8,879 research outputs found

    God handledning : En teoretisk studie om hur handledning av vÄrdstuderande kunde vara

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    Syftet med studien Ă€r att klargöra hur en god handledning kan se ut. Vi vill lyfta fram vad god handledning Ă€r och vilka delar som bidrar till att hand-ledningen blir god. VĂ„r forskningsfrĂ„ga lyder: Vad kĂ€nnetecknar en god handledning? Den teoretiska utgĂ„ngspunkten bestĂ„r av Benners och Ekeberghs tankar om reflektion. Datainsamlingsmetoden Ă€r dokument-studier. Vi skall göra en sammanfattning av tidigare forskning bestĂ„ende av 30 vetenskapliga forskningar. Som dataanalysmetod har vi valt översiktsartikeln resumĂ© för att fĂ„ en snabb översikt av forskningarna. InnehĂ„llsanalys anvĂ€ndes för att analysera resultatet. FrĂ„gorna som stĂ€lldes till forskningsresultatet var: Vilka faktorer har betydelse för att handledningen ska bli god? Vad kĂ€nnetecknar reflektionen i handledningen? Resultatet beskrivs utgĂ„ende frĂ„n de frĂ„gor som stĂ€lldes till tidigare forskning. De faktorer som inverkar pĂ„ handledningen Ă€r hand-ledarens egenskaper, handledningsmetod, handledningens yttre ramar, diskussion, integration teori–praktik samt handledningsteknik. Hand-ledarens relationella och personliga egenskaper Ă€r av betydelse för hur handledningen blir. Kommunikationen mellan handledare och studerande Ă€r viktig. Att ha klara mĂ„lsĂ€ttningar och ett handledningsschema Ă€r avgörande för studerandes praktik, Ă€ven att skapa en trygg atmosfĂ€r. Genom att integrera teori med praktik frĂ€mjas studerandes professionella utveckling och kĂ€nslan av att kĂ€nna sig kompetent. Som en handledningsteknik kan kritiskt tĂ€nkande vara en möjlighet samt att handledare ger kontinuerlig utvĂ€rdering Ă„t studerande. Grupphandledning ansĂ„gs Ă€ven som positivt.The purpose of this study is to explain what good supervision of nursing students on practical training could be like. We want to highlight what good supervision is and what parts of it make it good supervision. The question that we want an answer to is: What distinguishes good supervision? The theoretical starting points are Benner’s and Ekebergh’s thoughts about reflection. The data was collected through document studies. We have made a summary of earlier research consisting of 30 scientific researches. As method of analysis we chose review articles in order to quickly get an overview of the research. The analysis of data has been done with the help of content analysis. The questions were: What factors are important for the supervision to be good? What characterizes reflection in supervision? Factors that affect supervision are the supervisor’s characteristics, method of supervision, outer frames of supervision, discussion, integration theory-practice and supervision technique. The supervisor’s relational and personal characteristics have a great importance for how the supervision is going to be. The communication between the supervisor and the student is important. Having clear goals and a supervision schedule is conclusive for students’ practice, also in order to create a safe atmosphere. Integrating theory with practice promotes the student’s professional development and the feeling of being competent. As a supervision technique, critical thinking could be a possibility, as well as supervisors giving continuous feedback to students. Group supervision was also considered as positive

    The influence of active bomas on habitat choice of the common warthog (Phacochoerus africanus)

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    The common warthog (Phachocoerus africanus) is a relatively long-legged pig with noticeable curved tusks, a short neck and three pairs of facial warts. It has four recognized subspecies. The common warthog is a non-migratory ungulate living on the African savannah. It is a hindgut fermenter and predominantly dependent on high-quality foods. It prefers open areas for grazing but use bushes for cover. Warthogs prefer former bomas because of the nutrient enrichment that has occurred there and they also distribute their faeces close to their feeding grounds. Warthogs are a pioneer species when it comes to recolonizing abandoned bomas. Warthogs are bearers of several diseases harmful to livestock and are therefore often chased from active bomas. The aim of this study was to investigate how active bomas influence the habitat choice of warthogs. The study was carried out in the Maasai Mara National Reserve and the adjoining Koyake group ranch, in august 2003 and May-June 2004, using well defined study areas; transects. Results showed that warthogs favour the transects farthest away from the bomas. Warthogs probably favour the security of grazing among other species in order to avoid being caught by predators. Other herbivores might also feed on plant species less attractive to warthogs and thereby allowing plant species that warthogs favour to grow

