96 research outputs found

    The Tri-State Defender, December 18, 1965

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    Pennsylvania Folklife Vol. 33, No. 3

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    • Moravian, Schwenkfelder, and American Log Construction • The Search for Our German Ancestors Continued: The Breunings of Mohringen • Where the Groundhog is King • The Louisiana Passport of Pennsylvania\u27s Charles Sealsfield • A Garden for the Friends of God : Religious Diversity in the Oley Valley to 1750https://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/pafolklifemag/1103/thumbnail.jp

    The Daily Egyptian, November 12, 1966

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    The Scribe

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    The Scribe student newspaper from February 26, 1987

    Accepted, Rejected, Unknown: The Impact of World Politics and Publishing Policies since 1945 on the Translation into English of Polish Novels and Short Stories of the 1945-1989 Period

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    The striking gap discernible between the high reputation of many Polish narratives dating to the 1945-1989 period and their absence in English translation became an inspiration for the study of the selection criteria employed by Anglo-American as well as Polish translation commissioners in the time between 1945 and 2015. The theoretical framework adopted in the thesis remains in accordance with the polysystemic approach theorised by Itamar Even-Zohar. Drawing on the ideas of the Russian formalists, Even-Zohar suggested that in studying the status and image of translated literature in a given target culture, extra-literary factors should be taken into account as well. Questions about how a text is selected for translation, what role translation agents (commissioners, publishers, translators, editors) play in it, or how a text will be received in the target system are at the heart of the polysystemic approach to studying translation. The structure of the dissertation reflects its focus in the following way: the literary, as well as extra-literary factors conditioning the import/export of Polish narratives into English are discussed in Chapter One, Chapter Two constitutes the qualitative and quantitative analysis of Polish novels and short-story collections of the 1945-1989 period translated into English and presented decade by decade until 2015, Chapter Three, in contrast, focuses on those notable Polish writers whose narratives have not found their way into English-language translated literature. Although until 1989 the reasons for the acceptance and promotion or the rejection and ignorance of the works studied in the thesis were mainly connected with Cold War politics, while after that caesura it was the publishing policies which was the decisive factor, by no means were they exclusive.Uderzająca rozbieżność pomiędzy wysokim statusem wielu polskich utworów literackich z lat 1945-1989 a ich nieobecnością w anglojęzycznym przekładzie stała się inspiracją dla zbadania kryteriów doboru stosowanych przez anglo-amerykańskich jak i polskich zleceniodawców tłumaczeń w latach 1945-2015. Za teoretyczną podstawę przeprowadzonych studiów przyjęłam teorię polisystemów Itamara Evena-Zohara. Bazując na ideach rosyjskich formalistów, Even-Zohar uznał, że w badaniach pozycji jaką zajmuje tłumaczona literatura w jakiejkolwiek kulturze docelowej, poza czynnikami czysto literackimi, pod uwagę należy wziąć także czynniki pozaliterackie. Pytania o to, jak dany tekst zostaje wytypowany do przełożenia na język docelowy, o to, jaką rolę odgrywają uczestnicy procesu przekładowego (zleceniodawcy, wydawcy, tłumacze, redaktorzy), lub o to, jak dany tekst ma zostać przyjęty w danej kulturze docelowej, pozostają w centrum polisystemowego podejścia do studiów nad przekładem. Struktura dysertacji odzwierciedla powyższe ujęcie w następujący sposób: literackie jak i pozaliterackie czynniki wpływające na import/eksport polskojęzycznych powieści i opowiadań do anglojęzycznego polisystemu literackiego przedstawione są w Rozdziale I. pracy, Rozdział II. stanowi jakościową i liczbową analizę badanego materiału zaprezentowaną dekada po dekadzie aż do roku 2015, Rozdział III., z kolei, poświęcony jest wybitnym polskim tekstom literackim datowanym na okres 1945-1989, które do tej pory nie zostały przełożone na język angielski. Mimo że do 1989 roku główną przyczyną stojącą za przekładem i promocją lub odrzuceniem i nieznajomością polskojęzycznej literatury była zimnowojenna polityka, zaś po tej cezurze była to polityka wydawnicza, nie były to w żadnym razie czynniki jedyne

