191 research outputs found

    Decoding of Non-Binary LDPC Codes Using the Information Bottleneck Method

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    Recently, a novel lookup table based decoding method for binary low-density parity-check codes has attracted considerable attention. In this approach, mutual-information maximizing lookup tables replace the conventional operations of the variable nodes and the check nodes in message passing decoding. Moreover, the exchanged messages are represented by integers with very small bit width. A machine learning framework termed the information bottleneck method is used to design the corresponding lookup tables. In this paper, we extend this decoding principle from binary to non-binary codes. This is not a straightforward extension, but requires a more sophisticated lookup table design to cope with the arithmetic in higher order Galois fields. Provided bit error rate simulations show that our proposed scheme outperforms the log-max decoding algorithm and operates close to sum-product decoding.Comment: This paper has been presented at IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC'19) in Shangha

    Design of a GF(64)-LDPC Decoder Based on the EMS Algorithm

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    International audienceThis paper presents the architecture, performance and implementation results of a serial GF(64)-LDPC decoder based on a reduced-complexity version of the Extended Min-Sum algorithm. The main contributions of this work correspond to the variable node processing, the codeword decision and the elementary check node processing. Post-synthesis area results show that the decoder area is less than 20% of a Virtex 4 FPGA for a decoding throughput of 2.95 Mbps. The implemented decoder presents performance at less than 0.7 dB from the Belief Propagation algorithm for different code lengths and rates. Moreover, the proposed architecture can be easily adapted to decode very high Galois Field orders, such as GF(4096) or higher, by slightly modifying a marginal part of the design

    High Performance Decoder Architectures for Error Correction Codes

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    Due to the rapid development of the information industry, modern communication and storage systems require much higher data rates and reliability to server various demanding applications. However, these systems suffer from noises from the practical channels. Various error correction codes (ECCs), such as Reed-Solomon (RS) codes, convolutional codes, turbo codes, Low-Density Parity-Check (LDPC) codes and so on, have been adopted in lots of current standards. With the increasing data rate, the research of more advanced ECCs and the corresponding efficient decoders will never stop.Binary LDPC codes have been adopted in lots of modern communication and storage applications due their superior error performance and efficient hardware decoder implementations. Non-binary LDPC (NB-LDPC) codes are an important extension of traditional binary LDPC codes. Compared with its binary counterpart, NB-LDPC codes show better error performance under short to moderate block lengths and higher order modulations. Moreover, NB-LDPC codes have lower error floor than binary LDPC codes. In spite of the excellent error performance, it is hard for current communication and storage systems to adopt NB-LDPC codes due to complex decoding algorithms and decoder architectures. In terms of hardware implementation, current NB-LDPC decoders need much larger area and achieve much lower data throughput.Besides the recently proposed NB-LDPC codes, polar codes, discovered by Ar{\i}kan, appear as a very promising candidate for future communication and storage systems. Polar codes are considered as a major breakthrough in recent coding theory society. Polar codes are proved to be capacity achieving codes over binary input symmetric memoryless channels. Besides, polar codes can be decoded by the successive cancelation (SC) algorithm with of complexity of O(Nlog⁥2N)\mathcal{O}(N\log_2 N), where NN is the block length. The main sticking point of polar codes to date is that their error performance under short to moderate block lengths is inferior compared with LDPC codes or turbo codes. The list decoding technique can be used to improve the error performance of SC algorithms at the cost higher computational and memory complexities. Besides, the hardware implementation of current SC based decoders suffer from long decoding latency which is unsuitable for modern high speed communications.ECCs also find their applications in improving the reliability of network coding. Random linear network coding is an efficient technique for disseminating information in networks, but it is highly susceptible to errors. K\ {o}tter-Kschischang (KK) codes and Mahdavifar-Vardy (MV) codes are two important families of subspace codes that provide error control in noncoherent random linear network coding. List decoding has been used to decode MV codes beyond half distance. Existing hardware implementations of the rank metric decoder for KK codes suffer from limited throughput, long latency and high area complexity. The interpolation-based list decoding algorithm for MV codes still has high computational complexity, and its feasibility for hardware implementations has not been investigated.In this exam, we present efficient decoding algorithms and hardware decoder architectures for NB-LDPC codes, polar codes, KK and MV codes. For NB-LDPC codes, an efficient shuffled decoder architecture is presented to reduce the number of average iterations and improve the throughput. Besides, a fully parallel decoder architecture for NB-LDPC codes with short or moderate block lengths is also presented. Our fully parallel decoder architecture achieves much higher throughput and area efficiency compared with the state-of-art NB-LDPC decoders. For polar codes, a memory efficient list decoder architecture is first presented. Based on our reduced latency list decoding algorithm for polar codes, a high throughput list decoder architecture is also presented. At last, we present efficient decoder architectures for both KK and MV codes