    Lekfullt lÀrande pÄ distans : Handledning av barn via surfplatta

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    Examensarbetet Ă€r ett arbete inom projektet ”Resursstarka barn”. Syftet med examensarbetet Ă€r att testa handledning via surfplatta med barn. FrĂ„gestĂ€llningar i arbetet Ă€r: ”Hur fungerar handledning pĂ„ distans med barn?” ”Hur fungerar surfplatta som verktyg i handledning pĂ„ distans?” och ”Vad bör handledaren beakta i handledning pĂ„ distans?”. UtgĂ„ende frĂ„n frĂ„gestĂ€llningarna Ă€r mĂ„let att utveckla en broschyr som ska vĂ€cka intresse för distanshandledning hos professionella inom social- och hĂ€lsovĂ„rden. Ett resursförstĂ€rkande barnperspektiv genomsyrar arbetet. För att uppnĂ„ syftet har teorier och litteratur sammanstĂ€llts om media, teknologi, handledning och barnets utveckling. Teorin fungerar som en grund för den praktiska tillĂ€mpningen av distanshandledningen. I den kvalitativa analysen av handledningstrĂ€ffarna framkom fem faktorer som Ă€r avgörande för en lyckad distanshandledning. Faktorerna Ă€r: pedagogisk planering, miljö, surfplattan, barnet och handledarens roll. Handledning pĂ„ distans med barn Ă€r ett nytt omrĂ„de, examensarbetsgruppen hittade inte tidigare forskningar om distanshandledning av barn. I resultatet framkom det, utöver de fem ovannĂ€mnda faktorerna, att handledaren behöver ha kunskap om handledning, surfplattan som handledningsverktyg, barnets situation och utvecklingsnivĂ„.OpinnĂ€ytetyö on osa projektia ”Resursstarka barn”. Työn tarkoituksena on kokeilla lapsen etĂ€ohjausta tablettitietokoneen avulla. Kysymyksenasetteluna on ”Miten lasten etĂ€ohjaus toimii kĂ€ytĂ€nnössĂ€?” ”Miten tablettitietokone soveltuu etĂ€ohjaukseen?” ja ”MitĂ€ ohjaajan tulee huomioida lasten etĂ€ohjauksessa?”. LĂ€htökohtana on kehittÀÀ esite, joka inspiroi sosiaali- ja terveysalan ammattilaisia kĂ€yttĂ€mÀÀn etĂ€ohjausta. Voimavaroja vahvistava nĂ€kökulma on otettu huomioon koko työssĂ€. Tavoitteen saavuttamiseksi on yhdistetty kirjallisuutta ja teorioita mediasta, teknologiasta, ohjauksesta ja lapsen kehityksestĂ€. YhdistelmĂ€ toimii lĂ€htökohtana kĂ€ytĂ€nnössĂ€ sovellettuun etĂ€ohjaukseen. EtĂ€ohjauksen kĂ€ytĂ€nnöllistĂ€ sovellusta analysoidaan laadullisesta nĂ€kökulmasta. AnalyysissĂ€ todettiin ettĂ€ etĂ€ohjauksessa on viisi keskeistĂ€ osaa, pedagooginen suunnittelu, ympĂ€ristö, ohjaajan rooli sekĂ€ lapsi. Lasten etĂ€ohjaus on uusi alue, eikĂ€ aikaisempia tutkimuksia alueesta ole löydetty. OpinnĂ€ytetyön tuloksissa selvisi, yllĂ€mainittujen keskeisten osien lisĂ€ksi, ettĂ€ ohjaajan asiantuntemus niin tablettitietokoneesta, sovelluksista kuin lapsen kehittymisestĂ€ ja tilanteesta ovat avaintekijöitĂ€ ohjauksen onnistumiseen.This thesis is a part of the project ”Resursstarka barn”. The purpose is to test online tutoring with a tablet with children. The aim is to develop a brochure for professionals in social and health care when tutoring at a distance. A child resource-reinforcing perspective permeates the work. The research questions the thesis is based on are: “How does distance tutoring with children work?” “How does the tablet work as a tool in distance tutoring?” and “What should the tutor consider in distance tutoring?”. The aim is to develop a brochure to inspire professionals in social- and health care using the research questions as a base. In order to achieve the purpose, theories and literature about media, technology, tutoring and child development are studied. The theory works as a foundation for the practical application in distance tutoring. The qualitative analysis from distance tutoring brings out five factors that are vital for a successful distance tutoring. The five factors are: pedagogical planning, environment, the tablet, the child and the tutor’s role. Distance tutoring with children is a new area, and the authors of this thesis have not found previous research about distance tutoring with children. The result showed that in addition to the five aforementioned factors, the tutor needs to have knowledge of the tools he or she uses in the tutorial regarding applications, tablet, the child's situation and developmental level

