5 research outputs found

    Graph Polynomials and Group Coloring of Graphs

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    Let Γ\Gamma be an Abelian group and let GG be a simple graph. We say that GG is Γ\Gamma-colorable if for some fixed orientation of GG and every edge labeling ℓ:E(G)→Γ\ell:E(G)\rightarrow \Gamma, there exists a vertex coloring cc by the elements of Γ\Gamma such that c(y)−c(x)≠ℓ(e)c(y)-c(x)\neq \ell(e), for every edge e=xye=xy (oriented from xx to yy). Langhede and Thomassen proved recently that every planar graph on nn vertices has at least 2n/92^{n/9} different Z5\mathbb{Z}_5-colorings. By using a different approach based on graph polynomials, we extend this result to K5K_5-minor-free graphs in the more general setting of field coloring. More specifically, we prove that every such graph on nn vertices is F\mathbb{F}-55-choosable, whenever F\mathbb{F} is an arbitrary field with at least 55 elements. Moreover, the number of colorings (for every list assignment) is at least 5n/45^{n/4}.Comment: 14 page

    Generalized nowhere zero flow

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    Let G be an undirected graph, A be an (additive) abelian group and A* = A - {lcub}0{rcub}. A graph G is A-connected if G has an orientation D(G) such that for every function b : V(G ) A satisfying Sv∈VG b(v) = 0, there is a function f : E(G) A* such that at each vertex v ∈ V(G), ∂f(v), the net flow out from v, equals b( v). An A-nowhere-zero-flow (abbreviated as A-NZF) in G is a function f : E(G) A* such that at each vertex v ∈ V(G), ∂f(v) = 0.;In this paper, we investigate the group connectivity number Lambda g(G) = min{lcub}n : if A is an abelian group with |A| ≥ n, then G is A-connected{rcub} for certain families of graphs including complete bipartite graphs, chordal graphs, wheels and biwheels. We also give some general results and methods to approach nowhere zero flow and group connectivity problems

    Alon–Tarsi Number and Modulo Alon–Tarsi Number of Signed Graphs

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    Abstract(#br)We extend the concept of the Alon–Tarsi number for unsigned graph to signed one. Moreover, we introduce the modulo Alon–Tarsi number for a prime number p . We show that both the Alon–Tarsi number and modulo Alon–Tarsi number of a signed planar graph (G,σ)(G,\sigma ) ( G , σ ) are at most 5, where the former result generalizes Zhu’s result for unsigned case and the latter one implies that (G,σ)(G,\sigma ) ( G , σ ) is Z5{\mathbb {Z}}_5 Z 5 -colorable

    Group Colorability and Hamiltonian Properties of Graphs

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    The research of my dissertation was motivated by the conjecture of Thomassen that every 4-connected line graph is hamiltonian and by the conjecture of Matthews and Sumner that every 4-connected claw-free graph is hamiltonian. Towards the hamiltonian line graph problem, we proved that every 3-edge-connected, essentially 4-edge-connected graph G has a spanning eulerian subgraph, if for every pair of adjacent vertices u and v, dG(u) + dG(v) ≥ 9. A straight forward corollary is that every 4-connected, essentially 6-connected line graph with minimum degree at least 7 is hamiltonian.;We also investigate graphs G such that the line graph L(G) is hamiltonian connected when L( G) is 4-connected. Ryjacek and Vrana recently further conjectured that every 4-connected line graph is hamiltonian-connected. In 2001, Kriesell proved that every 4-connected line graph of a claw free graph is hamiltonian connected. Recently, Lai et al showed that every 4-connected line graph of a quasi claw free graph is hamiltonian connected, and that every 4-connected line graph of an almost claw free graph is hamiltonian connected. In 2009, Broersma and Vumer discovered the P3-dominating (P3D) graphs as a superfamily that properly contains all quasi claw free graphs, and in particular, all claw-free graphs. Here we prove that every 4-connected line graph of a P3D graph is hamiltonian connected, which extends several former results in this area.;R. Gould [15] asked what natural graph properties of G and H are sufficient to imply that the product of G and H is hamiltonian. We first investigate the sufficient and necessary conditions for G x H being hamiltonian or traceable when G is a hamiltonian graph and H is a tree. Then we further investigate sufficient and necessary conditions for G x H being hamiltonian connected, or edge-pancyclic, or pan-connected.;The problem of group colorings of graphs is also investigated in this dissertation. Group coloring was first introduced by Jeager et al. [21]. They introduced a concept of group connectivity as a generalization of nowhere-zero flows. They also introduced group coloring as a dual concept to group connectivity. Prior research on group chromatic number was restricted to simple graphs, and considered only Abelian groups in the definition of chi g(G). The behavior of group coloring for multigraphs is different to that of simple graphs. Thus we extend the definition of group coloring by considering general groups (both Abelian groups and non-Abelian groups), and investigate the properties of chig for multigraphs by proving an analogue to Brooks\u27 Theorem