9,329 research outputs found

    Prediction of naturally-occurring, industrially-induced and total trans fatty acids in butter, dairy spreads and Cheddar cheese using vibrational spectroscopy and multivariate data analysis

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    peer-reviewedThis study investigated the use of vibrational spectroscopy [near infrared (NIR), Fourier-transform mid-infrared (FT-MIR), Raman] and multivariate data analysis for (1) quantifying total trans fatty acids (TT), and (2) separately predicting naturally-occurring (NT; i.e., C16:1 t9; C18:1 trans-n, n = 6 … 9, 10, 11; C18:2 trans) and industrially-induced trans fatty acids (IT = TT – NT) in Irish dairy products, i.e., butter (n = 60), Cheddar cheese (n = 44), and dairy spreads (n = 54). Partial least squares regression models for predicting NT, IT and TT in each type of dairy product were developed using FT-MIR, NIR and Raman spectral data. Models based on NIR, FT-MIR and Raman spectra were used for the prediction of NT and TT content in butter; best prediction performance achieved a coefficient of determination in validation (R2V) ∼ 0.91–0.95, root mean square error of prediction (RMSEP) ∼ 0.07–0.30 for NT; R2V ∼ 0.92–0.95, RMSEP ∼ 0.23–0.29 for TT.This project was funded by the Irish Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine as part of CheeseBoard 2015. Ming Zhao is a Teagasc Walsh Fellow

    Topic selection in industry experiments

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    This paper shares our experience with initial negotiation and topic elicitation process for conducting industry experiments in six software development organizations in Finland. The process involved interaction with company representatives in the form of both multiple group discussions and separate face-to-face meetings. Fitness criteria developed by researchers were applied to the list of generated topics to decide on a common topic. The challenges we faced include diversity of proposed topics, communication gaps, skepticism about research methods, initial disconnect between research and industry needs, and lack of prior work relationship. Lessons learned include having enough time to establish trust with partners, importance of leveraging the benefits of training and skill development that are inherent in the experimental approach, uniquely positioning the experimental approach within the landscape of other validation approaches more familiar to industrial partners, and introducing the fitness criteria early in the process

    Case Studies in Industry: What We Have Learnt

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    Case study research has become an important research methodology for exploring phenomena in their natural contexts. Case studies have earned a distinct role in the empirical analysis of software engineering phenomena which are difficult to capture in isolation. Such phenomena often appear in the context of methods and development processes for which it is difficult to run large, controlled experiments as they usually have to reduce the scale in several respects and, hence, are detached from the reality of industrial software development. The other side of the medal is that the realistic socio-economic environments where we conduct case studies -- with real-life cases and realistic conditions -- also pose a plethora of practical challenges to planning and conducting case studies. In this experience report, we discuss such practical challenges and the lessons we learnt in conducting case studies in industry. Our goal is to help especially inexperienced researchers facing their first case studies in industry by increasing their awareness for typical obstacles they might face and practical ways to deal with those obstacles.Comment: Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Conducting Empirical Studies in Industry, co-located with ICSE, 201

    [Subject benchmark statement]: computing

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    Integrated Scenario-based Design Methodology for Collaborative Technology Innovation

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    The paper presents a scenario-based methodology developed and tested throughout cooperative research and development projects. It is aimed at supporting information technology innovation with an end-to-end Human and Social Sciences assistance. This methodology provides an integrated approach combining a vision of the potential users, business aspects and technological challenges throughout the design process. An original combination of different methods is proposed and experimented: user-centred design, scenario-based design, user and functional requirements analysis, business value analysis, user acceptance studies, and visualization methods. This methodology has been implemented in three European R&D projects, in the domain of the telecommunications and Internet infrastructure. The key contributions of this approach are that it unifies brings together visions of the users, potential business value and technology challenges thanks to scenario construction.Scenario-based design ; user requirements ; business economics ; functional requirements ; visualization

    Emerging pattern of India's outward foreign direct investment under influence of state policy: A macro view

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    Emerging growth dynamism of Indian economy in rapidly globalising world is highly recognised and commented by a large body of researchers during the recent period. In fact, the Indian planning has made long concerted effort to develop strategic and competitive capabilities in the agents of production. During the recent periods, these capabilities have started paying. Such trends became more lucid with the strengthening of Indian capital especially abroad as the Indian capital has initiated collaborations and mergers with the global players. This study provides insights into such achievement of the Indian economy. Besides providing a review of theory and practice of emerging multinationals from developing countries, this paper examines India’s outward foreign direct investment in an evolutionary perspective. In its endeavor, the study besides tracing the emerging pattern of India’s outward foreign direct investment, hints at the facilitating role of state policy to encourage the outflow of foreign direct investment.Outward foreign direct investment, pattern of Indian investment abroad, Public policy

