190 research outputs found

    Annotate and retrieve in vivo images using hybrid self-organizing map

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    Multimodal retrieval has gained much attention lately due to its effectiveness over uni-modal retrieval. For instance, visual features often under-constrain the description of an image in content-based retrieval; however, another modality, such as collateral text, can be introduced to abridge the semantic gap and make the retrieval process more efficient. This article proposes the application of cross-modal fusion and retrieval on real in vivo gastrointestinal images and linguistic cues, as the visual features alone are insufficient for image description and to assist gastroenterologists. So, a cross-modal information retrieval approach has been proposed to retrieve related images given text and vice versa while handling the heterogeneity gap issue among the modalities. The technique comprises two stages: (1) individual modality feature learning; and (2) fusion of two trained networks. In the first stage, two self-organizing maps (SOMs) are trained separately using images and texts, which are clustered in the respective SOMs based on their similarity. In the second (fusion) stage, the trained SOMs are integrated using an associative network to enable cross-modal retrieval. The underlying learning techniques of the associative network include Hebbian learning and Oja learning (Improved Hebbian learning). The introduced framework can annotate images with keywords and illustrate keywords with images, and it can also be extended to incorporate more diverse modalities. Extensive experimentation has been performed on real gastrointestinal images obtained from a known gastroenterologist that have collateral keywords with each image. The obtained results proved the efficacy of the algorithm and its significance in aiding gastroenterologists in quick and pertinent decision making

    Applied Cognitive Sciences

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    Cognitive science is an interdisciplinary field in the study of the mind and intelligence. The term cognition refers to a variety of mental processes, including perception, problem solving, learning, decision making, language use, and emotional experience. The basis of the cognitive sciences is the contribution of philosophy and computing to the study of cognition. Computing is very important in the study of cognition because computer-aided research helps to develop mental processes, and computers are used to test scientific hypotheses about mental organization and functioning. This book provides a platform for reviewing these disciplines and presenting cognitive research as a separate discipline

    An Intelligent System-on-a-Chip for a Real-Time Assessment of Fuel Consumption to Promote Eco-Driving

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    Pollution that originates from automobiles is a concern in the current world, not only because of global warming, but also due to the harmful effects on people’s health and lives. Despite regulations on exhaust gas emissions being applied, minimizing unsuitable driving habits that cause elevated fuel consumption and emissions would achieve further reductions. For that reason, this work proposes a self-organized map (SOM)-based intelligent system in order to provide drivers with eco-driving-intended driving style (DS) recommendations. The development of the DS advisor uses driving data from the Uyanik instrumented car. The system classifies drivers regarding the underlying causes of non-optimal DSs from the eco-driving viewpoint. When compared with other solutions, the main advantage of this approach is the personalization of the recommendations that are provided to motorists, comprising the handling of the pedals and the gearbox, with potential improvements in both fuel consumption and emissions ranging from the 9.5% to the 31.5%, or even higher for drivers that are strongly engaged with the system. It was successfully implemented using a field-programmable gate array (FPGA) device of the Xilinx ZynQ programmable system-on-a-chip (PSoC) family. This SOM-based system allows for real-time implementation, state-of-the-art timing performances, and low power consumption, which are suitable for developing advanced driving assistance systems (ADASs).This work was supported in part by the Spanish AEI and European FEDER funds under Grant TEC2016-77618-R (AEI/FEDER, UE) and by the University of the Basque Country under Grant GIU18/122

    Design and Electronic Implementation of Machine Learning-based Advanced Driving Assistance Systems

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    200 p.Esta tesis tiene como objetivo contribuir al desarrollo y perfeccionamiento de sistemas avanzados a la conducción (ADAS). Para ello, basándose en bases de datos de conducción real, se exploran las posibilidades de personalización de los ADAS existentes mediante técnicas de machine learning, tales como las redes neuronales o los sistemas neuro-borrosos. Así, se obtienen parámetros característicos del estilo cada conductor que ayudan a llevar a cabo una personalización automatizada de los ADAS que equipe el vehículo, como puede ser el control de crucero adaptativo. Por otro lado, basándose en esos mismos parámetros de estilo de conducción, se proponen nuevos ADAS que asesoren a los conductores para modificar su estilo de conducción, con el objetivo de mejorar tanto el consumo de combustible y la emisión de gases de efecto invernadero, como el confort de marcha. Además, dado que esta personalización tiene como objetivo que los sistemas automatizados imiten en cierta manera, y siempre dentro de parámetros seguros, el estilo del conductor humano, se espera que contribuya a incrementar la aceptación de estos sistemas, animando a la utilización y, por tanto, contribuyendo positivamente a la mejora de la seguridad, de la eficiencia energética y del confort de marcha. Además, estos sistemas deben ejecutarse en una plataforma que sea apta para ser embarcada en el automóvil, y, por ello, se exploran las posibilidades de implementación HW/SW en dispositivos reconfigurables tipo FPGA. Así, se desarrollan soluciones HW/SW que implementan los ADAS propuestos en este trabajo con un alto grado de exactitud, rendimiento, y en tiempo real

    Advances in Reinforcement Learning

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    Reinforcement Learning (RL) is a very dynamic area in terms of theory and application. This book brings together many different aspects of the current research on several fields associated to RL which has been growing rapidly, producing a wide variety of learning algorithms for different applications. Based on 24 Chapters, it covers a very broad variety of topics in RL and their application in autonomous systems. A set of chapters in this book provide a general overview of RL while other chapters focus mostly on the applications of RL paradigms: Game Theory, Multi-Agent Theory, Robotic, Networking Technologies, Vehicular Navigation, Medicine and Industrial Logistic

    An incremental clustering and associative learning architecture for intelligent robotics

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    The ability to learn from the environment and memorise the acquired knowledge is essential for robots to become autonomous and versatile artificial companions. This thesis proposes a novel learning and memory architecture for robots, which performs associative learning and recall of sensory and actuator patterns. The approach avoids the inclusion of task-specific expert knowledge and can deal with any kind of multi-dimensional real-valued data, apart from being tolerant to noise and supporting incremental learning. The proposed architecture integrates two machine learning methods: a topology learning algorithm that performs incremental clustering, and an associative memory model that learns relationship information based on the co-occurrence of inputs. The evaluations of both the topology learning algorithm and the associative memory model involved the memorisation of high-dimensional visual data as well as the association of symbolic data, presented simultaneously and sequentially. Moreover, the document analyses the results of two experiments in which the entire architecture was evaluated regarding its associative and incremental learning capabilities. One experiment comprised an incremental learning task with visual patterns and text labels, which was performed both in a simulated scenario and with a real robot. In a second experiment a robot learned to recognise visual patterns in the form of road signs and associated them with di erent con gurations of its arm joints. The thesis also discusses several learning-related aspects of the architecture and highlights strengths and weaknesses of the proposed approach. The developed architecture and corresponding ndings contribute to the domains of machine learning and intelligent robotics
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