543 research outputs found

    NFIRAOS: TMT's facility adaptive optics system

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    NFIRAOS, the TMT Observatory's initial facility AO system is a multi-conjugate AO system feeding science light from 0.8 to 2.5 microns wavelength to several near-IR client instruments. NFIRAOS has two deformable mirrors optically conjugated to 0 and 11.2 km, and will correct atmospheric turbulence with 50 per cent sky coverage at the galactic pole. An important requirement is to have very low background: the plan is to cool the optics; and one DM is on a tip/tilt stage to reduce surface count. NFIRAOS' real time control uses multiple sodium laser wavefront sensors and up to three IR natural guide star tip/tilt and/or tip/tilt/focus sensors located within each client instrument. Extremely large telescopes are sensitive to errors due to the variability of the sodium layer. To reduce this sensitivity, NFIRAOS uses innovative algorithms coupled with Truth wavefront sensors to monitor a natural star at low bandwidth. It also includes an IR acquisition camera, and a high speed NGS WFS for operation without lasers. For calibration, NFIRAOS includes simulators of both natural stars at infinity and laser guide stars at varying range distance. Because astrometry is an important science programme for NFIRAOS, there is a precision pinhole mask deployable at the input focal plane. This mask is illuminated by a science wavelength and flat-field calibrator that shines light into NFIRAOS' entrance window. We report on recent effort especially including trade studies to reduce field distortion in the science path and to reduce cost and complexity

    Star Imager For Nanosatellite Applications

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    This research examines the feasibility of Commercial-off-the-shelf Complementary Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor image sensors for use on nanosatellites as a star imager. An emphasis is placed on method selection and implementation of the star imager algorithm: Centroiding, Identification and Attitude Determination. The star imager algorithm makes use of the Lost-in-Space condition to provide attitude knowledge for each image. Flat Field, Checker Board and Point Spread Function calibration methods were employed to characterize the star imager. Finally, feasibility testing of the star imager is accomplished through simulations and night sky images

    NFIRAOS adaptive optics for the Thirty Meter Telescope

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    NFIRAOS (Narrow-Field InfraRed Adaptive Optics System) will be the first-light multi-conjugate adaptive optics system for the Thirty Meter Telescope (TMT). NFIRAOS houses all of its opto-mechanical sub-systems within an optics enclosure cooled to precisely -30°C in order to improve sensitivity in the near-infrared. It supports up to three client science instruments, including the first-light InfraRed Imaging Spectrograph (IRIS). Powering NFIRAOS is a Real Time Controller that will process the signals from six laser wavefront sensors, one natural guide star pyramid WFS, up to three low-order on-instrument WFS and up to four guide windows on the client instrument’s science detector in order to correct for atmospheric turbulence, windshake, optical errors and plate-scale distortion. NFIRAOS is currently preparing for its final design review in late June 2018 at NRC Herzberg in Victoria, British Columbia in partnership with Canadian industry and TMT

    NFIRAOS: TMT's facility adaptive optics system

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    NFIRAOS, the TMT Observatory's initial facility AO system is a multi-conjugate AO system feeding science light from 0.8 to 2.5 microns wavelength to several near-IR client instruments. NFIRAOS has two deformable mirrors optically conjugated to 0 and 11.2 km, and will correct atmospheric turbulence with 50 per cent sky coverage at the galactic pole. An important requirement is to have very low background: the plan is to cool the optics; and one DM is on a tip/tilt stage to reduce surface count. NFIRAOS' real time control uses multiple sodium laser wavefront sensors and up to three IR natural guide star tip/tilt and/or tip/tilt/focus sensors located within each client instrument. Extremely large telescopes are sensitive to errors due to the variability of the sodium layer. To reduce this sensitivity, NFIRAOS uses innovative algorithms coupled with Truth wavefront sensors to monitor a natural star at low bandwidth. It also includes an IR acquisition camera, and a high speed NGS WFS for operation without lasers. For calibration, NFIRAOS includes simulators of both natural stars at infinity and laser guide stars at varying range distance. Because astrometry is an important science programme for NFIRAOS, there is a precision pinhole mask deployable at the input focal plane. This mask is illuminated by a science wavelength and flat-field calibrator that shines light into NFIRAOS' entrance window. We report on recent effort especially including trade studies to reduce field distortion in the science path and to reduce cost and complexity


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    Modeling Navigation System Performance of a Satellite-Observing Star Tracker Tightly Integrated with an Inertial Measurement Unit

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    This dissertation evaluates a navigation system using satellite observations from a star tracker tightly-integrated with an inertial measurement unit (IMU) and a barometric altimeter using an extended Kalman filter. The star tracker measurement accuracy of a satellite is derived. Several system configurations are simulated comparing the performance of the estimate with respect to system parameters of the IMU, and star tracker, as well as comparing performance when providing a remote sensor satellite ephemeris error correction. Experimental observations are used to evaluate the model performance. Additionally, power requirements were calculated for a satellite signal operating in imaging bands, such that a Low Earth Orbiting satellite constellation could be detected during the day. This type of signal would make it possible to operate the star tracker integrated navigation system in GPS-degraded environments with similar duration and comparable accuracy of GPS

    HATSouth: a global network of fully automated identical wide-field telescopes

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    HATSouth is the world's first network of automated and homogeneous telescopes that is capable of year-round 24-hour monitoring of positions over an entire hemisphere of the sky. The primary scientific goal of the network is to discover and characterize a large number of transiting extrasolar planets, reaching out to long periods and down to small planetary radii. HATSouth achieves this by monitoring extended areas on the sky, deriving high precision light curves for a large number of stars, searching for the signature of planetary transits, and confirming planetary candidates with larger telescopes. HATSouth employs 6 telescope units spread over 3 locations with large longitude separation in the southern hemisphere (Las Campanas Observatory, Chile; HESS site, Namibia; Siding Spring Observatory, Australia). Each of the HATSouth units holds four 0.18m diameter f/2.8 focal ratio telescope tubes on a common mount producing an 8.2x8.2 arcdeg field, imaged using four 4Kx4K CCD cameras and Sloan r filters, to give a pixel scale of 3.7 arcsec/pixel. The HATSouth network is capable of continuously monitoring 128 square arc-degrees. We present the technical details of the network, summarize operations, and present weather statistics for the 3 sites. On average each of the 6 HATSouth units has conducted observations on ~500 nights over a 2-year time period, yielding a total of more than 1million science frames at 4 minute integration time, and observing ~10.65 hours per day on average. We describe the scheme of our data transfer and reduction from raw pixel images to trend-filtered light curves and transiting planet candidates. Photometric precision reaches ~6 mmag at 4-minute cadence for the brightest non-saturated stars at r~10.5. We present detailed transit recovery simulations to determine the expected yield of transiting planets from HATSouth. (abridged)Comment: 25 pages, 11 figures, 1 table, submitted to PAS