398 research outputs found

    Object Tracking and Mensuration in Surveillance Videos

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    This thesis focuses on tracking and mensuration in surveillance videos. The first part of the thesis discusses several object tracking approaches based on the different properties of tracking targets. For airborne videos, where the targets are usually small and with low resolutions, an approach of building motion models for foreground/background proposed in which the foreground target is simplified as a rigid object. For relatively high resolution targets, the non-rigid models are applied. An active contour-based algorithm has been introduced. The algorithm is based on decomposing the tracking into three parts: estimate the affine transform parameters between successive frames using particle filters; detect the contour deformation using a probabilistic deformation map, and regulate the deformation by projecting the updated model onto a trained shape subspace. The active appearance Markov chain (AAMC). It integrates a statistical model of shape, appearance and motion. In the AAMC model, a Markov chain represents the switching of motion phases (poses), and several pairwise active appearance model (P-AAM) components characterize the shape, appearance and motion information for different motion phases. The second part of the thesis covers video mensuration, in which we have proposed a heightmeasuring algorithm with less human supervision, more flexibility and improved robustness. From videos acquired by an uncalibrated stationary camera, we first recover the vanishing line and the vertical point of the scene. We then apply a single view mensuration algorithm to each of the frames to obtain height measurements. Finally, using the LMedS as the cost function and the Robbins-Monro stochastic approximation (RMSA) technique to obtain the optimal estimate

    Plenoptic Signal Processing for Robust Vision in Field Robotics

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    This thesis proposes the use of plenoptic cameras for improving the robustness and simplicity of machine vision in field robotics applications. Dust, rain, fog, snow, murky water and insufficient light can cause even the most sophisticated vision systems to fail. Plenoptic cameras offer an appealing alternative to conventional imagery by gathering significantly more light over a wider depth of field, and capturing a rich 4D light field structure that encodes textural and geometric information. The key contributions of this work lie in exploring the properties of plenoptic signals and developing algorithms for exploiting them. It lays the groundwork for the deployment of plenoptic cameras in field robotics by establishing a decoding, calibration and rectification scheme appropriate to compact, lenslet-based devices. Next, the frequency-domain shape of plenoptic signals is elaborated and exploited by constructing a filter which focuses over a wide depth of field rather than at a single depth. This filter is shown to reject noise, improving contrast in low light and through attenuating media, while mitigating occluders such as snow, rain and underwater particulate matter. Next, a closed-form generalization of optical flow is presented which directly estimates camera motion from first-order derivatives. An elegant adaptation of this "plenoptic flow" to lenslet-based imagery is demonstrated, as well as a simple, additive method for rendering novel views. Finally, the isolation of dynamic elements from a static background is considered, a task complicated by the non-uniform apparent motion caused by a mobile camera. Two elegant closed-form solutions are presented dealing with monocular time-series and light field image pairs. This work emphasizes non-iterative, noise-tolerant, closed-form, linear methods with predictable and constant runtimes, making them suitable for real-time embedded implementation in field robotics applications

    Plenoptic Signal Processing for Robust Vision in Field Robotics

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    This thesis proposes the use of plenoptic cameras for improving the robustness and simplicity of machine vision in field robotics applications. Dust, rain, fog, snow, murky water and insufficient light can cause even the most sophisticated vision systems to fail. Plenoptic cameras offer an appealing alternative to conventional imagery by gathering significantly more light over a wider depth of field, and capturing a rich 4D light field structure that encodes textural and geometric information. The key contributions of this work lie in exploring the properties of plenoptic signals and developing algorithms for exploiting them. It lays the groundwork for the deployment of plenoptic cameras in field robotics by establishing a decoding, calibration and rectification scheme appropriate to compact, lenslet-based devices. Next, the frequency-domain shape of plenoptic signals is elaborated and exploited by constructing a filter which focuses over a wide depth of field rather than at a single depth. This filter is shown to reject noise, improving contrast in low light and through attenuating media, while mitigating occluders such as snow, rain and underwater particulate matter. Next, a closed-form generalization of optical flow is presented which directly estimates camera motion from first-order derivatives. An elegant adaptation of this "plenoptic flow" to lenslet-based imagery is demonstrated, as well as a simple, additive method for rendering novel views. Finally, the isolation of dynamic elements from a static background is considered, a task complicated by the non-uniform apparent motion caused by a mobile camera. Two elegant closed-form solutions are presented dealing with monocular time-series and light field image pairs. This work emphasizes non-iterative, noise-tolerant, closed-form, linear methods with predictable and constant runtimes, making them suitable for real-time embedded implementation in field robotics applications