    Difference is Power : Virtuell handledningsmodell för professionella som jobbar med nÀrstÄendevÄrdare till barn med funktionsnedsÀttning

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    Detta examensarbete Ă€r utvecklat som stöd för professionella i deras samarbete med personer som fungerar som nĂ€rstĂ„endevĂ„rdare för barn under skolĂ„ldern med funktionsnedsĂ€ttning. Examensarbetet Ă€r en del av projektet E-clubbing som pĂ„gĂ„tt under tiden 2016–2017. MĂ„let för E-clubbing Ă€r att minska kĂ€nslan av utanförskap som familjerna kan uppleva. Kamratstöd Ă€r en vĂ€sentlig faktor för att förstĂ€rka familjernas resurser, vilket framgĂ„r i examensarbetet. Syftet med examensarbetet Ă€r att familjer med barn med funktionsnedsĂ€ttning frĂ„n olika hĂ„ll i Svenskfinland skall hitta varandra, ta del av varandras erfarenheter och stöda varandra i vardagen. Arbetets frĂ„gestĂ€llningar Ă€r: Vilka Ă€r utmaningarna med att handleda nĂ€rstĂ„endevĂ„rdare till barn under skolĂ„ldern med funktionsnedsĂ€ttning pĂ„ distans? Vad behöver den professionella för att kunna handleda nĂ€rstĂ„endevĂ„rdare till barn under skolĂ„ldern med funktionsnedsĂ€ttning virtuellt? Metoden som anvĂ€nds i arbetet Ă€r tjĂ€nstedesign. Syftet med tjĂ€nstedesign Ă€r att skapa vĂ€rde för klienten med hjĂ€lp av nya tjĂ€nster eller genom att utveckla redan existerande tjĂ€nster. UtgĂ„ende frĂ„n litteraturen har mĂ„lgruppens vardag diskuterats och de redan existerande stödformerna har redogjorts. För att svara pĂ„ frĂ„gestĂ€llningarna utreds utmaningarna med virtuell handledning pĂ„ distans. Tekniska utmaningar, gruppkonstellationer samt handledarens kunskaper Ă€r faktorer som skiljer virtuell handledning pĂ„ distans frĂ„n fysisk handledning. Resultatet av examensarbetet Ă€r en checklista som professionella kan anvĂ€nda sig av vid uppstarten av e-klubbar. Checklistan Ă€r skapad sĂ„ att den ska vara enkel att ha som grund och lĂ€tt att förstĂ„ för den professionella. Den bestĂ„r av tre delar: planering, utförande och utvĂ€rdering.TĂ€mĂ€ opinnĂ€ytetyö on suunnattu omaishoitajien kanssa työskenteleville ammattilaisille. KyseessĂ€ olevat omaishoitajat työskentelevĂ€t alle kouluikĂ€isten toimintarajoitteisten lasten hoitajina. OpinnĂ€ytetyö on osa E-clubbing-projektia, joka on ollut kĂ€ynnissĂ€ ajalla 2016-2017. Tavoite e-kerhojen jĂ€rjestĂ€miselle on vĂ€hentÀÀ perheiden kokemaa ulkopuolisuuden tunnetta. Vertaistuki on avainasemassa perheiden resurssien vahvistamisessa, ja tĂ€tĂ€ korostetaan myös opinnĂ€ytetyössĂ€. OpinnĂ€ytetyön tarkoitus on, ettĂ€ perheet eri suomenruotsalaisilta alueilta, joilla on toimintarajoitteisia lapsia, löytĂ€isivĂ€t toisensa, jakaisivat kokemuksia sekĂ€ tukisivat toisiaan arjessa. OpinnĂ€ytetyön kysymysasettelut ovat: MitĂ€ haasteita etĂ€ohjaus sisĂ€ltÀÀ ohjattaessa omaishoitajia, jotka hoitavat alle kouluikĂ€isiĂ€ toimintarajoitteisia lapsia? MitĂ€ ammattilaiset tarvitsevat pystyĂ€kseen ohjaamaan virtuaalisesti omaishoitajia, jotka hoitavat alle kouluikĂ€isiĂ€ toimintarajoitteisia lapsia? MenetelmĂ€nĂ€ opinnĂ€ytetyössĂ€ kĂ€ytetÀÀn palvelumuotoilua. Palvelumuotoilun tarkoitus on luoda arvoa asiakkaalle suunnittelemalla uusia palveluita tai kehittĂ€mĂ€llĂ€ jo olemassa olevia palveluita. Kirjallisuuden yleiskatsauksen myötĂ€ kuvaillaan toissijaisen kohderyhmĂ€n arkea sekĂ€ jo olemassa olevia tukimuotoja. Jotta kysymysasetteluihin voidaan vastata, on virtuaalisen ohjauksen haasteita selvitetty. Tekniset ongelmat, erilaiset ryhmĂ€t ja ohjaajan taidot eriĂ€vĂ€t virtuaalisen ja perinteisen ohjauksen vĂ€lillĂ€. OpinnĂ€ytetyön tulos on niin sanottu tarkistuslista (eng. checklist), jota ammattilaiset voivat kĂ€yttÀÀ jĂ€rjestĂ€essÀÀn e-kerhoja. Tarkistuslista on kehitetty kĂ€ytettĂ€vĂ€ksi apuvĂ€lineenĂ€ e-kerhoa perustettaessa. Se koostuu kolmesta osasta: suunnittelu, toteutus ja arviointi.This bachelor’s thesis is addressed to the professionals that are working with caregivers for under school-aged children with learning disabilities. This thesis is a part of the project E-clubbing that has taken place in 2016-2017, in Novia University of Applied Sciences. The main goal with e-clubbing is to reduce the feeling of alienation that different target groups might experience. Peer support is an important factor for strengthening the family’s resources, which is highlighted in this thesis. The purpose of the bachelor’s thesis is that families with children with learning disabilities from different parts of the Swedish-speaking region of Finland are able to find each other, take part in each other’s experiences and support each other in their everyday life. The questions at issue are: Which types of challenges come with tutoring caregivers for under school-aged children with learning disabilities, when it is done remotely? What does the professionals need for virtually tutoring caregivers for children under school age with learning disabilities? The method used in this bachelor’s thesis is service design. The purpose of service design is to create value for the clients with help of new services or through development of already existing services. The target groups have been discussed based on literature reviews and already existing forms of support have been reviewed. To present the answers to our questions at issue, the challenges that comes with virtual tutoring remotely have been investigated. Technical difficulties, group constellations and the knowledge of the tutor are factors that separate virtual tutoring from physical tutoring. The product is a checklist that the professionals can use as a guideline when starting e-clubs. The checklist is designed to be easily used and understood by a professional starting an e-club. It consists of three parts: planning, execution and evaluation

