34 research outputs found

    A hierarchical graph model for object cosegmentation

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    Interactive Cosegmentation Using Global and Local Energy Optimization

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    We propose a novel interactive cosegmentation method using global and local energy optimization. The global energy includes two terms: 1) the global scribbled energy and 2) the interimage energy. The first one utilizes the user scribbles to build the Gaussian mixture model and improve the cosegmentation performance. The second one is a global constraint, which attempts to match the histograms of common objects. To minimize the local energy, we apply the spline regression to learn the smoothness in a local neighborhood. This energy optimization can be converted into a constrained quadratic programming problem. To reduce the computational complexity, we propose an iterative optimization algorithm to decompose this optimization problem into several subproblems. The experimental results show that our method outperforms the state-of-the-art unsupervised cosegmentation and interactive cosegmentation methods on the iCoseg and MSRC benchmark data sets

    A mutual GrabCut method to solve co-segmentation

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    Extent: 11 p.Co-segmentation aims at segmenting common objects from a group of images. Markov random field (MRF) has been widely used to solve co-segmentation, which introduces a global constraint to make the foreground similar to each other. However, it is difficult to minimize the new model. In this paper, we propose a new Markov random field-based co-segmentation model to solve co-segmentation problem without minimization problem. In our model, foreground similarity constraint is added into the unary term of MRF model rather than the global term, which can be minimized by graph cut method. In the model, a new energy function is designed by considering both the foreground similarity and the background consistency. Then, a mutual optimization approach is used to minimize the energy function. We test the proposed method on many pairs of images. The experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method.Zhisheng Gao, Peng Shi, Hamid Reza Karimi and Zheng Pe

    Scribble based interactive 3D reconstruction via scene co-segmentation

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    In this paper, we present a novel interactive 3D reconstruction algorithm which renders a planar reconstruction of the scene. We consider a scenario where the user has taken a few images of a scene from multiple poses. The goal is to obtain a dense and visually pleasing reconstruction of the scene, including non-planar objects. Using simple user interactions in the form of scribbles indicating the surfaces in the scene, we develop an idea of 3D scribbles to propagate scene geometry across multiple views and perform co-segmentation of all the images into the different surfaces and non-planar objects in the scene. We show that this allows us to render a complete and pleasing reconstruction of the scene along with a volumetric rendering of the non-planar objects. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our algorithm on both outdoor and indoor scenes including the ability to handle featureless surfaces. Index Terms — image based modeling, interactive 3D re-construction 1

    New Convex Relaxations and Global Optimality in Variational Imaging

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    Variational methods constitute the basic building blocks for solving many image analysis tasks, be it segmentation, depth estimation, optical flow, object detection etc. Many of these problems can be expressed in the framework of Markov Random Fields (MRF) or as continuous labelling problems. Finding the Maximum A-Posteriori (MAP) solutions of suitably constructed MRFs or the optimizers of the labelling problems give solutions to the aforementioned tasks. In either case, the associated optimization problem amounts to solving structured energy minimization problems. In this thesis we study novel extensions applicable to Markov Random Fields and continuous labelling problems through which we are able to incorporate statistical global constraints. To this end, we devise tractable relaxations of the resulting energy minimization problem and efficient algorithms to tackle them. Second, we propose a general mechanism to find partial optimal solutions to the problem of finding a MAP-solution of an MRF, utilizing only standard relxations