116 research outputs found

    Some local--global phenomena in locally finite graphs

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    In this paper we present some results for a connected infinite graph GG with finite degrees where the properties of balls of small radii guarantee the existence of some Hamiltonian and connectivity properties of GG. (For a vertex ww of a graph GG the ball of radius rr centered at ww is the subgraph of GG induced by the set Mr(w)M_r(w) of vertices whose distance from ww does not exceed rr). In particular, we prove that if every ball of radius 2 in GG is 2-connected and GG satisfies the condition dG(u)+dG(v)M2(w)1d_G(u)+d_G(v)\geq |M_2(w)|-1 for each path uwvuwv in GG, where uu and vv are non-adjacent vertices, then GG has a Hamiltonian curve, introduced by K\"undgen, Li and Thomassen (2017). Furthermore, we prove that if every ball of radius 1 in GG satisfies Ore's condition (1960) then all balls of any radius in GG are Hamiltonian.Comment: 18 pages, 6 figures; journal accepted versio

    On some intriguing problems in Hamiltonian graph theory -- A survey

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    We survey results and open problems in Hamiltonian graph theory centred around three themes: regular graphs, tt-tough graphs, and claw-free graphs

    Claw -free graphs and line graphs

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    The research of my dissertation is motivated by the conjecture of Thomassen that every 4-connected line graph is hamiltonian and by the conjecture of Tutte that every 4-edge-connected graph has a no-where-zero 3-flow. Towards the hamiltonian line graph problem, we proved that every 3-connected N2-locally connected claw-free graph is hamiltonian, which was conjectured by Ryjacek in 1990; that every 4-connected line graph of an almost claw free graph is hamiltonian connected, and that every triangularly connected claw-free graph G with |E( G)| ≥ 3 is vertex pancyclic. Towards the second conjecture, we proved that every line graph of a 4-edge-connected graph is Z 3-connected

    On Eulerian subgraphs and hamiltonian line graphs

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    A graph {\color{black}GG} is Hamilton-connected if for any pair of distinct vertices {\color{black}u,vV(G)u, v \in V(G)}, {\color{black}GG} has a spanning (u,v)(u,v)-path; {\color{black}GG} is 1-hamiltonian if for any vertex subset SV(G)S \subseteq {\color{black}V(G)} with S1|S| \le 1, GSG - S has a spanning cycle. Let δ(G)\delta(G), α2˘7(G)\alpha\u27(G) and L(G)L(G) denote the minimum degree, the matching number and the line graph of a graph GG, respectively. The following result is obtained. {\color{black} Let GG be a simple graph} with E(G)3|E(G)| \ge 3. If δ(G)α2˘7(G)\delta(G) \geq \alpha\u27(G), then each of the following holds. \\ (i) L(G)L(G) is Hamilton-connected if and only if κ(L(G))3\kappa(L(G))\ge 3. \\ (ii) L(G)L(G) is 1-hamiltonian if and only if κ(L(G))3\kappa(L(G))\ge 3. %==========sp For a graph GG, an integer s0s \ge 0 and distinct vertices u,vV(G)u, v \in V(G), an (s;u,v)(s; u, v)-path-system of GG is a subgraph HH consisting of ss internally disjoint (u,v)(u,v)-paths. The spanning connectivity κ(G)\kappa^*(G) is the largest integer ss such that for any kk with 0ks0 \le k \le s and for any u,vV(G)u, v \in V(G) with uvu \neq v, GG has a spanning (k;u,v)(k; u,v)-path-system. It is known that κ(G)κ(G)\kappa^*(G) \le \kappa(G), and determining if κ(G)3˘e0\kappa^*(G) \u3e 0 is an NP-complete problem. A graph GG is maximally spanning connected if κ(G)=κ(G)\kappa^*(G) = \kappa(G). Let msc(G)msc(G) and sk(G)s_k(G) be the smallest integers mm and m2˘7m\u27 such that Lm(G)L^m(G) is maximally spanning connected and κ(Lm2˘7(G))k\kappa^*(L^{m\u27}(G)) \ge k, respectively. We show that every locally-connected line graph with connectivity at least 3 is maximally spanning connected, and that the spanning connectivity of a locally-connected line graph can be polynomially determined. As applications, we also determined best possible upper bounds for msc(G)msc(G) and sk(G)s_k(G), and characterized the extremal graphs reaching the upper bounds. %==============st For integers s0s \ge 0 and t0t \ge 0, a graph GG is (s,t)(s,t)-supereulerian if for any disjoint edge sets X,YE(G)X, Y \subseteq E(G) with Xs|X|\le s and Yt|Y|\le t, GG has a spanning closed trail that contains XX and avoids YY. Pulleyblank in [J. Graph Theory, 3 (1979) 309-310] showed that determining whether a graph is (0,0)(0,0)-supereulerian, even when restricted to planar graphs, is NP-complete. Settling an open problem of Bauer, Catlin in [J. Graph Theory, 12 (1988) 29-45] showed that every simple graph GG on nn vertices with δ(G)n51\delta(G) \ge \frac{n}{5} -1, when nn is sufficiently large, is (0,0)(0,0)-supereulerian or is contractible to K2,3K_{2,3}. We prove the following for any nonnegative integers ss and tt. \\ (i) For any real numbers aa and bb with 03˘ca3˘c10 \u3c a \u3c 1, there exists a family of finitely many graphs \F(a,b;s,t) such that if GG is a simple graph on nn vertices with κ2˘7(G)t+2\kappa\u27(G) \ge t+2 and δ(G)an+b\delta(G) \ge an + b, then either GG is (s,t)(s,t)-supereulerian, or GG is contractible to a member in \F(a,b;s,t). \\ (ii) Let K2\ell K_2 denote the connected loopless graph with two vertices and \ell parallel edges. If GG is a simple graph on nn vertices with κ2˘7(G)t+2\kappa\u27(G) \ge t+2 and δ(G)n21\delta(G) \ge \frac{n}{2}-1, then when nn is sufficiently large, either GG is (s,t)(s,t)-supereulerian, or for some integer jj with t+2js+tt+2 \le j \le s+t, GG is contractible to a jK2j K_2. %==================index For a hamiltonian property \cp, Clark and Wormold introduced the problem of investigating the value \cp(a,b) = \max\{\min\{n: L^n(G) has property \cp\}: κ2˘7(G)a\kappa\u27(G) \ge a and δ(G)b}\delta(G) \ge b\}, and proposed a few problems to determine \cp(a,b) with ba4b \ge a \ge 4 when \cp is being hamiltonian, edge-hamiltonian and hamiltonian-connected. Zhan in 1986 proved that the line graph of a 4-edge-connected graph is Hamilton-connected, which implies a solution to the unsettled cases of above-mentioned problem. We consider an extended version of the problem. Let ess2˘7(G)ess\u27(G) denote the essential edge-connectivity of a graph GG, and define \cp\u27(a,b) = \max\{\min\{n: L^n(G) has property \cp\}: ess2˘7(G)aess\u27(G) \ge a and δ(G)b}\delta(G) \ge b\}. We investigate the values of \cp\u27(a,b) when \cp is one of these hamiltonian properties. In particular, we show that for any values of b1b \ge 1, \cp\u27(4,b) \le 2 and \cp\u27(4,b) = 1 if and only if Thomassen\u27s conjecture that every 4-connected line graph is hamiltonian is valid

