1,169 research outputs found

    Predicting Intermediate Storage Performance for Workflow Applications

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    Configuring a storage system to better serve an application is a challenging task complicated by a multidimensional, discrete configuration space and the high cost of space exploration (e.g., by running the application with different storage configurations). To enable selecting the best configuration in a reasonable time, we design an end-to-end performance prediction mechanism that estimates the turn-around time of an application using storage system under a given configuration. This approach focuses on a generic object-based storage system design, supports exploring the impact of optimizations targeting workflow applications (e.g., various data placement schemes) in addition to other, more traditional, configuration knobs (e.g., stripe size or replication level), and models the system operation at data-chunk and control message level. This paper presents our experience to date with designing and using this prediction mechanism. We evaluate this mechanism using micro- as well as synthetic benchmarks mimicking real workflow applications, and a real application.. A preliminary evaluation shows that we are on a good track to meet our objectives: it can scale to model a workflow application run on an entire cluster while offering an over 200x speedup factor (normalized by resource) compared to running the actual application, and can achieve, in the limited number of scenarios we study, a prediction accuracy that enables identifying the best storage system configuration

    Performance evaluation of HIP-based network security solutions

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    Abstract. Host Identity Protocol (HIP) is a networking technology that systematically separates the identifier and locator roles of IP addresses and introduces a Host Identity (HI) name space based on a public key security infrastructure. This modification offers a series of benefits such as mobility, multi-homing, end-to-end security, signaling, control/data plane separation, firewall security, e.t.c. Although HIP has not yet been sufficiently applied in mainstream communication networks, industry experts foresee its potential as an integral part of next generation networks. HIP can be used in various HIP-aware applications as well as in traditional IP-address-based applications and networking technologies, taking middle boxes into account. One of such applications is in Virtual Private LAN Service (VPLS), VPLS is a widely used method of providing Ethernet-based Virtual Private Network that supports the connection of geographically separated sites into a single bridged domain over an IP/MPLS network. The popularity of VPLS among commercial and defense organizations underscores the need for robust security features to protect both data and control information. After investigating the different approaches to HIP, a real world testbed is implemented. Two experiment scenarios were evaluated, one is performed on two open source Linux-based HIP implementations (HIPL and OpenHIP) and the other on two sets of enterprise equipment from two different companies (Tempered Networks and Byres Security). To account for a heterogeneous mix of network types, the Open source HIP implementations were evaluated on different network environments, namely Local Area Network (LAN), Wireless LAN (WLAN), and Wide Area Network (WAN). Each scenario is tested and evaluated for performance in terms of throughput, latency, and jitter. The measurement results confirmed the assumption that no single solution is optimal in all considered aspects and scenarios. For instance, in the open source implementations, the performance penalty of security on TCP throughput for WLAN scenario is less in HIPL than in OpenHIP, while for WAN scenario the reverse is the case. A similar outcome is observed for the UDP throughput. However, on latency, HIPL showed lower latency for all three network test scenarios. For the legacy equipment experiment, the penalty of security on TCP throughput is about 19% compared with the non-secure scenario while latency is increased by about 87%. This work therefore provides viable information for researchers and decision makers on the optimal solution to securing their VPNs based on the application scenarios and the potential performance penalties that come with each approach.HIP-pohjaisten tietoliikenneverkkojen turvallisuusratkaisujen suorituskyvyn arviointi. Tiivistelmä. Koneen identiteettiprotokolla (HIP, Host Identity Protocol) on tietoliikenneverkkoteknologia, joka käyttää erillistä kerrosta kuljetusprotokollan ja Internet-protokollan (IP) välissä TCP/IP-protokollapinossa. HIP erottaa systemaattisesti IP-osoitteen verkko- ja laite-osat, sekä käyttää koneen identiteetti (HI) -osaa perustuen julkisen avainnuksen turvallisuusrakenteeseen. Tämän hyötyjä ovat esimerkiksi mobiliteetti, moniliittyminen, päästä päähän (end-to-end) turvallisuus, kontrolli-informaation ja datan erottelu, kohtaaminen, osoitteenmuutos sekä palomuurin turvallisuus. Teollisuudessa HIP-protokolla nähdään osana seuraavan sukupolven tietoliikenneverkkoja, vaikka se ei vielä olekaan yleistynyt laajaan kaupalliseen käyttöön. HIP–protokollaa voidaan käyttää paitsi erilaisissa HIP-tietoisissa, myös perinteisissä IP-osoitteeseen perustuvissa sovelluksissa ja verkkoteknologioissa. Eräs tällainen sovellus on virtuaalinen LAN-erillisverkko (VPLS), joka on laajasti käytössä oleva menetelmä Ethernet-pohjaisen, erillisten yksikköjen ja yhden sillan välistä yhteyttä tukevan, virtuaalisen erillisverkon luomiseen IP/MPLS-verkon yli. VPLS:n yleisyys sekä kaupallisissa- että puolustusorganisaatioissa korostaa vastustuskykyisten turvallisuusominaisuuksien tarpeellisuutta tiedon ja kontrolliinformaation suojauksessa. Tässä työssä tutkitaan aluksi HIP-protokollan erilaisia lähestymistapoja. Teoreettisen tarkastelun jälkeen käytännön testejä suoritetaan itse rakennetulla testipenkillä. Tarkasteltavat skenaariot ovat verrata Linux-pohjaisia avoimen lähdekoodin HIP-implementaatioita (HIPL ja OpenHIP) sekä verrata kahden eri valmistajan laitteita (Tempered Networks ja Byres Security). HIP-implementaatiot arvioidaan eri verkkoympäristöissä, jota ovat LAN, WLAN sekä WAN. Kaikki testatut tapaukset arvioidaan tiedonsiirtonopeuden, sen vaihtelun (jitter) sekä latenssin perusteella. Mittaustulokset osoittavat, että sama ratkaisu ei ole optimaalinen kaikissa tarkastelluissa tapauksissa. Esimerkiksi WLAN-verkkoa käytettäessä turvallisuuden aiheuttama häviö tiedonsiirtonopeudessa on HIPL:n tapauksessa OpenHIP:iä pirnempi, kun taas WAN-verkon tapauksessa tilanne on toisinpäin. Samanlaista käyttäytymistä havaitaan myös UDP-tiedonsiirtonopeudessa. HIPL antaa kuitenkin pienimmän latenssin kaikissa testiskenaarioissa. Eri valmistajien laitteita vertailtaessa huomataan, että TCP-tiedonsiirtonopeus huononee 19 ja latenssi 87 prosenttia verrattuna tapaukseen, jossa turvallisuusratkaisua ei käytetä. Näin ollen tämän työn tuottama tärkeä tieto voi auttaa alan toimijoita optimaalisen verkkoturvallisuusratkaisun löytämisessä VPN-pohjaisiin sovelluksiin

