2,264 research outputs found

    Artificial intelligence for digital twins in energy systems and turbomachinery: development of machine learning frameworks for design, optimization and maintenance

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    The expression Industry4.0 identifies a new industrial paradigm that includes the development of Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) and Digital Twins promoting the use of Big-Data, Internet of Things (IoT) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools. Digital Twins aims to build a dynamic environment in which, with the help of vertical, horizontal and end-to-end integration among industrial processes, smart technologies can communicate and exchange data to analyze and solve production problems, increase productivity and provide cost, time and energy savings. Specifically in the energy systems field, the introduction of AI technologies can lead to significant improvements in both machine design and optimization and maintenance procedures. Over the past decade, data from engineering processes have grown in scale. In fact, the use of more technologically sophisticated sensors and the increase in available computing power have enabled both experimental measurements and highresolution numerical simulations, making available an enormous amount of data on the performance of energy systems. Therefore, to build a Digital Twin model capable of exploring these unorganized data pools collected from massive and heterogeneous resources, new Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning strategies need to be developed. In light of the exponential growth in the use of smart technologies in manufacturing processes, this thesis aims at enhancing traditional approaches to the design, analysis, and optimization phases of turbomachinery and energy systems, which today are still predominantly based on empirical procedures or computationally intensive CFD-based optimizations. This improvement is made possible by the implementation of Digital Twins models, which, being based primarily on the use of Machine Learning that exploits performance Big-Data collected from energy systems, are acknowledged as crucial technologies to remain competitive in the dynamic energy production landscape. The introduction of Digital Twin models changes the overall structure of design and maintenance approaches and results in modern support tools that facilitate real-time informed decision making. In addition, the introduction of supervised learning algorithms facilitates the exploration of the design space by providing easy-to-run analytical models, which can also be used as cost functions in multi-objective optimization problems, avoiding the need for time-consuming numerical simulations or experimental campaings. Unsupervised learning methods can be applied, for example, to extract new insights from turbomachinery performance data and improve designers’ understanding of blade-flow interaction. Alternatively, Artificial Intelligence frameworks can be developed for Condition-Based Maintenance, allowing the transition from preventive to predictive maintenance. This thesis can be conceptually divided into two parts. The first reviews the state of the art of Cyber-Physical Systems and Digital Twins, highlighting the crucial role of Artificial Intelligence in supporting informed decision making during the design, optimization, and maintenance phases of energy systems. The second part covers the development of Machine Learning strategies to improve the classical approach to turbomachinery design and maintenance strategies for energy systems by exploiting data from numerical simulations, experimental campaigns, and sensor datasets (SCADA). The different Machine Learning approaches adopted include clustering algorithms, regression algorithms and dimensionality reduction techniques: Autoencoder and Principal Component Analysis. A first work shows the potential of unsupervised learning approaches (clustering algorithms) in exploring a Design of Experiment of 76 numerical simulations for turbomachinery design purposes. The second work takes advantage of a nonsequential experimental dataset, measured on a rotating turbine rig characterized by 48 blades divided into 7 sectors that share the same baseline rotor geometry but have different tip designs, to infer and dissect the causal relationship among different tip geometries and unsteady aero-thermodynamic performance via a novel Machine-Learning procedure based on dimensionality reduction techniques. The last application proposes a new anomaly detection framework for gensets in DH networks, based on SCADA data that exploits and compares the performance of regression algorithms such as XGBoost and Multi-layer Perceptron

