26 research outputs found

    Handling Data Skew in MapReduce Cluster by Using Partition Tuning

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    Improvement of Data-Intensive Applications Running on Cloud Computing Clusters

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    MapReduce, designed by Google, is widely used as the most popular distributed programming model in cloud environments. Hadoop, an open-source implementation of MapReduce, is a data management framework on large cluster of commodity machines to handle data-intensive applications. Many famous enterprises including Facebook, Twitter, and Adobe have been using Hadoop for their data-intensive processing needs. Task stragglers in MapReduce jobs dramatically impede job execution on massive datasets in cloud computing systems. This impedance is due to the uneven distribution of input data and computation load among cluster nodes, heterogeneous data nodes, data skew in reduce phase, resource contention situations, and network configurations. All these reasons may cause delay failure and the violation of job completion time. One of the key issues that can significantly affect the performance of cloud computing is the computation load balancing among cluster nodes. Replica placement in Hadoop distributed file system plays a significant role in data availability and the balanced utilization of clusters. In the current replica placement policy (RPP) of Hadoop distributed file system (HDFS), the replicas of data blocks cannot be evenly distributed across cluster\u27s nodes. The current HDFS must rely on a load balancing utility for balancing the distribution of replicas, which results in extra overhead for time and resources. This dissertation addresses data load balancing problem and presents an innovative replica placement policy for HDFS. It can perfectly balance the data load among cluster\u27s nodes. The heterogeneity of cluster nodes exacerbates the issue of computational load balancing; therefore, another replica placement algorithm has been proposed in this dissertation for heterogeneous cluster environments. The timing of identifying the straggler map task is very important for straggler mitigation in data-intensive cloud computing. To mitigate the straggler map task, Present progress and Feedback based Speculative Execution (PFSE) algorithm has been proposed in this dissertation. PFSE is a new straggler identification scheme to identify the straggler map tasks based on the feedback information received from completed tasks beside the progress of the current running task. Straggler reduce task aggravates the violation of MapReduce job completion time. Straggler reduce task is typically the result of bad data partitioning during the reduce phase. The Hash partitioner employed by Hadoop may cause intermediate data skew, which results in straggler reduce task. In this dissertation a new partitioning scheme, named Balanced Data Clusters Partitioner (BDCP), is proposed to mitigate straggler reduce tasks. BDCP is based on sampling of input data and feedback information about the current processing task. BDCP can assist in straggler mitigation during the reduce phase and minimize the job completion time in MapReduce jobs. The results of extensive experiments corroborate that the algorithms and policies proposed in this dissertation can improve the performance of data-intensive applications running on cloud platforms

    Revisit Data Partitioning in Data-intensive workflows

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    Skew-Aware Collective Communication for MapReduce Shuffling

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    This paper proposes and examines the three in-memory shuffling methods designed to address problems in MapReduce shuffling caused by skewed data. Coupled Shuffle Architecture (CSA) employs a single pairwise all-to-all exchange to shuffle both blocks, units of shuffle transfer, and meta-blocks, which contain the metadata of corresponding blocks. Decoupled Shuffle Architecture (DSA) separates the shuffling of meta-blocks and blocks, and applies different all-to-all exchange algorithms to each shuffling process, attempting to mitigate the impact of stragglers in strongly skewed distributions. Decoupled Shuffle Architecture with Skew-Aware Meta-Shuffle (DSA w/ SMS) autonomously determines the proper placement of blocks based on the memory consumption of each worker process. This approach targets extremely skewed situations where some worker processes could exceed their node memory limitation. This study evaluates implementations of the three shuffling methods in our prototype in-memory MapReduce engine, which employs high performance interconnects such as InfiniBand and Intel Omni-Path. Our results suggest that DSA w/ SMS is the only viable solution for extremely skewed data distributions. We also present a detailed investigation of the performance of CSA and DSA in various skew situations

    Low latency fast data computation scheme for map reduce based clusters

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    MapReduce based clusters is an emerging paradigm for big data analytics to scale up and speed up the big data classification, investigation, and processing of the huge volumes, massive and complex data sets. One of the fundamental issues of processing the data in MapReduce clusters is to deal with resource heterogeneity, especially when there is data inter-dependency among the tasks. Secondly, MapReduce runs a job in many phases; the intermediate data traffic and its migration time become a major bottleneck for the computation of jobs which produces a huge intermediate data in the shuffle phase. Further, encountering factors to monitor the critical issue of straggling is necessary because it produces unnecessary delays and poses a serious constraint on the overall performance of the system. Thus, this research aims to provide a low latency fast data computation scheme which introduces three algorithms to handle interdependent task computation among heterogeneous resources, reducing intermediate data traffic with its migration time and monitoring and modelling job straggling factors. This research has developed a Low Latency and Computational Cost based Tasks Scheduling (LLCC-TS) algorithm of interdependent tasks on heterogeneous resources by encountering priority to provide cost-effective resource utilization and reduced makespan. Furthermore, an Aggregation and Partition based Accelerated Intermediate Data Migration (APAIDM) algorithm has been presented to reduce the intermediate data traffic and data migration time in the shuffle phase by using aggregators and custom partitioner. Moreover, MapReduce Total Execution Time Prediction (MTETP) scheme for MapReduce job computation with inclusion of the factors which affect the job computation time has been produced using machine learning technique (linear regression) in order to monitor the job straggling and minimize the latency. LLCCTS algorithm has 66.13%, 22.23%, 43.53%, and 44.74% performance improvement rate over FIFO, improved max-min, SJF and MOS algorithms respectively for makespan time of scheduling of interdependent tasks. The AP-AIDM algorithm scored 66.62% and 48.4% performance improvements in reducing the data migration time over hash basic and conventional aggregation algorithms, respectively. Moreover, an MTETP technique shows the performance improvement in predicting the total job execution time with 20.42% accuracy than the improved HP technique. Thus, the combination of the three algorithms mentioned above provides a low latency fast data computation scheme for MapReduce based clusters