    Exploring the Virtual Infrastructures as a Service concept with HIPerNET

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    With the expansion and convergence of communication and computing, dynamic provisioning of customized networking and processing infrastructures, as well as resource virtualization, are appealing concepts and technologies. Therefore, new models and tools are needed to allow users to create, trust and enjoy such on-demand virtual infrastructures within a wide area context. This research report presents the HIPerNET framework that we are designing and developing for creating, managing and controlling virtual infrastructures in the context of high-speed Internet. The key idea of this proposal is the combination of network- and system-virtualization associated with controlled resource reservation to provide fully isolated environments. HIPerNET's motivations and design principles are presented. We then examine specifically how this framework handles the virtual infrastructures, called Virtual Private eXecution Infrastructures (VPXI). To help specifying customized isolated infrastructures, HIPerNET relies on VXDL, a language for VPXI description and modeling which considers end-host resource as well as the virtual network topology interconnecting them, including virtual routers. We exemplify the VPXI specification, allocation and execution using a real large-scale distributed medical application. Experimental results obtained within the Grid'5000 testbed are presented and analyzed

    Analysis domain model for shared virtual environments

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    The field of shared virtual environments, which also encompasses online games and social 3D environments, has a system landscape consisting of multiple solutions that share great functional overlap. However, there is little system interoperability between the different solutions. A shared virtual environment has an associated problem domain that is highly complex raising difficult challenges to the development process, starting with the architectural design of the underlying system. This paper has two main contributions. The first contribution is a broad domain analysis of shared virtual environments, which enables developers to have a better understanding of the whole rather than the part(s). The second contribution is a reference domain model for discussing and describing solutions - the Analysis Domain Model