    Bee Hive Monitoring System - Solutions for the automated health monitoring

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    Cerca de um terço da produção global de alimentos depende da polinização das abelhas, tornando-as vitais para a economia mundial. No entanto, existem diversas ameaças à sobrevivência das espécies de abelhas, tais como incêndios florestais, stress humano induzido, subnutrição, poluição, perda de biodiversidade, agricultura intensiva e predadores como as vespas asiáticas. Destes problemas, pode-se observar um aumento da necessidade de soluções automatizadas que possam auxiliar na monitorização remota de colmeias de abelhas. O objetivo desta tese é desenvolver soluções baseadas em Aprendizagem Automática para problemas que podem ser identificados na apicultura, usando técnicas e conceitos de Deep Learning, Visão Computacional e Processamento de Sinal. Este documento descreve o trabalho da tese de mestrado, motivado pelo problema acima exposto, incluindo a revisão de literatura, análise de valor, design, planeamento de testes e validação e o desenvolvimento e estudo computacional das soluções. Concretamente, o trabalho desta tese de mestrado consistiu no desenvolvimento de soluções para três problemas – classificação da saúde de abelhas a partir de imagens e a partir de áudio, e deteção de abelhas e vespas asiáticas. Os resultados obtidos para a classificação da saúde das abelhas a partir de imagens foram significativamente satisfatórios, excedendo os que foram obtidos pela metodologia definida no trabalho base utilizado para a tarefa, que foi encontrado durante a revisão da literatura. No caso da classificação da saúde das abelhas a partir de áudio e da deteção de abelhas e vespas asiáticas, os resultados obtidos foram modestos e demonstram potencial aplicabilidade das respetivas metodologias desenvolvidas nos problemas-alvo. Pretende-se que as partes interessadas desta tese consigam obter informações, metodologias e perceções adequadas sobre o desenvolvimento de soluções de IA que possam ser integradas num sistema de monitorização da saúde de abelhas, incluindo custos e desafios inerentes à implementação das soluções. O trabalho futuro desta dissertação de mestrado consiste em melhorar os resultados dos modelos de classificação da saúde das abelhas a partir de áudio e de deteção de objetos, incluindo a publicação de artigos para obter validação pela comunidade científica.Up to one third of the global food production depends on the pollination of honey bees, making them vital for the world economy. However, between forest fires, human-induced stress, poor nutrition, pollution, biodiversity loss, intensive agriculture, and predators such as Asian Hornets, there are plenty of threats to the honey bee species’ survival. From these problems, a rise of the need for automated solutions that can aid with remote monitoring of bee hives can be observed. The goal of this thesis is to develop Machine Learning based solutions to problems that can be identified in beekeeping and apiculture, using Deep Learning, Computer Vision and Signal Processing techniques and concepts. The current document describes master thesis’ work, motivated from the above problem statement, including the literature review, value analysis, design, testing and validation planning and the development and computational study of the solutions. Specifically, this master thesis’ work consisted in developing solutions to three problems – bee health classification through images and audio, and bee and Asian wasp detection. Results obtained for the bee health classification through images were significantly satisfactory, exceeding those reported by the baseline work found during literature review. On the case of bee health classification through audio and bee and Asian wasp detection, these obtained results were modest and showcase potential applicability of the respective developed methodologies in the target problems. It is expected that stakeholders of this thesis obtain adequate information, methodologies and insights into the development of AI solutions that can be integrated in a bee health monitoring system, including inherent costs and challenges that arise with the implementation of the solutions. Future work of this master thesis consists in improving the results of the bee health classification through audio and the object detection models, including publishing of papers to seek validation by the scientific community

    Studies in Electrical Machines & Wind Turbines associated with developing Reliable Power Generation

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    The publications listed in date order in this document are offered for the Degree of Doctor of Science in Durham University and have been selected from the author’s full publication list. The papers in this thesis constitute a continuum of original work in fundamental and applied electrical science, spanning 30 years, deployed on real industrial problems, making a significant contribution to conventional and renewable energy power generation. This is the basis of a claim of high distinction, constituting an original and substantial contribution to engineering science

    Model-Free Methods to Analyze Pmu Data in Real-Time for Situational Awareness and Stability Monitoring

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    This dissertation presents and evaluates model-free methodologies to process Phasor Measurement Unit (PMU) data. Model-based PMU applications require knowledge of the system topology, most frequently the system admittance matrix. For large systems, the admittance matrix, or other system parameters, can be time-consuming to integrate into supporting PMU applications. These data sources are often sensitive and can require permissions to access, delaying the implementation of model-based approaches. This dissertation focuses on evaluating individual model-free applications to efficiently perform functions of interest to system operators for real-time situational awareness. Real-time situational awareness is evaluated with respect to central digitization where the PMU data is archived, and delays from telecommunication and system architecture are not considered. The PMU data available to utilities is often a subset of the overall system. Even without full observability, PMU data for observable portions of the system provides valuable, high-resolution information about the current system state. Methods are needed that can analyze and generate critical insight about the system in real-time to assist in detection and mitigation of major system events. All chapters address methodologies that can derive their output solely from the PMU signals. These methodologies are evaluated for their reliability and computational efficiency, considering a specific task of interest. Inter-area oscillations and poorly damped electromechanical modes are dangerous when undetected for extended periods of time, eventually leading to blackouts when unstable parameters are present. Prony Analysis and Matrix Pencil Method were selected in Chapter 4 for their proven effectiveness of estimating the dominant modes of an input signal; for purposes of this dissertation, the signal of interest for oscillation analysis is real power. The speed of convergence, accuracy of the methods, and viability when applied to utility PMU data were assessed to determine suitability to online system operation. Matrix Pencil Method was determined to provide more robust and computationally efficient estimation of key system modes for both simulated and real utility PMU data. The biorthogonal discrete wavelet transform, which can correlate frequency data to a time-domain solution, was utilized in Chapter 3 to create a methodology for event detection and classification for a subset of selected events. The derived methodology was shown to be effective for identification and classification of load and capacitor switch events, as well as breaker operation and faults. Methods to mimic the power flow Jacobian from discrete measurements are derived to assess system stability and eigenvalues in Chapter 2. These methods were effective for fast detection of unstable system parameters. Chapter 5, the most significant contribution of this dissertation, details derivations of a mathematical reduced system model and power flow Jacobian variants for more robust instability detection, system weak point identification, mitigation techniques, and state estimation capabilities. Considering the functions of all evaluated and developed model-free methodologies, event detection, event classification, detection of poorly damped oscillatory modes, and instability detection and mitigation can be achieved for situational awareness

