166 research outputs found

    Reflex of Avoidance in Spatial Restrictions for Signatures and Handwritten Entries

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    Regarding the myriad disputed documents encountered within the science of forensic document examination, questioned handwriting is the most prevalent. This includes the simulation or alteration of and or additions to handwriting and signatures. The current study examined the changes that may occur in writing when given a limited amount of space. Several participants completed a survey wherein writing samples were taken under varying space allowances. These space restrictions were made under differing conditions such as boxed signatures, additions to prewritten material, and alterations to letters and numbers. The results of the study found characteristics of reflex of avoidance in the participants\u27 handwriting. These characteristics included changes in height, width, and letter spacing in accordance to the amount of space provided. The examples of reflex of avoidance defined throughout this study may serve to assist forensic document examiners in the detection of alterations within questioned documents

    Opportunities and Challenges of Handwritten Sanskrit Character Recognition System

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    The rapid growth in the field of internet facilities and digitalization, changes the living way of human being. Due to internet facilities and services, anyone can access data from anywhere. A lot of online data are generating day by day, so that data needs to be processed before extracting the information. Therefore the demand of Natural language Processing (NLP) Techniques has been increased. The Pattern recognition is sub-field of NLP. The field of Pattern Recognition is a branch of machine learning that contributed up to great extent in the Computer Vision and Machine Vision applications. Pattern Recognition is concerned with the recognition of patterns and regularities in data. Handwriting recognition is one of the challenging subtask and current research field under Pattern Recognition, due to different ways of writing and handwriting styles. Handwritten Sanskrit Characters recognition is more complicated than other languages works in online and offline mode, because Sanskrit characters have more consonants and modifiers. In this paper discussed the opportunities and challenges of Handwritten Sanskrit Character Recognition System

    Self-Supervised Representation Learning for Online Handwriting Text Classification

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    Self-supervised learning offers an efficient way of extracting rich representations from various types of unlabeled data while avoiding the cost of annotating large-scale datasets. This is achievable by designing a pretext task to form pseudo labels with respect to the modality and domain of the data. Given the evolving applications of online handwritten texts, in this study, we propose the novel Part of Stroke Masking (POSM) as a pretext task for pretraining models to extract informative representations from the online handwriting of individuals in English and Chinese languages, along with two suggested pipelines for fine-tuning the pretrained models. To evaluate the quality of the extracted representations, we use both intrinsic and extrinsic evaluation methods. The pretrained models are fine-tuned to achieve state-of-the-art results in tasks such as writer identification, gender classification, and handedness classification, also highlighting the superiority of utilizing the pretrained models over the models trained from scratch

    Design of an Offline Handwriting Recognition System Tested on the Bangla and Korean Scripts

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    This dissertation presents a flexible and robust offline handwriting recognition system which is tested on the Bangla and Korean scripts. Offline handwriting recognition is one of the most challenging and yet to be solved problems in machine learning. While a few popular scripts (like Latin) have received a lot of attention, many other widely used scripts (like Bangla) have seen very little progress. Features such as connectedness and vowels structured as diacritics make it a challenging script to recognize. A simple and robust design for offline recognition is presented which not only works reliably, but also can be used for almost any alphabetic writing system. The framework has been rigorously tested for Bangla and demonstrated how it can be transformed to apply to other scripts through experiments on the Korean script whose two-dimensional arrangement of characters makes it a challenge to recognize. The base of this design is a character spotting network which detects the location of different script elements (such as characters, diacritics) from an unsegmented word image. A transcript is formed from the detected classes based on their corresponding location information. This is the first reported lexicon-free offline recognition system for Bangla and achieves a Character Recognition Accuracy (CRA) of 94.8%. This is also one of the most flexible architectures ever presented. Recognition of Korean was achieved with a 91.2% CRA. Also, a powerful technique of autonomous tagging was developed which can drastically reduce the effort of preparing a dataset for any script. The combination of the character spotting method and the autonomous tagging brings the entire offline recognition problem very close to a singular solution. Additionally, a database named the Boise State Bangla Handwriting Dataset was developed. This is one of the richest offline datasets currently available for Bangla and this has been made publicly accessible to accelerate the research progress. Many other tools were developed and experiments were conducted to more rigorously validate this framework by evaluating the method against external datasets (CMATERdb 1.1.1, Indic Word Dataset and REID2019: Early Indian Printed Documents). Offline handwriting recognition is an extremely promising technology and the outcome of this research moves the field significantly ahead

    An examination of quantitative methods for Forensic Signature Analysis and the admissibility of signature verification system as legal evidence.

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    The experiments described in this thesis deal with handwriting characteristics which are involved in the production of forged and genuine signatures and complexity of signatures. The objectives of this study were (1) to provide su?cient details on which of the signature characteristics are easier to forge, (2) to investigate the capabilities of the signature complexity formula given by Found et al. based on a different signature database provided by University of Kent. This database includes the writing movements of 10 writers producing their genuine signature and of 140 writers forging these sample signatures. Using the 150 genuine signatures without constrictions of the Kent’s database an evaluation of the complexity formula suggested in Found et al took place divided the signature in three categories low, medium and high graphical complexity. The results of the formula implementation were compared with the opinions of three leading professional forensic document examiners employed by Key Forensics in the UK. The analysis of data for Study I reveals that there is not ample evidence that high quality forgeries are possible after training. In addition, a closer view of the kinematics of the forging writers is responsible for our main conclusion, that forged signatures are widely different from genuine especially in the kinematic domain. From all the parameters used in this study 11 out of 15 experienced significant changes when the comparison of the two groups (genuine versus forged signature) took place and gave a clear picture of which parameters can assist forensic document examiners and can be used by them to examine the signatures forgeries. The movements of the majority of forgers are signi?cantly slower than those of authentic writers. It is also clearly recognizable that the majority of forgers perform higher levels of pressure when trying to forge the genuine signature. The results of Study II although limited and not entirely consistent with the study of Found that proposed this model, indicate that the model can provide valuable objective evidence (regarding complex signatures) in the forensic environment and justify its further investigation but more work is need to be done in order to use this type of models in the court of law. The model was able to predict correctly only 53% of the FDEs opinion regarding the complexity of the signatures. Apart from the above investigations in this study there will be also a reference at the debate which has started in recent years that is challenging the validity of forensic handwriting experts’ skills and at the effort which has begun by interested parties of this sector to validate and standardise the field of forensic handwriting examination and a discussion started. This effort reveals that forensic document analysis field meets all factors which were set by Daubert ruling in terms of theory proven, education, training, certification, falsifiability, error rate, peer review and publication, general acceptance. However innovative methods are needed for the development of forensic document analysis discipline. Most modern and effective solution in order to prevent observational and emotional bias would be the development of an automated handwriting or signature analysis system. This system will have many advantages in real cases scenario. In addition the significant role of computer-assisted handwriting analysis in the daily work of forensic document examiners (FDE) or the judicial system is in agreement with the assessment of the National Research Council of United States that “the scientific basis for handwriting comparison needs to be strengthened”, however it seems that further research is required in order to be able these systems to reach the accomplishment point of this objective and overcome legal obstacles presented in this study
