2,093 research outputs found

    Moving recommender systems from on-line commerce to retail stores

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    The increasing diversity of consumers' demand, as documented by the debate on the long tail of the distribution of sales volume across products, represents a challenge for retail stores. Recommender systems offer a tool to cope with this challenge. The recent developments in information technology and ubiquitous computing makes it feasible to move recommender systems from the on-line commerce, where they are widely used, to retail stores. In this paper, we aim to bridge the management literature and the computer science literature by analysing a number of issues that arise when applying recommender systems to retail stores: these range from the format of the stores that would benefit most from recommender systems to the impact of coverage and control of recommender systems on customer loyalty and competition among retail store

    Presumptuous aim attribution, conformity, and the ethics of artificial social cognition

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    Imagine you are casually browsing an online bookstore, looking for an interesting novel. Suppose the store predicts you will want to buy a particular novel: the one most chosen by people of your same age, gender, location, and occupational status. The store recommends the book, it appeals to you, and so you choose it. Central to this scenario is an automated prediction of what you desire. This article raises moral concerns about such predictions. More generally, this article examines the ethics of artificial social cognition—the ethical dimensions of attribution of mental states to humans by artificial systems. The focus is presumptuous aim attributions, which are defined here as aim attributions based crucially on the premise that the person in question will have aims like superficially similar people. Several everyday examples demonstrate that this sort of presumptuousness is already a familiar moral concern. The scope of this moral concern is extended by new technologies. In particular, recommender systems based on collaborative filtering are now commonly used to automatically recommend products and information to humans. Examination of these systems demonstrates that they naturally attribute aims presumptuously. This article presents two reservations about the widespread adoption of such systems. First, the severity of our antecedent moral concern about presumptuousness increases when aim attribution processes are automated and accelerated. Second, a foreseeable consequence of reliance on these systems is an unwarranted inducement of interpersonal conformity

    Recommending Best Products from E-commerce Purchase History and User Click Behavior Data

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    E-commerce collaborative filtering recommendation systems, the main input data of user-item rating matrix is a binary purchase data showing only what items a user has purchased recently. This matrix is usually sparse and does not provide a lot of information about customer purchases or product clickstream behavior (eg., clicks, basket placement, and purchase) history, which possibly can improve product recommendations accuracy. Existing recommendation systems in E-commerce with clickstream data include those referred in this thesis as Kim05Rec, Kim11Rec, and Chen13Rec. Kim05Rec forms a decision tree on click behavior attributes such as search type and visit times, discovers the possibility of a user putting products into the basket and uses the information to enrich the user-item rating matrix. If a user clicked a product, Kim11Rec then finds the associated products for it in three stages such as click, basket and purchase, uses the lift value from these stages and calculates a score, it then uses the score to make recommendations. Chen13Rec measures the similarity of users on their category click patterns such as click sequences, click times and visit duration; it then can use the similarity to enhance the collaborative filtering algorithm. However, the similarity between click sequences in sessions can apply to the purchases to some extent, especially for sessions without purchases, this will be able to predict purchases for those session users. But the existing systems have not integrated it, or the historical purchases which shows more than whether or not a user has purchased a product before. In this thesis, we propose HPCRec (Historical Purchase with Clickstream based Recommendation System) to enrich the ratings matrix from both quantity and quality aspects. HPCRec firstly forms a normalized rating-matrix with higher quality ratings from historical purchases, then mines consequential bond between clicks and purchases with weighted frequencies where the weights are similarities between sessions, but rating quantity is better by integrating this information. The experimental results show that our approach HPCRec is more accurate than these existing methods, HPCRec is also capable of handling infrequent cases whereas the existing methods can not

    AdaptEx: A Self-Service Contextual Bandit Platform

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    This paper presents AdaptEx, a self-service contextual bandit platform widely used at Expedia Group, that leverages multi-armed bandit algorithms to personalize user experiences at scale. AdaptEx considers the unique context of each visitor to select the optimal variants and learns quickly from every interaction they make. It offers a powerful solution to improve user experiences while minimizing the costs and time associated with traditional testing methods. The platform unlocks the ability to iterate towards optimal product solutions quickly, even in ever-changing content and continuous "cold start" situations gracefully

    Discovering E-commerce Sequential Data Sets and Sequential Patterns for Recommendation

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    In E-commerce recommendation system accuracy will be improved if more complex sequential patterns of user purchase behavior are learned and included in its user-item matrix input, to make it more informative before collaborative filtering. Existing recommendation systems that use mining techniques with some sequences are those referred to as LiuRec09, ChoiRec12, SuChenRec15, and HPCRec18. LiuRec09 system clusters users with similar clickstream sequence data, then uses association rule mining and segmentation based collaborative filtering to select Top-N neighbors from the cluster to which a target user belongs. ChoiRec12 derives a user’s rating for an item as the percentage of the user’s total number of purchases the user’s item purchase constitutes. SuChenRec15 system is based on clickstream sequence similarity using frequency of purchases of items, duration of time spent and clickstream path. HPCRec18 used historical item purchase frequency, consequential bond between clicks and purchases of items to enrich the user-item matrix qualitatively and quantitatively. None of these systems integrates sequential patterns of customer clicks or purchases to capture more complex sequential purchase behavior. This thesis proposes an algorithm called HSPRec (Historical Sequential Pattern Recommendation System), which first generates an E-Commerce sequential database from historical purchase data using another new algorithm SHOD (Sequential Historical Periodic Database Generation). Then, thesis mines frequent sequential purchase patterns before using these mined sequential patterns with consequential bonds between clicks and purchases to (i) improve the user-item matrix quantitatively, (ii) used historical purchase frequencies to further enrich ratings qualitatively. Thirdly, the improved matrix is used as input to collaborative filtering algorithm for better recommendations. Experimental results with mean absolute error, precision and recall show that the proposed sequential pattern mining-based recommendation system, HSPRec provides more accurate recommendations than the tested existing systems

    Pyramid: Enhancing Selectivity in Big Data Protection with Count Featurization

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    Protecting vast quantities of data poses a daunting challenge for the growing number of organizations that collect, stockpile, and monetize it. The ability to distinguish data that is actually needed from data collected "just in case" would help these organizations to limit the latter's exposure to attack. A natural approach might be to monitor data use and retain only the working-set of in-use data in accessible storage; unused data can be evicted to a highly protected store. However, many of today's big data applications rely on machine learning (ML) workloads that are periodically retrained by accessing, and thus exposing to attack, the entire data store. Training set minimization methods, such as count featurization, are often used to limit the data needed to train ML workloads to improve performance or scalability. We present Pyramid, a limited-exposure data management system that builds upon count featurization to enhance data protection. As such, Pyramid uniquely introduces both the idea and proof-of-concept for leveraging training set minimization methods to instill rigor and selectivity into big data management. We integrated Pyramid into Spark Velox, a framework for ML-based targeting and personalization. We evaluate it on three applications and show that Pyramid approaches state-of-the-art models while training on less than 1% of the raw data

    GeoNotes: A Location-based Information System for Public Spaces

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    The basic idea behind location-based information systems is to connect information pieces to positions in outdoor or indoor space. Through position technologies such as Global Positioning System (GPS), GSM positioning, Wireless LAN positioning o
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