    Mimetic Coastal Ocean Modeling In General Coordinates And Using Machine Learning Based Predictions

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    Nonlinear internal waves are a ubiquitous and fundamental aspect of the coastal ecosystem understanding. However, they rely on extreme geographical conditions and precise dimensional equilibrium to be captured accurately. The General Curvilinear Coastal Ocean Model (GCCOM) was validated, serial and parallel versions for a set of experiments showcasing stratified and non-hydrostatic flow phenomena. Still, the 3D curvilinear capability has proven to be elusive. We apply cutting-edge numerical methods to improve upon the previously validated GCCOM, elevating it to field-scale capacity. This reformulation of the GCCOM equations uses novel 3D curvilinear mimetic operators, a buoyancy body force, and mimetic upwind and gradient-based momentum equations developed for this work. This model represents the most complete implementation of the 3D curvilinear mimetic operators utilizing the MOLE library or any other mimetic applications in literature to date. Results show it to be more physically accurate and better energy conserving than the validated GCCOM and other similar models, permitting the use of 3D curvilinear grids for arbitrary geometries, parallelizable arbitrary domain decomposition, and order-of-magnitude wider time steps. Additionally, we implement machine learning models to coastal ocean data to predict Dissolved Oxygen (DO) content with supervised methods; results show a Median Absolute Percentage Error (MAPE) of 2-6% for instantaneous indirect readings of DO and 0.18% for five days forecast of DO in coastal areas, using a previously predicted temperature of 1.60% MAPE. Dissolved Oxygen is known to be a critically important component to track in coastal environments but also expensive to measure and almost impossible to model with traditional methods due to high nonlinearity. The ML component of this thesis opens the possibility of high precision indirect estimates of biogeochemical quantities, along with highly accurate time series forecasts and a host of new applications of machine learning to environmental sciences

