4 research outputs found

    Exact Algorithms for Terrain Guarding

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    Given a 1.5-dimensional terrain T, also known as an x-monotone polygonal chain, the Terrain Guarding problem seeks a set of points of minimum size on T that guards all of the points on T. Here, we say that a point p guards a point q if no point of the line segment pq is strictly below T. The Terrain Guarding problem has been extensively studied for over 20 years. In 2005 it was already established that this problem admits a constant-factor approximation algorithm [SODA 2005]. However, only in 2010 King and Krohn [SODA 2010] finally showed that Terrain Guarding is NP-hard. In spite of the remarkable developments in approximation algorithms for Terrain Guarding, next to nothing is known about its parameterized complexity. In particular, the most intriguing open questions in this direction ask whether it admits a subexponential-time algorithm and whether it is fixed-parameter tractable. In this paper, we answer the first question affirmatively by developing an n^O(sqrt{k})-time algorithm for both Discrete Terrain Guarding and Continuous Terrain Guarding. We also make non-trivial progress with respect to the second question: we show that Discrete Orthogonal Terrain Guarding, a well-studied special case of Terrain Guarding, is fixed-parameter tractable

    Parameter Analysis for Guarding Terrains

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    The Terrain Guarding problem is a well-known variant of the famous Art Gallery problem. Only second to Art Gallery, it is the most well-studied visibility problem in Discrete and Computational Geometry, which has also attracted attention from the viewpoint of Parameterized complexity. In this paper, we focus on the parameterized complexity of Terrain Guarding (both discrete and continuous) with respect to two natural parameters. First we show that, when parameterized by the number r of reflex vertices in the input terrain, the problem has a polynomial kernel. We also show that, when parameterized by the number c of minima in the terrain, Discrete Orthogonal Terrain Guarding has an XP algorithm

    Metastability-containing circuits, parallel distance problems, and terrain guarding

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    We study three problems. The first is the phenomenon of metastability in digital circuits. This is a state of bistable storage elements, such as registers, that is neither logical 0 nor 1 and breaks the abstraction of Boolean logic. We propose a time- and value-discrete model for metastability in digital circuits and show that it reflects relevant physical properties. Further, we propose the fundamentally new approach of using logical masking to perform meaningful computations despite the presence of metastable upsets and analyze what functions can be computed in our model. Additionally, we show that circuits with masking registers grow computationally more powerful with each available clock cycle. The second topic are parallel algorithms, based on an algebraic abstraction of the Moore-Bellman-Ford algorithm, for solving various distance problems. Our focus are distance approximations that obey the triangle inequality while at the same time achieving polylogarithmic depth and low work. Finally, we study the continuous Terrain Guarding Problem. We show that it has a rational discretization with a quadratic number of guard candidates, establish its membership in NP and the existence of a PTAS, and present an efficient implementation of a solver.Wir betrachten drei Probleme, zunächst das Phänomen von Metastabilität in digitalen Schaltungen. Dabei geht es um einen Zustand in bistabilen Speicherelementen, z.B. Registern, welcher weder logisch 0 noch 1 entspricht und die Abstraktion Boolescher Logik unterwandert. Wir präsentieren ein zeit- und wertdiskretes Modell für Metastabilität in digitalen Schaltungen und zeigen, dass es relevante physikalische Eigenschaften abbildet. Des Weiteren präsentieren wir den grundlegend neuen Ansatz, trotz auftretender Metastabilität mit Hilfe von logischem Maskieren sinnvolle Berechnungen durchzuführen und bestimmen, welche Funktionen in unserem Modell berechenbar sind. Darüber hinaus zeigen wir, dass durch Maskingregister in zusätzlichen Taktzyklen mehr Funktionen berechenbar werden. Das zweite Thema sind parallele Algorithmen die, basierend auf einer Algebraisierung des Moore-Bellman-Ford-Algorithmus, diverse Distanzprobleme lösen. Der Fokus liegt auf Distanzapproximationen unter Einhaltung der Dreiecksungleichung bei polylogarithmischer Tiefe und niedriger Arbeit. Abschließend betrachten wir das kontinuierliche Terrain Guarding Problem. Wir zeigen, dass es eine rationale Diskretisierung mit einer quadratischen Anzahl von Wächterpositionen erlaubt, folgern dass es in NP liegt und ein PTAS existiert und präsentieren eine effiziente Implementierung, die es löst