    The Ends of Union Solidarity: Undocumented Labour and German Trade Unions

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    This dissertation focuses on the contested practices of union solidarity with undocumented migrant workers in Germany. Unionists part ways when it comes to the practical meaning of solidarity with workers who lack work permits. To some union members, undocumented migrant workers ought to be included in the bonds of union solidarity by virtue of being workers. To others, undocumented migrant workers are primarily illegal and unfair competitors undermining existing practices and institutions of solidarity. Since 2008, six union centres for undocumented migrant workers called MigrAr (German Migration & Arbeit, English migration & labour) have been established by labour activists. Their institutionalization under the umbrella of German unions continues to arouse controversies among their members. This research builds on an activist ethnography following the Extended Case Method. The researcher is positioned as an activist in the MigrAr centre in Berlin. In a critical encounter with Jrgen Habermas's work, the research charts the significance of instrumental and normative rationalities in union controversies around undocumented labour, since it became a topic two decades ago. The fieldwork shows that activists engagement for expanding union solidarity cannot be properly understood in relation to Habermass account of instrumental and normative rationality alone. The dissertation, moreover, contests Habermas's dismissal of material reproduction, especially in relation to work and citizenship, as significant for the development of solidarity. Contrary to Habermas's premise of symmetrical reciprocity in his notion of solidarity, this research demonstrates that activists understand their own practice as being premised on conditions of asymmetry. Differences pertain among activists, as to whether this requires holding on to established labour standards and union procedures, or whether specific measures are required to practice union solidarity under the condition of undocumented workers legal, economic, and social vulnerabilities. Affirming the latter approach, activists in the Berlin centre encounter multiple obstacles to implement it in union organizations as the ethnography details. Drawing on participant observations and interviews, I argue that the activist practice of solidarity is motivated by what I call political imagination; the ability to imagine activist practices as a contribution towards realizing an alternative form of union solidarity

    Annual Report of the University, 1992-1993, Volumes 1-4

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    SIGNIFICANT DEVELOPMENTS Preparation, approval by President Peck, delivery to NMCHE of UNM\u27s response to House Memorials 38 and 25 (on minorities and women). Development and packaging of a presentation on minorities at UNM to Hispanic community people and organizations. Renewal of faculty instructional workload report and other information for use by President Peck and others in the President\u27s Council in testimony to the legislature on accountability by faculty. Significant workload and contributions to WICHE\u27s Diversity Project: - responses to long questionnaire - projected demographics - substitution for O. Forbes on planning for diversity Reprogramming of obsolete computer program of the University of Southern California\u27s Faculty Planning Model. Work remains incomplete. Support and staff work for University Planning Council, Faculty Senate Long Range Planning Committee, Senate President, Senate Budget Committee, Student Learning Outcomes Assessment Committee, Admissions and Registration Committee, Staff Council; Graduate Petition and grade Review Subcommittee Service to NMCHE\u27s Outcomes Assessment Advisory Group; NMCHE\u27s review group on diversity plans Service on Albuquerque Business/Education Compact Conducted several special data analyses to provide user outcome information for the Center for Academic Program Support (CAPS). Wrote reports to summarize analyses. Served in an advisory capacity to VP Zuniga Forbes for the two surveys (Campus Climate for Diversity, ACT Student Opinion Survey) and helped to draw the sample for the ACT survey. Conducted secondary analyses and prepared report of all analyses of the Freshman Survey (CIRP) for VP Zuniga Forbes. Gave presentation of CIRP findings to the Regents Subcommittee on Student Affairs. Conducted secondary analyses and prepared report of all analyses of the Campus Climate for Diversity Survey for VP Zuniga Forbes