    Building appliances energy performance assessment

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    Trabalho de Projeto de Mestrado, Informática, 2021, Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de CiênciasO consumo de energia tem vindo a crescer na União Europeia todos os anos, sendo de prever que, a curto prazo, se torne insustentável. No sentido de prevenir este cenário, a Comissão Europeia decidiu definir uma Estratégia Energética para a União Europeia, destacando dois objetivos: aumentar a eficiência energética e promover a descarbonização. Atualmente, cerca de 72% dos edifícios existentes na União Europeia não são energeticamente eficientes. Este problema motivou-nos à pesquisa e criação de soluções que permitam uma melhor avaliação do consumo energético por dispositivos elétricos em edifícios residenciais. Neste contexto, o trabalho desenvolvido nesta tese consiste no desenho de uma solução de monitorização remota que recolhe informações de consumo energético recorrendo a técnicas de intrusive load monitoring, onde cada dispositivo elétrico individual é continuamente monitorizado quanto ao seu consumo energético. Esta abordagem permite compreender o consumo de energia, em tempo real e no dia-a-dia. Este conhecimento oferece-nos a capacidade de avaliar as diferenças existentes entre as medições laboratoriais (abordagem utilizada no sistema de rotulagem de equipamentos elétricos de acordo com a sua eficiência energética) e os consumos domésticos estimados. Para tal, nesta tese exploram-se abordagens de machine learning que pretendem descrever padrões de consumo, bem como reconhecer marcas, modelos e que funções os dispositivos elétricos estarão a executar. O principal objetivo deste trabalho é desenhar e implementar um protótipo de uma solução de IoT flexível e de baixo custo para avaliar equipamentos elétricos. Será utilizado um conjunto de sensores que recolherá dados relacionados com o consumo de energia e os entrega à plataforma SATO para serem posteriormente processados. O sistema será usado para monitorar aparelhos comumente encontrados em residências. Além disso, o sistema terá a capacidade de monitorizar o consumo de água de aparelhos que necessitem de abastecimento de água, como máquinas de lavar e de lavar louça. Os dados recolhidos serão usados para classificação dos aparelhos e modos de operação dos mesmos, em tempo real, permitindo fornecer relatórios sobre o consumo energético e modo de uso dos aparelhos, com grande grau de detalhe. Os relatórios podem incluir o uso de energia por vários ciclos de operação. Por exemplo, um aparelho pode executar vários ciclos de operação, como uma máquina de lavar que consume diferentes quantidades de energia elétrica e água consoante o modo de operação escolhido pelo utilizador. Toda a informação recolhida pode ser posteriormente utilizada em novos serviços de recomendação que ajudaram os utilizadores a definir melhor as configurações adequadas a um determinado dispositivo, minimizando o consumo energético e melhorando a sua eficiência. Adicionalmente toda esta informação pode ser utilizada para o diagnóstico de avarias e/ou manutenção preventiva. Em termos de proposta, o trabalho desenvolvido nesta tese tem as seguintes contribuições: Sistema de monitorização remota: o sistema de monitorização desenhado e implementado nesta tese avança o estado da arte dos sistemas de monitorização propostos pela literatura devido ao facto de incluir uma lista aprimorada de sensores que podem fornecer mais informações sobre os aparelhos, como o consumo de água da máquina de lavar. Além disso, é altamente flexível e pode ser implementado sem esforço em dispositivos novos ou antigos para monitorização de consumo de recursos. Conjunto de dados de consumo de energia de eletrodomésticos: Os dados recolhidos podem ser usados para futura investigação científica sobre o consumo de consumo de energia, padrões de uso de energia pelos eletrodomésticos e classificação dos mesmos. Abordagem de computação na borda (Edge Computing): O sistema de monitorização proposto explora o paradigma de computação na borda, onde parte da computação de preparação de dados é executada na borda, libertando recursos da nuvem para cálculos essenciais e que necessitem de mais poder computacional. Classificação precisa de dispositivos em tempo real: Coma proposta desenhada nesta tese, podemos classificar os dispositivos com alta precisão, usando os dados recolhidos pelo sistema de monitorização desenvolvido na tese. A abordagem proposta consegue classificar os dispositivos, que são monitorizados, com baixas taxas de falsos positivos. Para fácil compreensão do trabalho desenvolvido nesta tese, de seguida descreve-se a organização do documento. O Capítulo 1 apresenta o problema do consumo de energia na União Europeia e discute o aumento do consumo da mesma. O capítulo apresenta também os principais objetivos e contribuições do trabalho. No Capítulo 2 revê-se o trabalho relacionado em termos de sistema de monitorização remota, que inclui sensores, microcontroladores, processamento e filtragem de sinal. Por fim, este capítulo revê os trabalhos existentes na literatura relacionados com o problema de classificação de dispositivos usando abordagens de machine learning. No Capítulo 3 discutem-se os requisitos do sistema e o projeto de arquitetura conceitual do sistema. Neste capítulo é proposta uma solução de hardware, bem como, o software e firmware necessários à sua operação. Os algoritmos de machine learning necessários à classificação são também discutidos, em termos de configurações necessárias e adequadas ao problema que queremos resolver nesta tese. O Capítulo 4 representa a implementação de um protótipo que servirá de prova de conceito dos mecanismos discutidos no Capítulo 3. Neste capítulo discute-se também a forma de integração do protótipo na plataforma SATO. Com base na implementação feita, no Capítulo 5 especificam-se um conjunto de testes funcionais que permitem avaliar o desempenho da solução proposta e discutem-se os resultados obtidos a partir desses testes. Por fim, o Capítulo 6 apresenta as conclusões e o trabalho futuro que poderá ser desenvolvido partindo da solução atual.Energy consumption is daily growing in European Union (EU). One day it will become hardly sustainable. For this not to happen European Commission decided to implement a European Union Strategy, emphasizing two objectives: increasing energy efficiency and decarbonization. About 72% of all buildings in the EU are not adapted to be energy efficient. This problem encourages us to create solutions that would help assess the energy consumption of appliances at residential houses. In this thesis, we proposed a system that collects data using an intrusive load monitoring approach, where each appliance will have a dedicated monitoring rig to collect the energy consumption data. The proposed solution will help us understand the real-life consumption of each device being monitored and compare the laboratory measurements observed versus domestic consumption estimated by the energy consumption based on the EU energy efficiency labelling system. The system proposed detects device consumption patterns and recognize its brand, model and what actions that appliance is executing, e.g., program of washing in a washing machine. To achieve our goal, we designed a hardware solution capable of collecting sensor data, filtering and send it to a cloud platform (the SATO platform). Additionally, in the cloud, we have a Machine Learning solution that deals with the data and recognizes the appliance and its operation modes. This recognition allows drawing a device/settings profile, which can detect faults and create a recommendation service that helps users define the better settings for a specific appliance, minimizing energy consumption and improving efficiency. Finally, we examine our prototype approach of the system implemented for targeted objectives in this project report. The document describes the experiments that we did and the final results. Our results show that we can identify the appliance and some of its operation modes. The proposed approach must be improved to make the identification of all operation modes. However, the current version of the system shows exciting results. It can be used to support the design of a new labelling system where daily operation measures can be used to support the new classification system. This way, we have an approach that allows improving the energy consumption, making builds more efficient