23 research outputs found

    Wireless Interference Prediction with Discrete Windows

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    Low-power devices that rely on ZigBee wireless signals, such as embedded health care devices, face the problem of being drowned out by higher-power signals like WiFi. When that happens, those devices must spend time and battery power retransmitting those signals. In order to reduce collisions with WiFi signals and increase throughput, we investigate using Hidden Markov Models (HMMs) with discrete timeslots to predict when interference would occur, and when it would not (a white space). We found that, when we used short timeslots, the HMMs made slower and less accurate predictions than existing schemes. However when we looked at longer timeslots, HMM predictions made better use of the available white space.Computer Scienc

    Thirty Years of Machine Learning: The Road to Pareto-Optimal Wireless Networks

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    Future wireless networks have a substantial potential in terms of supporting a broad range of complex compelling applications both in military and civilian fields, where the users are able to enjoy high-rate, low-latency, low-cost and reliable information services. Achieving this ambitious goal requires new radio techniques for adaptive learning and intelligent decision making because of the complex heterogeneous nature of the network structures and wireless services. Machine learning (ML) algorithms have great success in supporting big data analytics, efficient parameter estimation and interactive decision making. Hence, in this article, we review the thirty-year history of ML by elaborating on supervised learning, unsupervised learning, reinforcement learning and deep learning. Furthermore, we investigate their employment in the compelling applications of wireless networks, including heterogeneous networks (HetNets), cognitive radios (CR), Internet of things (IoT), machine to machine networks (M2M), and so on. This article aims for assisting the readers in clarifying the motivation and methodology of the various ML algorithms, so as to invoke them for hitherto unexplored services as well as scenarios of future wireless networks.Comment: 46 pages, 22 fig

    Coexistence and interference mitigation for WPANs and WLANs from traditional approaches to deep learning: a review

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    More and more devices, such as Bluetooth and IEEE 802.15.4 devices forming Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPANs) and IEEE 802.11 devices constituting Wireless Local Area Networks (WLANs), share the 2.4 GHz Industrial, Scientific and Medical (ISM) band in the realm of the Internet of Things (IoT) and Smart Cities. However, the coexistence of these devices could pose a real challenge—co-channel interference that would severely compromise network performances. Although the coexistence issues has been partially discussed elsewhere in some articles, there is no single review that fully summarises and compares recent research outcomes and challenges of IEEE 802.15.4 networks, Bluetooth and WLANs together. In this work, we revisit and provide a comprehensive review on the coexistence and interference mitigation for those three types of networks. We summarize the strengths and weaknesses of the current methodologies, analysis and simulation models in terms of numerous important metrics such as the packet reception ratio, latency, scalability and energy efficiency. We discover that although Bluetooth and IEEE 802.15.4 networks are both WPANs, they show quite different performances in the presence of WLANs. IEEE 802.15.4 networks are adversely impacted by WLANs, whereas WLANs are interfered by Bluetooth. When IEEE 802.15.4 networks and Bluetooth co-locate, they are unlikely to harm each other. Finally, we also discuss the future research trends and challenges especially Deep-Learning and Reinforcement-Learning-based approaches to detecting and mitigating the co-channel interference caused by WPANs and WLANs

    Intelligent Sensor Networks

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    In the last decade, wireless or wired sensor networks have attracted much attention. However, most designs target general sensor network issues including protocol stack (routing, MAC, etc.) and security issues. This book focuses on the close integration of sensing, networking, and smart signal processing via machine learning. Based on their world-class research, the authors present the fundamentals of intelligent sensor networks. They cover sensing and sampling, distributed signal processing, and intelligent signal learning. In addition, they present cutting-edge research results from leading experts

