoriously hard task. This work takes a step towards reducing the complexity of programming heterogeneous systems by introducing the abstraction of Heterogeneous Transactional Memory (HeTM). HeTM provides programmers with the illusion of a single memory region, shared among the CPUs and the (discrete) GPU(s) of a heterogeneous system, with support for atomic transactions. Besides introducing the abstract semantics and programming model of HeTM, we present the design and evaluation of a concrete implementation of the proposed abstraction, which we named Speculative HeTM (SHeTM). SHeTM makes use of a novel design that leverages on speculative techniques and aims at hiding the inherently large communication latency between CPUs and discrete GPUs and at minimizing inter-device synchronization overhead. SHeTM is based on a modular and extensible design that allows for easily integrating alternative TM implementations on the CPU's and GPU's sides, which allows the flexibility to adopt, on either side, the TM implementation (e.g., in hardware or software) that best fits the applications' workload and the architectural characteristics of the processing unit. We demonstrate the efficiency of the SHeTM via an extensive quantitative study based both on synthetic benchmarks and on a porting of a popular object caching system.Comment: The current work was accepted in the 28th International Conference on Parallel Architectures and Compilation Techniques (PACT'19

    BlockChop: Dynamic Squash Elimination for Hybrid Processor Architecture

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    Abstract Hybrid processors are HW/SW co-designed processors that leverage blocked-execution, the execution of regions of instructions as atomic blocks, to facilitate aggressive speculative optimization. As we move to a multicore hybrid design, fine grained conflicts for shared data can violate the atomicity requirement of these blocks and lead to expensive squashes and rollbacks. However, as these atomic regions differ from those used in checkpointing and transactional memory systems, the extent of this potentially prohibitive problem remains unclear, and mechanisms to mitigate these squashes dynamically may be critical to enable a highly performant multicore hybrid design. In this work, we investigate how multithreaded applications, both benchmark and commercial workloads, are affected by squashes, and present dynamic mechanisms for mitigating these squashes in hybrid processors. While the current wisdom is that there is not a significant number of squashes for smaller atomic regions, we observe this is not the case for many multithreaded workloads. With region sizes of just 200 -500 instructions, we observe a performance degradation ranging from 10% to more than 50% for workloads with a mixture of shared reads and writes. By harnessing the unique flexibility provided by the software subsystem of hybrid processor design, we present BlockChop, a framework for dynamically mitigating squashes on multicore hybrid processors. We present a range of squash handling mechanisms leveraging retrials, interpretation, and retranslation, and find that BlockChop is quite effective. Over the current response to exceptions and squashes in a hybrid design, we are able to improve the performance of benchmark and commercial workloads by 1.4x and 1.2x on average for large and small region sizes respectively

    SABRes: Atomic Object Reads for In-Memory Rack-Scale Computing

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    Modern in-memory services rely on large distributed object stores to achieve the high scalability essential to service thousands of requests concurrently. The independent and unpredictable nature of incoming requests results in random accesses to the object store, triggering frequent remote memory accesses. State-of-the-art distributed memory frameworks leverage the one-sided operations offered by RDMA technology to mitigate the traditionally high cost of remote memory access. Unfortunately, the limited semantics of RDMA one-sided operations bound remote memory access atomicity to a single cache block; therefore, atomic remote object access relies on software mechanisms. Emerging highly integrated rack-scale systems that reduce the latency of one-sided operations to a small multiple of DRAM latency expose the overhead of these software mechanisms as a major latency contributor. This technology-triggered paradigm shift calls for new one-sided operations with stronger semantics. We take a step in that direction by proposing SABRes, a new one-sided operation that provides atomic remote object reads in hardware. We then present LightSABRes, a lightweight hardware accelerator for SABRes that removes all atomicity-associated software overheads. Compared to a state-of-the-art software atomicity mechanism, LightSABRes improve the throughput of a microbenchmark atomically accessing 128B-8KB objects from remote memory by 15-97%, and the throughput of a modern in-memory distributed object store by 30-60%

