24 research outputs found

    Hardness of Vertex Deletion and Project Scheduling

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    Assuming the Unique Games Conjecture, we show strong inapproximability results for two natural vertex deletion problems on directed graphs: for any integer k2k\geq 2 and arbitrary small ϵ>0\epsilon > 0, the Feedback Vertex Set problem and the DAG Vertex Deletion problem are inapproximable within a factor kϵk-\epsilon even on graphs where the vertices can be almost partitioned into kk solutions. This gives a more structured and therefore stronger UGC-based hardness result for the Feedback Vertex Set problem that is also simpler (albeit using the "It Ain't Over Till It's Over" theorem) than the previous hardness result. In comparison to the classical Feedback Vertex Set problem, the DAG Vertex Deletion problem has received little attention and, although we think it is a natural and interesting problem, the main motivation for our inapproximability result stems from its relationship with the classical Discrete Time-Cost Tradeoff Problem. More specifically, our results imply that the deadline version is NP-hard to approximate within any constant assuming the Unique Games Conjecture. This explains the difficulty in obtaining good approximation algorithms for that problem and further motivates previous alternative approaches such as bicriteria approximations.Comment: 18 pages, 1 figur

    Testing Consumer Rationality using Perfect Graphs and Oriented Discs

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    Given a consumer data-set, the axioms of revealed preference proffer a binary test for rational behaviour. A natural (non-binary) measure of the degree of rationality exhibited by the consumer is the minimum number of data points whose removal induces a rationalisable data-set.We study the computational complexity of the resultant consumer rationality problem in this paper. This problem is, in the worst case, equivalent (in terms of approximation) to the directed feedback vertex set problem. Our main result is to obtain an exact threshold on the number of commodities that separates easy cases and hard cases. Specifically, for two-commodity markets the consumer rationality problem is polynomial time solvable; we prove this via a reduction to the vertex cover problem on perfect graphs. For three-commodity markets, however, the problem is NP-complete; we prove thisusing a reduction from planar 3-SAT that is based upon oriented-disc drawings

    On the Approximability of Digraph Ordering

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    Given an n-vertex digraph D = (V, A) the Max-k-Ordering problem is to compute a labeling :V[k]\ell : V \to [k] maximizing the number of forward edges, i.e. edges (u,v) such that \ell(u) < \ell(v). For different values of k, this reduces to Maximum Acyclic Subgraph (k=n), and Max-Dicut (k=2). This work studies the approximability of Max-k-Ordering and its generalizations, motivated by their applications to job scheduling with soft precedence constraints. We give an LP rounding based 2-approximation algorithm for Max-k-Ordering for any k={2,..., n}, improving on the known 2k/(k-1)-approximation obtained via random assignment. The tightness of this rounding is shown by proving that for any k={2,..., n} and constant ε>0\varepsilon > 0, Max-k-Ordering has an LP integrality gap of 2 - ε\varepsilon for nΩ(1/loglogk)n^{\Omega\left(1/\log\log k\right)} rounds of the Sherali-Adams hierarchy. A further generalization of Max-k-Ordering is the restricted maximum acyclic subgraph problem or RMAS, where each vertex v has a finite set of allowable labels SvZ+S_v \subseteq \mathbb{Z}^+. We prove an LP rounding based 42/(2+1)2.3444\sqrt{2}/(\sqrt{2}+1) \approx 2.344 approximation for it, improving on the 222.8282\sqrt{2} \approx 2.828 approximation recently given by Grandoni et al. (Information Processing Letters, Vol. 115(2), Pages 182-185, 2015). In fact, our approximation algorithm also works for a general version where the objective counts the edges which go forward by at least a positive offset specific to each edge. The minimization formulation of digraph ordering is DAG edge deletion or DED(k), which requires deleting the minimum number of edges from an n-vertex directed acyclic graph (DAG) to remove all paths of length k. We show that both, the LP relaxation and a local ratio approach for DED(k) yield k-approximation for any k[n]k\in [n].Comment: 21 pages, Conference version to appear in ESA 201

    Inapproximability of Maximum Edge Biclique, Maximum Balanced Biclique and Minimum k-Cut from the Small Set Expansion Hypothesis

