42,076 research outputs found

    An Economic Assessment of the Costs and Benefits of Natura 2000 Sites in Scotland

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    In accordance with the European Commission "Habitats Directive" (Directive 92/43/EEC) and the "Birds Directive" (Directive 79/409/EEC), Scotland must contribute to the development of a UK network of protected areas that represent the most important wildlife sites in the European Union, known as the Natura 2000 (N2K) network. This network is made up of Special Protection Areas (SPAs) classified under the Birds Directive and of Special Areas of Conservation (SACs) under the Habitats Directive. In Scotland, by 31/12/02, 355 N2K sites had been identified, comprising 223 candidate SACs (cSACs) and 132 SPAs, accounting for 9.3% of Scotland's land surface. As 55 sites are both cSACs and SPAs, there are actually 300 separate individual N2K sites

    The application of the Habitats Directive in Portugal

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    A succinct review of the application of the Habitats Directive in Portugal is presented. Since 1971 until 2000 Portugal has defined approximately 8,8% of its territory as national protected areas. With the application of the Habitats Directive nature conservation policies extended to more than 17,4 % of the territory increasing by 98% and the knowledge on vegetation community’s habitats was certainly deepened. Including special protection areas (Birds Directive) the Portuguese territory under one or more conservation status totals 21,5%. Finally, the support given by the Portuguese Phytosociology Association – ALFA in the detailed description of the Directive habitats is divulged, showing the importance, usefulness and efficacy of phytosociologic studies

    Coenagrion mercuriale

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    Conservation status and Spanish distribution of protected invertebrate species included in the Habitats Directive (European Union Directive 92/43/CEE) is evaluated. Bibliographic records are analysed in each bioregion, species biology, reproductive habitats and relationship with habitats included in Habitats Directive, percentages of populations within Nature 2000 network and their threats are evaluated with more details when are known. A monitoring program is proposed. In this chapter, populations of Coenagrion mercuriale are analysed

    Alignment of marine habitat data of the Maltese Islands to conform to the requirements of the EU habitats directive (Council Directive 92/43/EEC)

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    In 1992 the European Union (henceforth referred to as the EU) adopted a Council Directive on the conservation of natural habitats and wild fauna and flora that became known as the ‘Habitats Directive’. This Directive contains a range of measures aimed at the protection of species and habitats of EU interest. One of these measures requires each Member State to forward to the European Commission a list of sites proposed for inclusion in a EU-wide network of protected areas known as NATURA 2000. Sites adopted at Community level will be designated by Member States as Special Areas of Conservation (SACs).peer-reviewe

    Guidelines for the monitoring of Lucanus cervus

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    Lucanus cervus is one of the most charismatic saproxylic beetles, widely distributed in Europe. The species is typical of mature deciduous forests, especially oak woodlands. Loss and fragmentation of suitable habitats is one of the major threats for this species which is included in Annex II of the Habitats Directive. Despite several studies carried out in the last years for the monitoring methods of the species, an analytical comparison between them is still lacking. The aims of this paper are (i) to review the current knowledge about systematics, ecology and conservation practices on L. cervus and (ii) to present the research carried out during the Life MIPP project, in order to define a standard monitoring method with a suitable protocol to be used for addressing the obligations of the Habitats Directive. Overall, five methods were tested during three years in two different study areas. Based on these results, a suitable standard method for L. cervus is proposed in this paper and, in order to assess the conservation status of populations and to compare them over time, a simple method for the calculation of a reference value is provided

    The Habitats Directive - 30

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    Political Science; European Unio

    Gomphus graslinii

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    Conservation status and Spanish distribution of protected invertebrate species included in the Habitats Directive (European Union Directive 92/43/CEE) is evaluated. Bibliographic records are analysed in each bioregion, species biology, reproductive habitats and relationship with habitats included in Habitats Directive, percentages of populations within Nature 2000 network and their threats are evaluated with more details when are known. A monitoring program is proposed. In this chapter, populations of Coenagrion mercuriale are analysed. External Internet address of this chapter in the Ministry webpage http://bit.ly/13fmOx