    FöretrÀdaransvaret i SBL- En befogad inskrÀnkning i den aktiebolagsrÀttsliga grundprincipen om frihet frÄn personligt betalningsansvar?

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    Uppsatsen behandlar företrÀdaransvaret i skattebetalningslagen. Enligt dessa regler kan en företrÀdare för en juridisk person bli personligt betalningsansvarig för det fall den juridiska personen inte betalar in sina skatter korrekt. UtgÄngspunkten för uppsatsen Àr att undersöka huruvida det Àr nödvÀndigt med sÀrskilda regler för icke inbetald skatt eller om det Àr tillrÀckligt med de ansvarsregler som finns inom aktiebolagsrÀtten. Uppsatsen redogör för hur företrÀdaransvaret ser ut i svensk rÀtt idag men gÄr Àven igenom de motiv som ligger bakom bestÀmmelserna samt hur det har utvecklats över tid. HÀrutöver utreds vilka andra möjligheter staten har att fÄ betalt för upplupen skatt. Dessutom förs en diskussion kring företrÀdaransvarets förhÄllande till aktiebolagsrÀttens huvudprincip om ansvarsfrihet

    FörhÄllningssÀtt och kommunikation i mötet med personer med demenssjukdom : utvÀrdering av ett trÀningsprogram med validationsmetoden