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    The Small Set Expansion Hypothesis (SSEH) is a conjecture which roughly states that it is NP-hard to distinguish between a graph with a small set of vertices whose expansion is almost zero and one in which all small sets of vertices have expansion almost one. In this work, we prove conditional inapproximability results for the following graph problems based on this hypothesis: - Maximum Edge Biclique (MEB): given a bipartite graph G, find a complete bipartite subgraph of G with maximum number of edges. We show that, assuming SSEH and that NP != BPP, no polynomial time algorithm gives n^{1 - epsilon}-approximation for MEB for every constant epsilon > 0. - Maximum Balanced Biclique (MBB): given a bipartite graph G, find a balanced complete bipartite subgraph of G with maximum number of vertices. Similar to MEB, we prove n^{1 - epsilon} ratio inapproximability for MBB for every epsilon > 0, assuming SSEH and that NP != BPP. - Minimum k-Cut: given a weighted graph G, find a set of edges with minimum total weight whose removal splits the graph into k components. We prove that this problem is NP-hard to approximate to within (2 - epsilon) factor of the optimum for every epsilon > 0, assuming SSEH. The ratios in our results are essentially tight since trivial algorithms give n-approximation to both MEB and MBB and 2-approximation algorithms are known for Minimum k-Cut [Saran and Vazirani, SIAM J. Comput., 1995]. Our first two results are proved by combining a technique developed by Raghavendra, Steurer and Tulsiani [Raghavendra et al., CCC, 2012] to avoid locality of gadget reductions with a generalization of Bansal and Khot\u27s long code test [Bansal and Khot, FOCS, 2009] whereas our last result is shown via an elementary reduction

    Inapproximability of Maximum Biclique Problems, Minimum kk-Cut and Densest At-Least-kk-Subgraph from the Small Set Expansion Hypothesis

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    The Small Set Expansion Hypothesis (SSEH) is a conjecture which roughly states that it is NP-hard to distinguish between a graph with a small subset of vertices whose edge expansion is almost zero and one in which all small subsets of vertices have expansion almost one. In this work, we prove inapproximability results for the following graph problems based on this hypothesis: - Maximum Edge Biclique (MEB): given a bipartite graph GG, find a complete bipartite subgraph of GG with maximum number of edges. - Maximum Balanced Biclique (MBB): given a bipartite graph GG, find a balanced complete bipartite subgraph of GG with maximum number of vertices. - Minimum kk-Cut: given a weighted graph GG, find a set of edges with minimum total weight whose removal partitions GG into kk connected components. - Densest At-Least-kk-Subgraph (DALkkS): given a weighted graph GG, find a set SS of at least kk vertices such that the induced subgraph on SS has maximum density (the ratio between the total weight of edges and the number of vertices). We show that, assuming SSEH and NP \nsubseteq BPP, no polynomial time algorithm gives n1εn^{1 - \varepsilon}-approximation for MEB or MBB for every constant ε>0\varepsilon > 0. Moreover, assuming SSEH, we show that it is NP-hard to approximate Minimum kk-Cut and DALkkS to within (2ε)(2 - \varepsilon) factor of the optimum for every constant ε>0\varepsilon > 0. The ratios in our results are essentially tight since trivial algorithms give nn-approximation to both MEB and MBB and efficient 22-approximation algorithms are known for Minimum kk-Cut [SV95] and DALkkS [And07, KS09]. Our first result is proved by combining a technique developed by Raghavendra et al. [RST12] to avoid locality of gadget reductions with a generalization of Bansal and Khot's long code test [BK09] whereas our second result is shown via elementary reductions.Comment: A preliminary version of this work will appear at ICALP 2017 under a different title "Inapproximability of Maximum Edge Biclique, Maximum Balanced Biclique and Minimum k-Cut from the Small Set Expansion Hypothesis