    Upper bounds on the k-forcing number of a graph

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    Given a simple undirected graph GG and a positive integer kk, the kk-forcing number of GG, denoted Fk(G)F_k(G), is the minimum number of vertices that need to be initially colored so that all vertices eventually become colored during the discrete dynamical process described by the following rule. Starting from an initial set of colored vertices and stopping when all vertices are colored: if a colored vertex has at most kk non-colored neighbors, then each of its non-colored neighbors becomes colored. When k=1k=1, this is equivalent to the zero forcing number, usually denoted with Z(G)Z(G), a recently introduced invariant that gives an upper bound on the maximum nullity of a graph. In this paper, we give several upper bounds on the kk-forcing number. Notable among these, we show that if GG is a graph with order n2n \ge 2 and maximum degree Δk\Delta \ge k, then Fk(G)(Δk+1)nΔk+1+min{δ,k}F_k(G) \le \frac{(\Delta-k+1)n}{\Delta - k + 1 +\min{\{\delta,k\}}}. This simplifies to, for the zero forcing number case of k=1k=1, Z(G)=F1(G)ΔnΔ+1Z(G)=F_1(G) \le \frac{\Delta n}{\Delta+1}. Moreover, when Δ2\Delta \ge 2 and the graph is kk-connected, we prove that Fk(G)(Δ2)n+2Δ+k2F_k(G) \leq \frac{(\Delta-2)n+2}{\Delta+k-2}, which is an improvement when k2k\leq 2, and specializes to, for the zero forcing number case, Z(G)=F1(G)(Δ2)n+2Δ1Z(G)= F_1(G) \le \frac{(\Delta -2)n+2}{\Delta -1}. These results resolve a problem posed by Meyer about regular bipartite circulant graphs. Finally, we present a relationship between the kk-forcing number and the connected kk-domination number. As a corollary, we find that the sum of the zero forcing number and connected domination number is at most the order for connected graphs.Comment: 15 pages, 0 figure

    Exploiting structure to cope with NP-hard graph problems: Polynomial and exponential time exact algorithms

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    An ideal algorithm for solving a particular problem always finds an optimal solution, finds such a solution for every possible instance, and finds it in polynomial time. When dealing with NP-hard problems, algorithms can only be expected to possess at most two out of these three desirable properties. All algorithms presented in this thesis are exact algorithms, which means that they always find an optimal solution. Demanding the solution to be optimal means that other concessions have to be made when designing an exact algorithm for an NP-hard problem: we either have to impose restrictions on the instances of the problem in order to achieve a polynomial time complexity, or we have to abandon the requirement that the worst-case running time has to be polynomial. In some cases, when the problem under consideration remains NP-hard on restricted input, we are even forced to do both. Most of the problems studied in this thesis deal with partitioning the vertex set of a given graph. In the other problems the task is to find certain types of paths and cycles in graphs. The problems all have in common that they are NP-hard on general graphs. We present several polynomial time algorithms for solving restrictions of these problems to specific graph classes, in particular graphs without long induced paths, chordal graphs and claw-free graphs. For problems that remain NP-hard even on restricted input we present exact exponential time algorithms. In the design of each of our algorithms, structural graph properties have been heavily exploited. Apart from using existing structural results, we prove new structural properties of certain types of graphs in order to obtain our algorithmic results