380 research outputs found

    Novel Analytical Methods in Food Analysis

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    This reprint provides information on the novel analytical methods used to address challenges occurring at academic, regulatory, and commercial level. All topics covered include information on the basic principles, procedures, advantages, limitations, and applications. Integration of biological reagents, (nano)materials, technologies, and physical principles (spectroscopy and spectrometry) are discussed. This reprint is ideal for professionals of the food industry, regulatory bodies, as well as researchers

    El fenómeno del dopaje desde la perspectiva de las Ciencias Sociales Odile

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    En este libro se recoge una selección de las comunicaciones presentadas en el IV Congreso Internacional ‘Deporte, Dopaje y Sociedad’ que se celebró en Madrid del 26 de febrero al 1 de marzo de 2014 y que fue organizado conjuntamente por la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid y la Agencia Española de Protección de la Salud en el Deporte. Los textos están escritos en español, francés e inglés y abordan el estudio del fenómeno del dopaje desde el ámbito especifico de las Ciencias Humanas y Sociales a través de disciplinas como Historia, Derecho, Sociología, Psicología, Economía, Ciencias de la Información y otras disciplinas relacionadas

    Development of a Comprehensive Digital Avionics Curriculum for the Aeronautical Engineer

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    The purpose of this research was to develop a comprehensive digital avionics curriculum for aeronautical engineering students at AFIT. Due to the closing of the aeronautical engineering program at the Naval Postgraduate School, and the subsequent requirement to establish a digital avionics specialty course sequence at AFIT, a mature avionics curriculum does not yet exist that satisfies the needs of graduates who will serve as aeronautical engineers involved with the development, integration, testing, fielding, and supporting of military avionics systems as part of the overall aircraft system. Research was conducted through a comprehensive literature review and the use of a Delphi Technique survey process. 28 panel members representing the military, academe, and industry participated in a three round survey process that sought to identify the desired attributes of a newly graduated engineer and the specific subject areas of study that should be included within the avionics curriculum. The result of this research was the development of a proposed three course curriculum that will instill the desired attributes within the aeronautical engineers and provide them with the avionics knowledge required at the correct level of proficiency. Recommendations on how to implement the proposed curriculum in an effective and timely manner are presented

    A comparative study of national government elite sport systems in Australia and Taiwan: A model for Olympic success

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    This study was prompted by the stagnation facing the Taiwanese Government in promoting elite sport and pursuing sporting achievement at the Olympic Games. The main purpose of the study was to explore and compare the national government elite sports systems (NGESS) of Australia and Taiwan and make recommendations for Taiwan to improve its elite sports development and performances at future Olympics. To accomplish this purpose, the present study examined the similarities and differences between Australia and Taiwan in terms of stakeholders\u27 viewpoints on the definition of Olympic success; the profiles of the current national government elite sport agencies; the mechanisms of the government elite sport agencies at national level; and environmental influences affecting elite sport and the mechanisms of the respective NGESS. The study utilised a qualitative design. Data were collectcd through document analysis and the Delphi technique. In conducting the Delphi technique, a four-round Delphi survey was undertaken in the respective countries using electronic questionnaires. Participants included 24 sport experts in Australia and 32 in Taiwan. A comparative data analysis of the documentary evidene and the Delphi survey was conducted and findings reported

    Ferramenta de apoio para a aplicação de nanoengenharia no desenvolvimento de processos de fabrico eco-eficientes

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    The aim of this work is to present the NanoTechnology Usability (NTU) index tool, created and developed in order to reduce the gap between nanotechnologybased products developed in R & D centers and their effective application and utilization, promoting the optimized selection of materials and the use of ecoefficient production techniques. In this sense, the doctoral work contextualizes the current market of the types of commercially available nanomaterials, the most used synthesis methods, their current and potential market applications, current standards, obstacles and uncertainties with regard to the production, manipulation and assembling of nano-based products. Existing models and tools currently in the market, particularly that address ecodesign and nanotechnology, are also presented. Based on the diversity of the nano-based product, specific application, maturity level, type of nanomaterials used and synthesis methods, the NTU is applied to four case studies for further discussion and analysis of the results.O presente trabalho propõe-se a apresentar a ferramenta índice de utilização de nanotecnologia (NTU) criada e desenvolvida com o intuito de diminuir o hiato existente entre os produtos baseados em nanotecnologia desenvolvidos nos centros de I&D e a sua aplicação e utilização efetiva, promovendo a seleção otimizada dos materiais e a utilização de técnicas de produção eco-eficientes. Desta forma, o trabalho de doutoramento contextualiza o mercado atual dos tipos de nanomateriais disponíveis comercialmente, os métodos de síntese mais utilizados, as suas aplicações atuais e potenciais no mercado, as normas vigentes, os obstáculos e incertezas no que diz respeito à produção, manipulação e assemblagem de produtos baseados em nanotecnologia. Os modelos e ferramentas existentes atualmente, em particular, que endereçam o ecodesign e nanotecnologia são também apresentados. Baseado na diversidade no que concerne o tipo de produto baseado em nanotecnologia, aplicação específica, nível de maturidade, nanomateriais usados e método de síntese, o NTU é aplicado a quatro casos de estudo para sua discussão e análise de resultados.Programa Doutoral em Engenharia Mecânic

    The influence of non-domestic factors on elite sport development and anti-doping policy : the cases of Japan and the UK/England

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    The aim of this thesis is to examine the extent to which selected aspects of sport policy in Japan and also UK/England are influenced by international forces. The objectives which underpin the research aim are to analyse the characteristics of the domestic policy areas and identify the varying degree of impact of external influences on domestic sport policy. The thesis examines the interactions between domestic and international factors that shape elite sport policy and anti-doping policy and seeks to identify how domestic institutional values and ideas have been shaped by global influences. Importantly, by analysing the nature and mechanisms of global influence that are manifest at the domestic level, it is intended to identify varying degree of impact external to national policy. To achieve the above objectives, a qualitative methodology and related documentary research methods are adopted in the empirical investigations. Policy document analysis and semi-structured interviews are employed. The cases of UK (or England where appropriate) are introduced in order to generate a deeper understanding of the development of Japanese elite sport and anti-doping policy. The thesis draws on a range of theoretical frameworks, including international relations theory, international regime theory and globalisation, to analyse the empirical data. By adopting these theoretical frameworks, it is aimed to identify the possible characteristics of international policy regimes in the policy areas of elite sport and anti-doping... cont'd