    Improving Wifi Sensing And Networking With Channel State Information

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    In recent years, WiFi has a very rapid growth due to its high throughput, high efficiency, and low costs. Multiple-Input Multiple-Output (MIMO) and Orthogonal Frequency-Division Multiplexing (OFDM) are two key technologies for providing high throughput and efficiency for WiFi systems. MIMO-OFDM provides Channel State Information (CSI) which represents the amplitude attenuation and phase shift of each transmit-receiver antenna pair of each carrier frequency. CSI helps WiFi achieve high throughput to meet the growing demands of wireless data traffic. CSI captures how wireless signals travel through the surrounding environment, so it can also be used for wireless sensing purposes. This dissertation presents how to improve WiFi sensing and networking with CSI. More specifically, this dissertation proposes deep learning models to improve the performance and capability of WiFi sensing and presents network protocols to reduce CSI feedback overhead for high efficiency WiFi networking. For WiFi sensing, there are many wireless sensing applications using CSI as the input in recent years. To get a better understanding of existing WiFi sensing technologies and future WiFi sensing trends, this dissertation presents a survey of signal processing techniques, algorithms, applications, performance results, challenges, and future trends of CSI-based WiFi sensing. CSI is widely used for gesture recognition and sign language recognition. Existing methods for WiFi-based sign language recognition have low accuracy and high costs when there are more than 200 sign gestures. The dissertation presents SignFi for sign language recognition using CSI and Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs). SignFi provides high accuracy and low costs for run-time testing for 276 sign gestures in the lab and home environments. For WiFi networking, although CSI provides high throughput for WiFi networks, it also introduces high overhead. WiFi transmitters need CSI feedback for transmit beamforming and rate adaptation. The size of CSI packets is very large and it grows very fast with respect to the number of antennas and channel width. CSI feedback introduces high overhead which reduces the performance and efficiency of WiFi systems, especially mobile and hand-held WiFi devices. This dissertation presents RoFi to reduce CSI feedback overhead based on the mobility status of WiFi receivers. CSI feedback compression reduces overhead, but WiFi receivers still need to send CSI feedback to the WiFi transmitter. The dissertation presents EliMO for eliminating CSI feedback without sacrificing beamforming gains

    Stratégies pour le raisonnement sur le contexte dans les environnements d assistance pour les personnes âgées

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    Tirant parti de notre expérience avec une approche traditionnelle des environnements d'assistance ambiante (AAL) qui repose sur l'utilisation de nombreuses technologies hétérogènes dans les déploiements, cette thèse étudie la possibilité d'une approche simplifiée et complémentaire, ou seul un sous-ensemble hardware réduit est déployé, initiant un transfert de complexité vers le côté logiciel. Axé sur les aspects de raisonnement dans les systèmes AAL, ce travail a permis à la proposition d'un moteur d'inférence sémantique adapté à l'utilisation particulière à ces systèmes, répondant ainsi à un besoin de la communauté scientifique. Prenant en compte la grossière granularité des données situationnelles disponible avec une telle approche, un ensemble de règles dédiées avec des stratégies d'inférence adaptées est proposé, implémenté et validé en utilisant ce moteur. Un mécanisme de raisonnement sémantique novateur est proposé sur la base d'une architecture de raisonnement inspiré du système cognitif. Enfin, le système de raisonnement est intégré dans un framework de provision de services sensible au contexte, se chargeant de l'intelligence vis-à-vis des données contextuelles en effectuant un traitement des événements en direct par des manipulations ontologiques complexes. L ensemble du système est validé par des déploiements in-situ dans une maison de retraite ainsi que dans des maisons privées, ce qui en soi est remarquable dans un domaine de recherche principalement cantonné aux laboratoiresLeveraging our experience with the traditional approach to ambient assisted living (AAL) which relies on a large spread of heterogeneous technologies in deployments, this thesis studies the possibility of a more stripped down and complementary approach, where only a reduced hardware subset is deployed, probing a transfer of complexity towards the software side, and enhancing the large scale deployability of the solution. Focused on the reasoning aspects in AAL systems, this work has allowed the finding of a suitable semantic inference engine for the peculiar use in these systems, responding to a need in this scientific community. Considering the coarse granularity of situational data available, dedicated rule-sets with adapted inference strategies are proposed, implemented, and validated using this engine. A novel semantic reasoning mechanism is proposed based on a cognitively inspired reasoning architecture. Finally, the whole reasoning system is integrated in a fully featured context-aware service framework, powering its context awareness by performing live event processing through complex ontological manipulation. the overall system is validated through in-situ deployments in a nursing home as well as private homes over a few months period, which itself is noticeable in a mainly laboratory-bound research domainEVRY-INT (912282302) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Design of advanced benchmarks and analytical methods for RF-based indoor localization solutions