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    Communication difficulties among residents with dementia disease living in nursing homes may complicate care situations. These residents can have difficulties describing how they experience their everyday lives, which can lead to withdrawal, social isolation, or feelings of homelessness. Research indicates that nurses involved in dementia care experience communication as difficult and challenging. The validation method developed by Feil is held to facilitate communication through emphatic and confirmatory approaches. Scientific reviews show insufficient evidence for recommending the use of the method, in spite of this the method is used in dementia care. Evaluations of the validation method have primarily focused on the residents’ perspective, and reports on nurses’ experiences of the validation method are sparse. The overall aim for this thesis was to evaluate Feils’ validation method by describing nurses’ experiences and skills in communication observed during implementation of a training programme. Twelve nurses participated in the validation method training programme that included 10 days of theoretical training with supervision about once a month, and practical training integrated in everyday work. During practical training nurses had conversation with 3 residents each 2-3 times a week, and videotaped one conversation per month. Methods: The design is based on naturalistic scientific approach. Data were collected with interviews (I, II) and a questionnaire (II) before and after the programme, and videotaped conversations during the programme (III, IV). An interview was conducted as a comparison with nurses from another nursing home, who had long experiences of using the validation method (I). The result showed that nurses improved their communication and had closer relationships with residents with dementia disease after validation method training, in accordance with nurses with long experiences (I). The training strengthened the nurses, but also posed an extra strain on them. Even though the nurses described an extra strain on the entire nursing staff, this was not reflected in the results from the questionnaire about the work climate (II). Videotaped one-to-one conversations between nurses and residents showed that the nurses developed their approaches and communication skills, although to different degrees. An overall pattern revealed nurses’ movements within and between various paths when improving their communication skills (III). The findings were in congruence with the nurses described experiences (I). In videotaped conversations from the end of the programme, the residents had the possibilities to use their remaining communication abilities and to communicate what was currently on their mind (IV). This may be related to the development of the nurses’ communication skills during the programme. Conclusions of this thesis were that the nurses developed their skills in caring approach and communication when communicating with residents with dementia disease, which gave these residents possibilities to communicate according to their abilities. In order to integrate new knowledge about communication the results showed that it was necessary to combine theoretical and practical training with supervision and reflection. To provide nursing staff with this type of training could be seen as an investment for nursing homes, an opportunity to increase job satisfaction for nurses and to increase social community for residents

    Att etiskt bemöta, kommunicera med och utveckla en god relation till den Àldre 65+ inom frivilligarbete : En kvalitativ utvecklingsstudie

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    Syftet med detta arbete Ă€r att genom en kvalitativ utvecklingsstudie utröna vilken betydelse etiskt gott bemötande och en god kommunikation har för utvecklandet av en god relation mellan den Ă€ldre och frivilligarbetaren. ForskningsfrĂ„gorna som stĂ€llts Ă€r: Vad Ă€r en god relation till den Ă€ldre inom frivilligarbete? Vad Ă€r ett etiskt gott bemötande? samt Vad bör man tĂ€nka pĂ„ i mötet med den Ă€ldre inom frivilligarbetet för att kunna föra en god kommunikation? Som teoretisk utgĂ„ngspunkt anvĂ€nds den humanistiska mĂ€nniskosynen och ThorsĂ©ns grundantaganden (ThorsĂ©n, 1997) inom det humanistiska synsĂ€ttet samt FN:s konvention om de mĂ€nskliga rĂ€ttigheterna (FN, 1948). I vĂ„r teoretiska bakgrund har vi anvĂ€nt oss av K Erikssons vĂ„rdprocess och det naturliga vĂ„rdandet (Eriksson, 2014; Eriksson, 1987). Datainsamlingsmetoden Ă€r kvalitativ, vilket innebĂ€r utvald litteratur, kvalitativa artiklar och intervjuer. Det utvalda materialet frĂ„n litteratur och artiklar har analyserats genom en litteraturgranskning och intervjuerna har analyserats genom en innehĂ„llsanalys för att finna gemensamma karaktĂ€rsdrag. I resultatet framkommer att frivilligarbetarens etiska bemötande och kommunikation pĂ„verkar hur relationen till den Ă€ldre utvecklas. Frivilligarbetarens etiska bemötande och kommunikation grundar sig i dennes mĂ€nniskosyn och naturliga vĂ„rdande. Produkten som vĂ€xt fram under arbetets gĂ„ng Ă€r en broschyr som Ă€r tĂ€nkt att ge en första handledning i etiskt bemötande och kommunikation med den Ă€ldre för utveckling av en god relation till frivilligarbetarna.The purpose of our bachelorÂŽs thesis is to develop the importance of the ethical response and communication for developing a good relationship with the elderly within voluntary work. For our research we came up with three issues; What is a good relationship to the elderly within voluntary work? What is a good ethical response? What should volunteers focus on in the meeting with the elderly to maintain and develop an honest communication? In our theoretical background we have chosen to explain the humanistic perception of humanity (ThorsĂ©n, 1997) (FN, 1948), K ErikssonÂŽs “caring process” and “the natural caring” (Eriksson, 2014) (Eriksson, 1987). The data collection method we have used is qualitative, that means selected literature, research articles and interviews. The selected material from the research articles has been analyzed in a literature review. The interviews have been analyzed in a content analysis. Both analyses have been done in order to find common characteristics. The result of the bachelorÂŽs thesis showed us that volunteers ethical response and communication affect the development of a good relationship to the elderly. The volunteer’s ethical response and communication are based on their humanistic perception and natural caring. Our research resulted in a brochure, which is meant as a first tutorial in ethical response and communication in order to develop a good relationship to the elderly within voluntary work