    Algorithms for trajectory integration in multiple views

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    PhDThis thesis addresses the problem of deriving a coherent and accurate localization of moving objects from partial visual information when data are generated by cameras placed in di erent view angles with respect to the scene. The framework is built around applications of scene monitoring with multiple cameras. Firstly, we demonstrate how a geometric-based solution exploits the relationships between corresponding feature points across views and improves accuracy in object location. Then, we improve the estimation of objects location with geometric transformations that account for lens distortions. Additionally, we study the integration of the partial visual information generated by each individual sensor and their combination into one single frame of observation that considers object association and data fusion. Our approach is fully image-based, only relies on 2D constructs and does not require any complex computation in 3D space. We exploit the continuity and coherence in objects' motion when crossing cameras' elds of view. Additionally, we work under the assumption of planar ground plane and wide baseline (i.e. cameras' viewpoints are far apart). The main contributions are: i) the development of a framework for distributed visual sensing that accounts for inaccuracies in the geometry of multiple views; ii) the reduction of trajectory mapping errors using a statistical-based homography estimation; iii) the integration of a polynomial method for correcting inaccuracies caused by the cameras' lens distortion; iv) a global trajectory reconstruction algorithm that associates and integrates fragments of trajectories generated by each camera

    3D Object Representations for Recognition.

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    Object recognition from images is a longstanding and challenging problem in computer vision. The main challenge is that the appearance of objects in images is affected by a number of factors, such as illumination, scale, camera viewpoint, intra-class variability, occlusion, truncation, and so on. How to handle all these factors in object recognition is still an open problem. In this dissertation, I present my efforts in building 3D object representations for object recognition. Compared to 2D appearance based object representations, 3D object representations can capture the 3D nature of objects and better handle viewpoint variation, occlusion and truncation in object recognition. I introduce three new 3D object representations: the 3D aspect part representation, the 3D aspectlet representation and the 3D voxel pattern representation. These representations are built to handle different challenging factors in object recognition. The 3D aspect part representation is able to capture the appearance change of object categories due to viewpoint transformation. The 3D aspectlet representation and the 3D voxel pattern representation are designed to handle occlusions between objects in addition to viewpoint change. Based on these representations, we propose new object recognition methods and conduct experiments on benchmark datasets to verify the advantages of our methods. Furthermore, we introduce, PASCAL3D+, a new large scale dataset for 3D object recognition by aligning objects in images with 3D CAD models. We also propose two novel methods to tackle object co-detection and multiview object tracking using our 3D aspect part representation, and a novel Convolutional Neural Network-based approach for object detection using our 3D voxel pattern representation. In order to track multiple objects in videos, we introduce a new online multi-object tracking framework based on Markov Decision Processes. Lastly, I conclude the dissertation and discuss future steps for 3D object recognition.PhDElectrical Engineering: SystemsUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/120836/1/yuxiang_1.pd

    Advances in Monocular Exemplar-based Human Body Pose Analysis: Modeling, Detection and Tracking