    Advanced multi-sensor platform for chronic disease home monitoring

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    Nowadays chronic diseases affect an ever-growing segment of population in developed countries; and the management of such kind of diseases requires a huge amount of resources. Chronic Heart Failure, Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, Diabetes, etc. are the main causes of hospitalization for elderly people, and considering the general aging of population this may lead sustainability problems in the near future. In the last years, clinicians and administrators have identified the telemedicine as strategy to improve the patient management, ensuring both a decreasing of hospital admissions and improving the patient's quality of life. This paper presents a complete system for the management of the healthcare information related to the chronic patient treatment, integrating three main points: a configurable multi-sensor platform for the acquisition and transmission of vital signs, a dedicated server for the provisioning of centralized telemedicine services and the possibility of synchronizing with the electronic health record

    Context transfer support for mobility management in all-IP networks.

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    This thesis is a description of the research undertaken in the course of the PhD and evolves around a context transfer protocol which aims to complement and support mobility management in next generation mobile networks. Based on the literature review, it was identified that there is more to mobility management than handover management and the successful change of routing paths. Supportive mechanisms like fast handover, candidate access router discovery and context transfer can significantly contribute towards achieving seamless handover which is especially important in the case of real time services. The work focused on context transfer motivated by the fact that it could offer great benefits to session re-establishment during the handover operation of a mobile user and preliminary testbed observations illustrated the need for achieving this. Context transfer aims to minimize the impact of certain transport, routing, security-related services on the handover performance. When a mobile node (MN) moves to a new subnet it needs to continue such services that have already been established at the previous subnet. Examples of such services include AAA profile, IPsec state, header compression, QoS policy etc. Re-establishing these services at the new subnet will require a considerable amount of time for the protocol exchanges and as a result time- sensitive real-time traffic will suffer during this time. By transferring state to the new domain candidate services will be quickly re-established. This would also contribute to the seamless operation of application streams and could reduce susceptibility to errors. Furthermore, re-initiation to and from the mobile node will be avoided hence wireless bandwidth efficiency will be conserved. In this research an extension to mobility protocols was proposed for supporting state forwarding capabilities. The idea of forwarding states was also explored for remotely reconfiguring middleboxes to avoid any interruption of a mobile users' sessions or services. Finally a context transfer module was proposed to facilitate the integration of such a mechanism in next generation architectures. The proposals were evaluated analytically, via simulations or via testbed implementation depending on the scenario investigated. The results demonstrated that the proposed solutions can minimize the impact of security services like authentication, authorization and firewalls on a mobile user's multimedia sessions and thus improving the overall handover performance

