244 research outputs found

    Prior-based Coregistration and Cosegmentation

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    We propose a modular and scalable framework for dense coregistration and cosegmentation with two key characteristics: first, we substitute ground truth data with the semantic map output of a classifier; second, we combine this output with population deformable registration to improve both alignment and segmentation. Our approach deforms all volumes towards consensus, taking into account image similarities and label consistency. Our pipeline can incorporate any classifier and similarity metric. Results on two datasets, containing annotations of challenging brain structures, demonstrate the potential of our method.Comment: The first two authors contributed equall

    Geodesic Information Flows: Spatially-Variant Graphs and Their Application to Segmentation and Fusion

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    Clinical annotations, such as voxel-wise binary or probabilistic tissue segmentations, structural parcellations, pathological regionsof- interest and anatomical landmarks are key to many clinical studies. However, due to the time consuming nature of manually generating these annotations, they tend to be scarce and limited to small subsets of data. This work explores a novel framework to propagate voxel-wise annotations between morphologically dissimilar images by diffusing and mapping the available examples through intermediate steps. A spatially-variant graph structure connecting morphologically similar subjects is introduced over a database of images, enabling the gradual diffusion of information to all the subjects, even in the presence of large-scale morphological variability. We illustrate the utility of the proposed framework on two example applications: brain parcellation using categorical labels and tissue segmentation using probabilistic features. The application of the proposed method to categorical label fusion showed highly statistically significant improvements when compared to state-of-the-art methodologies. Significant improvements were also observed when applying the proposed framework to probabilistic tissue segmentation of both synthetic and real data, mainly in the presence of large morphological variability

    Infant Brain Atlases from Neonates to 1- and 2-Year-Olds

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    Background: Studies for infants are usually hindered by the insufficient image contrast, especially for neonates. Prior knowledge, in the form of atlas, can provide additional guidance for the data processing such as spatial normalization, label propagation, and tissue segmentation. Although it is highly desired, there is currently no such infant atlas which caters for all these applications. The reason may be largely due to the dramatic early brain development, image processing difficulties, and the need of a large sample size. Methodology: To this end, after several years of subject recruitment and data acquisition, we have collected a unique longitudinal dataset, involving 95 normal infants (56 males and 39 females) with MRI scanned at 3 ages, i.e., neonate, 1-yearold, and 2-year-old. State-of-the-art MR image segmentation and registration techniques were employed, to construct which include the templates (grayscale average images), tissue probability maps (TPMs), and brain parcellation maps (i.e., meaningful anatomical regions of interest) for each age group. In addition, the longitudinal correspondences between agespecific atlases were also obtained. Experiments of typical infant applications validated that the proposed atlas outperformed other atlases and is hence very useful for infant-related studies. Conclusions: We expect that the proposed infant 0–1–2 brain atlases would be significantly conducive to structural and functional studies of the infant brains. These atlases are publicly available in our website

    Concatenated spatially-localized random forests for hippocampus labeling in adult and infant MR brain images

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    Automatic labeling of the hippocampus in brain MR images is highly demanded, as it has played an important role in imaging-based brain studies. However, accurate labeling of the hippocampus is still challenging, partially due to the ambiguous intensity boundary between the hippocampus and surrounding anatomies. In this paper, we propose a concatenated set of spatially-localized random forests for multi-atlas-based hippocampus labeling of adult/infant brain MR images. The contribution in our work is two-fold. First, each forest classifier is trained to label just a specific sub-region of the hippocampus, thus enhancing the labeling accuracy. Second, a novel forest selection strategy is proposed, such that each voxel in the test image can automatically select a set of optimal forests, and then dynamically fuses their respective outputs for determining the final label. Furthermore, we enhance the spatially-localized random forests with the aid of the auto-context strategy. In this way, our proposed learning framework can gradually refine the tentative labeling result for better performance. Experiments show that, regarding the large datasets of both adult and infant brain MR images, our method owns satisfactory scalability by segmenting the hippocampus accurately and efficiently

    Advances in Groupwise Image Registration

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    Advances in Groupwise Image Registration

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