    A Flexible BCH decoder for Flash Memory Systems using Cascaded BCH codes

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    NAND ash memories are widely used in consumer electronics, such as tablets, personal computers, smartphones, and gaming systems. However, unlike other standard storage devices, these ash memories suffer from various random errors. In order to address these reliability issues, various error correction codes (ECC) are employed. Bose-Chaudhuri Hocquenghem (BCH) code is the most common ECC used to address the errors in modern ash memories. Because of the limitation of the realization of the BCH codes for more extensive error correction, the modern ash memory devices use Low-density parity-check (LDPC) codes for error correction scheme. The realization of the LDPC decoders have greater complexity than BCH decoders, so these ECC decoders are implemented within the ash memory device. This thesis analyzes the limitation imposed by the state of the art implementation of BCH decoders and proposes a cascaded BCH code to address these limitations. In order to support a variety of ash memory devices, there are three main challenges to be addressed for BCH decoders. First, the latency of the BCH decoders, in the case of no error scenario, should be less than 100us. Second, there should be flexibility in supporting different ECC block size; more precisely, the solution should be able to support 256, 512, 1024, and 2048 bytes of ECC block. Third, there should be flexibility in supporting different bit errors. A recent development with Graphical Processing Units (GPUs) has attracted many researchers to use GPUs for non-graphical implementation. These GPUs are used in many consumer electronics as part of the system on chip (SOC) configuration. In this thesis we studied the limitation imposed by different implementations (VLSI, GPU, and CPU) of BCH decoders, and we propose a cascaded BCH code implemented using a hybrid approach to overcome the limitations of the BCH codes. By splitting the implementation across VLSI and GPUs, we have shown in this thesis that this method can provide flexibility over the block size and the bit error to be corrected

    Non Binary Low Density Parity Check Codes Decoding Over Galois Field

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    Conventional LDPC codes have a low decoding complexity but may have high encoding complexity. The encoding complexity is typically of the order O(n2)[5]. Also high storage space may be required to explicitly store the generator matrix. For long blocknbsp lengths the storage space required would be huge. The above factors make the implementation of the Conventional LDPC codes less attractive. These codes are usually decoded using the sum-product algorithm, which is anbsp message passing algorithm working on the Tanner graph of the code[5]. The sparseness of the parity check matrix is essential for attaining good performance with sum-product decoding. The time complexity of the sum- product algorithm is linear in code length. This property makes it possible to implement a practical decoder for long lengths.nbs

    Efficient decoder design for error correcting codes

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    Error correctiong codes (ECC) are widly used in applications to correct errors in data transmission over unreliable or noisy communication channels. Recently, two kinds of promising codes attracted lots of research interest because they provide excellent error correction performance. One is non-binary LDPC codes, and the other is polar codes. This dissertation focuses on efficient decoding algorithms and decoder design for thesetwo types of codes.Non-binary low-density parity-check (LDPC) codes have some advantages over their binary counterparts, but unfortunately their decoding complexity is a significant challenge. The iterative hard- and soft-reliability based majority-logic decoding algorithms are attractive for non-binary LDPC codes, since they involve only finite field additions and multiplications as well as integer operations and hence have significantly lower complexity than other algorithms. We propose two improvements to the majority-logic decoding algorithms. Instead of the accumulation of reliability information in the ex-isting majority-logic decoding algorithms, our first improvement is a new reliability information update. The new update not only results in better error performance and fewer iterations on average, but also further reduces computational complexity. Since existing majority-logic decoding algorithms tend to have a high error floor for codes whose parity check matrices have low column weights, our second improvement is a re-selection scheme, which leads to much lower error floors, at the expense of more finite field operations and integer operations, by identifying periodic points, re-selectingintermediate hard decisions, and changing reliability information.Polar codes are of great interests because they provably achieve the symmetric capacity of discrete memoryless channels with arbitrary input alphabet sizes an explicit construction. Most existing decoding algorithms of polar codes are based on bit-wise hard or soft decisions. We propose symbol-decision successive cancellation (SC) and successive cancellation list (SCL) decoders for polar codes, which use symbol-wise hard or soft decisions for higher throughput or better error performance. Then wepropose to use a recursive channel combination to calculate symbol-wise channel transition probabilities, which lead to symbol decisions. Our proposed recursive channel combination has lower complexity than simply combining bit-wise channel transition probabilities. The similarity between our proposed method and Arıkan’s channel transformations also helps to share hardware resources between calculating bit- and symbol-wise channel transition probabilities. To reduce the complexity of the list pruning, atwo-stage list pruning network is proposed to provide a trade-off between the error performance and the complexity of the symbol-decision SCL decoder. Since memory is a significant part of SCL decoders, we also propose a pre-computation memory-saving technique to reduce memory requirement of an SCL decoder.To reduce the complexity of the recursive channel combination further, we propose an approximate ML (AML) decoding unit for SCL decoders. In particular, we investigate the distribution of frozen bits of polar codes designed for both the binary erasure and additive white Gaussian noise channels, and take advantage of the distribution to reduce the complexity of the AML decoding unit, improving the throughput-area efficiency of SCL decoders.Furthermore, to adapt to variable throughput or latency requirements which exist widely in current communication applications, a multi-mode SCL decoder with variable list sizes and parallelism is proposed. If high throughput or small latency is required, the decoder decodes multiple received words in parallel with a small list size. However, if error performance is of higher priority, the multi-mode decoder switches to a serialmode with a bigger list size. Therefore, the multi-mode SCL decoder provides a flexible tradeoff between latency, throughput and error performance at the expense of small overhead