    Emerging Pattern of India's Outward Foreign Direct Investment Under the Influence of State Policy: A Macro View

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    Emerging growth dynamism of Indian economy in rapidly globalising world is highly recognised and commented by a large body of researchers during the recent period. In fact, the Indian planning has made long concerted effort to develop strategic and competitive capabilities in the agents of production. During the recent periods, these capabilities have started paying. Such trends became more lucid with the strengthening of Indian capital especially abroad as the Indian capital has initiated collaborations and mergers with the global players. This study provides insights into such achievement of the Indian economy. Besides providing a review of theory and practice of emerging multinationals from developing countries, this paper examines India’s outward foreign direct investment in an evolutionary perspective. In its endeavor, the study besides tracing the emerging pattern of India’s outward foreign direct investment, hints at the facilitating role of state policy to encourage the outflow of foreign direct investment.Outward foreign direct investment, Multinational enterprises, Mergers and acquisitions, Indian Public Policy, India

    Effervescent Breakup and Combustion of Liquid Fuels: Experiment and Modelling

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    Tato práce se zaměřuje na oblast effervescentních sprejů a jejich aplikace na kapalné spalování s důrazem na průmyslové spalovací komory. Oba aspekty – modelování a experiment – jsou řešeny. Práce obsahuje obecný úvod, ve kterém jsou vysvětleny základní jevy rozpadu kapaliny a vířivého spalování a dále je představena effervescentní atomizace. Poté jsou popsány použité experimentální postupy jak pro měření spreje, tak pro měření tepelných toků do stěn při spalování. V následující kapitole jsou popsány numerické modely a jejich podstata je vysvětlena. Jsou zde uvedeny modely pro rozpad spreje, turbulenci a spalování použité během výzkumu. Vlastní výsledky práce jsou uvedeny formou samostatných článků (vydaných nebo přijatých) s dodatečnou částí věnovanou nepublikovaným relevantním výsledkům. Bylo zjištěno, že standardní modely sprejů jsou do jisté míry schopny popsat effervescentní spreje. Nicméně aby bylo možné predikovat plamen kapalného spreje, jsou zapotřebí detailnější modely sprejů, které dokáží přesně zachytit změnu průměrů kapek v radiálním a axiálním směru. Experimentální měření effervescentních sprejů bylo provedeno pomocí navrhnuté metodiky. Výsledky měření byly analyzovány s důrazem na radiální a axiální vývoj průměrů kapek a některé nové jevy byly popsány. Nepřímá úměrnost mezi gas-liquid-ratio a středním průměrem kapek byla potvrzena. Dále by popsán jev, kdy pro různé axiální vzdálenosti které dojde k úplnému převrácení závislosti středního průměru na axiální vzdálenosti. V závěru je uvedeno shrnutí, které rekapituluje hlavní výsledků a závěry. V závěrečných poznámkách je nastíněn možný budoucí postup. Experimentální data pro ověřování budoucích effervescentních modelů jsou poskytnuta.This thesis presents an investigation of effervescent sprays and their application to spray combustion with emphasis on large-scale combustors. Both aspects – modelling and experiment – are addressed. The thesis contains a general introductory part, where underlying phenomena of spray forming and turbulent combustion are explained and effervescent atomization is presented. Then, adopted experimental approaches are described both for the spray measurement and for the measurement of wall heat fluxes during combustion experiments. In the following chapter numerical models and their philosophy is discussed. Models for spray formation, turbulence and combustion adopted during the research are introduced and explained. The actual results of the thesis are presented in form of separate papers (published or accepted for publication) with an additional section devoted to unpublished relevant results. It is found that standard spray models can to some extent represent effervescent sprays. However, in order to predict a spray flame more detailed spray models are needed in order to describe accurately radial and axial variations of drop sizes. Numerous experimental measurements of effervescent sprays are performed using a proposed methodology. Drop size data are analysed with emphasis on radial and axial drop size evolutions and some new phenomena are described. The inverse relationship between gas-liquid-ratio and mean diameter has been confirmed. Moreover a complete reversal in radial mean diameter trends for various axial locations has been described. Finally, a result summary is put forward that recapitulates the main accomplishments and conclusions. In the closing remarks possible future research is outlined. Experimental data for future effervescent model validations are disclosed.

    Large-scale training simulators for industry and academia

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    How should industrial large-scale simulators be used in academia? Which aspects of industrial training can benefit engineering education? This article demonstrates the use of industrial large-scale simulators for educational and training purposes for both academia and industry. The didactic models of the simulator courses are described and the learning results are evaluated for two case examples using the same industrial oil and gas process simulator. The differences and similarities of the didactic models of the courses are explored and the further possibilities for collaboration between academia and industry are outlined