    Mapping the broad habitats of the Burren using satellite imagery

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    Teagasc acknowledges the support of the Research Stimulus Fund of the Department of Agriculture and Food, funded by the Irish Government under the National Development Plan 2000 – 2006.End of project reportThis project has successfully used satellite imagery to survey and map the extent and spatial distribution of broad habitat types within the Burren, and we have represented this information on a digitised habitat map. this information on a digitised habitat map. This map is the first to show the distribution of the broad habitats of the Burren and will be an important tool in aiding future decisions as to how the habitats of the Burren should be managed to the benefit of both the farmer and the environment. The map provides the first estimate of the area of the Burren affected by scrub encroachment – this being one of the most significant threats to the EU priority habitats in the region. On a particularly challenging area with a high diversity and complexity of habitats, remote sensing appears to offer a very effective and cost-efficient alternative to broad-scale habitat mapping on a field-by-field basis. The use of high-resolution imagery and ground-truthing should be adopted to complete a detailed national survey of habitats and land use in Ireland. This would support more effective implementation of both the Agriculture sector’s obligations under the Habitats Directive, and agri-environmental schemes with wildlife objectives. The outputs provided by such mapping approaches could inform the targeting of agri-environmental objectives, and increase the efficiency of detecting areas of high conservation value for monitoring by more conventional methods. The detailed land use descriptions offered by such imagery are also of high relevance to modelling approaches and risk assessment for implementation of land use policies such as the Water Framework Directive and Nitrates Directive.Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marin

    Anthropization processes and protection of the environment: an assessment of land cover changes in Sardinia, Italy

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    Protection of the environment is implemented through preventive and mitigating measures aimed at hindering anthropization processes. These measures may possibly entail the establishment of natural protected areas and sites where conservation measures are stated under the provisions of the “Habitats” Directive (no. 92/43/EEC) and Directive no. 2009/147/EC (the so-called “Birds” Directive, which modifies Directive no. 79/409/EEC). A straightforward way of assessing widespread anthropization processes consists in analyzing land cover changes related artificialization processes concerning natural areas. In this study, we assess land cover changes by using the simplified land cover taxonomy of the Land and Ecosystem Account classes and by analyzing transition processes; in addition, we propose a comparative appraisal of land cover changes occurring in areas characterized by different protection regimes, as follows: areas protected under the provisions of national or regional acts or regulations, sites belonging to the Natura 2000 network, that is protected under the Habitats or Birds Directives, and unprotected areas. We analyze anthropization processes that take place in Sardinia, an Italian insular region characterized by the presence of several national and regional protected areas and by a significant system of Natura 2000 sites, and assess land cover changes over a twelve-year period (2000-2012). The outcomes of our study put in evidence important lessons related to the definition and implementation of planning policies aiming at preventing anthropization processes in Sardinia. Moreover, the assessment methodology we implement in our study can be exported to other European regions in order to set up planning processes which fit the local features of land cover changes

    Information and communication on the designation and management of Natura2000 sites. Main Report 2: Organizing the management in 27 EU Member States

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    Following the selection of Special Protection Areas (SPA) and Sites of Community Importance (SCI) according to the Birds and the Habitats Directives, most European Member States are now in process of formally designating SPAs and SCIs as Special Areas of Conservation (SAC) or Natura2000 sites. These protected areas collectively form the European Union’s Natura2000 network. Member States are also selecting and implementing adequate management approaches and instruments to maintain and restore the favourable conservation status of protected species and habitat types and to prevent damage to the integrity of the sites. Both actions follow Articles 6.1 and 6.2 of the Habitats Directive. To help the Member States, the European Commission wishes to improve the knowledge and exchange of information and good practice both on the designation process of SPAs and SACs and on the establishment of conservation measures and instruments for these areas. Furthermore, the Commission wants to stress the importance of the sites and their management by involving a wider group of stakeholders in the development of so-called integrated management, in accordance with Article 2 of the Habitats Directive. The project ‘PREPARATORY ACTIONS- Lot 2: Information and communication on the designation and management of sites’ (tender ENV.B.2/SER/2007/0076) is intended to help the Commission to achieve these objectives. This report presents a full description of the results of the project regarding the management of sites