    Security and Trust in Safety Critical Infrastructures

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    Critical infrastructures such as road vehicles and railways are undergoing a major change, which increases the dependency of their operation and control on Information Technology (IT) and makes them more vulnerable to malicious intent. New complex communication infrastructures emerge using the increased connectivity of these safety-critical systems to enable efficient management of operational processes, service provisioning, and information exchange for various (third-party) actors. Railway Command and Control Systems (CCSs) turn with the introduction of digital interlocking into an “Internet of Railway Things”, where safety-critical railway signaling components are deployed on common-purpose platforms and connected via standard IP-based networks. Similarly, the mass adoption of Electric Vehicles (EVs) and the need to supply their batteries with energy for charging has given rise to a Vehicle-to-Grid (V2G) infrastructure, which connects vehicles to power grids and multiple service providers to coordinate charging and discharging processes and maintain grid stability under varying power demands. The Plug-and-Charge feature brought in by the V2G communication standard ISO 15118 allows an EV to access charging and value-added services, negotiate charging schedules, and support the grid as a distributed energy resource in a largely automated way, by leveraging identity credentials installed in the vehicle for authentication and payment. The fast deployment of this advanced functionality is driven by economical and political decisions including the EU Green Deal for climate neutrality. Due to the complex requirements and long standardization and development cycles, the standards and regulations, which play the key role in operating and protecting critical infrastructures, are under pressure to enable the timely and cost-effective adoption. In this thesis, we investigate security and safety of future V2G and railway command and control systems with respect to secure communication, platform assurance as well as safety and security co-engineering. One of the major goals in this context is the continuous collaboration and establishment of the proposed security solutions in upcoming domain-specific standards, thus ensuring their practical applicability and prompt implementation in real-world products. We first analyze the security of V2G communication protocols and requirements for secure service provisioning via charging connections. We propose a new Plug-and-Patch protocol that enables secure update of EVs as a value-added service integrated into the V2G charging loop. Since EVs can also participate in energy trading by storing and feeding previously stored energy to grid, home, or other vehicles, we then investigate fraud detection methods that can be employed to identify manipulations and misbehaving users. In order to provide a strong security foundation for V2G communications, we propose and analyze three security architectures employing a hardware trust anchor to enable trust establishment in V2G communications. We integrate these architectures into standard V2G protocols for load management, e-mobility services and value-added services in the V2G infrastructure, and evaluate the associated performance and security trade-offs. The final aspect of this work is safety and security co-engineering, i.e., integration of safety and security processes vital for the adequate protection of connected safety-critical systems. We consider two application scenarios, Electric Vehicle Charging System (EVCS) and Object Controller (OC) in railway CCS, and investigate how security methods like trusted computing can be applied to provide both required safety and security properties. In the case of EVCS, we bind the trust boundary for safety functionality (certified configuration) to the trust boundary in the security domain and design a new security architecture that enforces safety properties via security assertions. For the railway use case, we focus on ensuring non-interference (separation) between these two domains and develop a security architecture that allows secure co-existence of applications with different criticality on the same hardware platform. The proposed solutions have been presented to the committee ISO/TC 22/SC 31/JWG 1 that develops the ISO 15118 standard series and to the DKE working group “Informationssicherheit für Elektromobilität” responsible for the respective application guidelines. Our security extension has been integrated in the newest edition ISO 15118-20 released in April 2022. Several manufacturers have already started concept validation for their future products using our results. In this way, the presented analyses and techniques are fundamental contributions in improving the state of security for e-mobility and railway applications, and the overall resilience of safety-critical infrastructures to malicious attacks

    Agile management and interoperability testing of SDN/NFV-enriched 5G core networks

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    In the fifth generation (5G) era, the radio internet protocol capacity is expected to reach 20Gb/s per sector, and ultralarge content traffic will travel across a faster wireless/wireline access network and packet core network. Moreover, the massive and mission-critical Internet of Things is the main differentiator of 5G services. These types of real-time and large-bandwidth-consuming services require a radio latency of less than 1 ms and an end-to-end latency of less than a few milliseconds. By distributing 5G core nodes closer to cell sites, the backhaul traffic volume and latency can be significantly reduced by having mobile devices download content immediately from a closer content server. In this paper, we propose a novel solution based on software-defined network and network function virtualization technologies in order to achieve agile management of 5G core network functionalities with a proof-of-concept implementation targeted for the PyeongChang Winter Olympics and describe the results of interoperability testing experiences between two core networks

    Design and Implementation of ID Based MANET Autoconfiguration Protocol

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    Auto-configuration protocols are used for assignment of unique IP addresses to nodes in Mobile ad hoc networks. Without the assignment of unique IP addresses, service provisioning between the nodes is not possible. Such protocols use various heuristics to ensure the uniqueness in IP address assignment; such aspects increase the overall complexity in MANET system design. Moreover the overriding role of IP address as an ID in Application layer and Locator in routing space is a bottleneck in future wireless network (FWN) design. Contemporary FWN research is focusing on ID/Locator split concept designs. In this paper we propose an ID/Locator based architecture for MANETs which also solves               auto-configuration requirements for MANETs. Our proposed architecture is an adaptation from available ID/Locator split concepts for infrastructure oriented networks for usage in MANET context. The designed protocol uses identifiers for node identification, node discovery and traffic flow between end points. The protocol support provision for running contemporary IP oriented services. We have also verified various use cases of our proposed protocol through Linux based implementation
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