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    Ecosystemic Evolution Feeded by Smart Systems

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    Information Society is advancing along a route of ecosystemic evolution. ICT and Internet advancements, together with the progression of the systemic approach for enhancement and application of Smart Systems, are grounding such an evolution. The needed approach is therefore expected to evolve by increasingly fitting into the basic requirements of a significant general enhancement of human and social well-being, within all spheres of life (public, private, professional). This implies enhancing and exploiting the net-living virtual space, to make it a virtuous beneficial integration of the real-life space. Meanwhile, contextual evolution of smart cities is aiming at strongly empowering that ecosystemic approach by enhancing and diffusing net-living benefits over our own lived territory, while also incisively targeting a new stable socio-economic local development, according to social, ecological, and economic sustainability requirements. This territorial focus matches with a new glocal vision, which enables a more effective diffusion of benefits in terms of well-being, thus moderating the current global vision primarily fed by a global-scale market development view. Basic technological advancements have thus to be pursued at the system-level. They include system architecting for virtualization of functions, data integration and sharing, flexible basic service composition, and end-service personalization viability, for the operation and interoperation of smart systems, supporting effective net-living advancements in all application fields. Increasing and basically mandatory importance must also be increasingly reserved for human–technical and social–technical factors, as well as to the associated need of empowering the cross-disciplinary approach for related research and innovation. The prospected eco-systemic impact also implies a social pro-active participation, as well as coping with possible negative effects of net-living in terms of social exclusion and isolation, which require incisive actions for a conformal socio-cultural development. In this concern, speed, continuity, and expected long-term duration of innovation processes, pushed by basic technological advancements, make ecosystemic requirements stricter. This evolution requires also a new approach, targeting development of the needed basic and vocational education for net-living, which is to be considered as an engine for the development of the related ‘new living know-how’, as well as of the conformal ‘new making know-how’

    Cooperative Radio Communications for Green Smart Environments

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    The demand for mobile connectivity is continuously increasing, and by 2020 Mobile and Wireless Communications will serve not only very dense populations of mobile phones and nomadic computers, but also the expected multiplicity of devices and sensors located in machines, vehicles, health systems and city infrastructures. Future Mobile Networks are then faced with many new scenarios and use cases, which will load the networks with different data traffic patterns, in new or shared spectrum bands, creating new specific requirements. This book addresses both the techniques to model, analyse and optimise the radio links and transmission systems in such scenarios, together with the most advanced radio access, resource management and mobile networking technologies. This text summarises the work performed by more than 500 researchers from more than 120 institutions in Europe, America and Asia, from both academia and industries, within the framework of the COST IC1004 Action on "Cooperative Radio Communications for Green and Smart Environments". The book will have appeal to graduates and researchers in the Radio Communications area, and also to engineers working in the Wireless industry. Topics discussed in this book include: • Radio waves propagation phenomena in diverse urban, indoor, vehicular and body environments• Measurements, characterization, and modelling of radio channels beyond 4G networks• Key issues in Vehicle (V2X) communication• Wireless Body Area Networks, including specific Radio Channel Models for WBANs• Energy efficiency and resource management enhancements in Radio Access Networks• Definitions and models for the virtualised and cloud RAN architectures• Advances on feasible indoor localization and tracking techniques• Recent findings and innovations in antenna systems for communications• Physical Layer Network Coding for next generation wireless systems• Methods and techniques for MIMO Over the Air (OTA) testin