    On Understanding the Energy Impact of Speculative Execution in Hadoop

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    International audienceHadoop emerged as an important system for large- scale data analysis. Speculative execution is a key feature in Hadoop that is extensively leveraged in clouds: it is used to mask slow tasks (i.e., stragglers) — resulted from resource contention and heterogeneity in clouds — by launching speculative task copies on other machines. However, speculative execution is not cost-free and may result in performance degradation and extra resource and energy consumption. While prior literature has been dedicated to improving stragglers detection to cope with the inevitable heterogeneity in clouds, little work is focusing on understanding the implications of speculative execution on the performance and energy consumption in Hadoop cluster. In this paper, we have designed a set of experiments to evaluate the impact of speculative execution on the performance and energy consumption of Hadoop in homo- and heterogeneous environments. Our studies reveal that speculative execution may sometimes reduce, sometimes increase the energy consumption of Hadoop clusters. This strongly depends on the reduction in the execution time of MapReduce applications and on the extra power consumption introduced by speculative execution. Moreover, we show that the extra power consumption varies in-between applications and is contributed to by three main factors: the duration of speculative tasks, the idle time, and the allocation of speculative tasks. To the best of our knowledge, our work provides the first deep look into the energy efficiency of speculative execution in Hadoop

    Deep Data Locality on Apache Hadoop

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    The amount of data being collected in various areas such as social media, network, scientific instrument, mobile devices, and sensors is growing continuously, and the technology to process them is also advancing rapidly. One of the fundamental technologies to process big data is Apache Hadoop that has been adopted by many commercial products, such as InfoSphere by IBM, or Spark by Cloudera. MapReduce on Hadoop has been widely used in many data science applications. As a dominant big data processing platform, the performance of MapReduce on Hadoop system has a significant impact on the big data processing capability across multiple industries. Most of the research for improving the speed of big data analysis has been on Hadoop modules such as Hadoop common, Hadoop Distribute File System (HDFS), Hadoop Yet Another Resource Negotiator (YARN) and Hadoop MapReduce. In this research, we focused on data locality on HDFS to improve the performance of MapReduce. To reduce the amount of data transfer, MapReduce has been utilizing data locality. However, even though the majority of the processing cost occurs in the later stages, data locality has been utilized only in the early stages, which we call Shallow Data Locality (SDL). As a result, the benefit of data locality has not been fully realized. We have explored a new concept called Deep Data Locality (DDL) where the data is pre-arranged to maximize the locality in the later stages. Specifically, we introduce two implementation methods of the DDL, i.e., block-based DDL and key-based DDL. In block-based DDL, the data blocks are pre-arranged to reduce the block copying time in two ways. First the RLM blocks are eliminated. Under the conventional default block placement policy (DBPP), data blocks are randomly placed on any available slave nodes, requiring a copy of RLM (Rack-Local Map) blocks. In block-based DDL, blocks are placed to avoid RLMs to reduce the block copy time. Second, block-based DDL concentrates the blocks in a smaller number of nodes and reduces the data transfer time among them. We analyzed the block distribution status with the customer review data from TripAdvisor and measured the performances with Terasort Benchmark. Our test result shows that the execution times of Map and Shuffle have been improved by up to 25% and 31% respectively. In key-based DDL, the input data is divided into several blocks and stored in HDFS before going into the Map stage. In comparison with conventional blocks that have random keys, our blocks have a unique key. This requires a pre-sorting of the key-value pairs, which can be done during ETL process. This eliminates some data movements in map, shuffle, and reduce stages, and thereby improves the performance. In our experiments, MapReduce with key-based DDL performed 21.9% faster than default MapReduce and 13.3% faster than MapReduce with block-based DDL. Additionally, key-based DDL can be combined with other methods to further improve the performance. When key-based DDL and block-based DDL are combined, the Hadoop performance went up by 34.4%. In this research, we developed the MapReduce workflow models with a novel computational model. We developed a numerical simulator that integrates the computational models. The model faithfully predicts the Hadoop performance under various conditions

    Designing, Building, and Modeling Maneuverable Applications within Shared Computing Resources

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    Extending the military principle of maneuver into war-ïŹghting domain of cyberspace, academic and military researchers have produced many theoretical and strategic works, though few have focused on researching actual applications and systems that apply this principle. We present our research in designing, building and modeling maneuverable applications in order to gain the system advantages of resource provisioning, application optimization, and cybersecurity improvement. We have coined the phrase “Maneuverable Applications” to be deïŹned as distributed and parallel application that take advantage of the modiïŹcation, relocation, addition or removal of computing resources, giving the perception of movement. Our work with maneuverable applications has been within shared computing resources, such as the Clemson University Palmetto cluster, where multiple users share access and time to a collection of inter-networked computers and servers. In this dissertation, we describe our implementation and analytic modeling of environments and systems to maneuver computational nodes, network capabilities, and security enhancements for overcoming challenges to a cyberspace platform. SpeciïŹcally we describe our work to create a system to provision a big data computational resource within academic environments. We also present a computing testbed built to allow researchers to study network optimizations of data centers. We discuss our Petri Net model of an adaptable system, which increases its cybersecurity posture in the face of varying levels of threat from malicious actors. Lastly, we present work and investigation into integrating these technologies into a prototype resource manager for maneuverable applications and validating our model using this implementation