    VÄrdstuderandens professionella tillvÀxt : - mentorer som stöd i utvecklingen

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    Avsikten med denna studie Ă€r att undersöka hur mentorskapsprogrammet pĂ„ Arcada har inverkat pĂ„ sjukskötarstuderandens professionella tillvĂ€xt. Syftet Ă€r att kartlĂ€gga effek-ten av mentorskapsprogrammet i relation till studerandens professionella tillvĂ€xt. Un-dersökningen utgĂ„r frĂ„n sjukskötarstuderandens perspektiv. I denna studie kommer vi att utreda vad den professionella tillvĂ€xten utgörs av och hur den tar sig uttryck hos sjukskötarstuderanden. Vi vill Ă€ven ta reda pĂ„ hur mentorn stöder den professionella utvecklingen hos studeranden. De centrala frĂ„gestĂ€llningarna för denna undersökning Ă€r: - Vad utgörs den professionella tillvĂ€xten av? - Vad ger forskningen för kunskap om mentorskap för sjukskötarstuderande? - Hur har mentorn pĂ„verkat adeptens professionella tillvĂ€xt? - Hur har mentorskapsprogrammet stött sjukskötarstuderandens utveckling mellan stadierna novis och avancerad nybörjare? Som referensram har vi valt Patricia Benners teori som ger oss en grundlig beskrivning av sjukskötarstuderandens utveckling frĂ„n nybörjare till en kompetent sjukskötare. Stu-dien Ă€r uppdelad i tvĂ„ delar; en litteraturanalys och en empirisk studie genom en kvali-tativ intervju. Den kvalitativa intervjun riktar sig till tre informanter som deltar i men-torskapsprogrammet pĂ„ Arcada. Resultatet av bĂ„da studierna har analyserats enligt en induktiv analysmetod. I studien framkommer att sjukskötarstuderandena upplever att mentorn stöder den personliga och yrkesmĂ€ssiga vĂ€xten genom att dela med sig av sin erfarenhet, bekrĂ€fta studeranden och ge studeranden utrymme för reflektion.The aim with this study is to examine how the mentorship program at Arcada has influenced the nursing students’ professional growth. The purpose is to map out the effects of the mentorship program in relations to the students’ professional development. The study proceeds from the nursing students point of view. In this study we will analyze what professional development is made out of and how it is expressed by the nursing students. We also want to investigate into how the mentor supports the professional development of the students. De central questions are: - What is professional growth made out of? - What kind of information/knowledge does the studies give about mentorship for nursing students? - How has the mentor influenced the mentee’s professional growth? - How has the mentorship program supported the nursing students development from novice to advanced beginner? As frame of reference we have chosen Patricia Benner’s theory that gives us a thorough description of the nursing students development from novice to a competent nurse. The study is divided into two sections; one literature analysis and the other an empiric study through a qualitative half structured interview. The qualitative interview is directed towards three informants who are all a part of the mentorship program at Arcada. The results from both the studies have been analyzed according to an inductive method. The study shows that nursing students feel that the mentor supports the personal and professional development through sharing his or her experience, confirming the student and giving the student room for reflection