    Executing requests concurrently in state machine replication

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    State machine replication is one of the most popular ways to achieve fault tolerance. In a nutshell, the state machine replication approach maintains multiple replicas that both store a copy of the system’s data and execute operations on that data. When requests to execute operations arrive, an “agree-execute” protocol keeps replicas synchronized: they first agree on an order to execute the incoming operations, and then execute the operations one at a time in the agreed upon order, so that every replica reaches the same final state. Multi-core processors are the norm, but taking advantage of the available processor cores to execute operations simultaneously is at odds with the “agree-execute” protocol: simultaneous execution is inherently unpredictable, so in the end replicas may arrive at different final states and the system becomes inconsistent. On one hand, we want to take advantage of the available processor cores to execute operations simultaneously and improve performance. But on the other hand, replicas must abide by the operation order that they agreed upon for the system to remain consistent. This dissertation proposes a solution to this dilemma. At a high level, we propose to use speculative execution techniques to execute operations simultaneously while nonetheless ensuring that their execution is equivalent to having executed the operations sequentially in the order the replicas agreed upon. To achieve this, we: (1) propose to execute operations as serializable transactions, and (2) develop a new concurrency control protocol that ensures that the concurrent execution of a set of transactions respects the serialization order the replicas agreed upon. Since speculation is only effective if it is successful, we also (3) propose a modification to the typical API to declare transactions, which allows transactions to execute their logic over an abstract replica state, resulting in fewer conflicts between transactions and thus improving the effectiveness of the speculative executions. An experimental evaluation shows that the contributions in this dissertation can improve the performance of a state-machine-replicated server up to 4 , reaching up to 75% the performance of a concurrent fault-prone server

    The Mojave Compiler: Providing Language Primitives for Whole-Process Migration and Speculation for Distributed Applications

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    We present an approach for implementing language-level primitives for whole-process migration and speculative execution in a compiler and associated runtime environment. These primitives are exposed to the user through simple language constructs that do not require the user to manage process state explicitly. With migration and speculation we show how the user can quickly add persistent checkpoints to any large-scale distributed application that requires longevity in a faulty environment. We demonstrate the use of migration and speculation primitives for checkpointing in a canonical grid computation application, and analyze the results of this implementation

    Deterministic Consistency: A Programming Model for Shared Memory Parallelism

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    The difficulty of developing reliable parallel software is generating interest in deterministic environments, where a given program and input can yield only one possible result. Languages or type systems can enforce determinism in new code, and runtime systems can impose synthetic schedules on legacy parallel code. To parallelize existing serial code, however, we would like a programming model that is naturally deterministic without language restrictions or artificial scheduling. We propose "deterministic consistency", a parallel programming model as easy to understand as the "parallel assignment" construct in sequential languages such as Perl and JavaScript, where concurrent threads always read their inputs before writing shared outputs. DC supports common data- and task-parallel synchronization abstractions such as fork/join and barriers, as well as non-hierarchical structures such as producer/consumer pipelines and futures. A preliminary prototype suggests that software-only implementations of DC can run applications written for popular parallel environments such as OpenMP with low (<10%) overhead for some applications.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figure

    New hardware support transactional memory and parallel debugging in multicore processors

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    This thesis contributes to the area of hardware support for parallel programming by introducing new hardware elements in multicore processors, with the aim of improving the performance and optimize new tools, abstractions and applications related with parallel programming, such as transactional memory and data race detectors. Specifically, we configure a hardware transactional memory system with signatures as part of the hardware support, and we develop a new hardware filter for reducing the signature size. We also develop the first hardware asymmetric data race detector (which is also able to tolerate them), based also in hardware signatures. Finally, we propose a new module of hardware signatures that solves some of the problems that we found in the previous tools related with the lack of flexibility in hardware signatures

    Network-Compute Co-Design for Distributed In-Memory Computing

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    The booming popularity of online services is rapidly raising the demands for modern datacenters. In order to cope with data deluge, growing user bases, and tight quality of service constraints, service providers deploy massive datacenters with tens to hundreds of thousands of servers, keeping petabytes of latency-critical data memory resident. Such data distribution and the multi-tiered nature of the software used by feature-rich services results in frequent inter-server communication and remote memory access over the network. Hence, networking takes center stage in datacenters. In response to growing internal datacenter network traffic, networking technology is rapidly evolving. Lean user-level protocols, like RDMA, and high-performance fabrics have started making their appearance, dramatically reducing datacenter-wide network latency and offering unprecedented per-server bandwidth. At the same time, the end of Dennard scaling is grinding processor performance improvements to a halt. The net result is a growing mismatch between the per-server network and compute capabilities: it will soon be difficult for a server processor to utilize all of its available network bandwidth. Restoring balance between network and compute capabilities requires tighter co-design of the two. The network interface (NI) is of particular interest, as it lies on the boundary of network and compute. In this thesis, we focus on the design of an NI for a lightweight RDMA-like protocol and its full integration with modern manycore server processors. The NI capabilities scale with both the increasing network bandwidth and the growing number of cores on modern server processors. Leveraging our architecture's integrated NI logic, we introduce new functionality at the network endpoints that yields performance improvements for distributed systems. Such additions include new network operations with stronger semantics tailored to common application requirements and integrated logic for balancing network load across a modern processor's multiple cores. We make the case that exposing richer, end-to-end semantics to the NI is a unique enabler for optimizations that can reduce software complexity and remove significant load from the processor, contributing towards maintaining balance between the two valuable resources of network and compute. Overall, network-compute co-design is an approach that addresses challenges associated with the emerging technological mismatch of compute and networking capabilities, yielding significant performance improvements for distributed memory systems