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    Esta tesis contribuye en el análisis de la postura del cuerpo humano a partir de secuencias de imágenes adquiridas con una sola cámara. Esta temática presenta un amplio rango de potenciales aplicaciones en video-vigilancia, video-juegos o aplicaciones biomédicas. Las técnicas basadas en patrones han tenido éxito, sin embargo, su precisión depende de la similitud del punto de vista de la cámara y de las propiedades de la escena entre las imágenes de entrenamiento y las de prueba. Teniendo en cuenta un conjunto de datos de entrenamiento capturado mediante un número reducido de cámaras fijas, paralelas al suelo, se han identificado y analizado tres escenarios posibles con creciente nivel de dificultad: 1) una cámara estática paralela al suelo, 2) una cámara de vigilancia fija con un ángulo de visión considerablemente diferente, y 3) una secuencia de video capturada con una cámara en movimiento o simplemente una sola imagen estática

    3D Gaze Estimation from Remote RGB-D Sensors

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    The development of systems able to retrieve and characterise the state of humans is important for many applications and fields of study. In particular, as a display of attention and interest, gaze is a fundamental cue in understanding people activities, behaviors, intentions, state of mind and personality. Moreover, gaze plays a major role in the communication process, like for showing attention to the speaker, indicating who is addressed or averting gaze to keep the floor. Therefore, many applications within the fields of human-human, human-robot and human-computer interaction could benefit from gaze sensing. However, despite significant advances during more than three decades of research, current gaze estimation technologies can not address the conditions often required within these fields, such as remote sensing, unconstrained user movements and minimum user calibration. Furthermore, to reduce cost, it is preferable to rely on consumer sensors, but this usually leads to low resolution and low contrast images that current techniques can hardly cope with. In this thesis we investigate the problem of automatic gaze estimation under head pose variations, low resolution sensing and different levels of user calibration, including the uncalibrated case. We propose to build a non-intrusive gaze estimation system based on remote consumer RGB-D sensors. In this context, we propose algorithmic solutions which overcome many of the limitations of previous systems. We thus address the main aspects of this problem: 3D head pose tracking, 3D gaze estimation, and gaze based application modeling. First, we develop an accurate model-based 3D head pose tracking system which adapts to the participant without requiring explicit actions. Second, to achieve a head pose invariant gaze estimation, we propose a method to correct the eye image appearance variations due to head pose. We then investigate on two different methodologies to infer the 3D gaze direction. The first one builds upon machine learning regression techniques. In this context, we propose strategies to improve their generalization, in particular, to handle different people. The second methodology is a new paradigm we propose and call geometric generative gaze estimation. This novel approach combines the benefits of geometric eye modeling (normally restricted to high resolution images due to the difficulty of feature extraction) with a stochastic segmentation process (adapted to low-resolution) within a Bayesian model allowing the decoupling of user specific geometry and session specific appearance parameters, along with the introduction of priors, which are appropriate for adaptation relying on small amounts of data. The aforementioned gaze estimation methods are validated through extensive experiments in a comprehensive database which we collected and made publicly available. Finally, we study the problem of automatic gaze coding in natural dyadic and group human interactions. The system builds upon the thesis contributions to handle unconstrained head movements and the lack of user calibration. It further exploits the 3D tracking of participants and their gaze to conduct a 3D geometric analysis within a multi-camera setup. Experiments on real and natural interactions demonstrate the system is highly accuracy. Overall, the methods developed in this dissertation are suitable for many applications, involving large diversity in terms of setup configuration, user calibration and mobility

    Computational intelligence approaches to robotics, automation, and control [Volume guest editors]

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    Brain-wide representations of behavior spanning multiple timescales and states in C. elegans.

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    Changes in an animal's behavior and internal state are accompanied by widespread changes in activity across its brain. However, how neurons across the brain encode behavior and how this is impacted by state is poorly understood. We recorded brain-wide activity and the diverse motor programs of freely moving C. elegans and built probabilistic models that explain how each neuron encodes quantitative behavioral features. By determining the identities of the recorded neurons, we created an atlas of how the defined neuron classes in the C. elegans connectome encode behavior. Many neuron classes have conjunctive representations of multiple behaviors. Moreover, although many neurons encode current motor actions, others integrate recent actions. Changes in behavioral state are accompanied by widespread changes in how neurons encode behavior, and we identify these flexible nodes in the connectome. Our results provide a global map of how the cell types across an animal's brain encode its behavior
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