    Improved Hardness for Cut, Interdiction, and Firefighter Problems

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    We study variants of the classic s-t cut problem and prove the following improved hardness results assuming the Unique Games Conjecture (UGC). * For Length-Bounded Cut and Shortest Path Interdiction, we show that both problems are hard to approximate within any constant factor, even if we allow bicriteria approximation. If we want to cut vertices or the graph is directed, our hardness ratio for Length-Bounded Cut matches the best approximation ratio up to a constant. Previously, the best hardness ratio was 1.1377 for Length-Bounded Cut and 2 for Shortest Path Interdiction. * For any constant k >= 2 and epsilon > 0, we show that Directed Multicut with k source-sink pairs is hard to approximate within a factor k - epsilon. This matches the trivial k-approximation algorithm. By a simple reduction, our result for k = 2 implies that Directed Multiway Cut with two terminals (also known as s-t Bicut} is hard to approximate within a factor 2 - epsilon, matching the trivial 2-approximation algorithm. * Assuming a variant of the UGC (implied by another variant of Bansal and Khot), we prove that it is hard to approximate Resource Minimization Fire Containment within any constant factor. Previously, the best hardness ratio was 2. For directed layered graphs with b layers, our hardness ratio Omega(log b) matches the best approximation algorithm. Our results are based on a general method of converting an integrality gap instance to a length-control dictatorship test for variants of the s-t cut problem, which may be useful for other problems

    Hardness of Graph Pricing through Generalized Max-Dicut

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    The Graph Pricing problem is among the fundamental problems whose approximability is not well-understood. While there is a simple combinatorial 1/4-approximation algorithm, the best hardness result remains at 1/2 assuming the Unique Games Conjecture (UGC). We show that it is NP-hard to approximate within a factor better than 1/4 under the UGC, so that the simple combinatorial algorithm might be the best possible. We also prove that for any ϵ>0\epsilon > 0, there exists δ>0\delta > 0 such that the integrality gap of nδn^{\delta}-rounds of the Sherali-Adams hierarchy of linear programming for Graph Pricing is at most 1/2 + ϵ\epsilon. This work is based on the effort to view the Graph Pricing problem as a Constraint Satisfaction Problem (CSP) simpler than the standard and complicated formulation. We propose the problem called Generalized Max-Dicut(TT), which has a domain size T+1T + 1 for every T1T \geq 1. Generalized Max-Dicut(1) is well-known Max-Dicut. There is an approximation-preserving reduction from Generalized Max-Dicut on directed acyclic graphs (DAGs) to Graph Pricing, and both our results are achieved through this reduction. Besides its connection to Graph Pricing, the hardness of Generalized Max-Dicut is interesting in its own right since in most arity two CSPs studied in the literature, SDP-based algorithms perform better than LP-based or combinatorial algorithms --- for this arity two CSP, a simple combinatorial algorithm does the best.Comment: 28 page

    Approximating Cumulative Pebbling Cost Is Unique Games Hard

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    The cumulative pebbling complexity of a directed acyclic graph GG is defined as cc(G)=minPiPi\mathsf{cc}(G) = \min_P \sum_i |P_i|, where the minimum is taken over all legal (parallel) black pebblings of GG and Pi|P_i| denotes the number of pebbles on the graph during round ii. Intuitively, cc(G)\mathsf{cc}(G) captures the amortized Space-Time complexity of pebbling mm copies of GG in parallel. The cumulative pebbling complexity of a graph GG is of particular interest in the field of cryptography as cc(G)\mathsf{cc}(G) is tightly related to the amortized Area-Time complexity of the Data-Independent Memory-Hard Function (iMHF) fG,Hf_{G,H} [AS15] defined using a constant indegree directed acyclic graph (DAG) GG and a random oracle H()H(\cdot). A secure iMHF should have amortized Space-Time complexity as high as possible, e.g., to deter brute-force password attacker who wants to find xx such that fG,H(x)=hf_{G,H}(x) = h. Thus, to analyze the (in)security of a candidate iMHF fG,Hf_{G,H}, it is crucial to estimate the value cc(G)\mathsf{cc}(G) but currently, upper and lower bounds for leading iMHF candidates differ by several orders of magnitude. Blocki and Zhou recently showed that it is NP\mathsf{NP}-Hard to compute cc(G)\mathsf{cc}(G), but their techniques do not even rule out an efficient (1+ε)(1+\varepsilon)-approximation algorithm for any constant ε>0\varepsilon>0. We show that for any constant c>0c > 0, it is Unique Games hard to approximate cc(G)\mathsf{cc}(G) to within a factor of cc. (See the paper for the full abstract.)Comment: 28 pages, updated figures and corrected typo